Mac OS X Reference Library Apple Developer


A number represents a single reference to a topic.
A number with a "+" sign represents a longer discussion of a topic.

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   Z   

abbreviations and acronyms in interface text 1
About command (application menu) 1
About windows 1+
  design impact 1+
  guidelines 1
actions in menus 1
active windows
  appearance of controls 1
  background selections in 1
  dragging to 1 2
  explained 1
  guidelines for achieving 1+
ADC Compatibility Labs 1
Address Book 1+
addresses, storing 1
aesthetic integrity in design 1
alert dialogs
  components of 1
  default button in 1
  defined 1
  writing text in 1 2+
Align Left command (Format menu) 1 2
Align Right command (Format menu) 1 2
always-on environment 1
appearance of controls 1 2
Apple Help 1+
Apple key. See Command key
Apple menu 1+
application configuration 1
application icons 1+
  classifying 1
  in alert dialogs 1
  in the Dock 1 2 3
application menu 1+
application-modal dialogs 1 2 3
application-wide items (application menu) 1 2
Apply button 1
Arrange in Front command (Window menu) 1
arrow keys 1+
  appropriate uses for 1
  behaviors of 1
  extending text selection with 1
  in keyboard shortcuts 1
  moving the insertion point with 1
  with Shift key 1
arrows, spinning. See asynchronous progress indicator
assistant. See setup assistant
assistive applications 1
asynchronous progress indicator 1
attractive appearance
  explained 1
  guidelines for achieving 1+
attribute inspectors 1 2
attributes in menus 1 2
audience, defining 1
authentication techniques 1
automatic scrolling 1 2
automatic software update 1+
automatic typing. See type-ahead
  action design 1+
  described 1
availability in design 1
background processes 1
background selections 1 2
background-only applications 1
Backspace key. See Delete key
  of controls 1 2
  of menus 1+
  of windows 1+
bevel buttons 1+
  as pop-up menus 1
Bigger command (Format menu) 1 2 3
biometric devices 1
Bold command (Format menu) 1 2
boldface fonts 1 2
Bonjour 1 2 3
  About 1
  checkboxes 1 2
  combination 1 2
bridging code 1
Bring All to Front command (Window menu) 1 2
bullets in menus 1
bundles 1 2
buttons, disclosure 1 2
  Apply 1
  bevel 1 2 3
  Cancel 1 2
  close 1 2
  default 1 2
  dual-purpose 1
  Help 1 2
  icon 1+
  minimize 1 2
  placement of 1
  pop-up icon 1
  push 1 2
  radio 1+
  Review Changes 1
  round 1
  segmented 1+
  zoom 1 2
cache files, using 1
Cancel button 1 2
Can’t Undo command 1
capacity indicators 1+
capitalization, of interface element text 1
Caps Lock key 1
caution icons 1
CDs. See compact discs
Center command (Format menu) 1 2
centering windows 1+
CFM. See Code Fragment Manager
character keys 1+
characters in menus 1 2
chasing arrows. See asynchronous progress indicator
Check Spelling command (Edit menu) 1
checkboxes 1+
  in menus 1
  use in this document 1
Choose dialogs 1 2
Clear command 1
Clear key 1
click-through 1+
clicking 1 2
Clipboard 1 2
clippings in drag-and-drop operations 1
Close All command (File menu) 1 2
close button 1 2
Close command (File menu) 1 2
Close File command (File menu) 1 2
cloverleaf symbol. See Command key
Code Fragment Manager 1 2
colon character, proper use of 1+
color coding 1
color picker. See color selection
color selection 1+
color wells 1+
colors, choosing 1
column views 1+
combination boxes 1+
Command key 1
Command pop-down menus 1
Command-- 1 2
Command-= 1 2 3
Command-? 1 2
Command-A 1 2
Command-B 1 2
Command-C 1 2
Command-click 1
Command-: 1
Command-Control-C 1 2
Command-Control-V 1 2
Command-F 1 2 3
Command-G 1 2
Command-H 1 2
Command-I 1 2 3
Command-J 1
Command-key equivalents 1 2 3
Command-M 1 2
Command-O 1 2 3
Command-Option-C 1 2
Command-Option-F 1
Command-Option-H 1 2
Command-Option-I 1
Command-Option-M 1 2
Command-Option-Shift-V 1
Command-Option-T 1 2
Command-Option-V 1 2 3
Command-Option-W 1 2
Command-P 1 2
Command-Q 1 2
Command-S 1 2
Command-Shift-C 1 2
Command-Shift-G 1
Command-Shift-P 1 2
Command-Shift-S 1 2
Command-Shift-W 1 2
Command-Shift-Z 1 2
Command-T 1 2
Command-Tab 1
Command-U 1 2
Command-V 1 2
Command-W 1 2
Command-X 1 2
Command-Z 1 2
Command-\, 1 2 3
Command-{ 1 2
Command-| 1 2
Command-} 1 2
Command-~ 1 2
commands, menu
  About (application menu) 1
  Align Left (Format menu) 1 2
  Align Right (Format menu) 1 2
  Arrange in Front (Window menu) 1
  Bigger (Format menu) 1 2 3
  Bold (Format menu) 1 2
  Bring All to Front (Window menu) 1 2
  Can‚Äôt Undo 1
  Center (Format menu) 1 2
  Check Spelling (Edit menu) 1
  Close (File menu) 1 2
  Close All (File menu) 1 2
  Close File(File menu) 1 2
  Copy (Edit menu) 1 2
  Copy Ruler (Format menu) 1 2
  Copy Style (Format menu) 1 2
  Customize Toolbar (View menu) 1
  Cut (Edit menu) 1 2
  Delete (Edit menu) 1
  Export As (File menu) 1
  Find (Edit menu) 1 2 3
  Find Again (Edit menu) 1
  Find Next (Edit menu) 1
  Find Previous (Edit menu) 1
  Help (Help menu) 1 2
  Hide (application menu) 1 2
  Hide Others (application menu) 1 2
  Italic (Format menu) 1 2
  Justify (Format menu) 1
  Minimize (Window menu) 1 2
  Minimize All (Window menu) 1 2
  New (File menu) 1 2
  Open (File menu) 1 2 3
  Open Recent (File menu) 1 2
  Page Setup (File menu) 1 2
  Paste (Edit menu) 1 2
  Paste and Match Style (Edit menu) 1
  Paste Ruler (Format menu) 1 2
  Paste Style (Format menu) 1 2 3
  Preferences (Window menu) 1 2
  Print (File menu) 1 2
  Quit (application menu) 1 2
  Redo (Edit menu) 1 2
  Revert to Saved (File menu) 1
  Save (File menu) 1 2
  Save All (File menu) 1
  Save As (File menu) 1 2
  Select All (Edit menu) 1 2
  Services (application menu) 1
  Show All (application menu) 1
  Show Colors (Format menu) 1 2
  Show Fonts (Format menu) 1 2
  Show Ruler (Format menu) 1
  Show/Hide Toolbar (View menu) 1 2
  Smaller (Format menu) 1 2
  Special Characters (Edit menu) 1
  Spelling (Edit menu) 1 2
  Underline (Format menu) 1 2
  Undo (Edit menu) 1 2 3
  Zoom (Window menu) 1 2
Command–Down Arrow 1
Command–Left Arrow 1 2 3 4 5
Command–modifier key–Space bar 1 2 3
Command–Option–Space bar 1 2
Command–Right Arrow 1 2 3 4 5 6
Command–Shift-Down Arrow 1
Command–Shift–Down Arrow 1
Command–Shift–Left Arrow 1 2
Command–Shift–Right Arrow 1 2
Command–Shift–Up Arrow 1 2
Command–Space bar 1 2
Command–Up Arrow 1
compact discs
  usage guidelines 1 2
compatibility, designing for 1
complexity in software, managing 1
confirmation dialogs 1
consistency, designing for 1
contact information, storing 1
containers for drag-and-drop operations 1
contextual menus 1 2
continuous capacity indicator 1
continuous selection 1
contractions in interface text 1
Control key 1
Control-F1 1
Control-F2 1
Control-F3 1
Control-F4 1
Control-F5 1
Control-F6 1
Control-F7 1
Control-Tab key combination 1
controls 1+
  bevel buttons 1 2 3
  checkboxes 1 2
  click-through behavior of 1
  close button 1 2
  column views 1 2 3
  date pickers 1+
  disclosure buttons 1+
  disclosure triangles 1 2+
  for choosing colors 1 2
  grouping 1+ 2
  icon buttons 1 2
  image wells 1+
  layout guidelines for 1+
  level indicators 1 2
  list views 1 2
  mini versions of 1 2
  minimize button 1 2
  pop-up bevel buttons 1
  pop-up icon buttons 1
  pop-up menus 1+
  progress indicators 1 2
  push buttons 1 2
  radio buttons 1 2
  relevance indicators 1
  round buttons 1
  scroll bars 1 2
  scrolling lists 1+
  segmented controls 1 2
  sliders 1+
  small versions of 1+
  splitter bar 1
  stepper 1 2
  tab views 1 2
  token fields 1+
  using in panels 1+
  window controls 1 2
  zoom button 1 2
Control–Left Arrow 1
Control–Right Arrow 1
copy and paste 1
Copy command (Edit menu) 1 2
copy operations with drag and drop 1
Copy Ruler command (Format menu) 1 2
Copy Style command (Format menu) 1 2
cultural considerations 1
cursors. See pointers
Customize Toolbar command (View menu) 1
cut and paste 1 2
Cut command (Edit menu) 1 2
cycling through windows, keyboard command to 1
  explained 1+
  widget design guidelines 1+
data loss, preventing in drag-and-drop operations 1
date pickers 1+
debugging tools 1
default button 1 2
default keyboard access mode 1
default location for saving documents 1
default titles for new documents 1
Delete (Backspace) key 1 2
Delete command (Edit menu) 1
design principles
  adaptability 1
  aesthetic integrity 1
  attractive appearance 1
  availability 1
  consistency 1
  direct manipulation 1
  discoverability 1
  ease of use 1
  familiarity 1
  feedback and communication 1
  forgiveness 1
  human interface design 1+
  interoperability 1
  metaphors 1 2
  mobility 1
  modelessness 1
  multiple user support 1 2
  perceived stability 1
  performance 1
  reflecting the mental model 1+
  reliability 1
  simplicity 1
  support standards 1
  user control 1
  user interface design 1
design process
  and feature cascade 1
  overview 1+
desktop, dragging to 1
destination feedback, for drag-and-drop operations 1 2
destinations for drag-and-drop operations 1
determinate progress bar 1
developer resources 1
developer terms, avoiding 1
device drivers 1
dialogs 1
  alert 1 2+
  application modal 1 2 3
  behavior of 1 2
  changes in, accepting 1
  Choose 1+
  displaying filename extensions in 1 2
  document modal 1 2
  error checking in 1
  expanded Save 1 2
  icons in 1
  laying out 1+
  minimal Save 1 2
  modeless 1 2 3
  Open 1
  Page Setup 1 2
  pop-up menus in 1
  positioning controls in 1 2+
  Print 1 2 3
  quit 1+
  sheets 1 2
  text in 1 2
  types and usage of 1+
  writing text for 1+
diamonds in menus 1
dimmed items 1
  Can‚Äôt Undo command 1
  in filtered lists 1 2
  in menus 1 2 3 4
  proxy icons 1
  text 1
direct manipulation 1
disabilities 1+
disabled items. See dimmed items
disclosure buttons 1 2
disclosure triangles 1 2 3
discontinuous selection 1
discoverability in design 1
discrete capacity indicator 1
disk images 1
display name 1
display names. See filenames
displays (monitors)
  opening windows on 1
  hot-plugging 1
  magnifying 1
  resolution changes 1
  size guidelines 1
  zooming 1
  activating windows from 1
  and positioning of windows 1 2
  application icons in 1 2 3
  badging 1
  conveying information in 1
  icon genres and 1
  menus 1
  notifications 1
  responding to clicks 1
document names 1 2
  See also filename extensions
document updates 1
document windows
  defined 1 2
  untitled 1 2
document-modal dialogs (sheets) 1+
  providing 1
double-clicking 1 2
Down Arrow key 1
drag feedback 1
Drag Manager 1
drag-and-drop operations 1+
  clippings in 1 2
  common operations and results 1
  copying data in 1
  destination feedback for 1+
  drag feedback for 1
  drop feedback for 1+
  feedback for 1+
  Finder and 1 2
  moving data in 1
  overview of 1
  preventing data loss with 1
  windows and 1 2 3+
dragging 1 2
  See also drag-and-drop operations
  behavior of 1+
  explained 1+
  when to use 1+
drop feedback 1 2
dual-purpose buttons 1
DVD drives, using 1
dynamic menu items 1
  See also toggled menu items
ease of use
  explained 1
  guidelines for achieving 1+
Edit menu 1+
editing text 1 2
elegance, designing for 1+
ellipsis character
  in menus and buttons 1
  in scrolling lists 1
  proper use of 1+
email addresses, storing 1
emphasized system fonts 1 2
End key 1
Enter key 1
error checking in dialogs 1
error messages. See alert dialogs
  creating good messages 1
  handling 1
Escape (Esc) key 1
expanded Save dialog 1+
Export As command 1
familiarity in design 1
fast user switching 1
fax numbers, storing 1
feedback for drag-and-drop operations 1 2
  drag 1
  drop 1 2
  for invalid drops 1
  selection 1
feedback, providing to users 1
File menu 1+
filename extensions 1 2
  in dialogs 1 2
  in dialogs 1
filenames 1
  and creator types 1
  and display names 1
  and filename extensions 1 2
  and I/O 1 2
  caching 1
  formats 1 2
  installing 1
  saving 1
  searching 1+
  temporary 1
Find Again command (Edit menu) 1
Find command (Edit menu) 1 2 3
Find Next command (Edit menu) 1
Find Previous command (Edit menu) 1
Find window 1 2
Finder icons 1
  See also icons
  and application bundles 1
  as destination for drag-and-drop operations 1 2
  integrating with 1
  progress feedback for drag and drop 1
focus, keyboard 1 2
Font panel. See Fonts window
Fonts window 1+ 2
fonts, choosing 1+
  standard 1
foreign languages. See languages
forgiveness in design 1
Format menu 1+
Forward Delete (Del) key 1 2
full keyboard access mode 1 2
function keys 1+
gestures 1
global compatibility in design 1
grayed-out items. See dimmed items
group boxes 1+
grouping controls 1+ 2
hardware detection 1
hardware, icons for 1
headings, text in 1
hearing disabilities 1
help balloons. See help tags
Help button 1+
Help buttons 1
Help command (Help menu) 1 2
Help key 1
Help menu 1 2+
help systems
  help tags 1 2 3
  overview 1+
  setup assistants 1 2
help tags 1
Hide command (application menu) 1 2
Hide Others command (application menu) 1 2
hierarchical menus 1
  Finder icons in drag and drop 1
  in destination regions 1
  of selections 1+
  text in drag-and-drop operations 1
home directories 1
Home key 1
hot spot 1
human interface design principles. See design principles
icon buttons 1+
icons, for setup assistants 1
  application. See application icons
  as pop-up menus 1
  caution 1
  design tips for 1
  document 1
  families of 1
  Finder, in drag-and-drop operations 1
  genres of 1
  hardware 1
  in alerts 1
  in toolbars 1
  perspective for 1+
  plug-ins 1
  removable media 1
  steps to create 1
image wells 1 2
inactive windows
  clicking in 1+
  controls in 1
  dragging from 1 2
  dragging to 1 2
indeterminate progress bar 1
Info windows 1 2
information property lists 1
initial capital style 1
insertion indicator for dragged text 1 2
insertion points
  for drag feedback 1 2
  moving in document 1 2
inspectors 1+
  drag-and-drop 1
  guidelines 1+
  packaged 1
  updating software 1
intelligent cut and paste 1
interface elements
  capitalization of 1
  labels for 1
  terminology for 1
  use of colon in 1+
international considerations 1
  checklist 1
  considerations 1+ 2
  explained 1
  guidelines for achieving 1+
invalid drops, feedback for 1
IPC. See interprocess communication
Italic command (Format menu) 1 2
jargon, avoiding 1
Justify command (Format menu) 1
key-repeat 1
keyboard focus 1+
keyboard navigation 1
keyboard shortcuts 1+
  creating your own 1
  for international systems 1
  quick reference 1
keyboards 1+
Keychain Services 1
keychains 1 2
  arrow 1 2
  character 1 2
  function 1 2
  modifier 1 2 3
label font 1 2
labels 1 2
  capitalization of 1
  terminology for 1
language 1+
  alert messages, writing 1
  style and usage 1
  terminology in the interface 1 2
  design principles for 1
  differences 1
  translation considerations 1
layering of windows 1 2
laying out windows 1 2
Left Arrow key 1
level indicators 1+
list views 1+ 2
lists, scrolling 1 2
little arrows. See stepper controls
locked document, handling on Close or Quit 1
login items 1
Mach-O executable format 1
memory, optimizing usage of 1
mental model 1+
menu bars 1+
menu commands. See commands, menu
menu elements 1
menu items
  capitalization of 1 2
  dynamic 1
  grouping of 1+
  naming of 1 2
  text styles in 1
  toggled 1
menu titles 1
menus 1+
  Apple 1 2
  application 1 2
  attribute groups in 1 2
  behavior of 1+
  checkmarks in 1
  command pop-down 1
  contextual 1 2
  diamonds in 1
  Edit 1 2
  File 1 2
  Format 1 2
  grouping items in 1 2
  Help 1 2 3 4
  hierarchical 1
  nonstandard characters in 1+
  pop-up 1 2
  pull-down 1+
  text styles in 1 2
  titles 1 2 3
  View 1 2
  Window 1 2
  choosing 1
  overview 1+
  usage 1
metrics 1
mini versions of controls 1 2
minimal Save dialog 1+
Minimize All command (Window menu) 1 2
minimize button 1 2
Minimize command (Window menu) 1 2
  explained 1
  guidelines for achieving 1+
modeless dialogs 1 2 3
modelessness, in design 1
modern APIs, finding 1 2
modifier keys 1 2+
monitors. See displays
Mouse Keys 1
mouse-down events
  Option key modifier with 1
  single-gesture selection and dragging and 1
move operations with drag and drop 1
moving windows 1
Multi-Touch trackpads 1
multiple windows for the same document 1 2
named pipes, using 1
network interfaces 1
New command (File menu) 1 2
new windows, naming 1
object manipulation 1
onscreen elements. See interface elements
onscreen zooming 1
Open command (File menu) 1 2 3
Open dialogs 1
Open Recent command (File menu) 1 2
Option key
  drag-and-drop operations and 1+
  uses of 1
Option–Arrow key combinations 1
package design 1 2+
Page Down key 1 2
Page Setup command (File menu) 1 2
Page Setup dialog 1+
Page Up key 1 2
panels 1+
  using small controls in 1+
panes 1 2
  entering 1
  storing 1 2
  using for authentication 1
Paste and Match Style command (Edit menu) 1
Paste command (Edit menu) 1 2
Paste Ruler command (Format menu) 1 2
Paste Style command (Format menu) 1 2 3
pasteboard. See Clipboard
pathnames. See filenames
PDEs (printing dialog extensions) 1
perceived stability 1
  choosing when to tune 1
  explained 1
  graphics 1
  guidelines for achieving 1+
  influencing factors 1
  metrics 1
  optimizing memory usage 1
  tools 1
phone numbers, storing 1
physical disabilities 1
placards 1
Plain command 1
play lists. See source lists
plug-ins, icons for 1
pointers 1 2+
pointing devices 1
polling 1 2
pop-up bevel buttons 1
pop-up icon buttons 1
pop-up menus 1 2
Preferences command 1
Preferences command (Window menu) 1 2
preferences, icons for 1
preferences, usage of 1 2
pressing the mouse button 1
Print command (File menu) 1 2
Print dialog 1 2 3
printing 1+
printing dialog extensions (PDEs) 1
privileged operations 1
product design 1+
program configuration 1
progress feedback for drag-and-drop operations 1
progress indicators 1 2+
progressive disclosure 1
protocols, for data interchange 1
proxy icon 1+
pull-down menus 1 2
  behavior of 1+
  elements of 1
push buttons 1+
  capitalization of labels 1
Quit command (application menu) 1 2
quit operations, dialogs for 1 2
radio buttons 1 2
range selection 1
rating indicators 1
read-only document, handling on Close or Quit 1
recessed buttons. See image wells
Redo command (Edit menu) 1 2
relevance indicators 1
  explained 1
  guidelines for achieving 1+
  testing 1
removable media, icons for 1
replace document dialog 1
resource forks 1
  and resource forks 1
  installing 1
  localizing 1 2
  managing 1+
  storing 1
Return key 1
Revert to Saved command (File menu) 1
Review Changes button 1
Right Arrow key 1
round buttons 1
Save a Copy command, avoiding 1
Save All command (File menu) 1
Save As command (File menu) 1 2
Save command (File menu) 1 2
Save To command, avoiding 1
screens. See displays
scroll arrows 1
scroll bars 1+
  See also sliders
Scroll to selection command 1
scroll tracks 1
scrollers 1
scrolling lists 1
scrolling windows 1 2
  automatically 1
  by position 1
  by unit 1
  by windowful 1
search fields 1+
  See also text input fields
  keyboard command to navigate to 1
  offering in an application 1+
  and fast user switching 1
  and plug-ins 1
  authentication techniques 1
  guidelines 1+
  privileged operations 1
  privileges 1
segmented controls 1 2
Select All command (Edit menu) 1 2
selecting 1 2
  by clicking 1
  by dragging 1
  changing selections 1 2+
  graphics 1
  in text 1+
  word boundaries and 1
selection feedback, and dragging 1 2
semaphores, using 1
sentence style capitalization 1
separators 1+
Services command (application menu) 1
session identifiers 1
setup assistants 1+
shared memory, using 1
sheets (document-modal dialogs) 1+
Shift key 1 2
Shift-Command-Tab key combination 1
Shift-Command-~ 1
Shift-Control-F4 key combination 1
Shift-Control-F6 key combination 1
Shift-Control-Tab key combination 1
Shift-Option–Left Arrow 1
Shift-Option–Right Arrow 1
Shift-Tab 1
Shift–Command–arrow key combinations 1
Shift–Down Arrow 1
Shift–Option–arrow key combinations 1 2 3
Shift–Right Arrow 1
Shift–Up Arrow 1
shortcuts, keyboard. See keyboard shortcuts
Show All command (application menu) 1
Show Colors command (Format menu) 1 2
Show Fonts command (Format menu) 1 2
Show Info command 1
Show Inspector command 1
Show Ruler command (Format menu) 1
Show/Hide Toolbar command (View menu) 1 2
sidebars 1
simplicity in design 1
single-gesture selection and dragging 1
sliders 1 2
  See also scroll bars
small versions of controls 1 2
Smaller command (Format menu) 1 2
smart cards 1
smart cut and paste 1
software complexity, managing 1
software configuration 1
software updates
  automatic 1+
source lists 1+
Space bar 1
Special Characters command (Edit menu) 1
speech recognition and synthesis 1+
Spelling command (Edit menu) 1 2
spinning wait cursor 1
split views 1+
splitter bar 1
  explained 1+
  using in applications 1+
standard fonts 1
standard pull-down menus 1 2
standard state of a window 1
startup items 1
static text fields 1
stepper controls 1+
Sticky Keys 1
strings and word boundaries 1
style and usage of language 1
styled text in menus 1 2
submenus. See hierarchical menus
Tab key 1 2
tab views 1+
target audience, defining 1
Tasks 1
terminology 1+
text editing 1 2
  and keyboard focus 1
  deleting 1
  in text entry fields 1
  inserting 1
  intelligent cut and paste 1
  replacing selections 1
  using Shift and arrow keys 1
text input fields 1
  See also combination boxes
text search fields. See search fields
text styles in menus 1 2
text-to-speech converters 1
  search fields. See search fields
  See also fonts
  design principles for displaying 1
  destination feedback in 1 2
  drop feedback in 1
  global support of 1
  in alerts 1
  in labels 1
  input fields 1+
  selecting 1+
  static 1
  supporting internationalization 1
threads 1
tick marks in slider controls 1
title-style capitalization 1
titles for menus 1
toggled menu items 1
  See also dynamic menu items
token fields 1+
toolbars 1+
  commands for 1
  customizing 1
  icons in 1
tooltips. See help tags
trackpads 1
Trash, as drag-and-drop destination 1
triangles, disclosure 1 2
type-ahead 1
typography characteristics, setting 1
unavailable items. See dimmed items
Underline command (Format menu) 1 2
Undo command (Edit menu) 1 2 3
Unicode 1
universal accessibility in design 1+
unsaved changes, handling on Close or Quit 1
untitled windows 1
Up Arrow key 1
updates to this document 1
user control 1
user input 1+
  editing text 1+
  keyboards 1 2
  non-Roman script systems 1
  pointing devices 1
  required information 1
  selecting 1+
user interface design
  audience definition 1
  communicating feedback 1
  custom controls 1
  graphics 1
  icons 1
  Interface Builder 1
  manipulating objects 1
  predictability 1
  prototype creation 1
user interface elements
  creating 1
  help tags 1
  localizing 1
  using 1
user observations
  audience definition 1
  orientation 1
  participant mistakes 1
  prototype creation 1
  task definition 1
  think-aloud protocol 1
user state of a window 1
user terms, terminology for 1
validation of user input 1
view controls 1+
View menu 1+
  column 1+
  list 1+
  tab 1+
visual disabilities 1
window controls
  close button 1 2
  in panels 1
  minimize button 1 2
  scroll bars 1 2
  zoom button 1 2
Window menu 1+
windows 1
  See also alert dialogs
  activating from the Dock 1
  active 1
  appearance 1+
  as drag-and-drop destinations 1 2 3+ 4
  automatic scrolling in 1 2
  behavior 1 2
  controls for 1+ 2
  displaying on multiple monitors 1
  document 1 2
  expanding 1 2 3
  for finding 1+
  inactive 1
  Info 1 2
  inspectors 1 2
  layering of 1 2
  laying out 1+
  minimizing 1
  modeless 1
  moving 1
  multiple views of same document 1
  naming 1 2+
  nondocument 1
  positioning of 1
  resizing 1
  scrolling 1+
  sizing 1
  standard state 1
  titles for 1
  user state 1
  zooming 1
words. See text
worldwide compatibility in design 1
zoom button
  and zooming behavior 1
  as standard window control 1
Zoom command (Window menu) 1 2
zoomback behavior 1

Last updated: 2009-08-20

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