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Commodore BASIC  |  2023-02-26  |  20KB  |  625 lines

  1. 1 poke53269,0:s=2:s$(2)="typewriter":s$(4)="commodore1"
  2. 2 open1,8,15
  3. 5 poke52,128:poke56,128:
  4. 10 poke56578,peek(56578)or3:poke56576,(peek(56576)and252)or1
  5. 20 poke53272,(peek(53272)and240)or2:poke648,132
  6. 25 poke53280,0:poke53281,12
  7. 40 dim m$(12)
  8. 45 m$(1)="[202]anuar":m$(2)="[198]ebruar":m$(3)="[205][187]rz":m$(4)="[193]pril":m$(5)="[205]ai"
  9. 46 m$(6)="[202]uni":m$(7)="[202]uli":m$(8)="[193]ugust":m$(9)="[211]eptember":
  10. 47 m$(10)="[207]ktober":m$(11)="[206]ovember":m$(12)="[196]ezember"
  11. 50 dimt$(15):t$(0)="[144]":t$(1)="":t$(2)="":t$(3)="[159]":t$(4)="[156]":t$(5)=""
  12. 51 t$(6)="":t$(8)="[129]":t$(9)="[149]":t$(10)="[150]":t$(11)="[151]":t$(12)="[152]":t$(13)="[153]"
  13. 52 t$(14)="[154]":t$(15)="[155]":t$(7)="[158]":t=6
  14. 90 v=53248:sp=34808:sn=160:sc=33792:dimx$(20):dimsj$(99):dimfr$(99):diman$(99)
  15. 91 dimda$(99):dimnr(99):cr$=chr$(13)
  16. 100 open2,8,2,"no55.dat,s,r":bw=1
  17. 105 input#2,b$(bw):ifb$(bw)="#e#"thenclose2:bw=bw-1:goto110
  18. 107 bw=bw+1:goto105
  19. 110 dh$="    ":dh=11:ic=0:ai=1:ra=0:hg=12
  20. 115 jn$(1)="[144] ja [146]  nein":jn$(2)=" ja   nein[146]"
  21. 120 open2,8,2,"no55.misc,s,r":fori=1to8:input#2,a$(i):nexti:close2
  22. 124 b$(0)="[199]ast"
  23. 130 open2,8,2,"j[176]ger,s,r":input#2,q:close2
  24. 135 ifq>1then150
  25. 140 poke53280,2:print"[147]";tab(12);" [193] [195] [200] [212] [213] [206] [199] !"
  26. 142 print"[144][202]agerstand unter 1 [204]iter !!!"
  27. 144 geta$:ifa$<>""thenpoke53280,0:goto200
  28. 146 fori=0to500:next:poke53280,0:fori=0to500:next: poke53280,2:goto144
  29. 150 si=54272:fl=si:fh=si+1:ws=si+4:as=si+5:h=si+6:l=si+24
  30. 152 pokel,15:pokeas,2*16+9:pokeh,255:pokefh,6:pokefl,133
  31. 197 rem +*********+
  32. 198 rem * desktop *
  33. 199 rem +*********+
  34. 200 printt$(t);"[147]                [196]esktop                "
  35. 202 printtab(39-len(b$(b)));"[158]";b$(b):a=1
  36. 205 gosub7030
  37. 207 ifns=0thengosub7150:ns=1:gosub7030
  38. 210 d$=" "+tt$+" ."+m$(val(mm$))+" 20"+jj$:printd$;"":pokev+21,0
  39. 220 fori=0to7:pokev+39+i,ic:pokesp+i,sn+i:next:fori=1to7step2:pokev+i,96:next
  40. 225 fori=9to15step2:pokev+i,158:next:fori=0to4step2:pokev+i,(i/2)*70+55
  41. 230 pokev+8+i,(i/2)*70+55:nexti:pokev+23,255:pokev+29,255:pokev+16,136
  42. 232 pokev+6,10:pokev+14,10
  43. 235 pokev+21,255:pokev+39,ai:print""
  44. 258 ifa<1thena=1
  45. 260 ax=8:gosub7600:ifa$="_"thengosub7600
  46. 280 on a goto 300,600,2200,99,1900,99,3200,1300
  47. 297 rem +**********+
  48. 298 rem * anmelden *
  49. 299 rem +**********+
  50. 300 pokev+21,0:ifb<>0then410
  51. 305 print"";tab(13);t$(t);" [193]nmelden     "
  52. 306 printtab(13);"              [144] [146]"
  53. 307 fori=0tobw:printtab(13);"  ";b$(i);
  54. 308 r=10+len(b$(i)):forj=rto21:print" ";:nextj:print"[144] [146]":nexti
  55. 309 printtab(13);"[146]              [144] ":printtab(14);"              "
  56. 315 pokesp,sn+15:x1=136:y1=106:ax=bw+1:gosub7700                               
  57. 350 a=a-1:pokev+21,0:ifa=0ora$="_"then200
  58. 355 open8,8,104,b$(a):gosub7000
  59. 360 ife1$="62"thenclose8:goto450
  60. 365 gosub7060
  61. 367 rc=1:gosub8000
  62. 370 input#8,q$:ifq$<>p$thenpokews,33:fori=0to300:next:pokews,0:goto365
  63. 373 rc=2:gosub8000
  64. 375 input#8,dh$,ra,hg,t,dh
  65. 376 rc=3:gosub8000
  66. 377 input#8,ic,ai,s,lm:close8
  67. 380 poke53280,ra:poke53281,hg:poke53272,(peek(53272)and240)ors
  68. 400 b=a:iflm=1thengosub7030:gosub7050:goto650
  69. 405 goto200
  70. 410 gosub7220
  71. 447 rem +****************+
  72. 448 rem * neuen account  *
  73. 449 rem +****************+
  74. 450 printt$(t)" [206]euer [193]ccount               "
  75. 451 print"                             [144] "
  76. 452 print" [197]s existiert noch kein       "
  77. 455 print" [193]ccount f[189]r [211]ie. [193]ccount     "
  78. 456 print" anlegen ?                    "
  79. 457 fori=0to2:print"                              ":nexti
  80. 460 print"                             ":y=1
  81. 462 print""tab(10);jn$(y)
  82. 463 geta$:ifa$=""then463
  83. 464 ifa$="[157]"theny=y-1:ify<1theny=1
  84. 465 ifa$=""theny=y+1:ify>2theny=2
  85. 466 ifa$=chr$(13)then468
  86. 467 goto462
  87. 468 ify=2then200
  88. 470 gosub7060:p1$=p$:gosub7060
  89. 475 p2$=p$:ifp1$=p2$then500
  90. 480 pokew,33:fori=0to200:next:pokew,0:p1$="":p2$="":goto470
  91. 500 printt$(t)" [194]est[187]tigung                "
  92. 501 print"                            [144] "
  93. 502 print" [210]egistration erfolgreich!   "
  94. 505 print" [201]m [205]enu '[211]etup' k[188]nnen [211]ie  "
  95. 510 print" sich [206][207]55 [205][193][206][193][199][197][210] [201]hren     "
  96. 515 print" [194]ed[189]rfnissen anpassen.      "
  97. 516 print"                             "
  98. 517 print"         [214]iel [211]pa[190]!          "
  99. 518 print"                             "
  100. 519 print"                            "
  101. 520 open8,8,8,b$(a)+",l,"+chr$(100)
  102. 525 print#1,"p"+chr$(8)+chr$(60)+chr$(0)+chr$(1)
  103. 530 print#8,chr$(255)
  104. 535 rc=1:gosub8000:print#8,p$
  105. 536 rc=2:gosub8000:
  106. 537 print#8,"    [146]";cr$;12;cr$;12;cr$;6;cr$;11
  107. 538 rc=3:gosub8000:print#8,0,cr$,1,cr$,2,cr$,lm
  108. 540 close8:b=a:goto200
  109. 597 rem +******+
  110. 598 rem * mail *
  111. 599 rem +******+
  112. 600 pokev+21,7:pokesp,sn+16:pokesp+1,sn+17:pokesp+2,sn+12
  113. 605 :ax=3:gosub7600:ifa$="_"then200
  114. 635 onagoto650,900,200
  115. 647 rem +*************+
  116. 648 rem * posteingang *
  117. 649 rem +*************+
  118. 650 pokev+21,0:ifb=0then600
  119. 651 np=0:open2,8,2,"mailnumber,s,r":input#2,mg:close2:open2,8,2,"mailserver,s,r"
  120. 652 fori=1tomg:input#2,fr$(i),an$(i),sj$(i),da$(i)
  121. 653 ifan$(i)=b$(b)thennp=np+1:nr(np)=i
  122. 654 next i:close2:ifnp>0then675
  123. 660 print" keine neue post..."
  124. 662 geta$:ifa$=""then662
  125. 665 goto600
  126. 670 ifnp=0then200
  127. 675 printt$(t);"              [208]osteingang               "
  128. 680 printt$(t);"  [198]1 [204]esen [198]2 [204][188]schen [198]3 [196]rucken _ [197]sc [146]"
  129. 700 print"[144][214]on         [194]etreff            [196]atum[146]":pokev+39,ai
  130. 701 pokesp,sn+15:y1=74:x1=32:ax=np
  131. 705 fori=1tonp:print"";fr$(nr(i));tab(14);sj$(nr(i));tab(30);da$(nr(i)):nexti
  132. 707 am=1
  133. 710 gosub7700:am=a:ifa$="_"then200
  134. 715 ifa$="[137]"thengosub2500:goto650
  135. 757 rem +************+
  136. 758 rem * mail lesen *
  137. 759 rem +************+
  138. 760 pokev+21,0:i=0:printt$(t)"[147]                                       "
  139. 765 print"";tab(13);sj$(nr(am)):print"[151] [214]on [146][144]";fr$(nr(am));
  140. 766 printtab(15)"[151][196]atum [146][144]"da$(nr(am))
  141. 767 print"---------------------------------------"
  142. 770 open2,8,2,sj$(nr(am))+",s,r":rem gosub7000:ife1$="62"thenclose2:a=3:goto840
  143. 775 input#2,x$(i):ifx$(i)="#e#"ori>17thenclose2:goto792
  144. 780 ifx$(i)="#lz#"thenx$(i)="                                        "
  145. 790 printx$(i);:i=i+1:goto775
  146. 792 print"---------------------------------------"
  147. 793 printd$;
  148. 795 pokesp,sn+9:pokesp+1,sn+12:pokev+23,0:pokev+29,0:pokev+16,7
  149. 800 fori=1to5step2:pokev+i,50:nexti:pokev,0:pokev+2,26:pokev+4,52:pokev+21,3
  150. 810 ax=2:gosub7600
  151. 840 ifa=2thenprint"[147]":gosub7030:pokev+39,1:pokev+16,0:goto670
  152. 845 ifa=1thengosub1080:goto810
  153. 897 rem +****************+
  154. 898 rem * mail schreiben *
  155. 899 rem +****************+
  156. 900 pokev+21,0:print"";tab(8);t$(t);" [197]mpf[187]nger w[187]hlen:[144]"
  157. 904 printtab(8);"                   "
  158. 905 fori=1tobw:printtab(8);"  ";b$(i);:r=10+len(b$(i)):forj=rto21
  159. 906 print" ";:nextj:print"[ ]  [146]":nexti
  160. 907 printtab(8);"  [193]lle w[187]hlen      ":printtab(8);"  [207][203]               "
  161. 908 printtab(8);"                   "
  162. 909 printtab(9);"                  "
  163. 912 fori=1tobw:em(i)=0:next:a=1:pokesp,sn+15:pokev+21,1:pokev+39,ai
  164. 913 pokev+23,0:pokev+29,0:pokev,96
  165. 915 ax=bw+2:y1=96:gosub7710:ifa$="_"then200
  166. 950 ifa=bw+1thenfori=1tobw:em(i)=1:pokesc+263+i*40,88:next:goto915
  167. 952 ifa=bw+2thengosub7300:ifok>0then970
  168. 953 ifa=bw+2andok=0then915
  169. 955 em(a)=em(a)+1:ifem(a)>1thenem(a)=0
  170. 957 ifem(a)=1thenpokesc+263+a*40,88
  171. 958 ifem(a)=0thenpokesc+263+a*40,32
  172. 960 goto915
  173. 970 printt$(t);"[147]                                       ":print""tab(13)sj$
  174. 972 print"[151][193]n [146][144] ";:fori=1tobw:ifem(i)=1thenprintb$(i);",";
  175. 973 nexti:printchr$(13);"----------------------------------------"
  176. 975 print"---------------------------------------"
  177. 976 printd$;
  178. 980 print"[144]":pokesp,sn+14:sys33024:print"":gosub7090
  179. 985 pokesp,sn+10:pokesp+1,sn+9:pokesp+2,sn+12
  180. 987 fori=1to5step2:pokev+i,50:next:pokev,0:pokev+2,26:pokev+4,52
  181. 990 pokev+16,7:pokev+21,7
  182. 995 ax=3:gosub7600
  183. 1020 ifa=2then7460
  184. 1025 ifa=3then200
  185. 1030 print"[206]achricht wird gespeichert...    ":pokev+21,0
  186. 1055 open2,8,2,sj$+",s,w"
  187. 1060 fori=0todm:print#2,chr$(34);x$(i):next:print#2,"#e#":close2
  188. 1062 open2,8,2,"mailnumber,s,r":input#2,mg:close2
  189. 1065 mg=mg+ok:open2,8,2,"@:mailnumber,s,w":print#2,mg:close2
  190. 1070 open2,8,2,"mailserver,s,a"
  191. 1071 fori=1tobw:ifem(i)=0then1073
  192. 1072 print#2,b$(b);cr$;b$(i);cr$;sj$;cr$;dt$;cr$
  193. 1073 nexti
  194. 1075 close2:pokev+21,7:goto995
  195. 1080 rem +*********+
  196. 1081 rem * drucken *
  197. 1082 rem +*********+
  198. 1085 gosub7400:ifa$="_"then1115
  199. 1095 open4,4:print#4,chr$(17);"no55 mailservice";cr$:print#4,"[214]on:     ";
  200. 1100 print#4,fr$(nr(am))cr$"[193]n:      ";b$(b);cr$;"[194][197]treff: ";sj$(nr(am))
  201. 1105 print#4,"[196]atum:   "da$(nr(am));cr$;cr$
  202. 1106 i=0
  203. 1107 ifx$(i)="#e#"ori>17then 1112
  204. 1110 print#4,x$(i):i=i+1:goto1107
  205. 1112 print#4,cr$;"end of message":close4
  206. 1115 goto760
  207. 1297 rem +*******+
  208. 1298 rem * setup *
  209. 1299 rem +*******+
  210. 1300 pokev+21,0:printt$(t);"             [211]etup:              ":q$=dh$
  211. 1301 pokev+21,0:print"[144]                                  "
  212. 1302 print" [210]ahmenfarbe       [146]               "
  213. 1303 print" [200]intergrundfarbe  [146]               "
  214. 1304 print" [212]itelleiste       [146]               "
  215. 1305 print" [196]esktopfarbe      [146]               "
  216. 1307 print" [201]cons             [146]               "
  217. 1310 print" aktives [201]con      [146]               "
  218. 1315 print" [196]esktopmotiv >[158]default     ";q$;"[146]  [144] "
  219. 1320 print" [211]chriftart   >[158]";s$(s);"        [144] "
  220. 1322 print" nach [193]nmelden z. [208]osteingang [ ] "
  221. 1323 print"                                  "
  222. 1325 print" [189]bernehmen                       ":
  223. 1326 print" [211]peichern                        "
  224. 1330 print" zur[189]ck                           ":pokesp,sn+15:pokev+39,1
  225. 1331 print"                                  "
  226. 1332 print"                                 "
  227. 1333 pokev,48:poke55557,ra:poke55597,hg:poke55637,t:poke55677,dh:poke55717,ic
  228. 1334 poke55757,ai:pokev+23,0:pokev+29,0:pokev+21,1:a=1:iflm=1thenll=1:goto1455
  229. 1335 pokev+1,90+a*8
  230. 1340 geta$
  231. 1341 ifa$=""then1340
  232. 1345 ifa$=""thena=a+1:ifa=10thena=11
  233. 1350 ifa$="[145]"thena=a-1:ifa=10thena=9
  234. 1355 ifa$=""then1380
  235. 1360 ifa$="[157]"then1395
  236. 1365 ifa$=chr$(13)then1410
  237. 1366 ifa<1thena=1
  238. 1368 ifa>13thena=13
  239. 1370 goto1335
  240. 1380 ifa>6then1335
  241. 1382 cs=55517+a*40
  242. 1383 k=peek(cs)and15:k=k+1:ifk=16thenk=15
  243. 1385 pokecs,k
  244. 1390 goto1335
  245. 1395 ifa>6then1335
  246. 1396 cs=55517+a*40
  247. 1400 k=peek(cs)and15:k=k-1:ifk=-1thenk=0
  248. 1402 pokecs,k
  249. 1405 goto1335
  250. 1410 ifa<5then1335
  251. 1415 ona-6goto1420,1520,1450,99,1465,1480,200
  252. 1420 open2,8,2,"desktopmotive,s,r"
  253. 1425 input#2,q$:ifq$="#e#"thenclose2:goto1420
  254. 1427 print"[158]";tab(18);"         [157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157]";q$;
  255. 1428 input#2,q$:printtab(30);"";q$
  256. 1430 geta$:ifa$=""then1430
  257. 1435 ifa$=""then1425
  258. 1440 ifa$=chr$(13)thenclose2:goto1335
  259. 1445 goto1425
  260. 1450 ll=ll+1:ifll=2thenll=0:
  261. 1455 ifll=1thenprint"[144]";tab(34);"x"
  262. 1457 ifll=0thenprint"[144]";tab(34);" "
  263. 1460 goto1335
  264. 1465 ra=peek(55557)and15:hg=peek(55597)and15:t=peek(55637)and15
  265. 1470 dh=peek(55677)and15:ic=peek(55717)and15:ai=peek(55757)and15:ml=ll:dh$=q$
  266. 1472 poke53280,ra:poke53281,hg:gosub7030:goto1300
  267. 1480 ifb=0then1335
  268. 1495 open8,8,8,b$(b):rc=2:gosub8000
  269. 1505 print#8,dh$;cr$;ra;cr$,hg;cr$;t;cr$;dh
  270. 1510 rc=3:gosub8000:print#8,ic;cr$;ai;cr$;s;cr$;lm:close8:goto1300
  271. 1520 s=s+2:ifs>8thens=2
  272. 1525 print"[158]";tab(18);s$(s):poke53272,(peek(53272)and240)ors
  273. 1530 goto1335
  274. 1887 rem +*******+
  275. 1888 rem * jaeger *
  276. 1889 rem +*******+
  277. 1900 pokev+21,0:open2,8,2,"j[176]ger,s,r":input#2,j1$,j2$,j3$,j4$:close2
  278. 1905 print"[144][197]s sind ";j1$;" [204]iter [144]vorr[187]tig.":al=0
  279. 1910 print"[211]tand vom",j4$:print"[211]igniert:[158]",j3$
  280. 1915 print"[144][196]ie [202][187]geruhr steht auf:":print"[158]",,j2$
  281. 1920 print"[144][215]as m[188]chten [211]ie anmelden?"
  282. 1925 print,"[214]erlust ([208]rost!)":print,"[218]uwachs":print,"best[187]tigen (zur[184]ck)"
  283. 1930 pokesp,sn+15:pokev,96:pokev+23,0:pokev+29,0:pokev+39,1:pokev+21,1:a=1
  284. 1935 pokev+1,154+a*8
  285. 1940 geta$:ifa$=""then1940
  286. 1945 ifa$=""thena=a+1:ifa>3thena=3
  287. 1950 ifa$="[145]"thena=a-1:ifa<1thena=1
  288. 1955 ifa$=chr$(13)then1965
  289. 1960 goto1935
  290. 1965 onagoto1970,2050,200
  291. 1970 print"[206]euer [202][187]gerstand >        [204]iter":n=0
  292. 1975 nj$=""
  293. 1980 geta$:ifa$=""then1980
  294. 1982 ifa$=chr$(13)andal=1thenreturn
  295. 1985 ifa$=chr$(13)then2010
  296. 1990 ifa$=chr$(20)thennj$="":print"[145]";tab(22);"      ":n=0
  297. 1995 ifasc(a$)>47andasc(a$)<58then2003
  298. 2000 ifasc(a$)<>46then1980
  299. 2003 n=n+1:ifn>5thenn=5:goto1980
  300. 2005 nj$=nj$+a$:pokesc+742+n,asc(a$)
  301. 2007 goto1980
  302. 2010 print"[158][196]iesen [211]tand speichern":print"";jn$:gosub7010
  303. 2015 ifa$="n"thengosub7030:goto1900
  304. 2020 open2,8,2,"@:j[176]ger,s,w":print#2,nj$:print#2,j2$:print#2,b$(b)
  305. 2025 print#2,dt$:close2:gosub7030:goto1900
  306. 2050 print"[145][145]",,,"0.25l ":print,,,"0.5l  ":print,,,"0.75l ":print,,,"1.0l  ":
  307. 2055 print,,,"1.5l  ":print,,,"andere":pokev,255:a=1
  308. 2060 pokev+1,162+a*8
  309. 2062 geta$:ifa$=""then2062
  310. 2065 ifa$=""thena=a+1:ifa>6thena=6
  311. 2070 ifa$="[145]"thena=a-1:ifa<1thena=1
  312. 2075 ifa$=chr$(13)then2085
  313. 2080 goto2060
  314. 2085 ifa=1thenx=val(j1$)+0.25
  315. 2086 ifa=2thenx=val(j1$)+0.5
  316. 2087 ifa=3thenx=val(j1$)+0.75
  317. 2088 ifa=4thenx=val(j1$)+1
  318. 2089 ifa=5thenx=val(j1$)+1.5
  319. 2090 ifa=6thenal=1:print"[145][145][145]";tab(23);"     ":n=0:gosub1975:x=val(j1$)+val(nj$)
  320. 2093 ifb$(b)=j2$thengosub2110
  321. 2095 j1$=str$(x):ifx<1thenj1$="0"+right$(j1$,4)
  322. 2097 open2,8,2,"@:j[176]ger,s,w":print#2,j1$:print#2,j2$:print#2,b$(b)
  323. 2100 print#2,dt$:close2:gosub7030:gosub7050:goto1900
  324. 2110 print"[202][176]geruhr weiterdrehen";jn$:gosub7010
  325. 2115 ifa$="n"thenreturn
  326. 2120 n=0:
  327. 2125 ifj2$<>b$(n)thenn=n+1:goto2125
  328. 2130 n=n+1:ifn=7thenn=1
  329. 2135 j2$=b$(n):return
  330. 2197 rem +******+
  331. 2198 rem * pins *
  332. 2199 rem +******+
  333. 2200 pokev+21,0:open2,8,2,"pinnumber,s,r":input#2,pn:close2:ap=pn
  334. 2205 pokesp,sn+2:pokesp+1,sn+17:pokesp+2,sn+12:pokev+21,7
  335. 2210 ax=3:gosub7600
  336. 2240 onagoto2245,2340,200
  337. 2245 pokev+21,0:i=0:open2,8,2,"pin"+str$(ap)+",s,r"
  338. 2248 printt$(t);"[147]              [208]in [206]r.";ap;"[157]                [151]"
  339. 2250 input#2,q1$,q2$:printq1$;" schrieb am ";q2$
  340. 2255 print"[144]---------------------------------------"
  341. 2260 input#2,x$(i):ifx$(i)="#e#"thenclose2:goto2266
  342. 2262 ifx$(i)="#lz#"thenx$(i)="                                        "
  343. 2265 printx$(i);:i=i+1:goto2260
  344. 2266 print"---------------------------------------"
  345. 2267 printd$;
  346. 2270 pokesp,sn+12:pokesp+1,sn+11:pokesp+2,sn+9:pokev+23,0:pokev+29,0
  347. 2275 pokev+16,14:fori=1to7step2:pokev+i,50:next:pokev,240:pokev+2,10
  348. 2280 pokev+4,36:pokev+6,62:pokesp+3,sn+12:pokev+21,15:a=1
  349. 2285 forj=0to3:pokev+39+j,ic:nextj:pokev+38+a,ai
  350. 2290 geta$:ifa$=""then2290
  351. 2295 ifa$=""thena=a+1:ifa>4thena=4
  352. 2300 ifa$="[157]"thena=a-1:ifa<1thena=1
  353. 2305 ifa$=chr$(13)then2315
  354. 2310 goto2285
  355. 2315 onagoto2320,2325,7530,2200
  356. 2320 ap=ap-1:ifap<1thenap=1:goto2285
  357. 2322 goto2245
  358. 2325 ap=ap+1:ifap>pnthenap=pn:goto2285
  359. 2330 goto2245
  360. 2337 rem +***************+
  361. 2338 rem * pin schreiben *
  362. 2339 rem +***************+
  363. 2340 gosub 7050:printt$(t)"[147]           [208]in schreiben               [144]"
  364. 2341 print"[151][197]nde mit ^ markieren u. mit [198]7 beenden[144]"
  365. 2342 print"---------------------------------------"
  366. 2343 print"---------------------------------------"
  367. 2344 printd$;:pokesp,sn+14
  368. 2345 pokev+39,1:pokev+23,0:pokev+29,0:pokev+21,1:sys33024:gosub7090
  369. 2360 pokesp,sn+10:pokesp+1,sn+9:pokesp+2,sn+12:pokev+23,0:pokev+29,0
  370. 2365 pokev+16,7:pokev,0:pokev+2,26:pokev+4,52:fori=1to5step2:pokev+i,50:nexti
  371. 2370 pokev+21,7
  372. 2375 ax=3:gosub7600
  373. 2405 onagoto2410,2430,2200
  374. 2410 pn=pn+1:pokev+21,0:open2,8,2,"pin"+str$(pn)+",s,w":print#2,b$(b)
  375. 2415 print#2,dt$:fori=0todm:print#2,chr$(34);x$(i):next:print#2,"#e#":close2
  376. 2420 open2,8,2,"@:pinnumber,s,w":print#2,pn:close2:goto2370
  377. 2430 q1$=b$(b):q2$=dt$:xq=1:gosub7530:goto2370
  378. 2497 rem +**************+
  379. 2498 rem * mail loeschen*
  380. 2499 rem +**************+
  381. 2500 open1,8,15,"s:"+sj$(nr(a)):close1
  382. 2503 fori=nr(a)tomg:fr$(i)=fr$(i+1):an$(i)=an$(i+1):sj$(i)=sj$(i+1)
  383. 2505 da$(i)=da$(i+1):nexti:mg=mg-1
  384. 2510 open2,8,2,"@:mailnumber,s,w":print#2,mg:close2
  385. 2515 open2,8,2,"@:mailserver,s,w"
  386. 2520 fori=1tomg:print#2,fr$(i):print#2,an$(i):print#2,sj$(i):print#2,da$(i)
  387. 2525 nexti:close2:np=np-1:return
  388. 2552 print#4,cr$;"end of note":close4
  389. 2597 rem +**********+
  390. 2598 rem * (NULL)otzplan *
  391. 2599 rem +**********+
  392. 2600 printt$(t);"[147]                [208]otzplan               "
  393. 2602 print"  [215]oche        [194]a/[203][189] [198]l/[212]r [205][189]/[203][215] [215][195]"
  394. 2603 print"[163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163]":end
  395. 2605 open1,8,15:open8,8,104,"[208]otzplan"
  396. 2610 forrc=1to10
  397. 2615 print#1,"p"+chr$(104)+chr$(rc)+chr$(0)+chr$(1)
  398. 2620 input#8,q$:printq$
  399. 2625 nextrc
  400. 2997 rem +**********+
  401. 2998 rem * adressen *
  402. 2999 rem +**********+
  403. 3000 pokev+21,0:printt$(t);"[147]              [193]dressen                 "
  404. 3005 print"[151]      [198]1-neue [193]dresse _ [197]sc"
  405. 3010 open8,8,104,b$(b):rc=4
  406. 3020 gosub8000:input#8,q$:ifq$<>chr$(255)thenend
  407. 3023 print"noch keine [193]dressen! [198]1 um [193]dressen":print anzulegen""
  408. 3025 input#8,nn$,vn$,tl$,ad$,plz$,rt$,at$
  409. 3030 printnn$;", ";vn$,tl$:rc=rc+1:goto3020
  410. 3200 pokev+21,0:printt$(t)" neue [193]dresse                  "
  411. 3202 print"[144]                                "
  412. 3205 print" [206]achname:                      "
  413. 3210 print" [214]orname:                       "
  414. 3215 print" [211]tra[190]e:                        "
  415. 3220 print" [208][204][218]:       [207]rt:                "
  416. 3225 print" [212]elefon:                       "
  417. 3230 print" email:                         "
  418. 3235 print"                                "
  419. 3240 print" [198]1 speichern [198]3 speichern und  "
  420. 3245 print" n[187]chste [193]dresse [198]7 [193]bbr.       "
  421. 3250 print"                                "
  422. 3255 print"                               "
  423. 6996 end
  424. 6997 rem +*******************+
  425. 6998 rem * fehlerkanal lesen *
  426. 6999 rem +*******************+
  427. 7000 input#1,e1$,e2$,e3$,e4$:return
  428. 7007 rem +*********+
  429. 7008 rem * ja/nein *
  430. 7009 rem +*********+
  431. 7010 geta$:ifa$=""then7010
  432. 7015 ifa$<>"j"anda$<>"n"then7010
  433. 7020 return
  434. 7027 rem +********************+
  435. 7028 rem * desktophintergrund *
  436. 7029 rem +********************+
  437. 7030 print" [144][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164]"
  438. 7035 fori=0to18:print" [144] [146]";:poke646,dh:printdh$;dh$;dh$;dh$;dh$;dh$;dh$;dh$;
  439. 7040 printdh$;"[144] [146]":next:print" [163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163]":return
  440. 7047 rem +******************+
  441. 7048 rem * textfeld lposschen *
  442. 7049 rem +******************+
  443. 7050 print"                                        ";
  444. 7055 print"                                        ";:return
  445. 7057 rem +**********+
  446. 7058 rem * passwort *
  447. 7059 rem +**********+
  448. 7060 print"";tab(10);t$(t);"[208]asswort       ":p=0:p$=""
  449. 7062 printtab(10);"[155]               [144] ":printtab(10);"[155]  [146]             [144] "
  450. 7063 printtab(10);"[155]               [144] ":printtab(11);     "[144]               "
  451. 7064 fori=55788to55798:pokei,0:next
  452. 7065 geta$:ifa$=""then7065
  453. 7070 ifa$=chr$(13)thenreturn
  454. 7075 ifa$=chr$(20)thenprint"[145][145]":goto7060
  455. 7080 p$=p$+a$:p=p+1:ifp>11thenp=11
  456. 7085 pokesc+491+p,42:goto7065=
  457. 7087 rem +***************+
  458. 7088 rem * poke -> ascii *
  459. 7089 rem +***************+
  460. 7090 fori=0to18:x$(i)="":next:i=0:dm=0:e=0
  461. 7092 lz=0:forj=0to39
  462. 7095 x=peek(33912+40*i+j):print"";i;j:ifx<>32thenlz=1
  463. 7097 ifx=30ore=1thene=1:dm=i:nextj:return
  464. 7100 ifx<32thenx=x+64:goto7110
  465. 7102 ifx>95andx<99thenx=x+64:goto7110
  466. 7103 ifx>122andx<127thenx=x+64:goto7110
  467. 7105 ifx>63andx<94thenx=x+32
  468. 7110 x$(i)=x$(i)+chr$(x):nextj
  469. 7115 iflz=0thenx$(i)="#lz#"
  470. 7117 i=i+1:goto7092
  471. 7120 dm=18:return
  472. 7147 rem +***************+
  473. 7148 rem * datum eingabe *
  474. 7149 rem +***************+
  475. 7150 printt$(t);" [196]atum                       "
  476. 7151 print"[144]                              "
  477. 7152 print"[144] [194]itte das heutige [196]atum und  "
  478. 7153 print" die [213]hrzeit eingeben:        "
  479. 7154 print"                              "
  480. 7155 print" 00.00.2002  00:00 [213]hr        "
  481. 7156 print"                              "
  482. 7157 print"                             "
  483. 7160 pokesp,sn+14:pokev+39,1:pokev+21,1
  484. 7165 pokev,96:pokev+1,138:pokev+23,0:pokev+29,0:a=1
  485. 7170 pokev,64+a*8
  486. 7172 geta$:ifa$=""then7172
  487. 7175 ifa$=chr$(20)thena=1:goto7170
  488. 7177 ifa$=chr$(13)then7195
  489. 7178 ifa$=""thengoto7185
  490. 7180 x=asc(a$):ifx<48orx>57then7170
  491. 7182 pokesc+11*40+5+a,x
  492. 7185 a=a+1:ifa=3thena=4
  493. 7186 ifa=6thena=9
  494. 7187 ifa=11thena=13
  495. 7188 ifa=15thena=16
  496. 7189 ifa>17thena=17
  497. 7190 goto7170
  498. 7195 tt$=chr$(peek(34238))+chr$(peek(34239)):ifval(tt$)>31then7170
  499. 7197 mm$=chr$(peek(34241))+chr$(peek(34242)):ifval(mm$)>12then7170
  500. 7199 jj$=chr$(peek(34246))+chr$(peek(34247))
  501. 7200 hh$=chr$(peek(34250))+chr$(peek(34251)):ifval(hh$)>24then7170
  502. 7205 mx$=chr$(peek(34253))+chr$(peek(34254)):ifval(mi$)>59then7170
  503. 7210 dt$=tt$+"."+mm$+"."+jj$:ti$=hh$+mx$+"00":return
  504. 7217 rem +*************+
  505. 7218 rem * abmelden    *
  506. 7219 rem +*************+
  507. 7220 pokev+21,0:print"";tab(12);t$(t);" [193]bmelden        "
  508. 7225 printtab(12);"                 ":printtab(12);" [144][215]ollen [211]ie sich  "
  509. 7230 printtab(12);" abmelden?        ":printtab(12);"                  "
  510. 7235 printtab(12);"   ";jn$(2);"     ":printtab(12);"                  "
  511. 7240 printtab(13);"                 ":a=2
  512. 7245 geta$:ifa$=""then7245
  513. 7250 ifa$=""thena=a+1:ifa>2thena=2
  514. 7255 ifa$="[157]"thena=a-1:ifa<1thena=1
  515. 7260 ifa$=chr$(13)then7270
  516. 7265 print"";tab(15);jn$(a):goto7245
  517. 7270 ifa=1thenb=0
  518. 7275 goto200
  519. 7297 rem +******************+
  520. 7298 rem * betreff eingabe  *
  521. 7299 rem +******************+
  522. 7300 ok=0:sj$="":fori=1tobw:ifem(i)=1thenok=ok+1
  523. 7301 next:ifok=0thenreturn
  524. 7302 print"";tab(9);t$(t);" [194]etreff          "
  525. 7305 printtab(9);"[155]                  [144] "
  526. 7310 printtab(9);"[155] [146]                 [144] "
  527. 7315 printtab(9);"[155]                  [144] "
  528. 7320 printtab(10);"                  "
  529. 7325 pokesp,sn+14:pokev+1,128:q=0
  530. 7330 pokev,104+q*8
  531. 7335 geta$:ifa$=""then7335
  532. 7336 ifa$=":"then7335
  533. 7337 ifa$="?"then7335
  534. 7338 ifa$="*"then7335
  535. 7339 ifa$=chr$(34)then7335
  536. 7340 ifa$=chr$(20)then7360
  537. 7345 ifa$=chr$(13)then7370
  538. 7350 q=q+1:ifq>16thenq=16:goto7330
  539. 7355 sj$=sj$+a$:print"";tab(10);sj$:goto7330
  540. 7360 q=q-1:sj$=left$(sj$,q):print"";tab(10);"                "
  541. 7365 print"";tab(10);sj$:goto7330
  542. 7370 open2,8,2,sj$+",s,r":close2:gosub7000:ife2$="file not found"then return
  543. 7375 pokews,33:fori=1to300:next:pokews,0:goto7300
  544. 7397 rem +*****************+
  545. 7398 rem * drucker bereit  *
  546. 7399 rem +*****************+
  547. 7400 print"[147]"
  548. 7405 printt$(t);" [196]rucken                         [155]"
  549. 7410 print"[155]                                 [144] "
  550. 7415 print"[155] [196]rucker online und [208]apier drin? [144] "
  551. 7420 print"[155]                                 [144] "
  552. 7425 print"[155]            [151] [207] [203] [155]                [144] "
  553. 7430 print"[155]                                 [144] "
  554. 7435 print"[144]                                 "
  555. 7440 geta$:ifa$=""then7440
  556. 7445 ifa$="_"thenreturn
  557. 7450 print"[155] [196]ruckvorgang gestartet...       ":return
  558. 7460 gosub7400:ifa$="_"then7490
  559. 7465 open4,4:print#4,"[206][207]55 [205]ailservice";cr$
  560. 7470 print#4,"[214]on:     ";b$(b):print#4,"[193]n:      ";
  561. 7475 fori=1tobw:ifem(i)=1thenprint#4,b$(i);",";
  562. 7480 nexti:print#4,"[194]etreff: ";sj$:print#4,"[196]atum:   ";dt$;cr$
  563. 7485 fori=0todm:print#4,x$(i):next:print#4,cr$;"end of message":close4
  564. 7490 print"[147]                                       ":print" ";sj$
  565. 7495 print"[151][193]n [144][146]";:fori=1tobw
  566. 7500 ifem(i)=1thenprintb$(i);",";
  567. 7505 nexti:printchr$(13);"[144]---------------------------------------"
  568. 7510 fori=0todm:printx$(i);:next
  569. 7520 goto995
  570. 7530 rem ---- pins drucken a ----
  571. 7535 gosub7400:ifa$="_"andxq=0then2245
  572. 7536 ifa$="_"andxq=1then2370
  573. 7540 open4,4:print#4,chr$(17);"[206][207]55 [208]inwand";cr$;"[208]in [206]r.";ap;cr$
  574. 7545 print#4,"[214]on   :";q1$:print#4,"[196]atum:";q2$;cr$;cr$
  575. 7550 fork=0toi-1:print#4,x$(k):next:close4
  576. 7555 onxq+1goto2245,2370
  577. 7597 rem +***********+
  578. 7598 rem * icon menue*
  579. 7599 rem +***********+
  580. 7600 a=1:printt$(t)
  581. 7605 pokev+38+a,ai
  582. 7607 geta$:print" "left$(ti$,2)":"mid$(ti$,3,2)
  583. 7610 ifa$=""then7605
  584. 7612 pokev+38+a,ic
  585. 7615 ifa$=""thena=a+1:ifa>axthena=ax
  586. 7620 ifa$="[157]"thena=a-1:ifa<1thena=1
  587. 7625 ifa$=""thena=a+4:ifa>axthena=ax
  588. 7630 ifa$="[145]"thena=a-4:ifa<1thena=1
  589. 7635 ifa$="_"thenreturn
  590. 7640 ifa$=chr$(13)thenreturn
  591. 7645 goto7605
  592. 7697 rem +************+
  593. 7698 rem * vert. menu *
  594. 7699 rem +************+
  595. 7700 a=1:pokev,x1:pokev+23,0:pokev+29,0:pokev+16,0:pokev+39,ai:pokev+21,1
  596. 7702 pokesp,sn+15:printt$(t)
  597. 7705 pokev+1,y1+8*a
  598. 7710 geta$:ifa$=""then7710
  599. 7720 ifa$=""thena=a+1:ifa>axthena=ax
  600. 7725 ifa$="[145]"thena=a-1:ifa<1thena=1
  601. 7730 ifa$="_"ora$="[137]"thenreturn
  602. 7735 ifa$=chr$(13)thenreturn
  603. 7740 goto7705
  604. 8000 print#1,"p"+chr$(104)+chr$(rc)+chr$(0)+chr$(1)
  605. 8005 input#1,e1$,e2$,e3$,e4$
  606. 8010 print"";e1$;e2$:return
  607. 8996 end
  608. 8997 rem +*************+
  609. 8998 rem + servercheck *
  610. 8999 rem +*************+
  611. 9000 open2,8,2,"mailnumber,s,r":input#2,q:print"[206]achrichten:";q:close2
  612. 9010 open2,8,2,"mailserver,s,r"
  613. 9015 fori=1toq:input#2,a$:printa$:input#2,a$:printa$:input#2,a$:printa$
  614. 9020 input#2,a$:printa$:print:nexti:close2:end
  615. 9050 open2,8,2,"[212]estmailx1,s,r"
  616. 9055 input#2,q$:printq$:ifq$="#e#"thenclose2:end
  617. 9060 goto9055
  618. 9070 end
  619. 9080 rem ------ server reset -------
  620. 9090 open2,8,2,"@:mailnumber,s,w":print#2,1:close2
  621. 9100 open2,8,2,"@:mailserver,s,w"
  622. 9110 fori=1to4:print#2,"dummy":nexti:close2:end
  623. 9200 open2,8,2,"[200]annenz,s,r":
  624. 9210 input#2,q$:printq$:goto9210