Crawly Crypt Collection 2
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174 lines
.macro CODE
.macro SECTION name,type,model
pdrvrnm equ 0
device equ pdrvrnm+4 ;who to send to
pdl equ device+2 ;does it drive a page description language
ptype equ pdl+1 ;type of output device (b/w, color,etc..)
pman equ ptype+1 ;can it print manual feed?
pmanual equ pman+1 ;print manual feed
pmult equ pmanual+1 ;can it automatically print mulitiple copies?
unused1 equ pmult+1 ;unused byte
pcopies equ unused1+1 ;number of copies to print
pxdpi equ pcopies+2 ;x resolution
pydpi equ pxdpi+2 ;y resolution
pxover equ pydpi+2 ;percentage of x overlap of dots
pyover equ pxover+2 ;percentage of y overlap of dots
pminlft equ pyover+2 ;pixels from left edge to start printing
pminrht equ pminlft+2
pmintop equ pminrht+2 ;pixels from top to start printing
pminbot equ pmintop+2 ;pixels from bottom to end printing
pmaxw equ pminbot+2 ;maximum # pixels across
pmaxh equ pmaxw+4 ;maximum # pixels down
prowht equ pmaxh+4 ;smallest height of print head
pdensity equ prowht+2 ;print density
sendout equ pdensity+2 ;ptr to routine to send a byte in d0
pblockx equ sendout+4 ;x offset to print block at
pblocky equ pblockx+4 ;y offset to print block at
pblockw equ pblocky+4 ;width in bytes of block to print
pblockh equ pblockw+4 ;height of block to print
pblockptr equ pblockh+4 ;handle to block to print
pblockoff equ pblockptr+4
pblockplane equ pblockoff+4
* these are used for postscript and other special drivers
* (don't use them if you don't have to!)
ptile equ pblockplane+4 ;print tiles
prvrs equ ptile+1 ;print reversed (write white)
pmirror equ prvrs+1 ;print mirrored (transparency)
pland equ pmirror+1 ;print landscape
pcrop equ pland+1 ;print cropmarks
unused2 equ pcrop+1 ;unused byte
pfont equ unused2+1 ;type of fonts I understand
pscale equ pfont+2 ;scale factor in use
psepmode equ pscale+2 ;0-no sep, 1-color sep, 2-mech sep
pcyan equ psepmode+2 ;(5 words) color to print (mech/color sep)
pmagenta equ pcyan+2
pyellow equ pmagenta+2
pblack equ pyellow+2
pcolor equ pblack+2
VPaperW equ pcolor+2
VPaperH equ VPaperW+4
PPaperW equ VPaperH+4
PPaperH equ PPaperW+4
VDocumentW equ PPaperH+4 ;total width to be printed
VDocumentH equ VDocumentW+4 ;total height to be printed
PDocumentW equ VDocumentH+4 ;total width to be printed
PDocumentH equ PDocumentW+4 ;total height to be printed
PPageLeft equ PDocumentH+4 ;current left
PPageTop equ PPageLeft+4 ;current top
PPageWidth equ PPageTop+4 ;current width
PPageHeight equ PPageWidth+4 ;current height
PBlockLeft equ PPageHeight+4
PBlockRight equ PBlockLeft+4
PBlockTop equ PBlockRight+4
PBlockBottom equ PBlockTop+4
PBlockWidth equ PBlockBottom+4
PBlockHeight equ PBlockWidth+4
VLeft equ PBlockHeight+4
VTop equ VLeft+4
PLeft equ VTop+4
PTop equ PLeft+4
blocks equ PTop+4
blkcnt equ blocks+2
tilex equ blkcnt+2
tiley equ tilex+2
fillpat equ tiley+2 ;ptr to fill patterns
linepat equ fillpat+4 ;ptr to fill patterns
prtspcl equ linepat+4 ;ptr to special string
openfnt equ prtspcl+4 ;ptr to open font file routine
readfnt equ openfnt+4 ;ptr to read font. Returns d0 (length), a0 (ptr)
fmlist equ readfnt+4 ;ptr to font metrics list
fmcnt equ fmlist+4
fmoff equ fmcnt+4
curfm equ fmoff+4
ftlist equ curfm+4
ftcnt equ ftlist+4
ftoff equ ftcnt+4
curft equ ftoff+4
textattr equ curft+4 ;ptr to text attributes
msgport equ textattr+4
createport equ msgport+4
closeport equ createport+4
printstat equ closeport+4
m_alloc equ printstat+4
m_realloc equ m_alloc+4
m_grow equ m_realloc+4
m_shrink equ m_grow+4
m_delete equ m_shrink+4
mulu1632 equ m_delete+4
mulu3232 equ mulu1632+4
divu1648 equ mulu3232+4
divu3248 equ divu1648+4
divu3264 equ divu3248+4
muls1632 equ divu3264+4
muls3232 equ muls1632+4
divs1648 equ muls3232+4
divs3248 equ divs1648+4
divs3264 equ divs3248+4
pfseek equ divs3264+4
fopenr equ pfseek+4
fopenw equ fopenr+4
fclose equ fopenw+4
fread equ fclose+4
fwrite equ fread+4
fsize equ fwrite+4
fseek equ fsize+4
setpath equ fseek+4
ppppath equ setpath+4
prtnpath equ ppppath+4
pagetitle equ prtnpath+4 ;string for title to current page
font equ 0
attr equ 4
xpoint equ 8
ypoint equ 12
* printer type's are
PRT_PALET equ 0 ;N/A ;RGB pallet only!
PRT_BW equ 1 ;implemented
PRT_RGB equ 2 ;N/A
PRT_RGBW equ 3 ;N/A
PRT_CMY equ 4 ;implemented
PRT_CMYK equ 5 ;implemented
* for special devices
PRT equ 1
* for normal devices
SERIAL equ 2
DISK equ 4
* for both
COLLATE equ 256