OPLObjectFile** BANKS3A1.OPPv \BANK\ Create New Group .BNKK SHARESC EXPENSEC` HOUSEC`[( Sorry! Reserved Name Group already existsO Overwrite ?O Open new Group W7[F Stand By Delete Group W7[O Cannot delete Group in use Delete GroupO Are you sure ?O Group Deleted \BANK\ Save Group As .BNKK Cannot overwrite current file Group already existsO Overwrite ?O Stand By Stand By Password Protected Enter Password Access DeniedO Change Password Password Set+ On,Off Active+ Always,Startup Only New Password Confirm Password No Password EnteredO Passwords do not match !!O Currencies Base Currency Group Currency Secondary Currency Offer Foreign Currencies+ Yes,No Maximum Currency ValueO Currency Separator+ None,Comma,Full Stop,Apostrophe Stand By Parallel Serial Group InfoK Number of Accounts Password Protected Foreign Currencies Auto Defer Transactions Print File Print Destination ARCC[ Archive File Backup Directory Export Directory File+ New GroupOn+ Open GroupOo+ Save Group AsOa+ Delete GroupOkh+ Create New ArchiveOvh+ PasswordO@ Edit+ Enter New AccountOe+ Update AccountOu+ Delete AccountOd+ Move Account DownOmh Data+ Import DataOi+ Export DataOqh+ Backup DataOb+ Restore DataOrh+ Look AheadOl+ Pay BillsOp Special+ Set PreferencesO*h+ Group InfoOg+ Account DetailsO?h+ Edit MemoO+h+ ZoomOzh+ ExitOx Special+ Set PreferencesO*h+ Group InfoOg+ Account DetailsO?h+ Edit MemoO+h+ Register CopyOs+ ZoomOzh+ ExitOx O @`[ Program+ CurrenciesOc+ SoundOs+ TerminologyOm+ Escape Key ActionOe+ Printer SetupOy+ Default Archive FileOv+ Edit Memo DirectoryOi Transactions+ Setup Default TransactionsOd+ Auto Defer ModeOa+ Transaction Advanced FunctionsOr+ Tax RatesOt Display+ Date FormatOf+ Decimal PlacesOp+ Transaction Initial HighlightOh+ Account Details LabelsOl PLH8[# Trans'n+ Accts+ Trans'n Group : Account Name : Group Currency : Look Ahead Mode( Description Debit Credit PHOqO PL0\[ + Net Worth |2OPPH Odh@[7 Temp.$$$ No room for more Accounts New Account Short titleO DescriptionO Opening BalanceO State+ Credit,Debit Advanced Settings+ No,Yes Advanced Settings Quicken Type + Net Worth+ Include,Exclude Balance LimitO Credit,Debit Credit Interest %O |*43333? Debit Interest %O |*43333? Stand By Blank Automatic UpdateO .DETK Account name already in use Account Update Short titleO DescriptionO Opening BalanceO State+ Credit,Debit Auto Update+ Yes,No Advanced Settings+ No,Yes Advanced Settings Quicken Type + Net Worth+ Include,Exclude Balance LimitO Credit,Debit Credit Interest %O |*43333? Debit Interest %O |*43333? Blank Updating Account Name in Use No Account defined Delete Are you sure ?O Deleting .DETK No Account defined Moving PLH8[ Recalculating Recalculating Account Change ( Account Change ( Account Change File+ Open GroupOo Edit+ Enter New CurrencyOe+ Update a CurrencyOu+ Delete CurrencyOd+ Update all CurrenciesOl Special+ Set PreferencesO*h+ Secondary CurrencyOs+ ConversionOch+ Edit MemoO+h+ ZoomOzh+ ExitOx O @`[ Set Preferences+ X/Rate Decimal PlacesOr+ Toggle Allowances DisplayOa+ Invert Rate MethodOt+ Conversion DefaultsOv Foreign Currencies Last Updated on : = Base Currency = Group Currency = Secondary Currency Country Symbol Rate/ /RateK Allowances PHOqO ( CURRENCY.DAT English,USA,Australia,Germany English + Australia Germany CURRENCY.DAT TEMP.$$$ O @[2 No room for more Currencies Add a Currency CountryO SymbolO /RateKO Rate/ AllowancesO Country already entered Base Currency Update Country SymbolO AllowancesO Currency Update CountryO Symbol /RateKO Rate/ AllowancesO No Currencies defined + /CurrencyK + Currency/ No Currencies defined Currency in Use Delete Are you sure ?O No Currencies defined DEFAULT.DATO + Cashpoint + Cashpoint VISA Payment ,Cashpoint,VISAK DEFAULT.DATO TEMP.$$$O No room for more Defaults New Definition NameO DescriptionO AmountO State+ Credit,Debit + ReferenceO Transfer to Account Auto NumberingO Advanced Functions+ No,Yes Advanced Functions Tax Rate+ None, ,OtherK Update Budget Category+ Reconcile Planning Figure+ Add Utility Bill+ Update Petrol Manager+ No,Yes Update Entry MbP?2[ Update DescriptionO AmountO State+ Credit,Debit + ReferenceO Transfer to Account Auto NumberingO Advanced Functions+ No,Yes Advanced Functions Tax Rate+ None, ,OtherK Update Budget Category+ Reconcile Planning Figure+ Add Utility Bill+ Update Petrol Manager+ No,Yes Delete Entry Delete Are you sure ?O No Defaults defined File+ Open GroupOoh+ Create New Archive FileOv Edit+ Enter New TransactionOe+ Enter Default TransactionOj+ Update TransactionOu+ Delete TransactionOd+ Reconcile TransactionOr+ Defer TransactionOw+ Underline TransactionOlh+ Interest RateOc Data+ Import DataOi+ Export DataOq Options+ Archive TransactionsOa+ Switch AccountsOs+ Set Budget FilterOb+ Set Tax FilterOt+ Foreign Currency OptionOf Options+ Archive TransactionsOa+ Switch AccountsOs+ Set Tax FilterOt+ Foreign Currency OptionOf Options+ Archive TransactionsOa+ Switch AccountsOs+ Set Budget FilterOb+ Foreign Currency OptionOf Options+ Archive TransactionsOa+ Switch AccountsOs+ Foreign Currency OptionOf Special+ Set PreferencesO*h+ Account InfoOn+ Account DetailsO?h+ Printer SetupOy+ Print StatementOph+ Edit MemoO+h+ ZoomOzh+ ExitOx Special+ Switch AccountsOsh+ Set Budget FilterObh+ Print StatementOph+ Edit MemoO+h+ ZoomOzh+ ExitOx Special+ Switch AccountsOsh+ Set Tax FilterOth+ Print StatementOph+ Edit MemoO+h+ ZoomOzh+ ExitOx O @`[ Or@`[ Od@`[ Ol@`[ Set Preferences+ Default TransactionsOd+ Define SymbolsOs+ Deferred Entry BalanceOb+ Toggle Total WindowOt No Account in this Group Automatic Updating Selected Accts+ Trans'n+ Accts Description + Reference Charge Payment Spend Receive Decrease Increase Increase Decrease Debit Credit Balance + Tax Total Od|VJVN B`\[6 Od|VJVN Od|VJVN B\`[8 Od|VJVN Tax Total : Current Balance : Initial Balance : Total Balance : |F\[( Credit Limit Exceeded |:PLO W@5\[2 W@9\[2 Temp.$$$ Warning !! +'Maximum number of transactions reached.O ++Although the program will still work if youO +,continue, the Initial Balance will not matchO +)the Balance shown on your last statement.O Continue ? (Y/N)O NoOn+ YesOy W7Oy@[ Default Entry + New Entry Date( DescriptionO AmountO State+ Payment,Charge State+ Receive,Spend State+ Increase,Decrease State+ Decrease,Increase State+ Credit,Debit Currency Transfer to Account NumberO + ReferenceO + ReferenceO Advanced Functions+ No,Yes Set Attribute+ None,Reconciled,Deferred Transfer Details To Account DescriptionO ValueO State+ Payment,Charge State+ Receive,Spend State+ Increase,Decrease State+ Decrease,Increase State+ Credit,Debit Advanced Functions Tax Rate+ None, ,OtherK Set Attribute+ None,Reconciled,Deferred Update Budget Category+ No,Split Categories, Reconcile Planning Figure+ Add to House Contents+ Add Utility Bill+ Update Petrol Manager+ No,Yes Add to Expense Account+ RateO Stand By W@9\[ Cannot transfer to same Account W@9\[ Entry Update Date( DescriptionO AmountO State+ Payment,Charge State+ Receive,Spend State+ Increase,Decrease State+ Decrease,Increase State+ Credit,Debit Currency + ReferenceO Set Attribute+ None,Reconciled,Deferred Budget Category+ Tax RateO Updating No Transactions defined Delete Are you sure ?O No Transactions defined Sorting Sorting File+ Open GroupOoh Edit+ Enter New Enter Interest PaymentOi+ Update K+ /InterestKOu+ Delete K+ /InterestKOd+ Move K+ /InterestKOm Special+ Toggle Total WindowOth+ Printer SetupOy+ Print sKOph+ Edit MemoO+h+ ZoomOzh+ ExitOx O @`[ Currency : Period Description Value Total: PL@`[ s in this GroupK Oc@[$ + Completed Oc8[ O 8[ OcD[0 + Estimated .ORDK .ORDK Temp.$$$ No Room for any more Start Date( From Account To Account DescriptionO Initial PaymentO Subsequent PaymentO Period IntervalO Tax Rate+ None, Update Budget Category+ Update Utility Bill+ Reconcile Planning Agency+ Number of TimesO (0 means forever)+ Cannot transfer to same Account PLL8[ Update Start Date( From Account To Account DescriptionO Initial PaymentO Subsequent PaymentO Update Period IntervalO Tax Rate+ None, Update Budget Category+ Update Utility Bill+ Reconcile Planning Figure+ Number of TimesO Oc|B[ (99 means complete) (0 means forever) Warning Cannot transfer to same AccountO 'To' Account not acceptedO Press to continueO PL8\[ + No Standing Orders in this Group Stand By h|F\`[' Moving Delete Are you sure ?O .ORDK Processing ROd|V @PL|V ROd|V @PL|V