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Sites which contain the word Special

The Academy of American Poets
Bat Conservation International, Inc.
Berkeley Digital Library SunSITE
Cartographic Communication
Costa Rica
D. H. Lawrence
Electric Mercado
English Language Resources
Fifty Years from Trinity
France.com MAG
G. K. Chesterton
The Gallup Poll
GSC Atlantic's Earth Science Site Of The Week
Inside China Today
Internet Public Library
The Internet: Bringing Order from Chaos
The Johns Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory and Criticism
Judy Blume's Home Base
Kay E. Vandergrift's Special Interest Page
The Kennedy Assassination
Latino Literature Web Page
Librarians' Index to the Internet
Library of Congress American Memory Home Page
Mark Millmore's Ancient Egyptian Page
Meiosis Tutorial
Mexico Web Guide
MidLink Magazine
Minority Literatures Voices of the Shuttle
Mitsuhara Matsuoka's Home Page [English Literature on the Web]
NM's Creative Impulse
The Noam Chomsky Archive
North American Native Authors Catalog
The Objectivism Resource Guide
One Look Dictionaries: The Faster Finder
Schauwecker's Guide to Japan
Solar System Live
Stephen's Guide to the Logical Fallacies
Using Young Adult Fiction and Non-Fiction to Produce Critical Readers
La Vitrine Mondiale de la Wallonie
Voici l'Ontario
Xah: Visual Dictionary of Special Plane Curves
Zembla: The Nabokov Butterfly Net