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Indexes and Resource Lists

Asian Studies WWW Virtual Library Project: Global, Regional, and Countries Virtual Libraries
AstroEd: Astronomy Education Resources
Astrophysics WebRing
Atlantic Monthly Poetry Pages
Atlas to the World Wide Web
Author's Pen
Avalon Project
AwardWeb: Collections of Literary Award Information
Banned Books Online
Baragona's Chaucer Page
Berkeley Lab Education
Bibliothèque de l'ABU
Bienvenidos a la Internet en Costa Rica
Biophysical Society
Black Classic Press
A Black Cultural Studies Website
Black Facts Online
Blue Web'N Applications: English References
Bob's Rock Shop
Bohemian Ink
Book Lovers: Fine Books & Literature
Book Recommendations of Real Folks
Booklist: Books for Youth
Books in Chains
Books of South Asian Writers Writing in English
BookTalks Quick and Simple
Bosnia Home Page
Bosnia: Uncertain Paths to Peace
Branchez-vous Sur le Web
British Poetry 1780-1910: A Hypertext Archive of Scholarly Editions
British WW 2, War Links of England
The Brown University Women Writers Project
Bugs in the News
Café Boliviano
Calendar Land
Campus Writing Program's Resources for Writers
More Indexes and Resource Lists sites.