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Virtual Acorn

Virtual Acorn is the company created to produce the commercial (and much faster) version of the Red Squirrel emulator. The Virtual Acorn emulators come in two versions, both of which emulate a RiscPC, but with the ability to support much higher resolution video. VRPC-SE is supplied with RISC OS 4.02, and VRPC-ADJ with the later version of the OS, RISC OS Adjust. Both are 'ready to run' complete with the appropriate licensed version of RISC OS and a hard disc image with many useful applications.

Although the emulators will work with Windows 95 or 98 this is not recommended. You need Windows 2000 or XP and an internal floppy drive to use Acorn format (800K or 1.6Mb) floppy discs. If you have Windows 95 or 98 or a laptop with an external (normally USB) floppy drive you will be able to use DOS format floppy disc but not Acorn format. Normally there are no problems with Acorn format CDs, although this does depend upon the actual make and model of CD drive fitted.

See the Virtual Acorn web site where you can find full details.

The earlier version of Virtual Acorn, Virtual A5000, has now been discontinued. We did have limited stocks of these but they have now all been sold.

Our RISC 2 PC CD contains a copy of the Red Squirrel emulator, but although this is the software that the Virtual Acorn emulators are based upon it does not include any hard disc image or software or operating system ROM images and runs at less than one fifth the speed of the commercial programs.

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