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Cowboy Boots : The Ultimate Fashion No-no!

Ladies and gentlemen, we have now reached one of my favorite fashion faux pas, something that I see all too often while walking anywhere .... brown (or other assorted colors) cowboy boots over top of blue jeans.

Yes folks, this is one of the most hideous fashion statements I have ever seen in my whole life.

What's even better is when the cowboy boots are too big for the wearer and the boot looks like a bucket for rain. I mean, for one thing, it makes people look like they didn't look in the mirror before they left the house.

I did notice, however, that the jeans seem to be skin tight, like they were painted on (that's another huge fashion no-no right there!), so perhaps it's impossible to get these horrible boots under the pants -- but if so, get a bigger set of pants!

The boots are absolutely fine, if under the jeans. Anybody watch county music videos? Under the jeans. I've never seen anybody (not even Dwight Yoakam) wear boots over the jeans.

In short, I must say that if you're going to wear blue jeans and cowboy boots, do it right!

Till next week, this is the Fashion Diva

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Last Updated: 06/01/00
Webmistress: Cathie Walker
© 1999 Centre for the Easily Amused