NavStrip Lavender
Provence-Beyond (Beyond the French Riviera) ®

Also: [ Lavender Flowers ]

The lavender fields of Provence cover several distinct regions (pays):
[ Map of lavender regions ]
Pays de Sault et du Ventoux
Pays d'Apt - Luberon
Pays de Forcalquier et Montagne de Lure
Pays de Valensole et du Verdon
Pays de Digne
Pays de Buech - Baronnies
Drôme Provençale
Vallée de la Drôme - Diois

Pays de Sault et du Ventoux
This region includes the following towns/villages and sites:
Saint-Christol d'Albion
Gorges de la Nesque
Mont Ventoux
Vallée du Toulourenc
Lavender Festival (Fête de la Lavande) - Sault
14-15 August
84390 Sault
Maison du Tourisme; Tel: (33) 490 64 01 21
Corso de la Lavande - Valréas
On the first Sat and Mon of August, lavender-covered floats parade through town at sundown, with accompanying festivities and folklorique groups.
Office de Tourisme; Tel: (33) 490 35 04 71
Ferme Saint-Agricol at Savoillans
This agronomical experimental site, located in an 17th-century building, specializes in the study of aromatic and medicinal plants and perfumes.
Guided visits of the farm and botanical garden.
Demonstration of the distillation process.
Sales room
Open: 15 June - 15 Sept, 10h-13h, 16h-18h30
Open: Sept-June, weekdays 14h-18h; weekends and holidays by rendez-vous.
Tel: (33) 475 28 86 578
Jardin des Lavandes at Sault
Collection of lavenders. Guided botanical visit of the garden and greenhouses. Sale of plants and products.
English, German, Japanese
Open: July-Aug, daily 10h-13h, 14h-19h
Open: All year by rendez-vous.
Location: Hamlet of Verdolier
Tel: (33) 490 64 14 97
Maison des Producteurs de Sault
This is the cooperative of the lavender producers for the Pays de Sault. Exposition and direct sales.
English Spoken.
Open: Apr-mid Nov, daily 10h-12h30, 14h30-19h.
Location: Rue de la République
Tel: (33) 490 64 08 98
Routes de la Lavande en Pays de Sault
The Maison du Tourisme offers 7 guided tours to the principal lavender-raising sites (lavandicoles).
Tel: (33) 490 64 01 21
Guided Visits of the Towns
An official service for guides of Provence offer visits to the towns, in several languages.
Comité Départemental du Tourisme de Vaucluse à Avignon.
Tel: (33) 490 85 88 20

Pays d'Apt-Luberon
This region includes the following towns/villages and sites:
Lagarde d'Apt
Saint-Saturnin d'Apt
Distillerie "Lavande 1100" - Lagarde d'Apt
This distillery has guided visits by request, an educational welcome and a sales room for its products.
Open: 25 July - 25 Aug, 10h-18h.
Group visits all year by rendez-vous.
English, Italian
Tel: (33) 490 75 01 42
Ferme Lavandicole Château du Bois - Lagarde d'Apt
This lavender distillery offers through 80 ha (175 acres) of lavender fields. The sales office also handles aoc wines.
Open: 7 July - 15 Aug, 9h-19h
Tel: (33) 490 76 91 23
Musée de la Lavande - Coustellet
Guided Visits of the Luberon
La Maison du Parc at Apt offers guided tours for individuals, by rendez-vous.
Period: 1 Mar - 30 June
Apt, place Jean Jaures
Tel: (33) 490 04 42 00

Pays de Forcalquier et Montagne de Lure
This region includes the following towns/villages and sites:
Saint-Michel l'Observatoire
Montagne de Lure
Le Canyon d'Oppedette
Le Prieuré de Ganagobie
Le Prieuré de Salagon - Mane
Coopérative des Producteurs de Plantes à Parfum
This is the leading group of producers in the region. They sell the natural aromatic oils.
Open: 13h30-17h30
Tel: (33) 492 75 93 12
Tours and Thematic Visits
The Office de Tourisme de Forcalquier offers information on several thematic tours of the region.
Tel: (33) 492 75 10 02
Route de la Lavande
Circuit des Villages de Caractère
Tour de la Montagne de Lure
Art Roman en Pays d'Albion
Gourmands walk for three local products: Lur olive oil, Banon goat cheese (fromage de chèvre) and apéritifs based on the plants of Forcalquier.
Route de la Lavande en Pays de Forcalquier
Discovery of the distilleries - from 18h until sundown, when the scents are the most intense, then picnic under the stars.
Perfume plants and distillery at Salagon - starts with a presentation of the plants, then wild and cultivated lavender and finally a visit to traditional and modern distilleries.
Association Alpes de Lumière
Tel: (33) 492 75 19 93

Pays de Valensole et du Verdon
This region includes the following towns/villages and sites:
Moustiers Sainte-Marie
Lac de Sainte-Croix
Gorges du Verdon
Ferme Angelvin - Valensole
Presents the exploitation of lavender, with guided visits to the distillery Cuma le Riou by request. Includes an exposition of ancient tools used in lavender raising and a sales room.
Groups of 15-50 welcome.
Gîtes ruraux available.
English, Italian
Open: 1 July - 31 Aug, 9h-19h; Sept-June by rendez-vous.
Campagne Neuve; 04210 Valensole
Tel: (33) 492 74 80 53; Fax: (33) 492 74 80 53
Association Métiers d'Ici-04" - Valensole
Tel: (33) 492 74 82 60
Ferme Cotta - Puimoisson
Lavender growing and distillation. Visits and explanations available.
Open: 25 july - 15 Aug, 10h-18h.
Groups welcome by rendez-vous.
Route de Moustiers; Auvestre
Tel: (33) 492 74 54 26
Journée Découverte "Les Routes de la Lavande : Saveurs et Senteurs"
This "Lavender Route - Flavors and Aromas" is a guided tour that starts at the distillery of the Angelvin farm, a provençal meal at the Grand Hotel de Valensole, visit and tasting at artisanal conserveries of Valensole where you can try the pâté à la lavande.
For groups only
Verdon Accueil ?
Tel: (33) 492 83 67 36
Visite Guidée sur le Thème Lavande
Guided tours about lavender
Office de Tourisme de Valensole
Tel: (33) 492 74 90 02

Pays de Digne
This region includes the following towns/villages and sites:
Gorges de Trévans
Clue de Barles
Corso de la Lavande - Digne-les-Bains
This lavender festival has been going on for 50 years. It includes parades with floats, aïoli for everyone, folklorique events and a grand bal on the place De Gaulle.
First weekend of August.
Comité des fêtes à Digne-les-Bains
Centre Desmichels
04000 Digne-les-Bains
Tel: (33) 492 31 50 02
Office de Tourisme de Digne (below)
Le Jardin Botanique des Cordeliers - Digne-les-Bains
The botanical garden is in the interior space of a medieval convent, and includes medicinal, aromatic, ornamental and edible plants.
Open: Apr-Oct, 9h-12h, 15h-18h.
Guided visits for individuals from 15h.
Groups of up to 25 by rendez-vous.
Location: Place des Cordeliers
Service Espace et Environment
Tel: (33) 492 30 81 50
Office de Tourisme de Digne (below)
Parc Rural des Champs de Provence - Champtercier
This parc was formed on old agricultural land and presents different aspects of natural and rural Haute Provence. Along with regional plants and farming, it presents rural provençal activities such as bergerie, lavender distillery, volière, pigeonier, etc. Provençal restaurant.
Open: July-Aug, 12h-19h; June, Sept, 12h-18h; Oct, weekends 12h-18h; Nov-May by request.
Price: 20 F.
Tel: (33) 492 31 90 80
Circuit "Plantes et Parfums" sur le Pays de Digne
Visit the lavandicoles of the Vallée de l'Asse.
Office de Tourisme de Digne-les-Bains
Tel: (33) 492 31 42 73
Découverte du Patrimoine de Haute-Provence
Association des Guides de Pays; by reservation.
Chambre d'Agriculture
66 rue Gasendi
04001 Digne-les-Bains
Tel: (33) 492 31 48 60

Pays de Buech - Baronnies
This region includes the following towns/villages and sites:
Vallée de l'Oule
Gorges de la Méouge
Col des Tourettes
Distillerie de Lavande Fine - Rosans
Coopérative Lavande des Alpes - the lavender cooperative distillery - has guided visits by rendez-vous.
Open: July-Aug, 10h-12h, 14h-18h.
Tel: (33) 492 66 60 30
Ferme Lavandicole Laborel
Production of lavender flowers. Harvesting and distillation in the ancient method. Guided visits by rendez-vous and direct sales.
Open: 10 July - 30 Aug, 9h-12h, 14h-20h.
La Montagne, Col de Perty
Tel: (33) 492 66 29 56
Route de la Lavande en Baronnies du Buech
3-4 hour walk (randonnée) at a lavandicole site and visit the Laborel distillery.
Open: July-Aug
Visite de la Distillerie La Faurie
Harvesting and distillation in the ancient method, lavender for bouquets.
By rendez-vous
Route de Montbrand
Tel: (33) 492 58 14 19
8-Day Tour de Pays
Eight days to discover the Baronies du Buech from the mountain ridges (crêtes).
Office de Tourisme d'Orpierre (below)

Pays Drôme Provençale
This region includes the following towns/villages and sites:
Maison des Arômes - Buis-les-Baronnies
Open: 15 Mar - 31 Apr, Tue-Fri 15h-18h;
- June - Sept, Tue-Fri 10h-12h, 15h-18h
- July-Aug, Tue-Sun
Price: 15 F
Tel: (33) 475 28 21 57
Distillerie Bleu Provence - Lyons
An artisanal distillery, with lavender and thyme. Includes a boutique.
Promenade de la Digue
Open: all year 10h-12h, 14h-19h.
Individuals: free
Groups: with guided tour and video, 10 F/person
Tel: (33) 475 26 10 42
Jardin des Arômes - Nyons
A collection of aromatic plants and lavender.
Promenade de la Digue
Tel: (33) 475 26 04 30
or Office de Tourisme de Nyons (below)
Jardin des Herves - La Garde Adhémar
A garden of medicinal herbs and rare plants.
Open: all year
Guided visit
Tel: (33) 475 04 41 09
Ferme Blanc - Ferrassières
Production of lavender flowers and floral compositions.
Open: Apr-Sept, Tue-Sun 10h-20; rest of year by rendez-vous
English, Italian
Château de la Gabelle
Tel: (33) 475 28 80 54
Ferme de la Niègle - Montbrun
Producer of medicinal and aromatic plants; sale of plants and essential oils, honey.
Open: June-Aug 10h-20h; rest of year by rendez-vous.
Route de Montbrun
Tel: (33) 475 28 84 16

Pays Vallée de la Drôme - Diois
This region includes the following towns/villages and sites:
Domaine des Arômes - Beaufort-sur-Gervanne
Exposition on the theme of "lavender and health", museum of aromas, botanical garden with collection of lavenders and biological cultures. Includes a restaurant and boutique.
Quartier les Fonts
Open: July-Aug, 10h-19h
- Feb-June, Sept-Dec, except Sat, 10h-16h30
Price: 18 F
Ferme de la Louine - Barnave
Wild and cultivated plants, distillery and cosmetic workshop. Essential oils and floral waters.
La Louine
Open: July-Aug, 17h-19h30
- Mar-Sept, Tue-Sat
Tel: (33) 475 21 84 43

For Additional Information
Comité Départemental du Tourisme des Alpes de Haute-Provence
Maison des Alpes de Haute-Provence
19 rue du Docteur Honnorat
04005 Digne-les-Bains
Tel: (33) 492 31 57 29
Office de Tourisme du Pays d'Apt
Place Bouquerie; 4 ave Philippe de Girad
84400 Apt
Tel: (33) 490 74 03 18
Comité Départemental du Tourisme du Vaucluse
La Balance, Place Campana
BP 147, 84008 Avignon Cedex 1
Tel: (33) 490 86 43 42
Office Intercommunal du Tourisme du Pays de Forcalquier
Place du Bourguet
04300 Forcalquier
Tel: (33) 492 75 10 02
Verdon Accueil - Office de Pôles
04210 Castellane
Tel: (33) 492 83 67 36, or (33) 494 70 21 64
Office de Tourisme et Thermalisme de Digne-les-Bains
04001 Digne-les-Bains
Tel: (33) 492 31 42 73
Office Cantonal de tourisme d'Orpierre
Pays du Buech
Tel: (33) 492 66 30 45
Office de Tourisme de Nyons
Tel: (33) 475 25 10 35
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