Mac OS X Reference Library Apple Developer

Using Mac OS X Technologies

Mac OS X provides a wealth of highly developed technologies you can use that allow you to avoid spending development time implementing custom solutions for generic tasks. Taking advantage of these fully integrated technologies will enhance the way your application interacts with the system and with other applications on the platform.

Address Book

If your application stores or uses contact information, use the Address Book framework to manage that information. Contact information consists of information such as names, phone numbers, fax numbers, and email addresses of the people known to the current user. Using the Address Book framework, you can access contact information from the user’s database or display it in a customizable window.

Although the Address Book interfaces that allow you to customize the display window use the terms "people picker" and "picker," these are not acceptable names to use in your application's user interface. Instead, you should give the display window a name that describes its contents as they relate to your application, such as "Addresses" or "Contacts."

The appearance of a people-picker window is customizable to allow you to display only the data relevant to your application. For example, Mail customizes this window to show the email addresses of the contacts, as shown in Figure 6-1.

Figure 6-1  A people-picker window as used in Mail

People Picker window as used in Mail

You customize the appearance of a people-picker window using the interfaces of the Address Book framework. See Address Book Programming Guide for Mac OS X for more information on using this framework.


A hallmark of Mac OS X is the use of animation to enhance the user experience, such as in the minimizing of windows to the Dock, the unfurling of sheets, and the sliding of drawers. In Mac OS X v10.5 and later, animation powers the movement of icons in the Finder Cover Flow view, the springing of items from a stack in the Dock, and the arrival of buddies in an iChat window, among other things. Figure 6-2 shows a "time-lapsed” view of items springing from a stack.

Figure 6-2  Animation allows items in a stack to emerge smoothly

Animation allows users track the movements of objects, helps them understand the effects of their actions, and lends a sense of physicality and realism to the virtual world they see on the display screen. In general, animation is ideal for:

If you are developing an application to run in Mac OS X v10.5 and later, you, too, can take advantage of animation by using Core Animation programming interfaces. As with most powerful tools, however, it’s important to use animation wisely, that is, as a subtle enhancement to the user experience, not as the focus of the user experience. For example, you might consider using animation in the following cases:

If you decide to use animation, therefore, be sure the animation subtly enhances the tasks and concepts your application focuses on and doesn’t distract from them. Although animation can clarify obscure or hidden processes and provide valuable feedback, gratuitous or illogical animation can degrade the user experience, in addition to decreasing the performance of your application. In particular, you should:

To learn more about using animation in your application, see Core Animation Programming Guide.


With Automator, a user can automate common procedures and build workflows by arranging processes from different applications into a desired order. Familiar Apple applications, such as Mail, iPhoto, and Safari make their tasks available to users to organize into a workflow. These tasks (called actions) are simple and narrowly defined, such as opening a file or applying a filter, so a user can include them in different workflows.

As an application developer, you can define actions that represent discrete tasks your application can perform. You make these actions available to users by creating action plug-ins that implement the appropriate behavior. An action plug-in contains a nib file and some code to manage the action’s user interface and implement its behavior. You can develop action plug-ins using either AppleScript or Objective-C. You might consider creating a set of basic actions to ship with your application so users have a starting point for using your application with Automator.

For more information on developing Automator actions, see Automator Programming Guide.

As you design the user interface of an action, keep the following guidelines in mind:


If you develop applications that need to communicate with other computers and processes on the Internet or a local area network, you should avoid making assumptions about the user’s network settings. Ensuring fast, efficient connections to other programs and computers is an important part of providing a good user experience.

Mac OS X supports a dynamically updating networking model. Because a user may change IP addresses many times during a single session, don’t save settings based on the IP address. Use Bonjour instead of requiring a user to type in an IP address. Bonjour enables automatic discovery of computers, devices, and services on IP networks, and makes file and media sharing easy. The use of Bonjour can dramatically simplify network configuration for your users. For more information on Bonjour, see Bonjour Overview.


If your application deals with color, you may need a way for the user to enter color information. Mac OS X provides a standard Colors window for picking colors. Shown in Figure 6-3 this window lets the user enter color data using any of five different color models. You should use this window rather than create a custom interface for color selection.

Figure 6-3  Colors window

Colors window

For information on how to use this window in Cocoa applications, see Color Programming Topics; for Carbon programs, see Color Picker Manager Reference.


Dashboard provides a way for users to get information and perform simple tasks quickly and easily. Appearing and disappearing with a single keystroke or mouse gesture, Dashboard presents a default or user-defined set of widgets in a format reminiscent of a heads-up display. Each widget is small, visually appealing, and clearly indicative of its purpose. For example, each of the Mac OS X Dashboard widgets shown in Figure 6-4 is an attractive, scaled-down interface to a common task.

Figure 6-4  Dashboard widgets

You can develop a standalone widget that performs a lightweight, well-defined task or a widget whose task is actually performed by your larger, more functional application. This section summarizes both the high-level and user-interface guidelines you should follow as you design your widget. Step-by-step instructions for how to implement a Dashboard widget, including plentiful code and user interface examples, are available in Dashboard Tutorial.

Many of the user-interface design principles covered in “Human Interface Design” are also applicable to Dashboard widgets. Following these guidelines gives users an automatic familiarity with this technology.

High-Level Design Guidelines for Widgets

Dashboard widgets are small and compact in part because they occupy prime screen space but also because they perform a single, well-defined task. It's especially important to avoid providing functionality that is extraneous to a widget's central task, because this dilutes a widget's usefulness. As with the design of a full-size application, taking the time to carefully define your widget's target audience (see “Involving Users in the Design Process”) will help you focus on the task your widget will perform.

As you design your widget, keep these high-level guidelines in mind:

User-Interface Design Guidelines for Widgets

When you’ve decided on the widget’s task, follow these guidelines for designing the user interface:


If your program supports typography and text layout using user-selectable fonts, you should use the Fonts window to obtain the user’s font selection. Users can select fonts and sizes in both the standard (Figure 6-5) and the minimized (Figure 6-6) view of the Fonts window. In the standard view, there are also controls for fine-tuning the display characteristics of fonts. Most important, the Fonts window is implemented for you. You do not have to create a Fonts menu or other special user interface to display and gather font information from the user.

Figure 6-5  Fonts window

Fonts window

Figure 6-6  Minimal Fonts window

Minimal Fonts window

The Fonts window also provides advanced typography controls for fonts that support those options. The user can open a Typography inspector by choosing Typography from the action menu. Figure 6-7 shows the typography controls for the Zapfino font.

Figure 6-7  Typography inspector

Typography inspector

For more information about font selection and management in Cocoa applications, see Font Panel; for Carbon applications, see Apple Type Services for Fonts Programming Guide.


Preference settings are user-defined parameters that your software remembers from session to session. Preferences can be a way for your application to offer choices to users about how the application runs. Preferences often affect the behavior of the application or the default appearance of content created with the application.

To reduce the complexity of your application, be picky about which features should have preferences and which should not. Avoid implementing all the preferences you can think of. Instead, be decisive and focus your preferences on the features users might really want to modify.

A preference should be a setting that the user changes infrequently. If a user might change the attributes of a feature many times in a work session, avoid using preferences to set those attributes. Instead, give the user modeless access to the controls for modifying that feature. For example, you might implement the feature using a menu item or a control in a palette or window.

Because a user does not change preference settings frequently, you should not provide a preferences toolbar item. Instead, provide access to application-level preferences in the application menu (see “The Application Menu” for more information) and to document-specific preferences in the File menu (see “The File Menu” for more information).

For information on implementing preferences with Cocoa, see User Defaults Programming Topics. For information on implementing preferences with Core Foundation, see Preferences Programming Topics for Core Foundation.


Mac OS X includes an advanced printing system. Because of all the options this system provides, it is important that you use the standard printing dialogs so that users understand the options that are available to them without getting lost in features. The printing architecture allows users to print “digital paper” documents that can be sent to a printer, faxed, or saved as a PDF file (Figure 6-8). These features are all available automatically when you use the Mac OS X printing system in your application.

Figure 6-8  Print options available in Mac OS X

Print options available in Mac OS X

See “The Print Dialog” for information about the standard printing dialog. See Mac OS X Printing System Overview for general information about the printing system. For information on how to extend the Print dialog to include options not provided in the standard panes, see Extending Printing Dialogs.


Mac OS X provides numerous technologies to help you perform secure operations. Using these technologies, you can store secret information locally, authorize a user for specific operations, or transport information securely across a network.

Consider the following guidelines when you need to work with sensitive information or work in a secure environment:

If your application stores passwords or other sensitive information, such as credit card numbers, store that information using Keychain Services. The keychain mechanism in Mac OS X provides the following benefits:

For information and links to security-related documentation in Mac OS X, see Getting Started With Security.


Mac OS X services are features that applications can make available to each other. Through services, you can share your application’s resources and capabilities with other applications. In turn, users of your application can take advantage of the resources and capabilities provided by other applications. The Services feature is one of the many ways Mac OS X helps your application interoperate with others. (Interoperability is a characteristic of great software; to learn more about it, see “Interoperability.”)

By default, the application menu contains a Services submenu that lists services that are appropriate for the currently selected or targeted content in your application. This submenu automatically includes a command that opens Services preferences in Keyboard Shortcuts preferences. The services can be provided by applications installed anywhere on the system.

To vend services to other applications, your application provides information about each service, such as:

To learn the programmatic steps you need to take to provide services and take advantage of them, read Services Implementation Guide.

To ensure a good user experience, you should follow these guidelines when defining the services your application can provide:


Mac OS X contains speech technologies that enable software to recognize and speak U.S. English. These technologies provide benefits for all users and present the possibility of a new paradigm for human-computer interaction.

Speech recognition is the ability for the computer to recognize and respond to a person’s speech. Using speech recognition, users can accomplish tasks comprising multiple steps—for example, “Schedule a meeting next Friday at 3 p.m. with John, Paul, and George” or “Create a 3-by-3 table”—with one spoken command. Mac OS X users can control the computer by voice rather than be limited to the mouse or keyboard; consequently, speech-recognition technology is very important for both people with special needs and general users. Developers can take advantage of the speech engine and API included with Mac OS X, as well as the built-in user interface.

Speech synthesis also called text-to-speech (TTS), converts text into audible speech. It provides a way to deliver information to users without forcing them to shift attention from their current task. For example, the computer could, in the background, deliver such messages as “Your download is complete; one of the files has been corrupted” and “You have email from your boss; would you like to read it now?” TTS is also crucial for users with vision or attention disabilities. As with speech recognition, Mac OS X TTS provides both an API and several user interface features.

For information about implementing speech synthesis and recognition, see the documents in Guides > User Experience > Speech Technologies.


Spotlight is a powerful Mac OS X search technology available to both users and application developers. Built on top of Search Kit and integrated with the file system, Spotlight makes searching for files on the computer as easy as searching the web. With Spotlight, users can search for things using attributes that have meaning for them, such as the intended audience for a document, the orientation of an image, or the key signature of the music in an audio file. Information like this (called metadata) is embedded in a file by the application that created it. Spotlight’s power comes from being able to extract, store, update, and organize the metadata of files to allow fast, comprehensive searches.

Spotlight is always available to users to help them find their files on the computer. Even better, the search technologies that power Spotlight are available to developers to help them find files to display, plug-ins to load, and data to use in their applications. For example, a developer can define complex queries to find only the types of files an application needs to work with or provide Spotlight functionality from within an application. The rest of this section introduces the user’s view of Spotlight and describes some of the ways an application can take advantage of its features.

Users can easily initiate a Spotlight search using the Spotlight icon at the far right end of the menu bar. Figure 6-9 shows the Spotlight icon and search field displayed when a user clicks the icon.

Figure 6-9  The Spotlight icon and search field

The Spotlight icon and search field

In addition, a user can select a word or phrase in a text document and Control-click to reveal a contextual menu that allows a Spotlight search for the selected text. Figure 6-10 shows this contextual menu.

Figure 6-10  Spotlight search in a contextual menu

Spotlight search in a contextual menu

Whichever way a search is initiated, Spotlight quickly displays the results, conveniently sorted into categories the user can adjust in Spotlight Preferences. Figure 6-11 shows the standard Spotlight results window.

Figure 6-11  A Spotlight results window

A Spotlight results window

Spotlight uses Quick Look technology to display thumbnails and full-size previews of the documents returned in a search. If your application produces documents in common content types, such as HTML, RTF, plain text, TIFF, PNG, JPEG, PDF, and QuickTime movies, Spotlight can display the thumbnails and previews automatically. If your application creates documents in an uncommon or custom content type, you can include a Quick Look generator to convert your native document format into a format Spotlight can display. See Quick Look Programming Guide to learn how to do this.

To applications, Spotlight provides almost limitless ability to find files and to give advanced file-search capabilities to users within the context of the application. For example, an application might choose to replicate the Spotlight contextual-menu item (shown in Figure 6-10) with a button that initiates a Spotlight search for the user’s selected text. The application could then display its own window that contains all the search results or a filtered subset of them.

An application might also choose to give users access to Spotlight searches in a rounded search field (for more information on this control, see “Search Fields”). A user often needs to work on a file that was saved in an atypical place or given an unexpected or forgotten name. If an application offers only a Finder-based Open dialog, it might force the user to waste a lot of time navigating the file system, trying to remember what the file was named and where it was saved. Instead, an application can provide a Spotlight-powered search that allows the user to search the entire file system, using meaningful attributes other than the filename.

Applications can also use Spotlight functionality behind the scenes to find needed files or plug-ins. For example, an application that provides a back-up service might allow the user to choose a broad category of file type to back up, such as images. Instead of asking users to identify all the folders that contain their images or just backing up a Pictures folder, the application could perform a Spotlight search to find every image file in the file system, regardless of its location.

It’s important to emphasize that Spotlight is tuned to search for files; it’s not intended to do extensive text-based searching within a document. If you need to do fine-grained textual searching, you should use Search Kit technologies instead. An application that stores data in database records, for example, should not base its database search on Spotlight because the data are not stored in separate files. For more information on using Search Kit in your application, see Search Kit Programming Guide.

Spotlight offers unparalleled search functionality to both users and developers. Along with these opportunities, however, comes an important developer responsibility. If your application uses a custom file format, you must supply a plug-in (called a Spotlight importer) that describes the types of metadata your file format contains. This ensures that a user will be able to search for the files your application creates using the attributes described by the metadata your files contain. For comprehensive information on how to do this, see Spotlight Importer Programming Guide.

User Assistance

Mac OS X supports two user help components: Apple Help and help tags. Help tags allow you to provide temporary context-sensitive help whereas Apple Help allows you to provide a more thorough discussion of a topic or procedure.

Use these mechanisms to provide user help in your application instead of using help mechanisms that are specific to your application. When users refer to help, it is usually because they are having difficulty accomplishing a task and therefore might be frustrated. This is not a good time to make them learn yet another task, such as figuring out a help viewing mechanism that differs from the one they use in all the other applications on their computer.

Apple Help

With Apple Help, you can display HTML files in Help Viewer, a browser-like application designed for displaying and searching help documents. Help Viewer can also display documents containing QuickTime content, open AppleScript-based automations, retrieve updated help content from the Internet, and provide context-sensitive assistance.

Users can access Apple Help by launching the Help Viewer application but they will more commonly access it from your application, in one of three ways:

See Apple Help Programming Guide for more information on writing Apple Help content and providing it with your application.

Help Tags

Help tags enable your application to provide basic help information for its interface elements without forcing the user to leave the primary interface.

Help tags are short messages that appear when the user leaves the mouse pointer hovering over an interface element for a few seconds (see Figure 6-12 for an example of a help tag). When the pointer leaves the object, the tag vanishes. If the mouse pointer is not moved, the operating system hides the help tag after about 10 seconds.

Figure 6-12  A help tag

A help tag

The text of a help tag should briefly describe what an interface element does. If you find that you need more than a few words to describe the function of a control, you might want to reconsider the design of your application’s user interface.

Define help tags in Interface Builder, where they are called tooltips. Here are some guidelines to help you create effective help tag messages.

Last updated: 2009-08-20

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