- McJobs and Workers -

How many asshole customers did you REALLY encounter?

Posted by: Mike Bacon ( Bedford, TX, USA ) on August 31, 1997 at 01:02:01:

In Reply to: and the customers are rude too... posted by KuShuna on August 29, 1997 at 09:41:23:

: ppls always talking about the way they are treated by employees...
: when i used to work for this *bs* restaurant on busy days...customers would literally take it out on us...so i just quit

Are you SURE you encountered that many? I've rarely seen confrontations like
that, and I eat out frequently.

But if customers really did get on you people, well, how was everyone's job
performance? 10 to 1, if customers were freguently chewing your ass, you
probably deserved it!!!

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