Claris Home Page 3 Assistants

Maria Langer, for NetProfessional

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Claris Home Page Assistants

Meet the Assistants

Preparing for Assistance

Using an Assistant

Finishing Up

About the Code


About the Author

Claris Home Page Assistants

Anyone can use a WYSIWYG Web authoring tool like Claris Home Page, Adobe PageMill, and Microsoft Front Page to create Web pages and sites. But can they use graphic images consistently and tastefully? Can they build effective navigation bars? Can they create framesets that work properly? And can they build a custom FileMaker Pro Web publishing solution in less than 15 minutes?

With Claris Home Page 3's new assistant feature, anyone can. This feature displays dialog boxes that prompt you for information about the Web page or site that you want to create. It uses that information to construct the most difficult components of Web pages. When it's finished and the silicon dust settles, all you need to do is enter content in the Web pages it creates, save your changes, and put the finished pages on your Web server.

In this article, I introduce the assistants available in Claris Home Page and show you how they can speed up and simplify the Web publishing process.

©1998 NetProfesional
Date last modified: 5/12/98