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Internet Message Format  |  1994-10-20  |  44KB

  1. Path: bloom-beacon.mit.edu!hookup!swrinde!news.dell.com!tadpole.com!uunet!not-for-mail
  2. From: tale@uunet.uu.net (David C Lawrence)
  3. Newsgroups: news.lists,news.groups,news.announce.newgroups,news.answers
  4. Subject: List of Active Newsgroups, Part II
  5. Supersedes: <active2_770605912@uunet.uu.net>
  6. Followup-To: news.groups
  7. Date: 1 Aug 1994 19:41:32 -0400
  8. Organization: UUNET Technologies Inc, Falls Church, VA, USA
  9. Lines: 638
  10. Approved: tale@uunet.uu.net
  11. Expires: 1 Oct 94 11:41:30 GMT
  12. Message-ID: <active2_775784490@uunet.uu.net>
  13. References: <active_775784480@uunet.uu.net>
  14. NNTP-Posting-Host: rodan.uu.net
  15. Summary: This is the second of two postings.  This contains rec,
  16.     sci, soc and talk newsgroups.
  17. Xref: bloom-beacon.mit.edu news.lists:1279 news.groups:54092 news.announce.newgroups:2693 news.answers:23421
  19. Archive-name: active-newsgroups/part2
  22. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  23. Newsgroup               Description
  24. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  25. beginrec
  26. rec.answers             Repository for periodic USENET articles. (Moderated)
  27. rec.antiques            Discussing antiques and vintage items.
  28. rec.aquaria             Keeping fish and aquaria as a hobby.
  29. rec.arts.animation      Discussion of various kinds of animation.
  30. rec.arts.anime          Japanese animation fen discussion.
  31. rec.arts.anime.info             Announcements about Japanese animation. (Moderated)
  32. rec.arts.anime.marketplace      Things for sale in the Japanese animation world.
  33. rec.arts.anime.stories          All about Japanese comic fanzines. (Moderated)
  34. rec.arts.ascii          ASCII art, info on archives, art, & artists. (Moderated)
  35. rec.arts.bodyart        Tattoos and body decoration discussions.
  36. rec.arts.bonsai         Dwarfish trees and shrubbery.
  37. rec.arts.books          Books of all genres, and the publishing industry.
  38. rec.arts.books.marketplace      Buying and selling of books.
  39. rec.arts.books.tolkien  The works of J.R.R. Tolkien.
  40. rec.arts.cinema         Discussion of the art of cinema. (Moderated)
  41. rec.arts.comics.creative        Encouraging good superhero-style writing.
  42. rec.arts.comics.info    Reviews, convention information and other comics news. (Moderated)
  43. rec.arts.comics.marketplace     The exchange of comics and comic related items.
  44. rec.arts.comics.misc    Comic books, graphic novels, sequential art.
  45. rec.arts.comics.strips  Discussion of short-form comics.
  46. rec.arts.comics.xbooks  The Mutant Universe of Marvel Comics.
  47. rec.arts.dance          Any aspects of dance not covered in another newsgroup.
  48. rec.arts.disney         Discussion of any Disney-related subjects.
  49. rec.arts.drwho          Discussion about Dr. Who.
  50. rec.arts.erotica        Erotic fiction and verse. (Moderated)
  51. rec.arts.fine           Fine arts & artists.
  52. rec.arts.int-fiction    Discussions about interactive fiction.
  53. rec.arts.manga                  All aspects of the Japanese storytelling art form.
  54. rec.arts.marching.drumcorps     Drum and bugle corps.
  55. rec.arts.marching.misc          Marching-related performance activities.
  56. rec.arts.misc           Discussions about the arts not in other groups.
  57. rec.arts.movies         Discussions of movies and movie making.
  58. rec.arts.movies.production      Filmmaking, amateur and professional.
  59. rec.arts.movies.reviews Reviews of movies. (Moderated)
  60. rec.arts.poems          For the posting of poems.
  61. rec.arts.prose          Short works of prose fiction and followup discussion.
  62. rec.arts.sf.announce    Major announcements of the SF world. (Moderated)
  63. rec.arts.sf.fandom      Discussions of SF fan activities.
  64. rec.arts.sf.marketplace Personal forsale notices of SF materials.
  65. rec.arts.sf.misc        Science fiction lovers' newsgroup.
  66. rec.arts.sf.movies      Discussing SF motion pictures.
  67. rec.arts.sf.reviews     Reviews of science fiction/fantasy/horror works. (Moderated)
  68. rec.arts.sf.science     Real and speculative aspects of SF science.
  69. rec.arts.sf.starwars    Discussion of the Star Wars universe.
  70. rec.arts.sf.tv          Discussing general television SF.
  71. rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5 Babylon 5 creators meet Babylon 5 fans.
  72. rec.arts.sf.tv.quantum-leap     Quantum Leap TV, comics, cons, etc.
  73. rec.arts.sf.written     Discussion of written science fiction and fantasy.
  74. rec.arts.sf.written.robert-jordan       Books by author Robert Jordan.
  75. rec.arts.startrek.current       New Star Trek shows, movies and books.
  76. rec.arts.startrek.fandom        Star Trek conventions and memorabilia.
  77. rec.arts.startrek.info  Information about the universe of Star Trek. (Moderated)
  78. rec.arts.startrek.misc          General discussions of Star Trek.
  79. rec.arts.startrek.reviews       Reviews of Star Trek books, episodes, films, &c. (Moderated)
  80. rec.arts.startrek.tech          Star Trek's depiction of future technologies.
  81. rec.arts.theatre        Discussion of all aspects of stage work & theatre.
  82. rec.arts.theatre.misc   Miscellaneous topics and issues in theatre.
  83. rec.arts.theatre.musicals       Musical theatre around the world.
  84. rec.arts.theatre.plays  Dramaturgy and discussion of plays.
  85. rec.arts.theatre.stagecraft     Issues in stagecraft and production.
  86. rec.arts.tv             The boob tube, its history, and past and current shows.
  87. rec.arts.tv.mst3k       For fans of Mystery Science Theater 3000.
  88. rec.arts.tv.soaps       Postings about soap operas.
  89. rec.arts.tv.uk          Discussions of telly shows from the UK.
  90. rec.arts.wobegon        "A Prairie Home Companion" radio show discussion.
  91. rec.audio               High fidelity audio.
  92. rec.audio.car           Discussions of automobile audio systems.
  93. rec.audio.high-end      High-end audio systems. (Moderated)
  94. rec.audio.marketplace   Buying and selling of home audio equipment.
  95. rec.audio.misc          Post about audio here if you can't post anywhere else.
  96. rec.audio.opinion       Everybody's two bits on audio in your home.
  97. rec.audio.pro           Professional audio recording and studio engineering.
  98. rec.audio.tech          Theoretical, factual, and DIY topics in home audio.
  99. rec.autos.antique       Discussing all aspects of automobiles over 25 years old.
  100. rec.autos.driving       Driving automobiles.
  101. rec.autos.marketplace   Buy/Sell/Trade automobiles, parts, tools, accessories.
  102. rec.autos.misc          Miscellaneous discussion about automobiles.
  103. rec.autos.rod-n-custom  High performance automobiles.
  104. rec.autos.simulators    Discussion of automotive simulators.
  105. rec.autos.sport         Discussion of organized, legal auto competitions.
  106. rec.autos.sport.info    Auto racing news, results, announcements. (Moderated)
  107. rec.autos.sport.nascar  NASCAR and other professional stock car racing.
  108. rec.autos.sport.tech    Technical aspects & technology of auto racing.
  109. rec.autos.tech          Technical aspects of automobiles, et. al.
  110. rec.autos.vw            Issues pertaining to Volkswagen products.
  111. rec.aviation.announce   Events of interest to the aviation community. (Moderated)
  112. rec.aviation.answers    Frequently asked questions about aviation. (Moderated)
  113. rec.aviation.homebuilt  Selecting, designing, building, and restoring aircraft.
  114. rec.aviation.ifr        Flying under Instrument Flight Rules.
  115. rec.aviation.military   Military aircraft of the past, present and future.
  116. rec.aviation.misc       Miscellaneous topics in aviation.
  117. rec.aviation.owning     Information on owning airplanes.
  118. rec.aviation.piloting   General discussion for aviators.
  119. rec.aviation.products   Reviews and discussion of products useful to pilots.
  120. rec.aviation.questions  Aviation questions and answers. (Moderated)
  121. rec.aviation.simulators Flight simulation on all levels.
  122. rec.aviation.soaring    All aspects of sailplanes and hang-gliders.
  123. rec.aviation.stories    Anecdotes of flight experiences. (Moderated)
  124. rec.aviation.student    Learning to fly.
  125. rec.backcountry         Activities in the Great Outdoors.
  126. rec.bicycles.marketplace        Buying, selling & reviewing items for cycling.
  127. rec.bicycles.misc       General discussion of bicycling.
  128. rec.bicycles.racing     Bicycle racing techniques, rules and results.
  129. rec.bicycles.rides      Discussions of tours and training or commuting routes.
  130. rec.bicycles.soc        Societal issues of bicycling.
  131. rec.bicycles.tech       Cycling product design, construction, maintenance, etc.
  132. rec.birds               Hobbyists interested in bird watching.
  133. rec.boats               Hobbyists interested in boating.
  134. rec.boats.paddle        Talk about any boats with oars, paddles, etc.
  135. rec.climbing            Climbing techniques, competition announcements, etc.
  136. rec.collecting          Discussion among collectors of many things.
  137. rec.collecting.cards    Collecting all sorts of sport and non-sport cards.
  138. rec.collecting.stamps   Discussion of all things related to philately.
  139. rec.crafts.brewing      The art of making beers and meads.
  140. rec.crafts.jewelry      All aspects of jewelry making and lapidary work.
  141. rec.crafts.metalworking All aspects of working with metal.
  142. rec.crafts.misc         Handiwork arts not covered elsewhere.
  143. rec.crafts.quilting     All about quilts and other quilted items.
  144. rec.crafts.textiles     Sewing, weaving, knitting and other fiber arts.
  145. rec.crafts.winemaking   The tasteful art of making wine.
  146. rec.equestrian          Discussion of things equestrian.
  147. rec.folk-dancing        Folk dances, dancers, and dancing.
  148. rec.food.cooking        Food, cooking, cookbooks, and recipes.
  149. rec.food.drink          Wines and spirits.
  150. rec.food.drink.beer     All things beer.
  151. rec.food.drink.coffee   The making and drinking of coffee.
  152. rec.food.historic       The history of food making arts.
  153. rec.food.recipes        Recipes for interesting food and drink. (Moderated)
  154. rec.food.restaurants    Discussion of dining out.
  155. rec.food.sourdough      Making and baking with sourdough.
  156. rec.food.veg            Vegetarians.
  157. rec.food.veg.cooking    Vegetarian recipes, cooking, nutrition. (Moderated)
  158. rec.gambling            Articles on games of chance & betting.
  159. rec.games.abstract      Perfect information, pure strategy games.
  160. rec.games.backgammon    Discussion of the game of backgammon.
  161. rec.games.board         Discussion and hints on board games.
  162. rec.games.board.ce      The Cosmic Encounter board game.
  163. rec.games.board.marketplace     Trading and selling of board games.
  164. rec.games.bolo          The networked strategy war game Bolo.
  165. rec.games.bridge        Hobbyists interested in bridge.
  166. rec.games.chess         Chess & computer chess.
  167. rec.games.chinese-chess Discussion of the game of Chinese chess, Xiangqi.
  168. rec.games.corewar       The Core War computer challenge.
  169. rec.games.deckmaster    The Deckmaster line of games.
  170. rec.games.deckmaster.marketplace        Trading of deckmaster paraphernalia.
  171. rec.games.design        Discussion of game design related issues.
  172. rec.games.diplomacy     The conquest game Diplomacy.
  173. rec.games.empire        Discussion and hints about Empire.
  174. rec.games.frp.advocacy  Flames and rebuttals about various role-playing systems.
  175. rec.games.frp.announce  Announcements of happenings in the role-playing world. (Moderated)
  176. rec.games.frp.archives  Archivable fantasy stories and other projects. (Moderated)
  177. rec.games.frp.cyber     Discussions of cyberpunk related roleplaying games.
  178. rec.games.frp.dnd       Fantasy role-playing with TSR's Dungeons and Dragons.
  179. rec.games.frp.live-action       Live-action roleplaying games.
  180. rec.games.frp.marketplace       Role-playing game materials wanted and for sale.
  181. rec.games.frp.misc      General discussions of role-playing games.
  182. rec.games.go            Discussion about Go.
  183. rec.games.hack          Discussion, hints, etc. about the Hack game.
  184. rec.games.int-fiction   All aspects of interactive fiction games.
  185. rec.games.mecha         Giant robot games.
  186. rec.games.miniatures    Tabletop wargaming.
  187. rec.games.misc          Games and computer games.
  188. rec.games.moria         Comments, hints, and info about the Moria game.
  189. rec.games.mud.admin     Administrative issues of multiuser dungeons.
  190. rec.games.mud.announce  Informational articles about multiuser dungeons. (Moderated)
  191. rec.games.mud.diku      All about DikuMuds.
  192. rec.games.mud.lp        Discussions of the LPMUD computer role playing game.
  193. rec.games.mud.misc      Various aspects of multiuser computer games.
  194. rec.games.mud.tiny      Discussion about Tiny muds, like MUSH, MUSE and MOO.
  195. rec.games.netrek        Discussion of the X window system game Netrek (XtrekII).
  196. rec.games.pbm           Discussion about Play by Mail games.
  197. rec.games.pinball       Discussing pinball-related issues.
  198. rec.games.programmer    Discussion of adventure game programming.
  199. rec.games.rogue         Discussion and hints about Rogue.
  200. rec.games.roguelike.angband     The computer game Angband.
  201. rec.games.roguelike.announce    Major info about rogue-styled games. (Moderated)
  202. rec.games.roguelike.misc        Rogue-style dungeon games without other groups.
  203. rec.games.roguelike.moria       The computer game Moria.
  204. rec.games.roguelike.nethack     The computer game Nethack.
  205. rec.games.roguelike.rogue       The computer game Rogue.
  206. rec.games.trivia        Discussion about trivia.
  207. rec.games.video.3do     Discussion of 3DO video game systems.
  208. rec.games.video.advocacy        Debate on merits of various video game systems.
  209. rec.games.video.arcade  Discussions about coin-operated video games.
  210. rec.games.video.arcade.collecting       Collecting, converting, repairing etc.
  211. rec.games.video.atari   Discussion of Atari's video game systems.
  212. rec.games.video.cd32    Gaming talk, info and help for the Amiga CD32.
  213. rec.games.video.classic         Older home video entertainment systems.
  214. rec.games.video.marketplace     Home video game stuff for sale or trade.
  215. rec.games.video.misc            General discussion about home video games.
  216. rec.games.video.nintendo        All Nintendo video game systems and software.
  217. rec.games.video.sega            All Sega video game systems and software.
  218. rec.games.xtank.play    Strategy and tactics for the distributed game Xtank.
  219. rec.games.xtank.programmer      Coding the Xtank game and its robots.
  220. rec.gardens             Gardening, methods and results.
  221. rec.gardens.orchids     Growing, hybridizing, and general care of orchids.
  222. rec.gardens.roses       Gardening information related to roses.
  223. rec.guns                Discussions about firearms. (Moderated)
  224. rec.heraldry            Discussion of coats of arms.
  225. rec.humor               Jokes and the like.  May be somewhat offensive.
  226. rec.humor.d             Discussions on the content of rec.humor articles.
  227. rec.humor.funny         Jokes that are funny (in the moderator's opinion). (Moderated)
  228. rec.humor.oracle        Sagacious advice from the USENET Oracle. (Moderated)
  229. rec.humor.oracle.d      Comments about the USENET Oracle's comments.
  230. rec.hunting             Discussions about hunting. (Moderated)
  231. rec.juggling            Juggling techniques, equipment and events.
  232. rec.kites               Talk about kites and kiting.
  233. rec.mag                 Magazine summaries, tables of contents, etc.
  234. rec.martial-arts        Discussion of the various martial art forms.
  235. rec.misc                General topics about recreational/participant sports.
  236. rec.models.railroad     Model railroads of all scales.
  237. rec.models.rc           Radio-controlled models for hobbyists.
  238. rec.models.rockets      Model rockets for hobbyists.
  239. rec.models.scale        Construction of models.
  240. rec.motorcycles         Motorcycles and related products and laws.
  241. rec.motorcycles.dirt    Riding motorcycles and ATVs off-road.
  242. rec.motorcycles.harley  All aspects of Harley-Davidson motorcycles.
  243. rec.motorcycles.racing  Discussion of all aspects of racing motorcycles.
  244. rec.music.a-cappella    Vocal music without instrumental accompaniment.
  245. rec.music.afro-latin    Music with Afro-Latin, African and Latin influences.
  246. rec.music.beatles       Postings about the Fab Four & their music.
  247. rec.music.bluenote      Discussion of jazz, blues, and related types of music.
  248. rec.music.cd            CDs -- availability and other discussions.
  249. rec.music.celtic        Traditional and modern music with a Celtic flavor.
  250. rec.music.christian     Christian music, both contemporary and traditional.
  251. rec.music.classical     Discussion about classical music.
  252. rec.music.classical.guitar      Classical music performed on guitar.
  253. rec.music.classical.performing  Performing classical (including early) music.
  254. rec.music.compose       Creating musical and lyrical works.
  255. rec.music.country.western       C&W music, performers, performances, etc.
  256. rec.music.dementia      Discussion of comedy and novelty music.
  257. rec.music.dylan         Discussion of Bob's works & music.
  258. rec.music.early         Discussion of pre-classical European music.
  259. rec.music.folk          Folks discussing folk music of various sorts.
  260. rec.music.funky         Funk, rap, hip-hop, house, soul, r&b and related.
  261. rec.music.gaffa         Discussion of Kate Bush & other alternative music. (Moderated)
  262. rec.music.gdead         A group for (Grateful) Dead-heads.
  263. rec.music.indian.classical      Hindustani and Carnatic Indian classical music.
  264. rec.music.indian.misc           Discussing Indian music in general.
  265. rec.music.industrial    Discussion of all industrial-related music styles.
  266. rec.music.info          News and announcements on musical topics. (Moderated)
  267. rec.music.makers        For performers and their discussions.
  268. rec.music.makers.bass   Upright bass and bass guitar techniques and equipment.
  269. rec.music.makers.builders       Design, building, repair of musical instruments.
  270. rec.music.makers.guitar Electric and acoustic guitar techniques and equipment.
  271. rec.music.makers.guitar.acoustic        Discussion of acoustic guitar playing.
  272. rec.music.makers.guitar.tablature       Guitar tablature/chords.
  273. rec.music.makers.marketplace    Buying & selling used music-making equipment.
  274. rec.music.makers.percussion     Drum & other percussion techniques & equipment.
  275. rec.music.makers.piano  Piano music, performing, composing, learning, styles.
  276. rec.music.makers.synth  Synthesizers and computer music.
  277. rec.music.marketplace   Records, tapes, and CDs: wanted, for sale, etc.
  278. rec.music.misc          Music lovers' group.
  279. rec.music.movies        Music for movies and television.
  280. rec.music.newage        "New Age" music discussions.
  281. rec.music.phish         Discussing the musical group Phish.
  282. rec.music.reggae        Roots, Rockers, Dancehall Reggae.
  283. rec.music.rem           The musical group R.E.M.
  284. rec.music.reviews       Reviews of music of all genres and mediums. (Moderated)
  285. rec.music.video         Discussion of music videos and music video software.
  286. rec.nude                Hobbyists interested in naturist/nudist activities.
  287. rec.org.mensa           Talking with members of the high IQ society Mensa.
  288. rec.org.sca             Society for Creative Anachronism.
  289. rec.outdoors.fishing    All aspects of sport and commercial fishing.
  290. rec.outdoors.fishing.fly        Fly fishing in general.
  291. rec.outdoors.fishing.saltwater          Saltwater fishing, methods, gear, Q&A.
  292. rec.parks.theme         Entertainment theme parks.
  293. rec.pets                Pets, pet care, and household animals in general.
  294. rec.pets.birds          The culture and care of indoor birds.
  295. rec.pets.cats           Discussion about domestic cats.
  296. rec.pets.dogs           Any and all subjects relating to dogs as pets.
  297. rec.pets.herp           Reptiles, amphibians and other exotic vivarium pets.
  298. rec.photo               Hobbyists interested in photography.
  299. rec.photo.advanced      Advanced topics (equipment and technique).
  300. rec.photo.darkroom      Developing, printing and other darkroom issues.
  301. rec.photo.help          Beginners questions about photography (and answers).
  302. rec.photo.marketplace   Trading of personal photographic equipment.
  303. rec.photo.misc          General issues related to photography.
  304. rec.puzzles             Puzzles, problems, and quizzes.
  305. rec.puzzles.crosswords  Making and playing gridded word puzzles.
  306. rec.pyrotechnics        Fireworks, rocketry, safety, & other topics.
  307. rec.radio.amateur.antenna       Antennas: theory, techniques and construction.
  308. rec.radio.amateur.digital.misc  Packet radio and other digital radio modes.
  309. rec.radio.amateur.equipment     All about production amateur radio hardware.
  310. rec.radio.amateur.homebrew      Amateur radio construction and experimentation.
  311. rec.radio.amateur.misc  Amateur radio practices, contests, events, rules, etc.
  312. rec.radio.amateur.policy        Radio use & regulation policy.
  313. rec.radio.amateur.space         Amateur radio transmissions through space.
  314. rec.radio.broadcasting  Discussion of global domestic broadcast radio. (Moderated)
  315. rec.radio.cb            Citizen-band radio.
  316. rec.radio.info          Informational postings related to radio. (Moderated)
  317. rec.radio.noncomm       Topics relating to noncommercial radio.
  318. rec.radio.scanner       "Utility" broadcasting traffic above 30 MHz.
  319. rec.radio.shortwave     Shortwave radio enthusiasts.
  320. rec.radio.swap          Offers to trade and swap radio equipment.
  321. rec.railroad            For fans of real trains, ferroequinologists.
  322. rec.roller-coaster      Roller coasters and other amusement park rides.
  323. rec.running             Running for enjoyment, sport, exercise, etc.
  324. rec.scouting            Scouting youth organizations worldwide.
  325. rec.scuba               Hobbyists interested in SCUBA diving.
  326. rec.skate               Ice skating and roller skating.
  327. rec.skiing.alpine       Downhill skiing technique, equipment, etc.
  328. rec.skiing.announce     FAQ, competition results, automated snow reports. (Moderated)
  329. rec.skiing.nordic       Cross-country skiing technique, equipment, etc.
  330. rec.skiing.snowboard    Snowboarding technique, equipment, etc.
  331. rec.skydiving           Hobbyists interested in skydiving.
  332. rec.sport.baseball      Discussion about baseball.
  333. rec.sport.baseball.analysis     Analysis & discussion of baseball. (Moderated)
  334. rec.sport.baseball.college      Baseball on the collegiate level.
  335. rec.sport.baseball.data         Raw baseball data (Stats, birthdays, scheds).
  336. rec.sport.baseball.fantasy      Rotisserie (fantasy) baseball play.
  337. rec.sport.basketball.college    Hoops on the collegiate level.
  338. rec.sport.basketball.misc       Discussion about basketball.
  339. rec.sport.basketball.pro        Talk of professional basketball.
  340. rec.sport.basketball.women      Women's basketball at all levels.
  341. rec.sport.boxing        Boxing in all its pugilistic facets and forms.
  342. rec.sport.cricket       Discussion about the sport of cricket.
  343. rec.sport.cricket.info  News, scores and info related to cricket. (Moderated)
  344. rec.sport.disc          Discussion of flying disc based sports.
  345. rec.sport.fencing       All aspects of swordplay.
  346. rec.sport.football.australian   Discussion of Australian (Rules) Football.
  347. rec.sport.football.canadian     All about Canadian rules football.
  348. rec.sport.football.college      US-style college football.
  349. rec.sport.football.fantasy      Rotisserie (fantasy) football play.
  350. rec.sport.football.misc Discussion about American-style football.
  351. rec.sport.football.pro  US-style professional football.
  352. rec.sport.golf          Discussion about all aspects of golfing.
  353. rec.sport.hockey        Discussion about ice hockey.
  354. rec.sport.hockey.field  Discussion of the sport of field hockey.
  355. rec.sport.misc          Spectator sports.
  356. rec.sport.olympics      All aspects of the Olympic Games.
  357. rec.sport.paintball     Discussing all aspects of the survival game paintball.
  358. rec.sport.pro-wrestling Discussion about professional wrestling.
  359. rec.sport.rowing        Crew for competition or fitness.
  360. rec.sport.rugby         Discussion about the game of rugby.
  361. rec.sport.soccer        Discussion about soccer (Association Football).
  362. rec.sport.swimming      Training for and competing in swimming events.
  363. rec.sport.table-tennis  Things related to table tennis (aka Ping Pong).
  364. rec.sport.tennis        Things related to the sport of tennis.
  365. rec.sport.triathlon     Discussing all aspects of multi-event sports.
  366. rec.sport.volleyball    Discussion about volleyball.
  367. rec.sport.water-polo    Discussion of water polo.
  368. rec.sport.waterski      Waterskiing and other boat-towed activities.
  369. rec.toys.lego           Discussion of Lego, Duplo (and compatible) toys.
  370. rec.toys.misc           Discussion of toys that lack a specific newsgroup.
  371. rec.travel              Traveling all over the world.
  372. rec.travel.air          Airline travel around the world.
  373. rec.travel.asia         Travel in Asia.
  374. rec.travel.cruises      Travel by cruise ship.
  375. rec.travel.europe       Travel in Europe.
  376. rec.travel.marketplace  Tickets and accomodations wanted and for sale.
  377. rec.travel.misc         Everything and anything about travel.
  378. rec.travel.usa-canada   Travel in the United States and Canada.
  379. rec.video               Video and video components.
  380. rec.video.cable-tv      Technical and regulatory issues of cable television.
  381. rec.video.desktop       Amateur, computer-based video editing and production.
  382. rec.video.production    Making professional quality video productions.
  383. rec.video.releases      Pre-recorded video releases on laserdisc and videotape.
  384. rec.video.satellite     Getting shows via satellite.
  385. rec.windsurfing         Riding the waves as a hobby.
  386. rec.woodworking         Hobbyists interested in woodworking.
  387. endrec
  389. beginsci
  390. sci.aeronautics         The science of aeronautics & related technology. (Moderated)
  391. sci.aeronautics.airliners       Airliner technology. (Moderated)
  392. sci.aeronautics.simulation      Aerospace simulation technology. (Moderated)
  393. sci.agriculture                 Farming, agriculture and related topics.
  394. sci.agriculture.beekeeping      Beekeeping, bee-culture and hive products.
  395. sci.answers                     Repository for periodic USENET articles. (Moderated)
  396. sci.anthropology          All aspects of studying humankind.
  397. sci.anthropology.paleo      Evolution of man and other primates.
  398. sci.aquaria             Only scientifically-oriented postings about aquaria.
  399. sci.archaeology         Studying antiquities of the world.
  400. sci.archaeology.mesoamerican     The field of mesoamerican archaeology.
  401. sci.astro                       Astronomy discussions and information.
  402. sci.astro.fits                  Issues related to the Flexible Image Transport System.
  403. sci.astro.hubble                Processing Hubble Space Telescope data. (Moderated)
  404. sci.astro.planetarium           Discussion of planetariums.
  405. sci.astro.research              Forum in astronomy/astrophysics research. (Moderated)
  406. sci.bio                         Biology and related sciences.
  407. sci.bio.ecology                 Ecological research.
  408. sci.bio.ethology                Animal behavior and behavioral ecology.
  409. sci.bio.evolution               Discussions of evolutionary biology. (Moderated)
  410. sci.bio.herp                    Biology of amphibians and reptiles.
  411. sci.chem                        Chemistry and related sciences.
  412. sci.chem.electrochem            The field of electrochemistry.
  413. sci.chem.labware                Chemical laboratory equipment.
  414. sci.chem.organomet              Organometallic chemistry.
  415. sci.classics                    Studying classical history, languages, art and more.
  416. sci.cognitive                   Perception, memory, judgement and reasoning.
  417. sci.comp-aided                  The use of computers as tools in scientific research.
  418. sci.cryonics                    Theory and practice of biostasis, suspended animation.
  419. sci.crypt                       Different methods of data en/decryption.
  420. sci.data.formats                Modelling, storage and retrieval of scientific data.
  421. sci.econ                        The science of economics.
  422. sci.econ.research               Research in all fields of economics. (Moderated)
  423. sci.edu                         The science of education.
  424. sci.electronics                 Circuits, theory, electrons and discussions.
  425. sci.electronics.cad             Schematic drafting, printed circuit layout, simulation.
  426. sci.electronics.repair          Fixing electronic equipment.
  427. sci.energy                      Discussions about energy, science & technology.
  428. sci.energy.hydrogen             All about hydrogen as an alternative fuel.
  429. sci.engr                        Technical discussions about engineering tasks.
  430. sci.engr.advanced-tv            HDTV/DATV standards, formats, equipment, practices.
  431. sci.engr.biomed                 Discussing the field of biomedical engineering.
  432. sci.engr.chem                   All aspects of chemical engineering.
  433. sci.engr.civil                  Topics related to civil engineering.
  434. sci.engr.control                The engineering of control systems.
  435. sci.engr.lighting               Light, vision & color in architecture, media, etc.
  436. sci.engr.manufacturing          Manufacturing technology.
  437. sci.engr.mech                   The field of mechanical engineering.
  438. sci.engr.semiconductors         Semiconductor devices, processes, materials, physics.
  439. sci.environment                 Discussions about the environment and ecology.
  440. sci.fractals                    Objects of non-integral dimension and other chaos.
  441. sci.geo.eos                     NASA's Earth Observation System (EOS).
  442. sci.geo.fluids                  Discussion of geophysical fluid dynamics.
  443. sci.geo.geology                 Discussion of solid earth sciences.
  444. sci.geo.hydrology               Surface and groundwater hydrology.
  445. sci.geo.meteorology             Discussion of meteorology and related topics.
  446. sci.geo.satellite-nav           Satellite navigation systems, especially GPS.
  447. sci.image.processing            Scientific image processing and analysis.
  448. sci.lang                        Natural languages, communication, etc.
  449. sci.lang.japan                  The Japanese language, both spoken and written.
  450. sci.life-extension              Slowing, stopping or reversing the ageing process.
  451. sci.logic                       Logic -- math, philosophy & computational aspects.
  452. sci.materials                   All aspects of materials engineering.
  453. sci.math                        Mathematical discussions and pursuits.
  454. sci.math.research               Discussion of current mathematical research. (Moderated)
  455. sci.math.symbolic               Symbolic algebra discussion.
  456. sci.mech.fluids                 All aspects of fluid mechanics.
  457. sci.med                         Medicine and its related products and regulations.
  458. sci.med.aids                    AIDS: treatment, pathology/biology of HIV, prevention. (Moderated)
  459. sci.med.dentistry               Dentally related topics; all about teeth.
  460. sci.med.nursing                 Nursing questions and discussion.
  461. sci.med.nutrition               Physiological impacts of diet.
  462. sci.med.occupational            Preventing, detecting & treating occupational injuries.
  463. sci.med.pharmacy                The teaching and practice of pharmacy.
  464. sci.med.physics                 Issues of physics in medical testing/care.
  465. sci.med.psychobiology           Dialog and news in psychiatry and psychobiology.
  466. sci.med.radiology               All aspects of radiology.
  467. sci.med.telemedicine            Hospital/physician networks. No diagnosis questions.
  468. sci.military                    Discussion about science & the military. (Moderated)
  469. sci.misc                        Short-lived discussions on subjects in the sciences.
  470. sci.nanotech                    Self-reproducing molecular-scale machines. (Moderated)
  471. sci.nonlinear                   Chaotic systems and other nonlinear scientific study.
  472. sci.op-research                 Research, teaching & application of operations research.
  473. sci.optics                      Discussion relating to the science of optics.
  474. sci.philosophy.tech             Technical philosophy: math, science, logic, etc.
  475. sci.physics                     Physical laws, properties, etc.
  476. sci.physics.accelerators        Particle accelerators and the physics of beams.
  477. sci.physics.computational.fluid-dynamics    Computaional fluid dynamics.
  478. sci.physics.electromag          Electromagnetic theory and applications.
  479. sci.physics.fusion              Info on fusion, esp. "cold" fusion.
  480. sci.physics.particle            Particle physics discussions.
  481. sci.physics.plasma              Plasma Science & Technology community exchange. (Moderated)
  482. sci.physics.research            Current physics research. (Moderated)
  483. sci.polymers                    All aspects of polymer science.
  484. sci.psychology                  Topics related to psychology.
  485. sci.psychology.digest           PSYCOLOQUY: Refereed Psychology Journal and Newsletter. (Moderated)
  486. sci.psychology.research         Research issues in psychology. (Moderated)
  487. sci.research                    Research methods, funding, ethics, and whatever.
  488. sci.research.careers            Issues relevant to careers in scientific research.
  489. sci.research.postdoc            Anything about postdoctoral studies, including offers.
  490. sci.skeptic                     Skeptics discussing pseudo-science.
  491. sci.space.news                  Announcements of space-related news items. (Moderated)
  492. sci.space.policy                Discussions about space policy.
  493. sci.space.science               Space and planetary science and related technical work. (Moderated)
  494. sci.space.shuttle               The space shuttle and the STS program.
  495. sci.space.tech                  Technical and general issues related to space flight. (Moderated)
  496. sci.stat.consult                Statistical consulting.
  497. sci.stat.edu                    Statistics education.
  498. sci.stat.math                   Statistics from a strictly mathematical viewpoint.
  499. sci.systems                     The theory and application of systems science.
  500. sci.techniques.mag-resonance    Magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy.
  501. sci.techniques.microscopy       The field of microscopy.
  502. sci.techniques.spectroscopy     Spectrum analysis.
  503. sci.techniques.xtallography     The field of crystallography.
  504. sci.virtual-worlds              Virtual Reality - technology and culture. (Moderated)
  505. sci.virtual-worlds.apps         Current and future uses of virtual-worlds technology. (Moderated)
  506. end.
  508. beginsoc
  509. soc.answers             Repository for periodic USENET articles. (Moderated)
  510. soc.bi                  Discussions of bisexuality.
  511. soc.college             College, college activities, campus life, etc.
  512. soc.college.grad        General issues related to graduate schools.
  513. soc.college.gradinfo    Information about graduate schools.
  514. soc.college.org.aiesec  The Int'l Assoc. of Business and Commerce Students.
  515. soc.college.teaching-asst       Issues affecting collegiate teaching assistants.
  516. soc.couples             Discussions for couples (cf. soc.singles).
  517. soc.couples.intercultural       Inter-cultural and inter-racial relationships.
  518. soc.culture.afghanistan Discussion of the Afghan society.
  519. soc.culture.african     Discussions about Africa & things African.
  520. soc.culture.african.american    Discussions about Afro-American issues.
  521. soc.culture.arabic      Technological & cultural issues, *not* politics.
  522. soc.culture.argentina   All about life in Argentina.
  523. soc.culture.asean       Countries of the Assoc. of SE Asian Nations.
  524. soc.culture.asian.american      Issues & discussion about Asian-Americans.
  525. soc.culture.australian  Australian culture and society.
  526. soc.culture.austria     Austria and its people.
  527. soc.culture.baltics     People of the Baltic states.
  528. soc.culture.bangladesh  Issues & discussion about Bangladesh.
  529. soc.culture.belgium     Belgian society, culture(s) and people.
  530. soc.culture.berber      The berber language, history, and culture.
  531. soc.culture.bosna-herzgvna      The independent state of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
  532. soc.culture.brazil      Talking about the people and country of Brazil.
  533. soc.culture.british     Issues about Britain & those of British descent.
  534. soc.culture.bulgaria    Discussing Bulgarian society.
  535. soc.culture.burma       Politics, culture, news, discussion about Burma.
  536. soc.culture.canada      Discussions of Canada and its people.
  537. soc.culture.caribbean   Life in the Caribbean.
  538. soc.culture.celtic      Irish, Scottish, Breton, Cornish, Manx & Welsh.
  539. soc.culture.chile       All about Chile and its people.
  540. soc.culture.china       About China and Chinese culture.
  541. soc.culture.colombia    Colombian talk, social, politics, science.
  542. soc.culture.croatia     The lives of people of Croatia.
  543. soc.culture.cuba        Cuban culture, society and politics.
  544. soc.culture.czecho-slovak       Bohemian, Slovak, Moravian and Silesian life.
  545. soc.culture.europe      Discussing all aspects of all-European society.
  546. soc.culture.filipino    Group about the Filipino culture.
  547. soc.culture.french      French culture, history, and related discussions.
  548. soc.culture.german      Discussions about German culture and history.
  549. soc.culture.greek       Group about Greeks.
  550. soc.culture.hongkong    Discussions pertaining to Hong Kong.
  551. soc.culture.hongkong.entertainment      Entertainment in Hong Kong.
  552. soc.culture.indian      Group for discussion about India & things Indian.
  553. soc.culture.indian.info Info group for soc.culture.indian, etc. (Moderated)
  554. soc.culture.indian.telugu       The culture of the Telugu people of India.
  555. soc.culture.indonesia   All about the Indonesian nation.
  556. soc.culture.iranian     Discussions about Iran and things Iranian/Persian.
  557. soc.culture.israel      Israel and Israelis.
  558. soc.culture.italian     The Italian people and their culture.
  559. soc.culture.japan       Everything Japanese, except the Japanese language.
  560. soc.culture.jewish      Jewish culture & religion. (cf. talk.politics.mideast)
  561. soc.culture.jewish.holocaust    The Shoah. (Moderated)
  562. soc.culture.korean      Discussions about Korea & things Korean.
  563. soc.culture.laos        Cultural and Social Aspects of Laos.
  564. soc.culture.latin-america       Topics about Latin-America.
  565. soc.culture.lebanon     Discussion about things Lebanese.
  566. soc.culture.maghreb     North African society and culture.
  567. soc.culture.magyar      The Hungarian people & their culture.
  568. soc.culture.malaysia    All about Malaysian society.
  569. soc.culture.mexican     Discussion of Mexico's society.
  570. soc.culture.mexican.american    Mexican-American/Chicano culture and issues.
  571. soc.culture.misc        Group for discussion about other cultures.
  572. soc.culture.mongolian   Everything related to Mongols and Mongolia.
  573. soc.culture.native      Aboriginal people around the world.
  574. soc.culture.nepal       Discussion of people and things in & from Nepal.
  575. soc.culture.netherlands People from the Netherlands and Belgium.
  576. soc.culture.new-zealand Discussion of topics related to New Zealand.
  577. soc.culture.nordic      Discussion about culture up north.
  578. soc.culture.pakistan    Topics of discussion about Pakistan.
  579. soc.culture.palestine   Palestinian people, culture and politics.
  580. soc.culture.peru        All about the people of Peru.
  581. soc.culture.polish      Polish culture, Polish past, and Polish politics.
  582. soc.culture.portuguese  Discussion of the people of Portugal.
  583. soc.culture.puerto-rico Puerto Rican culture, society and politics.
  584. soc.culture.romanian    Discussion of Romanian and Moldavian people.
  585. soc.culture.scientists  Cultural issues about scientists & scientific projects.
  586. soc.culture.singapore   The past, present and future of Singapore.
  587. soc.culture.slovenia    Slovenia and Slovenian people.
  588. soc.culture.somalia     Somalian affairs, society, and culture.
  589. soc.culture.soviet      Topics relating to Russian or Soviet culture.
  590. soc.culture.spain       Spain and the Spanish.
  591. soc.culture.sri-lanka   Things & people from Sri Lanka.
  592. soc.culture.swiss       Swiss culture.
  593. soc.culture.taiwan      Discussion about things Taiwanese.
  594. soc.culture.tamil       Tamil language, history and culture.
  595. soc.culture.thai        Thai people and their culture.
  596. soc.culture.turkish     Discussion about things Turkish.
  597. soc.culture.ukrainian   The lives and times of the Ukrainian people.
  598. soc.culture.uruguay     Discussions of Uruguay for those at home and abroad.
  599. soc.culture.usa         The culture of the United States of America.
  600. soc.culture.venezuela   Discussion of topics related to Venezuela.
  601. soc.culture.vietnamese  Issues and discussions of Vietnamese culture.
  602. soc.culture.yugoslavia  Discussions of Yugoslavia and its people.
  603. soc.feminism            Discussion of feminism & feminist issues. (Moderated)
  604. soc.history             Discussions of things historical.
  605. soc.history.moderated   All aspects of history. (Moderated)
  606. soc.history.war.misc    History & events of wars in general.
  607. soc.history.war.world-war-ii    History & events of World War Two. (Moderated)
  608. soc.libraries.talk      Discussing all aspects of libraries.
  609. soc.men                 Issues related to men, their problems & relationships.
  610. soc.misc                Socially-oriented topics not in other groups.
  611. soc.motss               Issues pertaining to homosexuality.
  612. soc.net-people          Announcements, requests, etc. about people on the net.
  613. soc.org.nonprofit       Nonprofit organizations.
  614. soc.org.service-clubs.misc      General info on all service topics.
  615. soc.penpals             In search of net.friendships.
  616. soc.politics            Political problems, systems, solutions. (Moderated)
  617. soc.politics.arms-d     Arms discussion digest. (Moderated)
  618. soc.religion.bahai      Discussion of the Baha'i Faith. (Moderated)
  619. soc.religion.christian  Christianity and related topics. (Moderated)
  620. soc.religion.christian.bible-study      Examining the Holy Bible. (Moderated)
  621. soc.religion.christian.youth-work       Christians working with young people. (Moderated)
  622. soc.religion.eastern    Discussions of Eastern religions. (Moderated)
  623. soc.religion.gnosis     Gnosis, marifat, jnana & direct sacred experience. (Moderated)
  624. soc.religion.islam      Discussions of the Islamic faith. (Moderated)
  625. soc.religion.quaker     The Religious Society of Friends.
  626. soc.religion.shamanism  Discussion of the full range of shamanic experience. (Moderated)
  627. soc.rights.human        Human rights & activism (e.g., Amnesty International).
  628. soc.roots               Discussing genealogy and genealogical matters.
  629. soc.singles             Newsgroup for single people, their activities, etc.
  630. soc.support.transgendered       Transgendered and intersexed persons.
  631. soc.veterans            Social issues relating to military veterans.
  632. soc.women               Issues related to women, their problems & relationships.
  633. endsoc
  635. begintalk
  636. talk.abortion           All sorts of discussions and arguments on abortion.
  637. talk.answers            Repository for periodic USENET articles. (Moderated)
  638. talk.bizarre            The unusual, bizarre, curious, and often stupid.
  639. talk.environment        Discussion the state of the environment & what to do.
  640. talk.origins            Evolution versus creationism (sometimes hot!).
  641. talk.philosophy.misc    Philosophical musings on all topics.
  642. talk.politics.animals   The use and/or abuse of animals.
  643. talk.politics.china     Discussion of political issues related to China.
  644. talk.politics.crypto    The relation between cryptography and government.
  645. talk.politics.drugs     The politics of drug issues.
  646. talk.politics.guns      The politics of firearm ownership and (mis)use.
  647. talk.politics.medicine  The politics and ethics involved with health care.
  648. talk.politics.mideast   Discussion & debate over Middle Eastern events.
  649. talk.politics.misc      Political discussions and ravings of all kinds.
  650. talk.politics.soviet    Discussion of Soviet politics, domestic and foreign.
  651. talk.politics.theory    Theory of politics and political systems.
  652. talk.politics.tibet     The politics of Tibet and the Tibetan people.
  653. talk.rape               Discussions on stopping rape; not to be crossposted.
  654. talk.religion.misc      Religious, ethical, & moral implications.
  655. talk.religion.newage    Esoteric and minority religions & philosophies.
  656. talk.rumors             For the posting of rumors.
  657. endtalk
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