As a subscriber, I thought you might want my thoughts on your excellent publication.
I don't like the new package (I'm refering to #19). It's far too difficult to get the CD out of the thing. I hope you can come up with a more user friendly design.
I like that you dropped the "free game" to free space for more important things. I spend so much time and money on first rate new games that having a copy of an old EGA title just doesn't thrill me.
I don't like it when you drop the patches for lack of space. Patch files are one of the better reason I had for subscribing. Having patches delivered to my door sure beats paying download charges and working through the maze of different methods game publishers use to get the patch out (direct snail mail, private BBS, AOL, etc.).
As a marketing thing, your new package should help your mags exposure. With the old plastic jewel case, I usually found your mag hidden next to (or in with) the cheap and cheesy share ware CDs at the local stores. This new package hopefully will earn you a place on the magazine rack with the paper people.