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Week 10

Bulletin 10 – 22 September 1997

Special Edition

Telecom Amazon Adventure Update

Update from Andrew

Farewell from Andrew

Our link-up for the Amazon Adventure is now over so this is just a short note to say goodbye and thanks heaps for taking part. My travelling around has been lots of fun - and being able to share it with you has been the most fun of all. I've learned a lot and I hope you have too. Right now I'm still in Brazil – but I'm making my way back down the country by bus (travelling with the locals) and stopping at a few places along the way. Brazil is a very interesting country with lots of good places to explore and I suspect I’ll return sometime soon.

Not only did I survive my Amazon Adventure but amazingly my laptop computer did too! This was one of the things I was most worried about when I set out. Travel can be very difficult – and carrying a computer around with me on planes, buses, and riverboats is rough. My computer now looks beaten up – but it runs reliably despite it having been knocked around, walked over by a monkey, and plugged into all sorts of strange power supplies it wasn't designed for. Fortunately I didn't need to use it to block any Indian arrows. Sometimes the different power supplies make the computer get very hot (the fan no longer works and the hot tropical weather doesn't help), but it still goes – although somewhere along the way it started talking Portuguese!

I will be returning to the Brazilian city of Porto Alegre where I'll say goodbye to some friends, and then jump onboard a series of planes which will bring me back home to New Zealand. I should arrive home at the end of September or early October. I'm a little nervous about returning to New Zealand - for instance, I'm not sure what the Customs people will say when they see me getting off the plane carrying a real Amazon Indian bow and arrow which I bought to show people the skill that went into making it.

Once in New Zealand it'll probably take me a few weeks to get settled back into my routine. But I'm looking forward to seeing my New Zealand friends and family and to enjoying the coffee and nachos again at my favourite cafΘ (Midnight Espresso) in Wellington. I’m so used to the warmer weather now, you might see me walking around wearing a big thick jersey and jacket complaining about the cold while everyone else is lightly dressed to enjoy the spring weather.

After I return to New Zealand I'll be making new plans for my work and will also investigate travelling to the United States to study. I may do another "Amazon Adventure" for American schools as part of my Masters project – and even have ideas about doing the opposite . . . link-up small schools in the Amazon to teach them how people live in the outside world. Time will tell.

By following my travels you're all Amazon Adventurers now too. And you now have the opportunity to become Space Explorers by getting involved in the next classroom programme. Watch out for stray comets.

Best regards,

Andrew Mercer

Explorers Mystery Quiz

Last week’s winner

The winner of last week’s Explorers Mystery Quiz was Room 6, Waterlea School Mangere Bridge, Auckland.

Last week’s answers

Answer One

More than 1,170 species of birds have been identified in Amazonia.

Answer Two

Francisco de Orellana led the first expedition of the Amazon in 1540 and 1541.

Bonus Mystery Quiz

Everyone who entered one of our mystery quizzes in the Amazon Adventure went into the draw for a bonus prize for their class. Congratulations to Forms 1 and 2, Iona College, Havelock North - the winners of the Amazon Adventure Bonus Mystery Quiz Prize for getting the most correct answers. A Telecom bag of goodies is in the post to you.

Thanks a lot

Thanks to everyone who took part in Telecom Amazon Adventure. It’s been a great adventure and we hope you’ve enjoyed finding out more about this unique area of the world and listening to Andrew recount his adventures and visits to all those interesting places.

Out of this world

Come with us on a virtual adventure in space and learn all about how and why humans have had such a fascination with the stars.

You will have an opportunity to listen to our guests including famous astronauts and space explorers and there’ll also be the chance for some of you to meet American astronaut Dr Shannon Lucid who is visiting schools in Auckland, Hamilton, Wellington, Christchurch, Dunedin and Invercargill.

Look out for the Space Exploration module information being sent to schools enrolled in this programme this week. If you’d like to enrol, fax the Adventure Line on (Wellington) 0-4-498 5575.

And we’ll see you in Space . . .

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