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/ The Devil's Doorknob BBS Capture (1996-2003) / devilsdoorknobbbscapture1996-2003.iso / MYBBS.ZIP / WINDOWS / DESKTOP / MYBBS / DKIT3003.DOC < prev    next >
Text File  |  1991-01-03  |  8KB  |  106 lines

  1. (*=============================================================================
  2. = DOORKIT 3003ß                                                    12/13/1990 =
  3. =                                                                             =
  4. = dOOkit 3.03ß (c) 1990 by Chris Holko    a.k.a. Dr. FeelGood                 =
  5. =                                                                             =
  6. = Purpose      : To convert the WWIV "CHAIN.TXT" to a variety of door file    =
  7. =                formats, including QBBS, RBBS, PCBoard, TeleGard and WildCat =
  8. =                                                                             =
  9. = Warranty     : None,  use at your own risk,  only guaranteed to take of     =
  10. =                space on your harddisk.                                      =
  11. =                                                                             =
  12. = Contibutions : Appreciated,  mail them to :                                 =
  13. = and Support                                                                 =
  14. =                  Mr. Chris Holko                                            =
  15. =                  1029 Franklin Road Suite 4C                                =
  16. =                  Marietta, Georgia 30067                                    =
  17. =                                                                             =
  18. =                About five to ten dollars would suffice,  your donation      =
  19. =                will be put to use to further aid the development of this    =
  20. =                utility and others,  and will probably make getting help     =
  21. =                with this program much easier.  (If you don't send any money =
  22. =                at least drop me a message either on Amber to the user name  =
  23. =                of "CHRIS HOLKO" or call my board :                          =
  24. =                                                                             =
  25. =                  Iconian GateWay                                            =
  26. =                  PCP via GAATL  404-426-1941                                =
  27. =                  E-Mail #1 (Dr. FeelGood)                                   =
  28. =                                                                             =
  29. =                If an output file format is not present that you want to     =
  30. =                have generated then please send it to me and I will probably =
  31. =                add it to a future release,  additional switches will be     =
  32. =                considered as well.                                          =
  33. =                                                                             =
  34. = Command line : DOORKIT /[switches] [NEWFORM] [INFILE]                       =
  35. =                                                                             =
  36. = [switches]   = (the "/" is required,  but only one total)                   =
  37. =                                                                             =
  38. =                R,O = use real name,  overwrite alias in "CHAIN.TXT"         =
  39. =                A   = overwrite real name with alias in "CHAIN.TXT"          =
  40. =                G   = force ANSI flag to "ON"                                =
  41. =                H   = force ANSI flag to "OFF"                               =
  42. =                E   = don't beep on error,  for dOOrkit errors only          =
  43. =               *L?? = Log door as run                                        =
  44. =                T?? = max time allowed in door,  will adjust timeleft        =
  45. =                M?? = min time user must have to run the door                =
  46. =                N?  = node number for QBBS/RBBS "DORINFO" files              =
  47. =                                                                             =
  48. = [NEWFORM]    = (door file formats for output)                               =
  49. =                                                                             =
  50. =                QBBS = write "DORINFO1.DEF" (1 can be changed with /n)       =
  51. =                RBBS = write "DORINFO.DEF"  (node id can be changed with /n) =
  52. =                PCB  = write "PCBOARD.SYS"  (versions prior to 14.5)         =
  53. =                XPCB = write "PCBOARD.SYS"  (contains some 14.5+ info)       =
  54. =               *WILD = write "CALLINFO.BBS"                                  =
  55. =                TELE = write "DOOR.SYS"     (used by telegard)               =
  56. =                                                                             =
  57. = [INFILE]     = (path/filename to "CHAIN.TXT")                               =
  58. =                                                                             =
  59. =                                                                             =
  60. = Notes        :                                                              =
  61. =                                                                             =
  62. =                dOOrkit will produce the [NEWFORM] file in whatever          =
  63. =                directory that the program is run from.  Make sure that if   =
  64. =                the door to be run needs the path/filename of the door       =
  65. =                control file that you specify the correct info               =
  66. =                                                                             =
  67. =                If for any reason that dOOrkit errors on bad input then it   =
  68. =                will return a DOS errorlevel of 100,  if it exits because    =
  69. =                of the 'M' option and the user has insufficient time then    =
  70. =                it exits with an DOS errorlevel of 1.                        =
  71. =                                                                             =
  72. = Example      : (batch file example)   DOOR2RUN.BAT                          =
  73. =                                                                             =
  74. =                @ECHO OFF             <- guess                               =
  75. =                CD DOOR2RUN           <- change to door's directory          =
  76. =                DOORKIT /rt30 QBBS %1 <- call dOOrkit                        =
  77. =                DOOR2RUN DORINFO.DEF  <- call door, pass door info to it     =
  78. =                CD..                  <- change back                         =
  79. =                                                                             =
  80. =                (chainedit)                                                  =
  81. =                                                                             =
  82. =                Filename  = DOOR2RUN %1                                      =
  83. =                                                                             =
  84. =                (explanation of above command line to dOOrkit)               =
  85. =                                                                             =
  86. =                 /rt30 QBBS %1                                               =
  87. =                  ^ |   |   |                                                =
  88. =                  1 2   3   4                                                =
  89. =                                                                             =
  90. =                 1 = use real name in new output file                        =
  91. =                 2 = max time of 30 minutes in the door                      =
  92. =                 3 = output a "DORINFO1.DEF" file (QBBS format)              =
  93. =                 4 = filename/path to "CHAIN.TXT"                            =
  94. =                                                                             =
  95. =                                                                             =
  96. =  dOOrKit 3.XXX is coded entirely in JPI Modula-2 2.0                        =
  97. =                                                                             =
  98. =                                                                             =
  99. =  * = not implemented this release                                           =
  100. =                                                                             =
  101. =  Release notes :  3002 fixes a bug with 'single' word names incorrectly     =
  102. =                   being spliced.                                            =
  103. =                   3003 corrects problem when determining time left for PCB  =
  104. =============================================================================*)