Columbia Kermit
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Assembly Source File
1,743 lines
NAME msscom
include mssdef.h
; Copyright (C) 1982,1991, Trustees of Columbia University in the
; City of New York. Permission is granted to any individual or
; institution to use, copy, or redistribute this software as long as
; it is not sold for profit and this copyright notice is retained.
; Edit history:
; 2 March 1991 version 3.10
; Last edit 23 Jan 1991
public spack, rpack, sleep, spause, bufclr, pakptr, bufrel
public makebuf, getbuf, pakdup, chkwind, firstfree, windused
public rpacket, windlow, chkparflg
stat_suc equ 0 ; success
stat_tmo equ 1 ; timeout
stat_chk equ 2 ; checksum mismatch
stat_ptl equ 4 ; packet too long
stat_int equ 8 ; user interrupt
stat_eol equ 10h ; eol char seen
stat_bad equ 80h ; packet is bad (premature EOL)
data segment public 'data'
extrn flags:byte, trans:byte, fsta:word, ssta:word, fmtdsp:byte
extrn pktnum:byte, portval:word, denyflg:word
parmsk db 0ffh ; parity mask (0FFH for 8bit data path) [umd]
badpflag db 0 ; flag to say have shown bad parity message
spmes db 'Spack: $'
rpmes db 'Rpack: $'
crlf db cr,lf,'$'
msgstl db 'Internal Error: send packet is too long',0,'$'
msgtmo db '<Timeout>',cr,lf,'$'
msgbad db '<Crunched packet>',cr,lf,'$'
msgecho db '<Echo of sent packet>',cr,lf,'$'
msgbadsnd db cr,lf,'<Error sending packet bytes>',cr,lf,'$'
msgbadpare db 'Unexpected Parity from host! Changing Parity to EVEN'
db cr,lf,0
msgbadparo db 'Unexpected Parity from host! Changing Parity to ODD'
db cr,lf,0
msgbadparm db 'Unexpected Parity from host! Changing Parity to MARK'
db cr,lf,0
tmp db 0
spause db 0 ; # millisec to wait before sending pkt
timeval db 0 ; active receive timeout value, seconds
prvtyp db 0 ; Type of last packet sent
chkparflg db 0 ; non-zero to check parity on received pkts
prevchar db 0 ; previous char from comms line (for ^C exit)
lentyp db 0 ; packet length type, 3, 0, 1
debflg db 0 ; debug display, send/receive flag
timeit db 0 ; arm timeout counter
flowon db 0 ; xon or null, flow-on value
; sliding windows data structures
windlow db 0 ; lower border of window
windused db 0 ; number of window slots in use
prolog db 10 dup (0) ; prolog: SOH, LEN, SEQ, TYPE, xlen,...,null
epilog db 30 dup (0) ; epilog: checksum, eol, handshake + null term
rbuf db 128 dup (0) ; static packet buffer for replies
bufnum dw 0 ; number of buffers available now
buflist dw maxwind dup (0) ; pointers to packet structures in pktlist
bufuse dw maxwind dup (0) ; in-use flag (0 = not in use)
pktlist pktinfo maxwind dup (<>) ; pktinfo structured members (private)
bufbuf db maxpack+((3*maxwind)/2) dup (0) ; Data buffer for packets
rpacket pktinfo <offset rbuf,0,length rbuf,0,0> ; reply pktinfo
rtemp dw 0 ; address of pktinfo structure for rpack
stemp dw 0 ; address of pktinfo structure for spack
linecnt dw 0 ; debug line width counter
pktptr dw 0 ; position in receive packet
chksum dw 0 ; running checksum (two char)
chrcnt dw 0 ; number of bytes in data field of a packet
spkcnt dw 0 ; number of bytes sent in this packet
rpkcnt dw 0 ; number of bytes received in this packet
status dw 0 ; status of packet receiver (0 = ok)
deblen dw 0 ; length of current debug buffer
fairflg dw 0 ; fairness flag, for console/port reads
time dw 2 dup (0) ; Sleep, when we should timeout
rptim db 4 dup (0) ; read packet timeout slots
sixzero dw 60 ; for div operation in rec packet timeouts
ninefive dw 95 ; for mult/div with long packets
temp dw 0
data ends
code segment public 'code'
extrn prtchr:near, outchr:near, isdev:near
extrn sppos:near, ermsg:near, clearl:near, rppos:near
extrn pktcpt:near, strlen:near, pcwait:near
assume cs:code, ds:data, es:nothing
prtchr1 proc far ; near-far interface routines for code1 seg
call prtchr
prtchr1 endp
outchr1 proc far
call outchr
outchr1 endp
isdev1 proc far
call isdev
isdev1 endp
rppos1 proc far
call rppos
rppos1 endp
sppos1 proc far
call sppos
sppos1 endp
ermsg1 proc far
call ermsg
ermsg1 endp
clearl1 proc far
call clearl
clearl1 endp
pktcpt1 proc far
call pktcpt
pktcpt1 endp
strlen1 proc far
call strlen
strlen1 endp
pcwait1 proc far
call pcwait
pcwait1 endp
code ends
code1 segment public 'code'
assume cs:code1, ds:data, es:nothing
; Send_Packet
; This routine assembles a packet from the arguments given and sends it
; to the host.
; Expects the following:
; SI = pointer to pktinfo structure, as
; [SI].PKTYPE - Packet type letter
; [SI].SEQNUM - Packet sequence number
; [SI].DATLEN - Number of data characters
; [SI].DATADR - Address of data field for packet
; Returns: carry clear if success, carry set if failure.
; Packet construction areas:
; Prolog (8 bytes) Data null Epilog
;| SOH,LEN,SEQ,TYPE,Xlen(2-3),Xlen chksum | packet's data | chksum,EOL,HS |
; where Xlen is 2 byte (Long) or 3 byte (Extra Long) count of bytes to follow.
mov stemp,si ; save pkt pointer
mov ah,[si].pktype
mov prvtyp,ah ; remember packet type
mov spkcnt,0 ; number of bytes sent in this packet
add fsta.pspkt,1 ; statistics, count a packet being sent
adc fsta.pspkt+2,0 ; ripple carry
add ssta.pspkt,1 ; statistics, count a packet being sent
adc ssta.pspkt+2,0 ; ripple carry
mov al,spause ; wait spause milliseconds before sending pkt
or al,al ; zero?
jz spac1 ; z = yes
xor ah,ah
call pcwait1 ; to let other side get ready
spac1: mov cl,trans.spad ; get the number of padding chars
xor ch,ch
jcxz spac4 ; z = none
xor al,al
xchg al,trans.sdbl ; doubling char, stash and clear it
push ax
mov ah,trans.spadch ; get padding char
spac2: call spkout ; send padding char
jnc spac3 ; nc = success
ret ; failed
spac3: loop spac2
pop ax ; recover doubling char
xchg trans.sdbl,al
spac4: mov bx,offset prolog ; start with these guys
mov pktptr,bx
call snddeb ; do debug display (while it's still our turn)
mov bx,offset prolog ; start with these guys
mov pktptr,bx
push es
push ds
pop es
mov cx,length prolog
mov di,offset prolog
xor al,al
rep stosb
mov cx,length epilog
mov di,offset epilog
rep stosb
pop es
mov al,trans.ssoh ; get the start of header char
mov prolog,al ; put SOH in the packet
mov si,stemp ; address of send pktinfo
mov al,[si].seqnum ; SEQ
add al,20h ; ascii bias
mov prolog+2,al ; store SEQ in packet
xor ah,ah
mov chksum,ax ; start checksum
mov al,prvtyp ; TYPE
mov prolog+3,al ; store TYPE
add chksum,ax ; add to checksum
; packet length type is directly governed here by length of header plus data
; field, [si].datlen, plus chksum: regular <= 94, long <= 9024, else X long.
mov ax,[si].datlen ; DATA length
add ax,2 ; add SEQ, TYPE lengths
add al,trans.chklen ; add checksum length at the end
adc ah,0 ; propagate carry, yields overall new length
cmp ax,[si].datsize ; too big?
jle spac14 ; le = ok
push dx ; tell user an internal error has occurred
mov dx,offset msgstl ; packet is too long
call ermsg1 ; display message on error line
call captdol ; put into packet log
pop dx
ret ; return bad
spac14: mov lentyp,3 ; assume regular packet
cmp ax,94 ; longer than a regular?
ja spac15 ; a = use Long
add al,20h ; convert length to ascii
mov prolog+1,al ; store LEN
xor ah,ah
add chksum,ax ; add LEN to checksum
mov bx,offset prolog+4 ; look at data field
jmp spac19 ; do regular
; use Long packets (type 0)
spac15: sub ax,2 ; deduct SEQ and TYPE from above = data+chksum
mov lentyp,0 ; assume type 0 packet
cmp ax,(95*95-1) ; longest type 0 Long packet (9024)
jbe spac16 ; be = type 0
mov lentyp,1 ; type 1 packet, Extra Long
spac16: mov cl,lentyp ; add new LEN field to checksum
add cl,20h ; ascii bias, tochar()
xor ch,ch
add chksum,cx ; add to running checksum
mov prolog+1,cl ; put LEN into packet
mov bx,offset prolog+4
mov cx,1 ; a counter
xor dx,dx ; high order numerator of length
spac17: div ninefive ; divide ax by 95. quo = ax, rem = dx
push dx ; push remainder
inc cx ; count push depth
cmp ax,95 ; quotient >= 95?
jae spac17 ; ae = yes, recurse
push ax ; push for pop below
spac18: pop ax ; get a digit
add al,20h ; apply tochar()
mov [bx],al ; store in data field
add chksum,ax ; accumulate checksum for header
inc bx ; point to next data field byte
mov byte ptr[bx],0 ; insert terminator
loop spac18 ; get the rest
mov ax,chksum ; current checksum
shl ax,1 ; put two highest bits of al into ah
shl ax,1
and ah,3 ; want just those two bits
shr al,1 ; put al back in place
shr al,1
add al,ah ; add two high bits to earlier checksum
and al,03fh ; chop to lower 6 bits (mod 64)
add al,20h ; apply tochar()
mov [bx],al ; store that in length's header checksum
inc bx
mov byte ptr [bx],0 ; terminator to prolog field
xor ah,ah
add chksum,ax ; add that byte to running checksum
; end of inserting Long pkt info
spac19: mov cx,bx ; where we stopped+1
mov bx,offset prolog ; place where prolog section starts
sub cx,bx
jcxz spac22 ; nothing
spac20: mov ah,[bx] ; prolog part
or ah,ah ; at the end?
jz spac22 ; z = yes
inc bx
call spkout ; send byte to serial port
jnc spac21 ; nc = good send
jmp spac28 ; bad send
spac21: loop spac20 ; do all prolog parts
spac22: mov pktptr,offset prolog ; starting point for deblin, end = [bx-1]
call deblin ; show debug info for prolog
mov si,stemp ; address of pktinfo
mov bx,[si].datadr ; select from given data buffer
mov pktptr,bx ; start here with next deblin
mov dx,[si].datlen ; get the number of data bytes in packet
spac23: or dx,dx ; any data chars remaining?
jle spac25 ; le = no, finish up
mov al,[bx] ; get a data char
inc bx ; point to next char [umd]
spac24: xor ah,ah
add chksum,ax ; add the char to the checksum [umd]
and chksum,0fffh ; keep only low order 12 bits
mov ah,al ; put char in ah where spkout wants it
dec dx ; say sending one character
call spkout ; send it
jnc spac23 ; nc = success, get more data chars
jmp spac28 ; bad send
spac25: mov byte ptr [bx],0 ; terminator of data field
call deblin ; show debug display of data field
mov bx,offset epilog ; area for epilog
mov pktptr,bx ; where to start last of debug display
mov cx,chksum
cmp trans.chklen,2 ; what kind of checksum are we using?
je spac27 ; e = 2 characters
jg spac26 ; g = 3 characters
mov ah,cl ; 1 char: get the character total
mov ch,cl ; save here too (need 'cl' for shift)
and ah,0C0H ; turn off all but the two high order bits
mov cl,6
shr ah,cl ; shift them into the low order position
mov cl,ch
add ah,cl ; add it to the old bits
and ah,3FH ; turn off the two high order bits. (MOD 64)
add ah,' ' ; add a space so the number is printable
mov [bx],ah ; put in the packet
inc bx ; point to next char
call spkout ; send it
jnc spac30 ; add EOL char
jmp spac28 ; bad send
spac26: mov byte ptr[bx],0 ; null, to determine end of buffer
push bx ; don't lose our place
mov bx,offset prolog+1 ; first checksummed char, skip SOH
xor dx,dx ; initial CRC value is 0
call crcclc ; calculate the CRC of prolog part, to cx
mov si,stemp ; address of pktinfo
mov bx,[si].datadr ; address of data
push bx ; save address
add bx,[si].datlen ; byte beyond data
mov byte ptr [bx],0 ; null terminator for CRC
pop bx ; recover address of data
mov dx,cx ; first part of CRC returned in cx
call crcclc ; do CRC of data, using current CRC in dx
pop bx ; recover place to store more debug info
push cx ; save the crc
mov ax,cx ; manipulate it here
and ax,0F000H ; get 4 highest bits
mov cl,4
shr ah,cl ; shift over 4 bits
add ah,' ' ; make printable
mov [bx],ah ; add to buffer
inc bx
pop cx ; get back checksum value
call spkout ; send it
jnc spac27
jmp short spac28 ; bad send
spac27: push cx ; save it for now
and cx,0FC0H ; get bits 6-11
mov ax,cx
mov cl,6
shr ax,cl ; shift them bits over
add al,' ' ; make printable
mov [bx],al ; add to buffer
inc bx
mov ah,al
call spkout ; send it
pop cx ; get back the original
jc spac28 ; c = bad send
and cx,003FH ; get bits 0-5
add cl,' ' ; make printable
mov [bx],cl ; add to buffer
inc bx
mov ah,cl
call spkout ; send it
jnc spac30
spac28: call deblin ; show debug info so far before exiting
mov dx,offset msgbadsnd ; say sending error in log
call captdol
mov si,stemp ; restore pkt pointer
stc ; carry set for failure
RET ; bad send, do ret to caller of spack
spac30: mov ah,trans.seol ; get the EOL the other host wants
mov [bx],ah ; put eol
inc bx
call deblin ; do debug display (while it's still our turn)
test flags.debug,logpkt ; In debug mode?
jnz spac31 ; nz = yes
test flags.capflg,logpkt ; log packets?
jz spac32 ; z = no
spac31: cmp linecnt,0 ; anything on current line?
je spac32 ; e = no
mov dx,offset crlf ; finish line with cr/lf
call captdol ; to log file
spac32: mov ah,trans.seol ; recover EOL
call spkout ; send it
jnc spac33
stc ; bad send
ret ; return in error state
spac33: mov ax,spkcnt ; number of bytes sent in this packet
add fsta.psbyte,ax ; file total bytes sent
adc fsta.psbyte+2,0 ; propagate carry to high word
add ssta.psbyte,ax ; for session
adc ssta.psbyte+2,0
call chkcon ; check console for user interrupts
mov si,stemp ; restore pkt pointer
clc ; carry clear for success
ret ; return successfully
spkout: cmp ah,trans.sdbl ; double this char?
jne spkou1 ; ne = no
call spkou1 ; do it once here and again via fall through
jnc spkou1 ; but again only if no failure
ret ; return failure
spkou1: push ax ; send char in ah out the serial port
push bx ; return carry clear if success
push cx
push dx
mov tmp,1 ; retry counter
spkour: call outchr1 ; serial port transmitter procedure
jc spkoux ; c = bad send, retry
inc spkcnt ; count number of bytes sent in this packet
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
clc ; carry clear for good send
spkoux: cmp tmp,5 ; done 5 attempts on this char?
jge spkoux1 ; ge = yes, fail the sending
inc tmp
push ax
mov ax,10 ; wait 10 milliseconds
call pcwait1
pop ax
jmp short spkour ; retry
spkoux1:pop dx ; failed to send char
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
stc ; set carry for bad send
; Calculate the CRC of the null-terminated string whose address is in BX.
; Returns the CRC in CX. Destroys BX and AX.
; The CRC is based on the SDLC polynomial: x**16 + x**12 + x**5 + 1.
; By Edgar Butt 28 Oct 1987 [ebb].
; Enter with initial CRC in DX (normally 0).
crcclc: push dx
mov cl,4 ; load shift count
crc0: mov ah,[bx] ; get the next char of the string
or ah,ah ; if null, then we're done
jz crc1 ; z = null, stop
inc bx
xor dl,ah ; XOR input with lo order byte of CRC
mov ah,dl ; copy it
shl ah,cl ; shift copy
xor ah,dl ; XOR to get quotient byte in ah
mov dl,dh ; high byte of CRC becomes low byte
mov dh,ah ; initialize high byte with quotient
xor al,al
shr ax,cl ; shift quotient byte
xor dl,ah ; XOR (part of) it with CRC
shr ax,1 ; shift it again
xor dx,ax ; XOR it again to finish up
jmp short crc0
crc1: mov cx,dx ; return CRC in CX
pop dx
; Receive_Packet
; This routine waits for a packet arrive from the host. Two Control-C's in a
; row from the comms line will cause a Control-C interruption exit.
; Returns
; SI = pointer to pktinfo structure, as
; [SI].SEQNUM - Packet sequence number
; [SI].DATLEN - Number of data characters
; [SI].DATADR - Address of data field for packet
; Returns AH - packet type (letter code)
; Returns: carry clear if success, carry set if failure.
; Packet construction areas:
; Prolog (8 bytes+2 nulls) null Data null Epilog null
;| SOH,LEN,SEQ,TYPE,Xlen(2-3),Xlen chksum | packet's data | chksum,EOL,HS |
; where Xlen is 2 byte (Long) or 3 byte (Extra Long) count of bytes to follow.
mov rtemp,si ; save pkt structure address
xor ax,ax ; get a zero
mov debflg,al ; say debugging display not setup
mov fairflg,ax ; set fairness flag
mov badpflag,al ; bad parity flag, clear it
mov prevchar,al ; clear previous recv'd char area
mov [si].pktype,'T' ; assume 'T' type packet (timeout)
mov bx,[si].datadr ; caller's data buffer
mov pktptr,bx ; debug buffer pointer for new stuff
mov [si].datlen,ax ; init to empty buffer
mov cx,[si].datsize ; length of that buffer, for debugger
mov deblen,cx
mov word ptr [bx],ax ; clear storage areas (asciiz)
mov word ptr prolog,ax
mov word ptr epilog,ax
mov cl,trans.stime ; time to wait for start of packet
mov timeval,cl ; local timer value, seconds
mov status,stat_suc ; assume success
mov rpkcnt,ax ; number of bytes rcvd in packet
push bx
mov parmsk,0ffh ; parity mask, assume 8 bit data
mov bx,portval
mov ax,[bx].flowc ; flow control
mov flowon,al ; xon or null
xor ax,ax
cmp [bx].parflg,parnon ; parity is none?
pop bx
je rpack0a ; e = none
mov parmsk,7fh ; else strip parity (8th) bit
jmp rpack0a
; get here with unexpected char
rpack0: test status,stat_tmo ; timeout get us here?
jnz rpack0f ; nz = yes, no new char to record
xor ah,ah
mov [bx],ax ; store 8 bit char in buffer
inc bx ; advance buffer pointer
rpack0f:push ax ; save around this work
cmp debflg,0 ; started debugging display yet?
jne rpack0d ; ne = yes
call rcvdeb ; setup receive debug display
rpack0d:call deblin ; debug, show chars received thus far
mov bx,rtemp ; pktinfo address
mov [bx].datlen,0 ; say no data yet
mov [bx].seqnum,0ffh ; illegal value
mov [bx].pktype,0 ; illegal value
mov ax,[bx].datsize ; length of that buffer, for debugger
mov deblen,ax
mov bx,[bx].datadr ; data field address, reuse for prolog
mov pktptr,bx ; debug buffer pointer for new stuff
xor ax,ax
mov word ptr [bx],ax ; clear the data field
mov word ptr prolog,ax ; clear prolog field
mov word ptr epilog,ax ; clear epilog field
mov rpkcnt,ax ; count of chars
pop ax ; recover unexpected char
test status,stat_int ; interrupted?
jz rpack0e ; z = no
jmp rpack60 ; yes, exit now
rpack0e:mov status,stat_suc ; assume success
and al,7fh ; strip high bit
cmp al,trans.rsoh ; was unexpected char the SOH?
je rpack1 ; e = yes, get LEN char
rpack0a:call inchr ; get a character. SOH
jnc rpack0b ; nc = got one
; c=failure (eol, timeout, user intervention)
test status,stat_eol ; hit eol from prev packet?
jnz rpack0 ; nz = yes, restart
jmp rpack60 ; timeout or user intervention
rpack0b:mov ah,al ; copy the char
and ah,7fh ; strip any parity bit, regardless
cmp ah,trans.rsoh ; start of header char?
je rpack0c ; e = yes, SOH
jmp rpack0 ; ne = no, go until it is
rpack0c:xor ah,ah ; clear the terminator byte
mov [bx],ax ; store 8 bit char in buffer
inc bx ; advance buffer pointer
rpack1: mov timeval,1 ; reduce local timer value to 1 second
call inchr ; get a character. LEN
jc rpack1a ; failure
mov [bx],al ; store LEN in buffer
and al,7fh ; strip any parity bit
cmp al,trans.rsoh ; start of header char?
jne rpack1b ; ne = no
rpack1a:jmp rpack0 ; yes, start over (common jmp point)
rpack1b:inc bx
mov chksum,ax ; start the checksum
sub al,20h ; unchar(LEN) to binary
jnc rpack1e ; nc = legal (printable)
mov status,stat_ptl ; set bad length status
jmp rpack40 ; and quit
rpack1e:mov si,rtemp
mov [si].datlen,ax ; save the data count (byte)
call inchr ; get a character. SEQ
jc rpack1a ; c = failure
mov [bx],al ; store SEQ in buffer
inc bx
and al,7fh ; strip any parity bit
cmp al,trans.rsoh ; SOH?
je rpack1a ; e = yes, then go start over
add chksum,ax
sub al,' ' ; get the real packet number
jnc rpack1f ; nc = no overflow
mov status,stat_ptl ; say bad status
jmp rpack40 ; and exit now
rpack1f:mov si,rtemp
mov [si].seqnum,al ; save the packet number. SEQ
call inchr ; get a character. TYPE
jc rpack1a ; c = failure
mov [bx],al ; store TYPE in buffer
inc bx
and al,7fh ; strip any parity bit
cmp al,trans.rsoh ; SOH?
je rpack1a ; e = yes, then go start over
mov [si].pktype,al ; save the message type
add chksum,ax ; add it to the checksum
call parchk ; check parity on protocol characters
call getlen ; get complicated data length (reg, lp, elp)
; into [si].datlen and kind into byte lentyp. carry set if error
jnc rpack1c ; nc = packet is ok so far
jmp rpack40 ; failure
; Start of change.
; Now determine block check type for this packet. Here we violate the layered
; nature of the protocol by inspecting the packet type in order to detect when
; the two sides get out of sync. Two heuristics allow us to resync here:
; a. I and S packets always has a type 1 checksum.
; b. A NAK never contains data, so its block check type is seqnum1.
mov si,rtemp ; pktinfo address
mov ax,[si].datlen ; length of packet information
mov cl,[si].pktype ; packet type byte itself
cmp cl,'S' ; "S" packet?
jne rpk0 ; ne = no
mov trans.chklen,1 ; S packets use one byte checksums
jmp short rpk3
rpk0: cmp cl,'I' ; I packets are like S packets
jne rpk1
mov trans.chklen,1 ; I packets use one byte checksums
jmp short rpk3
rpk1: cmp cl,'N' ; NAK?
jne rpk3 ; ne = no
cmp ax,1 ; NAK, get length of data + chklen
jb rpk1a ; b = impossible length
cmp ax,3 ; longest NAK (3 char checksum)
jbe rpk2 ; be = possible
rpk1a: or status,stat_ptl ; status = bad length
jmp rpack40 ; return on impossible length
rpk2: mov trans.chklen,al ; remainder must be checksum type for NAK
rpk3: sub al,trans.chklen ; minus checksum length, for all pkts
sbb ah,0 ; propagate borrow
mov [si].datlen,ax ; store apparent length of data field
; End of change.
; now, for long packets we start the real data (after the extended byte
; count 3 or 4 bytes) at offset data and thus the checksumming starts
; such packets a few bytes earlier.
push si
push di
mov si,rtemp ; pktinfo address
mov si,[si].datadr ; data field address
mov di,offset prolog ; where to store
mov cx,4 ; number of bytes to move, reg pkts
cmp lentyp,0 ; long packets?
jne rpk5 ; ne = no
mov cx,7 ; seven bytes mark...type, xl,xl,xlchk
jmp short rpk7
rpk5: cmp lentyp,1 ; extra long packets?
jne rpk7 ; ne = no
mov cx,8 ; extra long packets
rpk7: push es ; save es
push ds
pop es ; set es to data segment
cld ; move forward
rep movsb ; move the protocol header, cx times
mov byte ptr [di],0 ; null terminator
pop es
pop di
pop si
mov si,rtemp
push si
mov si,[si].datadr
mov word ptr [si],0 ; clear data field for debugging
pop si
mov dx,[si].datlen ; length of data field, excl LP header
mov chrcnt,dx
cmp dx,[si].datsize ; material longer than data buffer?
ja rpk8b ; a = yes, give up
mov dx,trans.rlong ; longest packet we should receive
sub dl,trans.chklen ; minus checksum length
sbb dh,0 ; propagate borrow
cmp dx,chrcnt ; is data too long?
jae rpk8c ; ae = not too big
or status,stat_ptl ; failure status, packet too long
rpk8b: jmp rpack40 ; too big, quit now
rpk8c: mov bx,[si].datadr ; point to the data buffer
mov pktptr,bx ; start of buffer for debugging
mov dx,[si].datsize ; length of that buffer, for debugger
mov deblen,dx ; keep here
mov word ptr [bx],0 ; clear start of that buffer
; get DATA field characters
rpack2: cmp chrcnt,0 ; any chars expected?
jle rpack3 ; le = no, go do checksum
call inchr ; get a character into al. DATA
jc rpak2c ; c = Control-C, timeout, eol
mov [bx],ax ; put char into buffer, with null
inc bx ; point to next free slot
cmp al,trans.rsoh ; start of header char?
jne rpak2b ; ne = no
jmp rpack7 ; yes, then go start over
rpak2b: add chksum,ax ; inchr clears AH
dec chrcnt ; one less char expected
jmp short rpack2 ; get another data character
rpak2c: jmp rpack40 ; Control-C, timeout, EOL
rpack3: mov byte ptr[bx],0 ; terminate data field
and chksum,0fffh ; keep only lower 12 bits of current checksum
call inchr ; start Checksum bytes
jc rpack3b ; failed
mov ah,al
and ah,7fh ; strip high bit
cmp ah,trans.rsoh ; start of header char?
jne rpack3a ; ne = no
jmp rpack7 ; yes, then go start over
rpack3a:mov bx,offset epilog ; record debugging in epilog buffer
mov pktptr,bx ; start of that buffer, for debug
mov deblen,length epilog ; length of that buffer
xor ah,ah
mov [bx],ax ; store checksum
inc bx ; point at next slot
sub al,' ' ; unchar() back to binary
mov cx,chksum ; current checksum
cmp trans.chklen,2 ; which checksum length is in use?
je rpack5 ; e = Two character checksum
jg rpack4 ; g = Three char CRC, else one char
shl cx,1 ; put two highest digits of al into ah
shl cx,1
and ch,3 ; want just those two bits
shr cl,1 ; put al back in place
shr cl,1
add cl,ch ;add two high bits to earlier checksum
and cl,03fh ; chop to lower 6 bits (mod 64)
cmp cl,al ; computed vs received checksum byte (binary)
je rpack3b ; e = equal, so finish up
or status,stat_chk ; say checksum failure
rpack3b:jmp rpack40
rpack7: jmp rpack0 ; for the jump out of range
rpack4: mov tmp,al ; save value from packet here
push bx ; three character CRC
mov cx,[bx-1] ; save checksum char and next
mov temp,cx
mov bx,offset prolog+1 ; where data for CRC is, skipping SOH
xor dx,dx ; initial CRC is zero
call crcclc ; calculate the CRC and put into CX
mov bx,rtemp
mov bx,[bx].datadr ; data field address
mov dx,cx ; previous CRC
call crcclc ; final CRC is in CX
pop bx
mov ax,temp
mov [bx-1],ax ; restore char pair from above
mov ah,ch ; cx = 16 bit binary CRC of rcv'd data
and ah,0f0h ; manipulate it here
shr ah,1
shr ah,1 ; get 4 highest bits
shr ah,1
shr ah,1 ; shift right 4 bits
cmp ah,tmp ; is what we got == calculated?
je rpack4a ; e = yes
or status,stat_chk ; checksum failure
rpack4a:call inchr ; get next character of checksum
jc rpack40 ; c = failed
mov [bx],ax ; put into buffer for debug
inc bx
and al,7fh ; strip high bit
cmp al,trans.rsoh ; SOH?
je rpack7 ; e = yes
sub al,' ' ; get back real value
rpack5: mov tmp,al ; save here for now
push cx ; two character checksum
and cx,0FC0H ; get bits 6-11
mov ax,cx
mov cl,6
shr ax,cl ; shift bits
pop cx ; get back the original
cmp al,tmp ; equal?
je rpack5a ; e = yes
or status,stat_chk ; checksum failure
rpack5a:call inchr ; get last character of checksum
jc rpack40 ; c = failed
mov [bx],ax ; put into buffer for debug
inc bx
and al,7fh ; strip high bit
cmp al,trans.rsoh ; SOH?
je rpack7 ; e = yes
sub al,' ' ; get back real value
and cx,003FH ; get bits 0-5
cmp al,cl ; do the last chars match?
je rpack40 ; e = yes
or status,stat_chk ; say checksum failure
rpack40:mov byte ptr [bx],0 ; terminate current buffer
test status,stat_tmo ; timeout?
jz rpack41 ; z = no
jmp rpack60 ; nz = yes
rpack41:test status,stat_eol ; premature eol?
jz rpack42 ; z = no
or status,stat_bad ; say bad packet overall
mov bx,offset epilog ; start debugging with epilog buffer
mov pktptr,bx
mov deblen,length epilog ; length of that buffer
mov [bx],ax ; put it into buffer for debug
inc bx
jmp short rpack45 ; now try for handshake
rpack42:push bx
sub bx,pktptr ; next char slot - starting address, debugging
cmp bx,deblen ; at length of active debug buffer?
pop bx
jb rpack43 ; b = no
call rdebug ; yes, dump what we have
mov bx,offset epilog ; and start again with epilog buffer
mov pktptr,bx
mov deblen,length epilog ; length of that buffer
rpack43:call inchr ; get eol char
jnc rpack43a ; nc = got regular character
test status,stat_int ; interrupted?
jnz rpack60 ; nz = yes
test status,stat_tmo ; timeout?
jnz rpack43b ; nz = yes, no char
rpack43a:mov [bx],ax ; put into buffer for debug
inc bx
rpack43b:and status,not stat_tmo ; ignore timeouts on EOL character
test status,stat_eol ; eol char?
jnz rpack44 ; nz = yes, got the EOL char
and al,7fh ; strip high bit
cmp al,trans.rsoh ; soh already?
jne rpack44 ; ne = no
jmp rpack0 ; yes, do debug display and start over
rpack44:and status,not stat_eol ; desired eol is not an error
rpack45:push bx ; test for line turn char
mov bx,portval ; if doing handshaking
mov ah,[bx].hands ; get desired handshake char
cmp [bx].hndflg,0 ; doing half duplex handshaking?
pop bx
je rpack60 ; e = no
mov tmp,ah ; keep it here
call inchr ; get handshake char
jnc rpack45a ; nc = regular character
test status,stat_eol ; EOL char?
jnz rpack45a ; nz = yes
jmp short rpack48 ; timeout or user intervention
rpack45a:and status,not stat_eol ; ignore unexpected eol status here
mov si,rtemp
mov cx,[si].datsize ; length of receive buffer
add cx,[si].datadr ; starting address of the buffer
cmp bx,cx ; filled buffer yet?
jae rpack46 ; ae = yes
mov [bx],ax ; put into buffer for debug
inc bx
rpack46:and al,7fh ; strip high bit
cmp al,trans.rsoh ; soh already?
jne rpack47 ; ne = no
jmp rpack0 ; yes, do debug display and start over
rpack47:cmp al,tmp ; compare received char with handshake
jne rpack45 ; ne = not handshake, try again til timeout
rpack48:and status,not stat_tmo ; ignore timeouts on handshake char
; Perform logging and debugging now
rpack60:call rdebug ; helper procedure
call chkcon ; check console for user interrupt
test status,stat_tmo ; did a timeout get us here?
jz rpack61 ; z = no
mov si,rtemp
mov [si].pktype,'T' ; yes, say 'T' type packet (timeout)
test flags.capflg,logpkt ; log packets?
jz rpack61 ; z = no
mov dx,offset msgtmo ; say timeout in log
call captdol
rpack61:test status,not stat_tmo ; crunched packet?
jz rpack62 ; z = no
test flags.capflg,logpkt ; log packets?
jz rpack62 ; z = no
mov dx,offset msgbad ; say crunched pkt in log
call captdol
rpack62:mov ax,rpkcnt ; number of bytes received in packet
add fsta.prbyte,ax ; file total received bytes
adc fsta.prbyte+2,0 ; propagate carry to high word
add ssta.prbyte,ax ; session total received bytes
adc ssta.prbyte+2,0 ; propagate carry to high word
add fsta.prpkt,1 ; file received packet
adc fsta.prpkt+2,0 ; ripple carry
add ssta.prpkt,1 ; session received packet
adc ssta.prpkt+2,0
mov si,rtemp ; restore pkt pointer
mov ah,[si].pktype ; return packet type in ah
cmp ah,prvtyp ; packet type same as last sent?
jne rpack64 ; ne = no
test flags.capflg,logpkt ; log packets?
jz rpack63 ; z = no
mov dx,offset msgecho ; say echo in log
call captdol
rpack63:test status,stat_int ; interrupted?
jnz rpack64 ; nz = yes, exit now
jmp rpack ; discard echoed packet and read again
rpack64:cmp status,stat_suc ; successful so far?
jne rpack65 ; ne = no
cmp chkparflg,0 ; do parity checking?
je rpack64a ; e = no
mov chkparflg,0 ; do only once
test badpflag,80h ; get parity error flagging bit
jz rpack64a ; z = no parity error
mov bx,portval
mov cl,badpflag ; get new parity plus flagging bit
and cl,7fh ; strip flagging bit
mov [bx].parflg,cl ; force new parity
rpack64a:clc ; carry clear for success
rpack65:stc ; carry set for failure
ret ; failure exit
rdebug proc near
cmp debflg,0 ; setup debug display yet?
jne rdebu1 ; ne = yes
call rcvdeb ; setup display
rdebu1: test flags.debug,logpkt ; in debug mode?
jnz rdebu2 ; nz = yes
test flags.capflg,logpkt ; log packets?
jz rdebu5 ; z = no
rdebu2: mov dx,offset prolog ; do prolog section
mov pktptr,dx
mov bx,dx
call strlen1 ; get length of prolog section
jcxz rdebu3 ; z = empty, try next section
add bx,cx ; point off end
call deblin ; do debug display
mov prolog,0 ; clear prolog field
rdebu3: mov bx,rtemp ; do data section
mov bx,[bx].datadr
mov dx,bx
mov pktptr,bx
call strlen1 ; get length of data section
jcxz rdebu4 ; z = empty, try next section
add bx,cx ; point off end
call deblin ; do debug display
rdebu4: mov bx,offset epilog ; do epilog section
mov pktptr,bx
mov dx,bx
call strlen1 ; get length of epilog section
jcxz rdebu5 ; z = empty
add bx,cx ; point off end
call deblin ; do debug display
mov epilog,0 ; clear epilog field
rdebu5: test flags.debug,logpkt ; In debug mode?
jnz rdebu6 ; nz = yes
test flags.capflg,logpkt ; log packets?
jz rdebu7 ; z = no
rdebu6: cmp linecnt,0 ; anything on current line?
je rdebu7 ; e = no
mov dx,offset crlf ; finish line with cr/lf
call captdol ; to log file
rdebu7: ret
rdebug endp
; Check Console (keyboard). Return carry setif "action" chars: cr for forced
; timeout, Control-E for force out Error packet, Control-C for quit work now.
; Return carry clear on Control-X and Control-Z as these are acted upon by
; higher layers. Consume and ignore anything else.
chkcon: call isdev1 ; is stdin a device and not a disk file?
jnc chkco5 ; nc = no, a disk file so do not read here
mov dl,0ffh
mov ah,dconio ; read console
int dos
jz chkco5 ; z = nothing there
and al,1fh ; make char a control code
cmp al,CR ; carriage return?
je chkco3 ; e = yes, simulate timeout
cmp al,'C'-40h ; Control-C?
je chkco1 ; e = yes
cmp al,'E'-40h ; Control-E?
je chkco1 ; e = yes
cmp al,'X'-40h ; Control-X?
je chkco4 ; e = yes
cmp al,'Z'-40h ; Control-Z?
je chkco4 ; record it, take no immmediate action here
cmp al,'Q'-40h ; Control-Q?
je chkco6 ; e = yes
or al,al ; scan code being returned?
jnz chkco5 ; nz = no, ignore ascii char
mov ah,dconio ; read and discard second byte
mov dl,0ffh
int dos
jmp short chkco5 ; else unknown, ignore
chkco1: or al,40h ; make Control-C-E printable
mov flags.cxzflg,al ; remember what we saw
chkco2: or status,stat_int ; interrupted
ret ; act now
chkco3: or status,stat_tmo ; CR simulates timeout
ret ; act now
chkco4: or al,40h ; make control-X-Z printable
mov flags.cxzflg,al ; put into flags
clc ; do not act on them here
chkco5: cmp flags.cxzflg,'C' ; control-C intercepted elsewhere?
je chkco2 ; e = yes
clc ; else say no immediate action needed
chkco6: xchg ah,al ; put Control-Q in AH for transmission
call spkout ; send it now
jmp short chkco5
getlen proc near ; compute packet length for short & long types
; returns length in [si].datlen and
; length type (0, 1, 3) in local byte lentyp
; returns length of data + checksum
mov si,rtemp
mov ax,[si].datlen ; get LEN byte value
and ax,7fh ; clear unused high byte and parity bit
cmp al,3 ; regular packet has 3 or larger here
jb getln1 ; b = long packet
sub [si].datlen,2 ; minus SEQ and TYPE = DATA + CHKSUM
mov lentyp,3 ; store assumed length type (3 = regular)
clc ; clear carry for success
getln1: push cx ; counter for number of length bytes
mov lentyp,0 ; store assumed length type 0 (long)
mov cx,2 ; two base-95 digits
or al,al ; is this a type 0 (long packet)?
jz getln2 ; z = yes, go find & check length data
mov lentyp,1 ; store length type (1 = extra long)
inc cx ; three base 95 digits
cmp al,1 ; is this a type 1 (extra long packet)?
je getln2 ; e = yes, go find & check length data
pop cx
or status,stat_ptl ; say packet too long (an unknown len code)
stc ; set carry bit to say error
getln2: ; chk header chksum and recover binary length
push dx ; save working reg
xor ax,ax ; clear length accumulator, low part
mov [si].datlen,ax ; clear final length too
getln3: xor dx,dx ; ditto, high part
mov ax,[si].datlen ; length to date
mul ninefive ; multiply accumulation (in ax) by 95
mov [si].datlen,ax ; save results
push cx
call inchr ; read another serial port char into al
pop cx
jc getln4 ; c = failure
xor ah,ah
mov [bx],al ; store in buffer
inc bx
add chksum,ax
sub al,20h ; subtract space, apply unchar()
mov si,rtemp
add [si].datlen,ax ; add to overall length count
loop getln3 ; cx preset earlier for type 0 or type 1
mov dx,chksum ; get running checksum
shl dx,1 ; get two high order bits into dh
shl dx,1
and dh,3 ; want just these two bits
shr dl,1 ; put low order part back
shr dl,1
add dl,dh ; add low order byte to two high order bits
and dl,03fh ; chop to lower 6 bits (mod 64)
add dl,20h ; apply tochar()
push dx
call inchr ; read another serial port char
pop dx
jc getln4 ; c = failure
xor ah,ah
mov [bx],al ; store in buf for debug
inc bx
add chksum,ax
cmp dl,al ; our vs their checksum, same?
je getln5 ; e = checksums match, success
getln4: or status,stat_chk ; checksum failure
pop dx ; unsave regs (preserves flags)
pop cx
stc ; else return carry set for error
getln5: pop dx ; unsave regs (preserves flags)
pop cx
clc ; clear carry (say success)
getlen endp
; Get char from serial port into al, with timeout and console check.
; Return carry set if timeout or console char or EOL seen,
; return carry clear and char in AL for other characters.
; Sets status of stat_eol if EOL seen.
; Fairflg allows occassional reads from console before looking at serial port.
inchr proc near
mov timeit,0 ; reset timeout flag (do each char separately)
push bx ; save a reg
cmp fairflg,maxpack/4 ; look at console first every now and then
jbe inchr1 ; be = not console's turn yet
mov fairflg,0 ; reset fairness flag for next time
call chkcon ; check console
jnc inchr1 ; nc = nothing to interrupt us
pop bx ; clean stack
ret ; return failure for interruption
inchr1: call prtchr1 ; read a serial port character
jc inchr2 ; c = nothing there
pop bx ; here with char in al from port
mov ah,al ; copy char to temp place AH
and ah,7fh ; strip parity bit from work copy
and al,parmsk ; apply 7/8 bit parity mask
or ah,ah ; null char?
jz inchr ; ignore the null, read another char
cmp ah,del ; ascii del byte?
je inchr ; e = yes, ignore it too
inc rpkcnt ; count received byte
cmp al,trans.rign ; char in al to be ignored?
je inchr ; e = yes, do so
cmp ah,'C'-40h ; Control-C from comms line?
jne inchr6 ; ne = no
cmp ah,prevchar ; was previous char also Control-C?
jne inchr6 ; ne = no
cmp ah,trans.rsoh ; could this also be an SOH?
je inchr6 ; e = yes, do not exit
cmp ah,trans.reol ; could this also be an EOL?
je inchr6 ; e = yes
test denyflg,finflg ; is FIN enabled?
jnz inchr6 ; nz = no, ignore server exit cmd
mov flags.cxzflg,'C'; set Control-C flag
or status,stat_int+stat_eol ; say interrupted and End of Line
mov al,ah ; use non-parity version
xor ah,ah ; always return with high byte clear
stc ; exit failure
inchr6: mov prevchar,ah ; remember current as previous char
cmp ah,trans.reol ; eol char we want?
je inchr7 ; e = yes, ret with carry set
xor ah,ah ; always return with high byte clear
clc ; char is in al
inchr7: or status,stat_eol ; set status appropriately
mov al,ah ; use non-parity version
xor ah,ah ; always return with high byte clear
stc ; set carry to say eol seen
ret ; and return qualified failure
inchr2: call chkcon ; check console
jnc inchr2a ; nc = nothing to interrupt us
pop bx ; clean stack
ret ; return failure for interruption
inchr2a:cmp flags.timflg,0 ; are timeouts turned off?
je inchr1 ; e = yes, just check for more input
cmp trans.stime,0 ; doing time outs?
jne inchr2b ; ne = yes
jmp inchr1 ; go check for more input
inchr2b:push cx ; save regs
push dx ; Stolen from Script code
cmp timeit,0 ; have we gotten time of day for first fail?
jne inchr4 ; ne = yes, just compare times
mov ah,gettim ; get DOS time of day
int dos ; ch = hh, cl = mm, dh = ss, dl = 0.01 sec
xchg ch,cl ; get ordering of low byte = hours, etc
mov word ptr rptim,cx ; hours and minutes
xchg dh,dl
mov word ptr rptim+2,dx ; seconds and fraction
mov bl,timeval ; our desired timeout interval (seconds)
xor bh,bh ; one byte's worth
mov temp,bx ; work area
mov bx,2 ; start with seconds field
inchr3: mov ax,temp ; desired timeout interval, working copy
add al,rptim[bx] ; add current tod digit interval
adc ah,0
xor dx,dx ; clear high order part thereof
div sixzero ; compute number of minutes or hours
mov temp,ax ; quotient, for next time around
mov rptim[bx],dl ; put normalized remainder in timeout tod
dec bx ; look at next higher order time field
or bx,bx ; done all time fields?
jge inchr3 ; ge = no
cmp rptim[0],24 ; normalize hours
jl inchr3a ; l = not 24 hours or greater
sub rptim[0],24 ; discard part over 24 hours
inchr3a:mov timeit,1 ; say have tod of timeout
inchr4: mov ah,gettim ; compare present tod versus timeout tod
int dos ; get the time of day
sub ch,rptim ; hours difference, ch = (now - timeout)
je inchr4b ; e = same, check mmss.s
jl inchr4d ; l = we are early
cmp ch,12 ; hours difference, large or small?
jge inchr4d ; ge = we are early
jl inchr4c ; l = we are late, say timeout
inchr4b:cmp cl,rptim+1 ; minutes, hours match
jb inchr4d ; b = we are early
ja inchr4c ; a = we are late
cmp dh,rptim+2 ; seconds, hours and minutes match
jb inchr4d ; b = we are early
ja inchr4c ; a = we are late
cmp dl,rptim+3 ; hundredths of seconds, hhmmss match
jbe inchr4d ; be = we are early
inchr4c:or status,stat_tmo ; say timeout
; cmp flowon,0 ; using xon/xoff flow control?
; je inchr4e ; e = no
; mov ah,flowon ; send host an xon in case it's stuck
; call outchr1 ; with a stray xoff not from us
inchr4e:pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
stc ; set carry bit
ret ; failure
inchr4d:pop dx
pop cx
jmp inchr1 ; not timed out yet
inchr endp
; sleep for the # of seconds in al
; Preserve all regs. Added console input forced timeout 21 March 1987 [jrd]
sleep proc far
push ax
push cx
push dx
push ax ; save argument
mov ah,gettim ; DOS tod (ch=hh, cl=mm, dh=ss, dl=.s)
int dos ; get current time
pop ax ; restore desired # of seconds
add dh,al ; add # of seconds
sleep1: cmp dh,60 ; too big for seconds?
jb sleep2 ; no, keep going
sub dh,60 ; yes, subtract a minute's overflow
inc cl ; and add one to minutes field
cmp cl,60 ; did minutes overflow?
jb sleep1 ; no, check seconds again
sub cl,60 ; else take away an hour's overflow
inc ch ; add it back in hours field
jmp short sleep1 ; and keep checking
sleep2: mov time,cx ; store desired ending time, hh,mm
mov time+2,dx ; ss, .s
sleep3: call chkcon ; check console for user timeout override
jc short sleep5 ; c = have override
mov ah,gettim ; get time
int dos ; from dos
sub ch,byte ptr time+1 ; hours difference, ch = (now - timeout)
je sleep4 ; e = hours match, check mmss.s
jl sleep3 ; l = we are early
cmp ch,12 ; hours difference, large or small?
jge sleep3 ; ge = we are early
jl sleep5 ; l = we are late, exit now
sleep4: cmp cl,byte ptr time ; check minutes, hours match
jb sleep3 ; b = we are early
ja sleep5 ; a = over limit, time to exit
cmp dx,time+2 ; check seconds and fraction, hhmm match
jb sleep3 ; b = we are early
sleep5: pop dx
pop cx
pop ax
sleep endp
; Packet Debug display routines
rcvdeb: test flags.debug,logpkt ; In debug mode?
jnz rcvde1 ; nz = yes
test flags.capflg,logpkt ; log packets?
jnz rcvde1 ; nz = yes
ret ; no
rcvde1: mov debflg,'R' ; say receiving
jmp short deb1
snddeb: test flags.debug,logpkt ; In debug mode?
jnz sndde1 ; nz = yes
test flags.capflg,logpkt ; log packets?
jnz sndde1 ; yes
ret ; no
sndde1: mov debflg,'S' ; say sending
deb1: push ax ; Debug. Packet display
push bx
push cx ; save some regs
push dx
push di
test flags.debug,logpkt ; is debug active (vs just logging)?
jz deb1d ; z = no, just logging
cmp fmtdsp,0 ; non-formatted display?
je deb1d ; e = yes, skip extra line clearing
cmp debflg,'R' ; receiving?
je deb1a ; e = yes
call sppos1 ; spack: cursor position
jmp short deb1b
deb1a: call rppos1 ; rpack: cursor position
deb1b: call clearl1 ; clear the line
mov dx,offset crlf
mov ah,prstr ; display
int dos
call clearl1 ; clear debug line and line beneath
cmp debflg,'R' ; receiving?
je deb1c ; e = yes
call sppos1 ; reposition cursor for spack:
jmp short deb1d
deb1c: call rppos1 ; reposition cursor for rpack:
deb1d: mov dx,offset spmes ; spack: message
cmp debflg,'R'
jne deb2 ; ne = sending
mov dx,offset rpmes ; rpack: message
deb2: call captdol ; record dollar terminated string in Log file
mov linecnt,7 ; number of columns used so far
pop di
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
; Display/log packet chars processed so far.
; Displays chars from pktptr to bx-1, both are pointers.
; Enter with bx = offset of next new char. All registers preserved
deblin: test flags.debug,logpkt ; In debug mode?
jnz debln0 ; nz = yes
test flags.capflg,logpkt ; log packets?
jnz debln0 ; nz = yes
ret ; else nothing to do
debln0: push cx
push dx
push di
mov di,pktptr ; starting place for debug analysis
mov cx,bx ; place for next new char
sub cx,di ; minus where we start = number chars to do
or cx,cx
jle debln5 ; le = nothing to do
push cx ; save loop counter
cmp linecnt,70
jb debln3 ; b = not yet, get next data char
mov dx,offset crlf ; break line with cr/lf
call captdol ; and in log file
mov linecnt,0 ; setup for next line
debln3: mov dl,[di] ; get char
test dl,80h ; high bit set?
jz debln3b ; z = no
push dx ; save char in dl
mov dl,7eh ; show tilde char for high bit set
call captchr ; record in Log file
inc linecnt ; count displayed column
cmp linecnt,70 ; exhausted line count yet?
jb debln3a ; b = not yet
mov dx,offset crlf ; break line with cr/lf
call captdol ; and in log file
mov linecnt,0 ; setup for next line
debln3a:pop dx
and dl,7fh ; get lower seven bits here
debln3b:cmp dl,' ' ; control char?
jae debln4 ; ae = no
add dl,40h ; uncontrollify the char
push dx ; save char in dl
mov dl,5eh ; show caret before control code
call captchr ; record in Log file
inc linecnt ; count displayed column
cmp linecnt,70 ; exhausted line count yet?
jb debln3c ; b = not yet
mov dx,offset crlf ; break line with cr/lf
call captdol ; and in log file
mov linecnt,0 ; setup for next line
debln3c:pop dx ; recover char in dl
debln4: call captchr ; record char in dl in the log file
inc di ; done with this char, point to next
inc linecnt ; one more column used on screen
pop cx ; recover loop counter
loop debln2 ; get next data char
debln5: pop di
pop dx
pop cx
captdol proc near ; write dollar sign terminated string in dx
; to the capture file (Log file).
push ax ; save regs
push si
mov si,dx ; point to start of string
captdo1:lodsb ; get a byte into al
cmp al,'$' ; at the end yet?
je captdo3 ; e = yes
or al,al ; asciiz?
jz captdo3 ; z = yes, this is also the end
mov dl,al
test flags.debug,logpkt ; debug display active?
jz captdo2 ; z = no
mov ah,conout
int dos ; display char in dl
captdo2:test flags.capflg,logpkt ; logging active?
jz captdo1 ; z = no
mov al,dl ; where pktcpt wants it
call pktcpt1 ; record the char, pktcpt is in msster.asm
jmp short captdo1 ; repeat until dollar sign is encountered
captdo3:pop si
pop ax
captdol endp
captchr proc near ; record char in dl into the Log file
push ax
test flags.debug,logpkt ; debug display active?
jz captch1 ; z = no
mov ah,conout
int dos ; display char in dl
captch1:test flags.capflg,logpkt ; logging active?
jz captch2 ; z = no
mov al,dl ; where pktcpt wants it
call pktcpt1 ; record the char, pktcpt is in msster.asm
captch2:pop ax
captchr endp
parchk proc near ; check parity of pkt prolog chars
cmp chkparflg,0 ; ok to check parity?
jne parchk0 ; ne = yes
parchk0:push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
mov bx,pktptr ; where packet prolog is stored now
mov ax,[bx] ; first two prolog chars
or ax,[bx+2] ; next two
test ax,8080h ; parity bit set?
jz parchk7 ; z = no
mov parmsk,7fh ; set parity mask for 7 bits
cmp badpflag,0 ; said bad parity once this packet?
jne parchk7 ; ne = yes
mov cx,4 ; do all four protocol characters
xor dx,dx ; dl=even parity cntr, dh=odd parity
parchk1:mov al,[bx] ; get a char
inc bx ; point to next char
or al,al ; sense parity
jpo parchk2 ; po = odd parity
inc dl ; count even parity
jmp short parchk3
parchk2:inc dh ; count odd parity
parchk3:loop parchk1 ; do all four chars
cmp dl,4 ; got four even parity chars?
jne parchk4 ; ne = no
mov badpflag,parevn+80h ; say even parity and flagging bit
mov dx,offset msgbadpare ; say using even parity
jmp short parchk6
parchk4:cmp dh,4 ; got four odd parity chars?
jne parchk5 ; ne = no
mov badpflag,parodd+80h ; say odd parity and flagging bit
mov dx,offset msgbadparo ; say using odd parity
jmp short parchk6
parchk5:mov badpflag,parmrk+80h ; say mark parity and flagging bit
mov dx,offset msgbadparm ; say using mark parity
parchk6:call ermsg1
call captdol ; write in log file too
parchk7:pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
parchk endp
; General packet buffer structure manipulation routines. The packet buffers
; consist of a arrays of words, bufuse and buflist, an array of pktinfo
; structure packet descriptors, and a subdivided main buffer named "bufbuf".
; Each pktinfo member describes a packet by holding the address (offset within
; segment data) of the data field of a packet (datadr), the length of that
; field in bytes (datsize), the number of bytes currently occupying that field
; (datlen), the packet sequence number, an ack-done flag byte, and the number
; of retries of the packet.
; The data field is a portion of main buffer "bufbuf" with space for an extra
; null terminator byte required by the packet routines rpack and spack. It
; is sectioned into trans.windo buffers by procedure makebuf.
; Bufuse is an array holding an in-use flag for each pktinfo member; 0 means
; the member is free, otherwise a caller has allocated the member via getbuf.
; Buflist holds the address (offset in segment data) of each pktinfo member,
; for rapid list searching.
; Packet structures are constructed and initialized by procedure makebuf.
; Other procedures below access the members in various ways. Details of
; buffer construction should remain local to these routines.
; Generally, SI is used to point to a pktinfo member and AL holds a packet
; sequence number (0 - 63 binary). BX and CX are used for some status reports.
; bufuse buflist pktlist (group of pktinfo members)
; ------- ------- -------------------------------------------
; 0 for unused | datadr,datlen,datsize,seqnum,ackdone,numtry |
; pointers to ->+ datadr,datlen,datsize,seqnum,ackdone,numtry |
; 1 for used | datadr,datlen,datsize,seqnum,ackdone,numtry |
; etc
; Construct new buffers, cleared, by subdividing main buffer "bufbuf"
; according to the number of windows (variable trans.windo). Makes these
; buffers available to getbuf and other manipulation routines. All regs
; are preserved.
makebuf proc far
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push si
mov ax,maxpack ; size of main packet buffer (bufbuf)
mov cl,trans.windo ; number of window slots
xor ch,ch
cmp cx,1 ; 0 or 1 window slots = initial slot
jae makebu1 ; a = more than one, compute
inc cx
jmp short makebu2 ; save a division by one
makebu1:xor dx,dx
div cx ; size of windowed buffer to ax
makebu2:mov dx,ax ; keep buffer size in dx
mov bufnum,cx ; number of buffers
mov ax,offset bufbuf ; where buffers start
mov si,offset pktlist ; where pktinfo group starts
xor bx,bx ; index (words)
makebu3:mov bufuse[bx],0 ; say buffer slot is not used yet
mov buflist[bx],si ; pointer to pktinfo member
mov [si].datadr,ax ; address of data field
mov [si].datsize,dx ; data buffer size
mov [si].numtry,0 ; clear number tries for this buffer
mov [si].ackdone,0 ; not acked yet
mov [si].seqnum,0 ; a dummy sequence number
add si,size pktinfo ; next pktinfo member
add ax,dx ; pointer to next buffer
inc ax ; leave space for null pointer
add bx,2 ; next buflist slot
loop makebu3 ; make another structure member
mov windused,0 ; no slots used yet
pop si
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
makebuf endp
; Allocate a buffer. Return carry clear and SI pointing at fresh pktinfo
; structure, or if failure return carry set and all regs preserved.
getbuf proc far
push ax
push cx
push si
xor si,si ; index
mov cx,bufnum ; number of buffers
jcxz getbuf2 ; 0 means none, error
getbuf1:cmp bufuse[si],0 ; is this slot in use?
je getbuf3 ; e = no, grab it
add si,2 ; try next slot
loop getbuf1 ; fall through on no free buffers
getbuf2:pop si ; get here if all are in use
pop cx
pop ax
stc ; return failure, si preserved
getbuf3:mov bufuse[si],1 ; mark buffer as being in use
inc windused ; one more slot in use
mov si,buflist[si] ; address of pktinfo member
mov al,pktnum ; next sequence number to be used
mov [si].seqnum,al ; use it as sequence number
mov [si].datlen,0 ; no data in packet
mov [si].numtry,0 ; clear number tries for this buffer
mov [si].ackdone,0 ; not acked yet
pop cx ; discard originally saved si
pop cx
pop ax
clc ; return success, buffer ptr in si
getbuf endp
; Release all buffers (just marks them as free).
bufclr proc far
push ax
push cx
push di
push es
push ds
pop es
mov cx,maxwind ; max number of buffers
xor ax,ax
mov di,offset bufuse ; buffer in-use list
rep stosw ; store zeros to clear the buffers
mov windused,0 ; number now used (none)
pop es
pop di
pop cx
pop ax
bufclr endp
; Release buffer whose pktinfo pointer is in SI.
; Return carry clear if success, or carry set if failure.
bufrel proc far
push bx
push cx
mov cx,bufnum ; number of buffers
xor bx,bx
bufrel1:cmp buflist[bx],si ; compare addresses, match?
je bufrel2 ; e = yes, found it
add bx,2
loop bufrel1
pop cx
pop bx
stc ; no such buffer
bufrel2:mov bufuse[bx],0 ; say buffer is no longer in use
dec windused ; one less used buffer
pop cx
pop bx
bufrel endp
; Returns in BX the "packet pointer" for the buffer with the same seqnum as
; provided in AL. Returns carry set if no match found. Modifies BX.
pakptr proc far
push cx
push di
mov cx,bufnum ; number of buffers
xor di,di ; buffer index for tests
pakptr1:cmp bufuse[di],0 ; is buffer vacant?
je pakptr2 ; e = yes, ignore
mov bx,buflist[di] ; bx = address of pktinfo member
cmp al,[bx].seqnum ; is this the desired sequence number?
je pakptr3 ; e = yes
pakptr2:add di,2 ; next buffer index
loop pakptr1 ; do next test
xor bx,bx ; say no pointer
stc ; set carry for failure
pop di
pop cx
pakptr3:clc ; success, BX has buffer pointer
pop di
pop cx
pakptr endp
; Returns in AH count of packets with a given sequence number supplied in AL
; and returns in BX the packet pointer of the last matching entry.
; Used to detect duplicated packets.
pakdup proc far
push cx
push dx
push di
mov cx,bufnum ; number of buffers
xor di,di ; buffer index for tests
xor ah,ah ; number of pkts with seqnum in al
mov dx,-1 ; a bad pointer
pakdup1:cmp bufuse[di],0 ; is buffer vacant?
je pakdup2 ; e = yes, ignore
mov bx,buflist[di] ; bx = address of pktinfo member
cmp al,[bx].seqnum ; is this the desired sequence number?
jne pakdup2 ; ne = no
mov dx,bx ; yes, remember last pointer
inc ah ; count a found packet
pakdup2:add di,2 ; next buffer index
loop pakdup1 ; do next test
mov bx,dx ; return last matching member's ptr
pop di
pop dx
pop cx
or ah,ah ; any found?
jz pakdup3 ; z = no
clc ; return success
pakdup3:stc ; return failure
pakdup endp
; Find sequence number of first free window slot and return it in AL,
; Return carry set and al = windlow if window is full (no free slots).
firstfree proc far
mov al,windlow ; start looking at windlow
mov ah,al
add ah,trans.windo
and ah,3fh ; ah = 1+top window seq number, mod 64
firstf1:push bx
call pakptr ; buffer in use for seqnum in AL?
pop bx
jc firstf2 ; c = no, seq number in not in use
inc al ; next sequence number
and al,3fh ; modulo 64
cmp al,ah ; done all yet?
jne firstf1 ; ne = no, do more
mov al,windlow ; a safety measure
stc ; carry set to say no free slots
firstf2:clc ; success, al has first free seqnum
firstfree endp
; Check sequence number for lying in the current or previous window or
; outside either window.
; Enter with sequence number of received packet in [si].seqnum.
; Returns:
; carry clear and cx = 0 if [si].seqnum is within the current window,
; carry set and cx = -1 if [si].seqnum is inside previous window,
; carry set and cx = +1 if [si].seqnum is outside any window.
chkwind proc far
mov ch,[si].seqnum ; current packet sequence number
mov cl,trans.windo ; number of window slots
sub ch,windlow ; ch = distance from windlow
jc chkwin1 ; c = negative result
cmp ch,cl ; span greater than # window slots?
jb chkwinz ; b = no, in current window
sub ch,64 ; distance measured the other way
neg ch
cmp ch,cl ; more than window size?
ja chkwinp ; a = yes, outside any window
jmp short chkwinm ; else in previous window
; sequence number less than windlow
chkwin1:neg ch ; distance, positive, cl >= ch
cmp ch,cl ; more than window size?
ja chkwin2 ; a = yes, maybe this window
jmp short chkwinm ; no, in previous window
chkwin2:sub ch,64 ; distance measured the other way
neg ch
cmp ch,cl ; greater than window size?
jb chkwinz ; b = no, in current window
; else outside any window
chkwinp:mov cx,1 ; outside any window
stc ; carry set for outside current window
chkwinz:xor cx,cx ; inside current window
clc ; carry clear, inside current window
chkwinm:mov cx,-1 ; in previous window
stc ; carry set for outside current window
chkwind endp
code1 ends