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/ The Datafile PD-CD 3 / PDCD_3.iso / pocketbk / utilsr / s3abank5 / BANKS3A1.OVL / BANKS3A1.txt
Text File  |  1995-07-29  |  8KB  |  593 lines

  1. OPLObjectFile**
  2. BANKS3A1.OPPv
  3. \BANK\
  4. Create New Group
  5. .BNKK
  8. HOUSEC`[(
  9. Sorry! Reserved Name
  10. Group already existsO
  11. Overwrite ?O
  12. Open new Group
  13.     W7[F
  14. Stand By
  15. Delete Group
  16.     W7[O
  17. Cannot delete Group in use
  18. Delete GroupO
  19. Are you sure ?O
  20. Group Deleted
  21. \BANK\
  22. Save Group As
  23. .BNKK
  24. Cannot overwrite current file
  25. Group already existsO
  26. Overwrite ?O
  27. Stand By
  28. Stand By
  29. Password Protected
  30. Enter Password
  31. Access DeniedO
  32. Change Password
  33. Password Set+
  34. On,Off
  35. Active+
  36. Always,Startup Only
  37. New Password
  38. Confirm Password
  39. No Password EnteredO
  40. Passwords do not match !!O
  41. Currencies
  42. Base Currency
  43. Group Currency
  44. Secondary Currency
  45. Offer Foreign Currencies+
  46. Yes,No
  47. Maximum Currency ValueO
  48. Currency Separator+
  49. None,Comma,Full Stop,Apostrophe
  50. Stand By
  51. Parallel
  52. Serial
  53.  Group InfoK
  54. Number of Accounts
  55. Password Protected
  56. Foreign Currencies
  57. Auto Defer Transactions
  58. Print File
  59. Print Destination
  60. ARCC[
  61. <None>
  62. Archive File
  63. Backup Directory
  64. Export Directory
  65. File+    New GroupOn+
  66. Open GroupOo+
  67. Save Group AsOa+
  68. Delete GroupOkh+
  69. Create New ArchiveOvh+
  70. PasswordO@
  71. Edit+
  72. Enter New AccountOe+
  73. Update AccountOu+
  74. Delete AccountOd+
  75. Move Account DownOmh
  76. Data+
  77. Import DataOi+
  78. Export DataOqh+
  79. Backup DataOb+
  80. Restore DataOrh+
  81. Look AheadOl+    Pay BillsOp
  82. Special+
  83. Set PreferencesO*h+
  84. Group InfoOg+
  85. Account DetailsO?h+    Edit MemoO+h+
  86. ZoomOzh+
  87. ExitOx
  88. Special+
  89. Set PreferencesO*h+
  90. Group InfoOg+
  91. Account DetailsO?h+    Edit MemoO+h+
  92. Register CopyOs+
  93. ZoomOzh+
  94. ExitOx
  95. O    @`[
  96. Program+
  97. CurrenciesOc+
  98. SoundOs+
  99. TerminologyOm+
  100. Escape Key ActionOe+
  101. Printer SetupOy+
  102. Default Archive FileOv+
  103. Edit Memo DirectoryOi
  104. Transactions+
  105. Setup Default TransactionsOd+
  106. Auto Defer ModeOa+
  107. Transaction Advanced FunctionsOr+    Tax RatesOt
  108. Display+
  109. Date FormatOf+
  110. Decimal PlacesOp+
  111. Transaction Initial HighlightOh+
  112. Account Details LabelsOl
  113. PLH8[#
  114. Trans'n+
  115. Accts+
  116. Trans'n
  117. Group : 
  118. Account Name : 
  119. Group Currency : 
  120. Look Ahead Mode(
  121. Description
  122. Debit              Credit
  123. PHOqO
  124. PL0\[
  125. +    Net Worth
  126. |2OPPH
  127. Odh@[7
  128. Temp.$$$
  129. No room for more Accounts
  130. New Account
  131. Short titleO
  132. DescriptionO
  133. Opening BalanceO
  134. State+
  135. Credit,Debit
  136. Advanced Settings+
  137. No,Yes
  138. Advanced Settings
  139. Quicken Type
  140. +    Net Worth+
  141. Include,Exclude
  142. Balance LimitO
  143. Credit,Debit
  144. Credit Interest %O
  145. |*43333?
  146. Debit Interest %O
  147. |*43333?
  148. Stand By
  149. Blank
  150. Automatic UpdateO
  151. .DETK
  152. Account name already in use
  153. Account Update
  154. Short titleO
  155. DescriptionO
  156. Opening BalanceO
  157. State+
  158. Credit,Debit
  159. Auto Update+
  160. Yes,No
  161. Advanced Settings+
  162. No,Yes
  163. Advanced Settings
  164. Quicken Type
  165. +    Net Worth+
  166. Include,Exclude
  167. Balance LimitO
  168. Credit,Debit
  169. Credit Interest %O
  170. |*43333?
  171. Debit  Interest %O
  172. |*43333?
  173. Blank
  174. Updating
  175. Account Name in Use
  176. No Account defined
  177. Delete 
  178. Are you sure ?O
  179. Deleting
  180. .DETK
  181. No Account defined
  182. Moving
  183. PLH8[
  184. Recalculating  
  185. Recalculating  
  186. Account Change
  187. <More>(
  188. Account Change
  189. <More>(
  190. Account Change
  191. File+
  192. Open GroupOo
  193. Edit+
  194. Enter New CurrencyOe+
  195. Update a CurrencyOu+
  196. Delete CurrencyOd+
  197. Update all CurrenciesOl
  198. Special+
  199. Set PreferencesO*h+
  200. Secondary CurrencyOs+
  201. ConversionOch+    Edit MemoO+h+
  202. ZoomOzh+
  203. ExitOx
  204. O    @`[
  205. Set Preferences+
  206. X/Rate Decimal PlacesOr+
  207. Toggle Allowances DisplayOa+
  208. Invert Rate MethodOt+
  209. Conversion DefaultsOv
  210. Foreign Currencies
  211. Last Updated on : 
  212.  = Base Currency
  213.  = Group Currency
  214.  = Secondary Currency
  215. Country
  216. Symbol
  217. Rate/
  218. /RateK
  219. Allowances
  220. PHOqO
  222.     (
  224. English,USA,Australia,Germany
  225. English
  226. +    Australia
  227. Germany
  229. TEMP.$$$
  230. O    @[2
  231. No room for more Currencies
  232. Add a Currency
  233. CountryO
  234. SymbolO
  235. /RateKO
  236. Rate/
  237. AllowancesO
  238. Country already entered
  239. Base Currency Update
  240. Country
  241. SymbolO
  242. AllowancesO
  243. Currency Update
  244. CountryO
  245. Symbol
  246. /RateKO
  247. Rate/
  248. AllowancesO
  249. No Currencies defined
  250. +    /CurrencyK
  251. +    Currency/
  252. No Currencies defined
  253. Currency in Use
  254. Delete 
  255. Are you sure ?O
  256. No Currencies defined
  258. +    Cashpoint
  259. +    Cashpoint
  260. VISA Payment
  261. ,Cashpoint,VISAK
  263. TEMP.$$$O
  264. No room for more Defaults
  265. New Definition
  266. NameO
  267. DescriptionO
  268. AmountO
  269. State+
  270. Credit,Debit
  271. +    ReferenceO
  272. Transfer to Account
  273. Auto NumberingO
  274. Advanced Functions+
  275. No,Yes
  276. Advanced Functions
  277. Tax Rate+
  278. None,
  279. ,OtherK
  280. Update Budget Category+
  281. Reconcile Planning Figure+
  282. Add Utility Bill+
  283. Update Petrol Manager+
  284. No,Yes
  285. Update
  286. Entry
  287. MbP?2[
  288. Update 
  289. DescriptionO
  290. AmountO
  291. State+
  292. Credit,Debit
  293. +    ReferenceO
  294. Transfer to Account
  295. Auto NumberingO
  296. Advanced Functions+
  297. No,Yes
  298. Advanced Functions
  299. Tax Rate+
  300. None,
  301. ,OtherK
  302. Update Budget Category+
  303. Reconcile Planning Figure+
  304. Add Utility Bill+
  305. Update Petrol Manager+
  306. No,Yes
  307. Delete
  308. Entry
  309. Delete 
  310. Are you sure ?O
  311. No Defaults defined
  312. File+
  313. Open GroupOoh+
  314. Create New Archive FileOv
  315. Edit+
  316. Enter New TransactionOe+
  317. Enter Default TransactionOj+
  318. Update TransactionOu+
  319. Delete TransactionOd+
  320. Reconcile TransactionOr+
  321. Defer TransactionOw+
  322. Underline TransactionOlh+
  323. Interest RateOc
  324. Data+
  325. Import DataOi+
  326. Export DataOq
  327. Options+
  328. Archive TransactionsOa+
  329. Switch AccountsOs+
  330. Set Budget FilterOb+
  331. Set Tax FilterOt+
  332. Foreign Currency OptionOf
  333. Options+
  334. Archive TransactionsOa+
  335. Switch AccountsOs+
  336. Set Tax FilterOt+
  337. Foreign Currency OptionOf
  338. Options+
  339. Archive TransactionsOa+
  340. Switch AccountsOs+
  341. Set Budget FilterOb+
  342. Foreign Currency OptionOf
  343. Options+
  344. Archive TransactionsOa+
  345. Switch AccountsOs+
  346. Foreign Currency OptionOf
  347. Special+
  348. Set PreferencesO*h+
  349. Account InfoOn+
  350. Account DetailsO?h+
  351. Printer SetupOy+
  352. Print StatementOph+    Edit MemoO+h+
  353. ZoomOzh+
  354. ExitOx
  355. Special+
  356. Switch AccountsOsh+
  357. Set Budget FilterObh+
  358. Print StatementOph+    Edit MemoO+h+
  359. ZoomOzh+
  360. ExitOx
  361. Special+
  362. Switch AccountsOsh+
  363. Set Tax FilterOth+
  364. Print StatementOph+    Edit MemoO+h+
  365. ZoomOzh+
  366. ExitOx
  367. O    @`[
  368. Or@`[
  369. Od@`[
  370. Ol@`[
  371. Set Preferences+
  372. Default TransactionsOd+
  373. Define SymbolsOs+
  374. Deferred Entry BalanceOb+
  375. Toggle Total WindowOt
  376. No Account in this Group
  377. Automatic Updating Selected
  378. Accts+
  379. Trans'n+
  380. Accts
  381. Description
  382. +    Reference
  383. Charge
  384. Payment
  385. Spend
  386. Receive
  387. Decrease
  388. Increase
  389. Increase
  390. Decrease
  391. Debit
  392. Credit
  393. Balance
  394. +    Tax Total
  395. Od|VJVN
  396. B`\[6
  397. Od|VJVN
  398. Od|VJVN
  399. B\`[8
  400. Od|VJVN
  401. Tax Total : 
  402. Current Balance : 
  403. Initial Balance : 
  404. Total Balance : 
  405. |F\[(
  406. Credit Limit Exceeded
  407. |:PLO
  408. W@5\[2
  409. W@9\[2
  410. Temp.$$$
  411. Warning !!
  412. +'Maximum number of transactions reached.O
  413. ++Although the program will still work if youO
  414. +,continue, the Initial Balance will not matchO
  415. +)the Balance shown on your last statement.O
  416. Continue ? (Y/N)O
  417. NoOn+
  418. YesOy
  419. W7Oy@[
  420. Default Entry
  421. +    New Entry
  422. Date(
  423. DescriptionO
  424. AmountO
  425. State+
  426. Payment,Charge
  427. State+
  428. Receive,Spend
  429. State+
  430. Increase,Decrease
  431. State+
  432. Decrease,Increase
  433. State+
  434. Credit,Debit
  435. Currency
  436. Transfer to Account
  437. NumberO
  438. +    ReferenceO
  439. +    ReferenceO
  440. Advanced Functions+
  441. No,Yes
  442. Set Attribute+
  443. None,Reconciled,Deferred
  444. Transfer Details
  445. To Account
  446. DescriptionO
  447. ValueO
  448. State+
  449. Payment,Charge
  450. State+
  451. Receive,Spend
  452. State+
  453. Increase,Decrease
  454. State+
  455. Decrease,Increase
  456. State+
  457. Credit,Debit
  458. Advanced Functions
  459. Tax Rate+
  460. None,
  461. ,OtherK
  462. Set Attribute+
  463. None,Reconciled,Deferred
  464. Update Budget Category+
  465. No,Split Categories,
  466. Reconcile Planning Figure+
  467. Add to House Contents+
  468. Add Utility Bill+
  469. Update Petrol Manager+
  470. No,Yes
  471. Add to Expense Account+
  472. RateO
  473. Stand By
  474. W@9\[
  475. Cannot transfer to same Account
  476. W@9\[
  477. Entry Update
  478. Date(
  479. DescriptionO
  480. AmountO
  481. State+
  482. Payment,Charge
  483. State+
  484. Receive,Spend
  485. State+
  486. Increase,Decrease
  487. State+
  488. Decrease,Increase
  489. State+
  490. Credit,Debit
  491. Currency
  492. +    ReferenceO
  493. Set Attribute+
  494. None,Reconciled,Deferred
  495. Budget Category+
  496. Tax RateO
  497. Updating
  498. No Transactions defined
  499. Delete 
  500. Are you sure ?O
  501. No Transactions defined
  502. Sorting
  503. Sorting
  504. File+
  505. Open GroupOoh
  506. Edit+
  507. Enter New 
  508. Enter Interest PaymentOi+
  509. Update 
  510. K+    /InterestKOu+
  511. Delete 
  512. K+    /InterestKOd+
  513. Move 
  514. K+    /InterestKOm
  515. Special+
  516. Toggle Total WindowOth+
  517. Printer SetupOy+
  518. Print 
  519. sKOph+    Edit MemoO+h+
  520. ZoomOzh+
  521. ExitOx
  522. O    @`[
  523. Currency : 
  524. Period
  525. Description
  526. Value
  527. Total:
  528. PL@`[
  529. s in this GroupK
  530. Oc@[$
  531. +    Completed
  532. Oc8[    
  533. O    8[    
  534. OcD[0
  535. +    Estimated
  536. .ORDK
  537. .ORDK
  538. Temp.$$$
  539. No Room for any more 
  540. Start Date(
  541. From Account
  542. To Account
  543. DescriptionO
  544. Initial PaymentO
  545. Subsequent PaymentO
  546. Period
  547. IntervalO
  548. Tax Rate+
  549. None,
  550. Update Budget Category+
  551. Update Utility Bill+
  552. Reconcile Planning Agency+
  553. Number of TimesO
  554. (0 means forever)+
  555. Cannot transfer to same Account
  556. PLL8[
  557. Update 
  558. Start Date(
  559. From Account
  560. To Account
  561. DescriptionO
  562. Initial PaymentO
  563. Subsequent PaymentO
  564. Update 
  565. Period
  566. IntervalO
  567. Tax Rate+
  568. None,
  569. Update Budget Category+
  570. Update Utility Bill+
  571. Reconcile Planning Figure+
  572. Number of TimesO
  573. Oc|B[
  574. (99 means complete)
  575. (0 means forever)
  576. W