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Text File  |  1994-07-03  |  15KB  |  248 lines

  1. ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
  2. │                                                                             │
  3. │              <<<  THE FUTURE CREW DISTRIBUTION SITE INFO  >>>               │
  4. │                                                                             │
  5. │                                Version 1.6                                  │
  6. │                                                                             │
  7. │                                03-JUL-1994                                  │
  8. │                                                                             │
  9. │          This file contains a list of Future Crew distribution BBSes        │
  10. │            and the Future Crew distribution site application form.          │
  11. │                                                                             │
  12. └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
  13. ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
  14. │                 OFFICIAL FUTURE CREW DISTRIBUTION SITES                     │
  15. └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
  16. ┌──────────┬──────────────────────┬────────────────────────┬──────────────────┐
  17. │Country   │BBS name              │BBS number(s)           │SysOp / Other info│
  18. ├──────────┼──────────────────────┼────────────────────────┼──────────────────┤
  19. │Finland   │StarPort - FC WHQ     │+358-0-455-4801  All    │=ABYSS- / FC      │
  20. │          │                      │       455-4805  nodes  │                  │
  21. │          │                      │       455-4807  have   │Internet:         │
  22. │          │                      │       455-4810  V.32bis│telnet mpoli.fi   │
  23. │          │                      │       455-4812  or     │userid pcboard and│
  24. │          │                      │       455-4827  better │anonymous ftp:    │
  25. │          │                      │       455-4829         │mpoli.fi          │
  26. │          │                      │                        │(only from .fi)   │
  27. │          │                      │                        │                  │
  28. │Australia │Tequila Sunrise       │+61-7-801-4446  V32bis  │Bartender         │
  29. │          │                      │                        │                  │
  30. │Austria   │Polymorph LIGHTS      │+43-1-596-9026  V32b&HST│Gery              │
  31. │          │                      │                        │                  │
  32. │Argentina │FTC SoftWare BBS      │+54-1-633-4795  19.2kbps│Er Magnifico      │
  33. │          │                      │                        │                  │
  34. │Belgium   │Point Break           │+32-11436925    16.8k   │Lord Cyrix &      │
  35. │          │Access Denied WHQ     │ 3 lines                │Jumping Jack Flash│
  36. │          │                      │                        │                  │
  37. │Belgium   │Buster BBS            │+32-53-77 2325  19.2k   │Dark Inventor     │
  38. │          │                      │ 2 lines        16.8k   │                  │
  39. │          │                      │                        │                  │
  40. │Brazil    │Warmboot BBS          │+55-19426-5112  V32b    │Carlos Cantu      │
  41. │          │                      │                        │                  │
  42. │Canada    │Digital Dimensions    │+1-604-533-3720 V32bis  │NutCracker / I.S. │
  43. │          │                      │                        │                  │
  44. │Canada    │Spasm-o-Tron          │+1-514-744-5718 V32bis  │Snibble / HiTS    │
  45. │          │                      │                        │                  │
  46. │Canada    │The Twisted Tower     │+1-905-844-1632 V32bis  │Elminster/[Gothic/│
  47. │          │                      │ 2 lines                │Relentness/Sun]   │
  48. │          │                      │                        │                  │
  49. │Denmark   │Crack Central BBS     │+45-981-10096   19.2k   │The Executioner   │
  50. │          │                      │                        │                  │
  51. │England   │Sound & Vision BBS    │+44-932-252323  V32bis  │Rob Barth         │
  52. │          │                      │                        │                  │
  53. │France    │A.C.E                 │+33-1-4588-7548 V.FAST  │Christophe Yvon   │
  54. │          │                      │+33-1-4588-8809 V.FAST  │                  │
  55. │          │                      │                        │                  │
  56. │Germany   │Crystal BBS           │+49-6138-1293   16.8k   │Timo / Xography   │
  57. │          │                      │                        │                  │
  58. │Germany   │The Continental BBS   │+49-711-548501  16.8k   │Trojaner          │
  59. │          │                      │                        │                  │
  60. │Hungary   │Dune II               │+36-62-342-793  V32bis  │TSC / Phantom     │
  61. │          │                      │open: workdays 14-07 CET│weekends: 24h     │
  62. │          │                      │                        │                  │
  63. │Iceland   │Mori BBS              │+354-1-677020   V32bis  │Arni Eggertsson   │
  64. │          │                      │                        │                  │
  65. │Israel    │The Bureaucratic BBS  │+972-9-918350   V32bis  │Shachar Cafri     │
  66. │          │                      │+972-9-984615   V22bis  │                  │
  67. │          │                      │+972-9-984173   V22bis  │                  │
  68. │          │                      │                        │                  │
  69. │Italy     │Side Effects          │+39-75-572-5175 V32bis  │Killer Loop       │
  70. │          │                      │                        │                  │
  71. │Japan     │Network ZIEKS         │+81-45(835)0855 V32bis  │Mack              │
  72. │          │                      │                        │                  │
  73. │Norway    │Romeo November        │+47-515-36698  HST/Terbo│Stinger           │
  74. │          │                      │+47-515-36797  19.2k/Zyx│                  │
  75. │          │                      │                        │                  │
  76. │Russia    │Silmarillion BBS      │+7-(384-2)-210-722 19.2k│Lord Saur0n/LeGeNd│
  77. │          │                      │                        │                  │
  78. │Singapore │MultiMedia GS         │+65-252-1220    V32bis  │WildCat           │
  79. │          │                      │                        │                  │
  80. │Spain     │Dracker BBS           │+34-3-385-3393  16.8k   │Gvyt / ENiAC      │
  81. │          │                      │                        │                  │
  82. │Sweden    │Illusion              │+46-18-260565   V32bis  │ZED / FAiC        │
  83. │          │                      │                        │                  │
  84. │Switzerlan│Wonderland            │+41-64-47-3046  16.8k   │PfUsuUS           │
  85. │          │                      │                        │                  │
  86. │USA, FL   │The Power Grid        │+1-813-481-6539 16.8k   │GridRunner,Cowboy&│
  87. │          │Future Crew USA HQ    │                        │Syntax Error / AVL│
  88. │          │                      │                        │                  │
  89. │USA, NY   │The Sound Barrier     │+1-718-979-6629 HST V32b│Daredevil / REN   │
  90. │          │Renaissance WHQ       │+1-718-979-9406 V22bis  │Charles Scheffold │
  91. │          │                      │                        │                  │
  92. │USA, TX   │Programmer's Oasis    │+1-214-328-6142 V32bis  │Daniel Potter /   │
  93. │          │                      │                        │Digital Infinity  │
  94. │          │                      │                        │                  │
  95. │USA, SC   │The End of Time       │+1-803-855-0783 V32bis  │Holy Water and    │
  96. │          │                      │                        │The Hit Man       │
  97. │          │                      │                        │                  │
  98. │USA, KY   │Eleutheria            │+1-606-223 1853 V32bis  │Soul Rebel /      │
  99. │          │                      │                        │Avalanche         │
  100. │          │                      │                        │                  │
  101. │USA, MO   │Red Sector            │+1-816-792 3821 16.8k   │Lion Heart        │
  102. │