Mac OS X Reference Library Apple Developer

Drag and Drop

The technique of dragging an item and dropping it on a suitable destination is called drag and drop.

In this chapter, an item is anything that the user can select, such as text, graphics, and icons. For convenience, this chapter assumes that the user is dragging with the mouse, but these guidelines also apply to other input devices, such as pens and trackballs.

Drag-and-Drop Overview

Macintosh users are familiar with the elegant, easy-to-use, and pervasive drag-and-drop functionality in Mac OS X. Users often prefer to use drag and drop, so correctly incorporating this direct manipulation technology in your Mac OS X application will go a long way toward meeting user expectations.

Ideally, users should be able to drag any content from any window to any other window that accepts the content’s type. If the source and destination are not visible at the same time, the user can create a clipping by dragging data to a Finder window; the clipping can then be dragged into another application window at another time.

Drag and drop should be considered an ease-of-use technique. Except in cases where drag and drop is so intrinsic to an application that no suitable alternative methods exist—dragging icons in the Finder, for example—there should always be another method for accomplishing a drag-and-drop task.

The basic steps of the drag-and-drop interaction model parallel a copy-and-paste sequence in which you select an item, choose Copy from the Edit menu, specify a destination, and then choose Paste. However, drag and drop is a distinct technique in itself and does not use the Clipboard. Users can take advantage of both the Clipboard and drag and drop without side effects from each other.

A drag-and-drop operation should provide immediate feedback at the significant points: when the data is selected, during the drag, when an appropriate destination is reached, and when the data is dropped. The data that is pasted should be target-specific. For example, if a user drags an Address Book entry to the “To” text field in Mail, only the email address is pasted, not all of the person’s address information.

You should implement Undo for any drag-and-drop operation you enable in your application. If you implement a drag-and-drop operation that is not undoable, display a confirmation dialog before implementing the drop. A confirmation dialog appears, for example, when the user attempts to drop an icon into a write-only drop box on a shared volume, because the user does not have privileges to open the drop box and undo the action.

Drag-and-Drop Semantics

Your application must determine whether to move or copy a dragged item after it is dropped on a destination. The appropriate behavior depends on the context of the drag-and-drop operation, as described in this section.

Move Versus Copy

If the source and destination are in the same container (for example, a window or a volume), a drag-and-drop operation is interpreted as a move (that is, cut and paste). Dragging an item from one container to another initiates a copy (copy and paste). The user can perform a copy operation within the same container by pressing the Option key while dragging. When performing a copy operation, indicate a copy operation to the user by using the copy pointer. (See “Standard Pointers”)

When determining whether to move or copy a dragged item, you must consider the underlying data structure of the contents in the destination window. For example, if your application allows two windows to display the same document (multiple views of the same data), a drag-and-drop operation between these two windows should result in a move.

The principle driving these drag-and-drop guidelines is to prevent the user from accidental data loss. Because an Undo command in the destination application does not trigger an Undo in the source application, moving data across applications may result in potential data loss. Moving data within the same window (or same volume, as in the case of the Finder) does not lead to data loss.

Table 9-1  Common drag-and-drop operations and results

Dragged item



Data in a document

The same document


Data in a document

Another document


Data in a document

The Finder

Copy (creates a clipping)

Finder icon

An open document window


Finder icon

The same volume


Finder icon

Another volume


When to Check the Option Key State

Your application should check whether the Option key is pressed at drop time. This behavior gives the user the flexibility of making the move-or-copy decision at a later point in the drag-and-drop sequence. Pressing the Option key during the drag-and-drop sequence should not “latch” for the remainder of the sequence.

Note:  The Option key does not act as a toggle switch; Option-dragging between containers always initiates a copy operation. This guideline helps users learn that Option means copy.

Selection Feedback

This section covers issues that deserve special mention in the context of drag and drop. Selection feedback is discussed in more detail in “Selecting”

Single-Gesture Selection and Dragging

Because dragging is defined as moving the mouse while the mouse button is held down, a mouse-down event must occur before dragging can take place. A selection can be made as a result of this mouse-down event, just before the user starts dragging. For example, the user can select and drag a folder icon in a single gesture; the user does not have to click the folder icon first, release the mouse button, and then press again to begin dragging the icon. Your application should ensure that implicit selection occurs, when appropriate, when the user starts dragging.

Single-gesture selection and dragging is possible only when the process of selecting an item does not require dragging. Range-selection operations—such as selecting text or multiple graphic objects—don’t lend themselves to single-gesture selection and dragging because the range-selection operation itself requires dragging.

Background Selections

When a window containing a highlighted selection becomes inactive, your application should maintain the selection so that users can drag previously selected data from inactive windows to the active window.

Background selections are not required if the dragged item is discrete—for example, an icon or graphical object—because implicit selection can occur when an item is dragged. However, items selected only by range-selection operations—for example, text or a group of icons—must have a background selection to allow the user to drag these items out of inactive windows. Whenever an inactive window is made key, the background selection, if any, becomes highlighted as a normal selection.

Drag Feedback

Your application should provide drag feedback as soon as the user drags an item at least three pixels. If a user holds the mouse button down on an object or selected text, it should become draggable immediately and stay draggable as long as the mouse remains down. Typically, applications have to provide an image to drag and have to handle the receiver frame. In Aqua, dragged items are transparent.

Note: Proxy icons are not immediately draggable. Since the proxy icon is in the title bar, where a user often clicks to initiate moving a window, a proxy icon requires a user to hold the mouse button down briefly before it becomes draggable.

Destination Feedback

If the user drags an item to a destination in your application, your application provides feedback that indicates whether it will accept that item. Destination feedback should not occur simply because your application is “drag-aware”; rather, it should depend on the destination’s ability to accept the type of data contained in the dragged item. For example, a text entry field that accepts only text should not be highlighted when the dragged item is a graphic.

Use pointers to indicate what result letting go of the mouse will have. For example, if you are dragging an icon out of a toolbar, show the poof pointer when the user has the icon outside of the toolbar to indicate that if they let go of it there, the item will disappear. Other pointers that provide useful feedback during a drag operation include the alias, copy, and not allowed pointers. See “Pointers” for more information on the pointers available in Mac OS X.


The valid destination region of a document window is usually the window’s content area minus the title bar and areas used for controls (such as scroll bars, resize controls, tool palettes, rulers, and placards). When there are multiple destination regions within a window, only one destination region is highlighted at a time.

When the user drags an acceptable item from one destination region to another, your application highlights the destination region as soon as the pointer enters it and removes the highlighting when the pointer leaves the region.

If a drag-and-drop operation takes place entirely within one destination region (moving a document icon to a different location in the same folder window, for example), don’t highlight the destination region, to avoid distracting the user. However, if the user drags an item completely out of a destination region and then drags the same item back to the same destination region, the destination region should be highlighted.

You can provide more specific destination feedback within a larger destination region. For example, when the user drags text from one document window to another, the destination window should display an insertion point where the dragged text would go if the user releases the mouse button.

In many situations, highlighting a more narrowly defined area of a window is more appropriate than highlighting the entire content region; examples are spreadsheets, text boxes, fill-in forms, and panes. In these cases, the destination region must be tailored to more precisely indicate the specific destination.


While the user is dragging an item to a text area, an insertion indicator (a vertical bar) should appear in the text where the dragged item would be inserted if the user releases the mouse button.


An insertion indicator should appear in a list where a dragged item would be inserted if the user releases the mouse button. For example, when a user drags an item into the Sidebar of the Finder, a horizontal insertion indicator appears.

Multiple Dragged Items

If the user drags multiple items, the destination feedback should occur only if it can accept all of the dragged items. If the destination cannot accept all of the dragged items, the user’s attempt results in feedback as described in “Feedback for an Invalid Drop ”

When the destination can accept all of the dragged items, the destination should accept them in the order specified by the source. The source application should organize the dragged items in the order in which they were selected, except in two cases. If the dragged items come from ordered views (such as View by Date or an alphabetized list), that view’s ordering takes precedence over the selection order. If both the source and the destination provide a spatial ordering (such as in graphic applications), the spatial ordering takes precedence over the selection order.

Automatic Scrolling

When an item is being dragged, your application must determine whether to scroll the contents or allow the item to “escape” the window. If your application allows items to be dragged outside of windows, you should define an automatic scrolling region. Automatically scroll a destination window only if it is also the source window and is frontmost. Don’t automatically scroll inactive windows.

Using the Trash as a Destination

Dragging items to the Trash results in moving the item from the source to the Trash. For example, dragging a text selection from a word-processing application and dropping it on the Trash icon (or in the Trash window) results in the text being deleted from the application and a clipping containing that text being created inside the Trash. Note that the item is moved, although it is dragged between two containers. This exception to the rules described earlier is appropriate because the user can undo the operation by dragging the clipping out of the Trash back to its original source; it is consistent with the principle of preventing accidental data loss.

It is important to preserve the Trash’s container property; do not simply delete the source without creating a clipping or other item in the Trash.

Drop Feedback

When the user releases the mouse button after dragging an item to a destination, feedback should inform the user that the drag-and-drop operation was successful. While this feedback can be visual, it is primarily behavioral in nature. The behavior comes from the semantic operation indicated by the drag-and-drop sequence.

Finder Icons

When the user moves an item by dropping its icon on a folder icon, the dropped icon disappears and the highlighting is removed from the destination folder icon.

If an icon represents a task, such as printing, you may want to provide progress feedback to indicate that the task is being carried out.


When dropping graphics, the drop feedback is usually the movement of the actual item to the location of the mouse-up event.


After text is dropped, it is shown highlighted at its destination.

When text is dropped in a destination that supports styled text, the dropped text should maintain its font, typeface, and size attributes. If the destination does not support styled text, the dropped text should assume the font, typeface, and size attributes specified by the destination insertion point.

Drag-and-drop operations involving text should support intelligent cut-and-paste rules, as explained in “Intelligent Cut and Paste”

Transferring a Selection

After a successful drag-and-drop sequence involving a single window, the selection feedback is maintained at the new location. This behavior provides an important user cue and allows the user to reposition the selection without having to make the selection again.

If the user drags an item from an active window to an inactive window, the dragged item becomes a background selection at the destination; the selection in the active window remains selected. This guideline also applies in the reverse situation, where an item is dragged from an inactive window to an active window.

When content is dropped into a window in which something is selected, your application should deselect everything in the destination before the drop rather than replace the selection with the dragged item.

Feedback for an Invalid Drop

If a user attempts to drop an item on a destination that does not accept it, the item zooms from its mouse-up location back to its source location (a “zoomback”). The zoomback behavior should also occur when a drop inside a valid destination does not result in a successful operation.

If the user attempts to drag multiple items to a destination that does not accept all of the items, none of the items should be accepted. In such cases you could display a dialog informing the user which type of data the destination accepts and which items in the dragged set cannot be accepted.


When an item is dragged from an application to the desktop, a clipping is created that contains the data in the dragged item. If discontinuous selections are dragged from a source to the Finder, a separate clipping is created for each selected item.

Your application should provide a number of representations (such as TEXT, PICT, and native formats) to ensure flexibility with different subsequent destinations. Regardless of which representations are stored, round-trip data integrity should be preserved; a clipping dragged back into its source should be identical to the original item.

Last updated: 2009-08-20

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