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Software Engineer (SE)

    Travis, age 35, is a senior software engineer. He is skeptical about managers, who he feels do not know anything about software and always ask for more than is reasonable. He is also skeptical about technology "hype" which he feels is a waste of time and energy. He will find the domain engineering program, introduced in this drama, intrusive and unnecessary: he feels that he already reuses plenty. Travis's guiding principle is to get the job done, whatever it takes. To accomplish this, he requires a fast workstation, a decent compiler, and a closed door. What he actually has is a not so fast workstation, a flakey network, and a CASE tool that he draws with. Travis's expectations from others are limited: from managers he expects b.s.; from his peers he expects to hear a lot of war stories.

Larry Latour
Tue Sep 19 00:30:00 EDT 1995