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WISR8: 8th Annual Workshop on Software Reuse
Summary and Working Group Reports

Stephen H. Edwards
West Virginia University
Dept. of Statistics and Computer Science
Morgantown, WV

Bruce W. Weide
The Ohio State University
Dept. of Computer and Information Science
Columbus, OH

The Eighth Annual Workshop on Software Reuse (WISR8), hosted by the Reusable Software Research Group (RSRG) at The Ohio State University, took place March 23-26, 1997 in Columbus, Ohio. Over 70 participants gathered to discuss the technical questions about software reuse, and experiences and issues in adopting or institutionalizing reuse practices. The participants covered an international cross section of industry, academia, and government organizations, and brought many unique and incisive viewpoints to the working groups.

WISR8 began with participants introducing themselves and presenting key issues from position papers submitted to the workshop. Attendees then divided into eight separate working groups organized as follows:

PISA: Predicting the Impact of Specification Alternatives,
    led by Gary Leavens (Iowa State University)
[short version] [long version]
The Role of Formal Specifications in Component Composition and Integration,
    led by Murali Sitaraman (West Virginia University)
[short version]
Domain Engineering Tools,
    led by Bill Frakes (Virginia Tech)
[short version]
Reuse and Product Lines,
    led by Paul Clements (Software Engineering Institute)
[short version] [long version]
Component Verification, Validation, and Certification,
    led by Allen Parrish (University of Alabama)
[short version]
Reuse of the Earliest Life Cycle Artifacts,
    led by Jacob Cybulski (University of Melbourne)
[short version]
Object Technology, Architectures, and Domain Analysis: What’s the Connection? Is There a Connection?,
    led by Sholom Cohen (Software Engineering Institute)
[short version]
Organizational Principles For Software Reuse,
    led by Dave Dikel and David Kane (Applied Expertise)
[short version] [long version]

This short form of the workshop summaries appears in the September/October 1997 issue of Software Engineering Notes.  In addition to the working group summaries, this report also contains:

Additional Information


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Stephen Edwards <edwards@cs.wvu.edu>