Claris Home Page 3 Assistants

Maria Langer, for NetProfessional

Home Page

Claris Home Page Assistants

Meet the Assistants

Preparing for Assistance

Using an Assistant

Finishing Up

About the Code


About the Author

Finishing Up

After reading the read_me.htm file Home Page displays, you're ready to finish up the site. Begin by clicking the Consolidate button in the Site Editor window. This copies all the template images into the desired location in the site folder&emdash;skipping this step may generate a lot of missing image icons when you copy the site to your Web server.

Figure 5. The Site Editor window.

Now double-click the index.htm file that Home Page created. You'll find a main page for the site with the features you specified, including page titles, formatting and navigational links to other pages in the site. Replace the sample text with your text. Add or replace images, if desired. Do the same for the rest of the pages on the site. Save all of your changes.

Here are two pages from the example I whipped up to publish this article using the Report Assistant. The "Home Page" required no modification at all. As for the first page of the "report," all I did was swap out the sample text on the right side of the page with text copied and pasted from this article. (You can find all the finished pages at

Figure 6. The Home Page created by the Report Assistant.

Figure 7. The first page of the report created by the Report Assistant, after some editing.

The one change you don't want to make is to file names. If you change any of the file names, all the links that Claris Home Page created for you will cease to work. You'll have to use the Link editor to fix them all. Although most of us don't name files the same way Home Page does, changing file names when the assistant is finished takes a lot more effort than it's worth.

When you're happy with the finished pages, copy them to your Web server. If your Web server is accessible over a network connection, you can just drag the Web site folder into the Web serving folder. If your Web server is accessible by FTP, you can use Claris Home Page's built-in FTP capabilities to upload the pages and their images for you.

©1998 NetProfesional
Date last modified: 5/12/98