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Sites which contain the word descriptions

American Mathematics Competition
AwardWeb: Collections of Literary Award Information
The Camelot Project
Carnac Bretagne Sud
The Carter Center
Cartographic Images
Culture et Loisirs Ministére (Le Musée des Antiquités Nationales)
Dave's Storm and Lightning Page
Destination Vaucluse Provence
Dr. Rix Spanish Pig Latin Page
Electric Mercado
Empires Beyond the Great Wall
Exploring Nunavut Handbook
La Familia de Arturo Pascalón
Favorite Mathematical Constants
Fun Science Gallery
GORP Argentina Resource Listings
La Gramática Española
Hispanic Reading Room
Human Anatomy On-line
Introducción a los Comics!
John Steinbeck
Lung Lab Tour
The Mineral Gallery
Natural Perspectives
Panama Pictures Archives
R. Buckminster Fuller on PBS
Retablos Collection
Ride of Your Life, The
Ryan Kirk's Ultimate Skunk Works Site
La Sélection de Télé 7 Jours
Sounds of the World's Animals
Sur Les Routes De L'Anjou Les Châteaux
A Survey of the Plant Kingdoms
Valais, Bienvenue en
La Vie Politique en France
Vietnam Online
Virtual Theater Project
Visite guidée du Val de Loire autour des châteaux de la Loire
Visiter Le Vieux Rouen à Pied