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Text (12)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
anleit.cnt Text File 26 1KB 1993-08-15
boxentyp.cnt Text File 230 14KB 1993-08-15
chassis.cnt Text File 140 7KB 1993-08-15
ds_scan.rep Text File 66 2KB 1993-09-01
haupt.cnt Text File 414 26KB 1993-08-15
hilfe.cnt Text File 500 24KB 1993-08-15
hptunter.cnt Text File 369 18KB 1993-08-15
katalogb.cnt Text File 11 2KB 1993-08-15
katalogh.cnt Text File 21 4KB 1993-08-15
katalogm.cnt Text File 21 4KB 1993-08-15
katalogt.cnt Text File 51 10KB 1993-08-15
liesmich.txt Text File 112 6KB 1993-08-15

Other Files (2)
boxen.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 167KB 1993-08-15
chklist.ms Unknown 27b 1994-12-29