A   P   D   L
About APDL
About Shareware
Hints & Tips
Clip Art
RISC World

Contact details

For any general enquiries about APDL or iSV Products you
can phone on 020 8778 2659 or email info@apdl.co.uk

For enquiries about subscriptions for RISC World email
subscriptions@riscworld.co.uk or phone 020 8778 2659
or see the RISC World page on this site.

Trade sales

Most of our products can be supplied at a discount to dealers. Please contact APDL for more information and prices. We may be able to supply direct to your customer to avoid double-shipping and to save you having to keep items in stock.

    Ordering information

You can order from APDL -
  • By phone on 020 8778 2659
  • By fax on 020 8488 0487
  • Email to sales@apdl.co.uk
  • By post to-
            39 Knighton Park Road
            SE26 5RN

Payment can be by Credit, Debit or Switch card (not American express) or by
Sterling cheque or Postal Order. Please make cheques payable to APDL.
Note that Eurocheques are no longer accepted in the UK.

Free UK delivery for most software.

UK post is included in price for small items unless stated otherwise.
Internal hard drives add £6.00 external £8.00 UK carriage.

Outside UK

For most small items like CDs please add £1 per item.

Postage outside the UK will be greater for hardware or software items with heavy printed manuals. Where this is the case the overseas carriage is shown with the price for that item and by the key letter in the price lists. This is the maximum you will pay. When ordering more than one item the total carriage cost may be less than the sum of the carriage for individual items. If you pay by credit/debit card we will calculate postage at the time of despatch and charge you at cost.

   Terms and Conditions

Most of our business is done on a 'payment with order' basis. If, for any reason, the goods are not available for immediate dispatch then credit cards, cheques, etc. will not be debited until the goods are sent. Where goods are to be paid for by invoice they remain the property of APDL until paid for in full.

Most of our customers are private individuals so to keep down administrative costs we do not always supply a formal receipt for small orders. If you require a receipt then, to avoid delays, please specify at the time of ordering.

Important - Almost all of our software is intended to be run on the RISC OS operating system. We do not normally supply software to run on Windows, Apple or Linux machines, although some items, for example, photo CDs containing JPEG images, should be platform independent. We will not normally give a refund because the software won't work on a platform for which it is not intended.

If you want to run our software on a Windows machine the best way to do this is by using a Virtual Acorn emulator. We do support our software run using the Virtual Acorn emulators (where appropriate).

Returning goods.

Note that goods are not supplied 'on approval'. If any item, whether hardware or software, does not appear to work on your system then do not return it until you have contacted us. If you do return it without contacting us first, and, when we receive it, it is found not to be faulty, then we have no way of finding out what may have caused the problem on your system. In this case we reserve the right to charge carriage for sending the item back to you so that we can find out exactly what is wrong. In our experience most 'faulty goods' turn out to be caused by the customer misreading the instructions or some other simple problem which can be put right in a few seconds with a phone call.

The Distance Selling Regulations.

These recommend that where goods are sold by mail order then, provided that the item is returned unused and in original packaging within seven days of purchase, a refund should be given. These regulations were intended for the more common type of goods purchased by mail order, eg. clothes, jewellery, household items, etc. where appearance and 'look and feel' are important. The intention is that the purchaser should have a similar opportunity to examine the goods before buying that they would in a retail shop and which is obviously not possible with mail order. They were not intended for computer components or software and, in fact, software is specifically excluded from these regulations.

If you purchase software from APDL then we will not give a refund if you have opened the packaging. This does not, of course, apply if it is faulty in any way or has been misrepresented. If you require a program to perform a specific function and want to be sure that it will do so then ask for clarification before you purchase. If we are unable to confirm that it will do what you want then we may allow you purchase with the assurance that, if it does not, we will offer a refund.

We will not normally give a full refund on hardware items unless they are faulty. With some items, such as RiscPC RAM, there is always the possibility that non faulty items may not work on a specific system, and in such cases, because it is never possible to offer a 100% guarantee that they will work, we will usually offer a refund, less carriage, if you have problems. If you feel this might be the case always contact us before you return the goods.

Nothing in the above shall in any way restrict or reduce any of your Statutory Rights, especially those granted under the Sale of Goods Act. In the event of any dispute will we always use our best endeavours to agree upon a mutually satisfactory solution. English law shall apply in all cases where a dispute arises.

This web site © APDL 2003. Artwork produced using DrawWorks Select