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Fake & Bake: A Trip to the Electric Beach

Something was brought to my attention in last week's opinion poll so I'm going to cover that for this week: fake tanning

While it's true that not many 14 year old girls go to tan at a tanning studio, there are some, and there are more and more middle-aged people tanning in these beds of radiation. I would really like to know, who would want to have a tan in the middle of winter? Winter is one of those times for the skin to go soft and white, much matching the snow on the ground. Where does a tan come in??

I've noticed that too-frequent visits to the tanning salon make the tanner's skin look like leather in the middle of winter. Personally, I think the whiter the skin the better, but many people prefer tans. I say if you want a tan, wait until it's in season!

Till next week, this is the Fashion Diva

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Last Updated: 06/01/00
Webmistress: Cathie Walker
© 1999 Centre for the Easily Amused