iOS - Audio & Video

iOS delivers rich audio and video capabilities. You can easily stream and play full-screen video with the Media Player framework from within your application. Core Audio enables full control over the audio processing capabilities of the iPod touch and iPhone, and for truly sophisticated effects, OpenAL lets you model audio in 3D.

Media Player

Media Player

The Media Player framework allows your application to easily play full-screen video. The video source may be a file in the application’s own bundle or loaded from a remote location. A simple callback mechanism notifies your application when the movie completes, so you can take action.

HTTP Live Streaming

Built-in support for HTTP live streaming makes it easy for applications to use standard web servers to stream high-quality audio and video content over the air for playback on iPhone and iPod touch. HTTP live streaming is designed for mobility and can dynamically adjust playback quality to match the available speed of Wi-Fi or cellular networks.

iPod Library Access

iPod Library

With access to the music library on the iPod touch or iPhone, your applications can create a custom experience using the user's own music. Your racing game can turn the player’s favorite playlist into a virtual radio station as the car speeds down the track. It is even possible to let the player pick his own custom playlist directly within your app, queueing up tracks to play without leaving your app.

Core Audio and OpenAL

Core Audio and OpenAL

Core Audio is the professional-grade technology for playing, processing and recording audio. Through Core Audio, your application can play one or more simultaneous sounds, play streamed audio content, and even record audio. Core Audio seamlessly manages the audio environment, automatically routing audio when using headphones, Bluetooth headsets, and docks. It can also trigger vibrations. For advanced effects, the OpenAL API models and plays audio in a 3D space, similar to OpenGL for graphics operations.