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;;; Source code for the haunt program by John Laird
;;; Added comment, -BGM 2/3/89
(defmacro comment (&rest r) `',r)
(comment Haunt mps OPS5 productions for haunt)
(strategy mea)
(literalize current type name)
(literalize links id name type)
(literalize object name holds state inside scored xscore alive
place side north south east up contains covered tied wears asleep treasure)
(literalize location name side north south east up underwater book book2
ontop siton general)
(literalize portal name door status)
(literalize place name visited state water virgin)
(literalize history atetoken northpole forever hiwater grave_status
grave_status2 hungry clue bus_stopped)
(literalize command string)
(literalize control state special)
(literalize time realtime cancer morning midnight orc_status orc_time
oil_status oil_time btime)
(literalize status score die died bdie likes sound went going answer noway
quit notreasure cut)
(comment **************** Start the show ****************)
(p name01
(x 0)
(current ^type operator ^name readfirst)
(remove 3)
(write (crlf) |I assume that means yes.|)
(modify 2 ^type operator ^name read))
(p name02
(x 10)
(current ^type operator ^name readfirst)
(input << yes y oui nothing >>)
(remove 3)
(modify 2 ^type operator ^name read))
(p name06
(x 0)
(current ^type operator ^name process)
(write (crlf) |What?|)
(remove 3)
(modify 2 ^name read))
(p name07
(x 10)
(current ^type operator ^name process)
(status ^going <> nil)
(write (crlf) |You can't go that way.|)
(modify 2 ^name read)
(modify 3 ^going nil))
(p name08
(x 10)
(current ^type operator ^name process)
(status ^going nil)
(modify 2 ^type operator ^name read))
(p name09
(x 10)
(current ^type operator ^name read)
(status ^going nil)
(time ^realtime <x>)
(modify 2 ^type operator ^name process)
(write (crlf) |*|)
(make input (acceptline nothing read))
(modify 4 ^realtime (compute <x> + 2)))
(p name010
(x 50)
(current ^type operator ^name readfirst)
(write (crlf) |This is HAUNT. Version 4.6|)
(write (crlf) |See NEWS for news.|)
(write (crlf) |Have you played before?| (crlf) |*|)
(make input (accept))
(write (crlf) | |))
(p name011
(x 20)
(current ^type operator ^name read)
(make location ^name bus_stop))
(p name012
(x 40)
(current ^type operator ^name readfirst)
(input << n no >>)
(remove 3)
(modify 2 ^name read)
(write (crlf) |Welcome novice. You are playing one of the world's largest|)
(write (crlf) |production systems. The purpose of this game is to find|)
(write (crlf) |treasure in a haunted house and then escape from the house.|)
(write (crlf) | |)
(write (crlf) |The program will give descriptions of locations and accept|)
(write (crlf) |commands to perform actions.|)
(write (crlf) |Give it directives with simple 1-5 word commands.|)
(write (crlf) |Its knowledge of English is limited but imaginative.|)
(write (crlf) |The directions are north, south, east, west,|)
(write (crlf) |up and down. Directions can be one letter (n,s,e,w,u,d).|)
(write (crlf) |Forward, back, left and right also work.|)
(write (crlf) |To string commands together use 'then'. (eg. west then s)|)
(write (crlf) |It will describe things to you, and a phrase enclosed in ' ' |)
(write (crlf) |is something it hears.|)
(write (crlf) | |)
(write (crlf) |Special commands: INVEN tells you what you hold.|)
(write (crlf) | SCORE gives your current score. |)
(write (crlf) | STOP ends the adventure. |)
(write (crlf) | LOOK describes your current position.|)
(write (crlf) | NEWS describes new features.|)
(write (crlf) | |)
(write (crlf) |*************************************************************|)
(write (crlf) |You get 15 points for finding a treasure and 5 points for|)
(write (crlf) |getting it to the lawn outside the house. You get an extra|)
(write (crlf) |bonus of 20 points for getting your body off the estate.|)
(write (crlf) |The maximum number of points is 440|)
(write (crlf) |Good luck, you'll need it. Ask for help if you want.|)
(write (crlf) |*************************************************************|)
(write (crlf) |Copyright (C) 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983 John Laird|)
(write (crlf) |*************************************************************|)
(write (crlf) | |)
(write (crlf) |On with the adventure!!|)
(write (crlf) | |)
(write (crlf) | |)
(write (crlf) | |)
(write (crlf) | |)
(write (crlf) | |)
(write (crlf) | |)
(write (crlf) | |)
(write (crlf) | |)
(write (crlf) | |)
(write (crlf) | |)
(write (crlf) |Along time ago, a young couple was picnicing near the woods|)
(write (crlf) |on the outskirts of town. They were celebrating the birth|)
(write (crlf) |of their first child. Unfortunately, a crazed moose|)
(write (crlf) |inhabited that area and attacked them. The child and husband|)
(write (crlf) |were unharmed, but the wife was gored to death by the moose.|)
(write (crlf) | |)
(write (crlf) |After the funeral, the man bought the land where the incident occurred|)
(write (crlf) |and constructed a large mansion: CHEZ MOOSE. He filled it|)
(write (crlf) |with the treasures of his family and claimed that his wife's|)
(write (crlf) |soul was still in the area. He vowed to remain in the|)
(write (crlf) |mansion until he had returned her soul to human flesh.|)
(write (crlf) |He tried to bridge the gap between life and death to reclaim her.|)
(write (crlf) |Some say he was insane with grief, but others claimed that the madness was|)
(write (crlf) |in his blood, and his wife's death brought it to the surface.|)
(write (crlf) |After he entered the house, he never returned, and was declared dead |)
(write (crlf) |seven years later. Several people have entered the mansion|)
(write (crlf) |looking for him but none of them have ever returned.|)
(write (crlf) |There were rumors that he and his wife now haunt the house.|)
(write (crlf) | |)
(write (crlf) |That would be the end of the story except that the house|)
(write (crlf) |still stands and is filled with priceless treasures.|)
(write (crlf) |The house and all its contents are willed to his only descendant.|)
(write (crlf) |Oh yes, I forgot to tell you, the day the mother was killed,|)
(write (crlf) |the child was stolen by Gypsies.|)
(write (crlf) |The Will claims that only the descendant will know|)
(write (crlf) |how to avoid going crazy and committing suicide|)
(write (crlf) |while spending a night in the mansion.|)
(write (crlf) |An obscure hereditary disease, Orkhisnoires sakioannes,|)
(write (crlf) |is supposed to play some part in this.|)
(write (crlf) | |)
(write (crlf) |So if your heritage is in doubt, you may be the descendant|)
(write (crlf) |that can claim the treasure in the mansion.|)
(write (crlf) |Many people, claiming to be descendants have died trying...|)
(write (crlf) | or at least never returned.|)
(write (crlf) | |)
(write (crlf) |The terms of the Will say you get to keep any treasure|)
(write (crlf) |you get to the lawn, but of course you must also get off the premises alive.|)
(write (crlf) |Because the house is haunted it must be destroyed, and nobody|)
(write (crlf) |would be crazy enough to try and recover the rest of the treasure.|)
(write (crlf) |If you do get out, the government has agreed to|)
(write (crlf) |buy the land and destroy the house.|)
(write (crlf) | |)
(write (crlf) |If you are insane enough to try, your adventure starts at a bus stop.|)
(write (crlf) |Remember, type STOP to end the adventure.|)
(write (crlf) | |))
(p name013
(make current ^type operator ^name readfirst)
(remove 1)
(make x 0)
(make x 10)
(make x 20)
(make x 30)
(make x 40)
(make x 50)
(make x 60))
(p name1005
(x 60)
(current ^type operator ^name readfirst)
(make status ^score 0 ^went w ^sound on)
(make object ^name elevator ^place H)
(make object ^name candlesticks ^place dining_room ^treasure t)
(make object ^name ghost ^place cheese_room)
(make object ^name candy ^place foyer)
(make object ^name jade ^place backroom ^treasure t)
(make object ^name soap ^place bathroom)
(make object ^name mattress ^place bedroom)
(make object ^name chest ^place ocean ^south 2 ^east 2 ^up 1 ^treasure t)
(make object ^name marijuana ^place secret_room ^treasure t)
(make object ^name bottle ^place bar)
(make object ^name painting ^place smelly_room ^covered t)
(make object ^name chair ^place main_hall ^treasure t)
(make object ^name stool ^place bar)
(make object ^name gold ^place small_closet ^treasure t)
(make object ^name Dracula ^place dark_room ^asleep t)
(make object ^name monster ^place laboratory)
(make object ^name coins ^place bathysphere ^treasure t)
(make object ^name corkscrew ^place wine_cellar ^treasure t)
(make object ^name wetsuit ^place closet)
(make object ^name speargun ^place bathysphere ^state loaded)
(make object ^name diamonds ^place cave ^treasure t)
(make object ^name cube ^place frig ^treasure t)
(make object ^name tokens ^place held)
(make object ^name orchid ^place lawn
^side in ^east 3 ^north 7 ^state seed)
(make object ^name watch ^place held)
(make object ^name stairs ^state whole)
(make object ^name rope ^tied noose)
(make object ^name damsel ^alive t ^tied t)
(make object ^name turpentine ^inside bottle)
(make object ^name moray_eel ^alive t)
(make object ^name seamonster ^alive t)
(make object ^name octopus ^alive t)
(make portal ^name truck ^door closed)
(make portal ^name library ^door closed)
(make portal ^name casket ^door closed)
(make portal ^name grill ^door closed)
(make portal ^name elevator ^door closed)
(make portal ^name large_door ^door closed)
(make portal ^name safe ^door closed)
(make portal ^name rdoor ^door closed)
(make portal ^name wdoor ^door closed)
(make portal ^name closet ^door open)
(make portal ^name wall ^door closed)
(make time ^btime 2214 ^realtime 2200)
(make history ^grave_status undug)
(make place ^name bathtub ^water out)
(make place ^name foyer ^virgin t))
(p name1
(x 50)
(location ^name <name>)
- (place ^name <name>)
(make place ^name <name>))
(p name3
(x 10)
(location ^name <y>)
(object ^name <x> ^place <> <y>)
(input <a> <x>)
(remove 4)
(write (crlf) |The| <x> |is not here.|))
(p name4
(x 30)
(input news)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |Version 4.6, 6-21-82|)
(write (crlf) |As always, a few more bugs have been fixed.|)
(write (crlf) |Send gripes to John.Laird@CMUA.|)
(write (crlf) |Or John Laird, Computer Science Department|)
(write (crlf) |Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15213|)
(write (crlf) |The max score is 440.|)
(write (crlf) |Copyright (C) 1979,1980,1981,1982,1983 John E. Laird|))
(p name5
(x 30)
(input who is bzm <x>)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |A famous graduate of CMU CSD.|))
(p name6
(x 30)
(input xstat)
(remove 2)
(p name7
(x 50)
(location ^name <x>)
(place ^name <x> ^visited t)
(write (crlf) |You are in| <x> |.|))
(p name8
(x 30)
(input <x> <y> on)
(make input <x> on <y> (substr 2 5 inf))
(remove 2))
(p name9
(x 30)
(input <x> <y> off)
(make input <x> off <y> (substr 2 5 inf))
(remove 2))
(p name10
(x 30)
(input <x> to <y>)
(remove 2)
(make input <x> <y>))
(p name11
(x 30)
(location ^name <x>)
(input gamma <y>)
(remove 3)
(modify 2 ^name <y>))
(p name12
(x 30)
(input <x> the)
(remove 2)
(make input <x> (substr 2 4 inf)))
(p name13
(x 30)
(input <x> <y> the)
(remove 2)
(make input <x> <y> (substr 2 5 inf)))
(p name14
(x 30)
(input <x> a)
(remove 2)
(make input <x> (substr 2 4 inf)))
(p name15
(x 30)
(input <x> then)
(remove 2)
(make input <x>)
(make input then (substr 2 4 inf)))
(p name16
(x 30)
(input <x> <y> then)
(remove 2)
(make input <x> <y>)
(make input (substr 2 4 inf)))
(p name17
(x 30)
(input <x> <y> then <W> it)
(remove 2)
(make input <x> <y>)
(make input then <W> <y> (substr 2 7 inf)))
(p name18
(x 30)
(input <x> {<> then <y>} <n> then)
(remove 2)
(make input <x> <y> <n>)
(make input (substr 2 5 inf)))
(p name19
(x 30)
(input then)
(time ^realtime <y>)
(remove 2)
(make input (substr 2 3 inf))
(modify 3 ^realtime (compute <y> + 2)))
(p name20
(x 30)
(object ^name <y> ^place held)
(input <x> it)
(remove 3)
(make input <x> <y> (substr 3 4 inf)))
(p name21
(x 30)
(object ^name <y> ^place <Z>)
(location ^name <Z>)
(input <x> it)
(remove 4)
(make input <x> <y> (substr 4 4 inf)))
(comment ********Directions************************************************ )
(p name22
(x 30)
(input {<< n s e w u d >> <direction>})
(remove 2)
(modify 3 ^going <direction> ^went <direction>))
(p name23
(x 30)
(input << out leave >>)
(make input exit (substr 2 3 inf))
(remove 2))
(p name24
(x 30)
(input get in)
(remove 2)
(make input enter (substr 2 4 inf)))
(p name25
(x 30)
(input << walkin in inside >>)
(remove 2)
(make input enter (substr 2 3 inf)))
(p name26
(x 30)
(input west)
(remove 2)
(modify 3 ^going w ^went w))
(p name27
(x 30)
(input east)
(remove 2)
(modify 3 ^going e ^went e))
(p name28
(x 30)
(input north)
(remove 2)
(modify 3 ^going n ^went n))
(p name29
(x 30)
(input south)
(remove 2)
(modify 3 ^going s ^went s))
(p name30
(x 30)
(input up)
(remove 2)
(modify 3 ^going u ^went u))
(p name31
(x 30)
(input down)
(remove 2)
(modify 3 ^going d ^went d))
(p name32
(x 30)
(status ^going n)
(modify 2 ^going nil ^noway t))
(p name33
(x 30)
(status ^going s)
(modify 2 ^going nil ^noway t))
(p name34
(x 30)
(status ^going w)
(modify 2 ^going nil ^noway t))
(p name35
(x 30)
(status ^going e)
(modify 2 ^going nil ^noway t))
(p name36
(x 30)
(status ^going d)
(modify 2 ^going nil)
(write (crlf) |You can't go down from here.|))
(p name37
(x 30)
(status ^going u)
(modify 2 ^going nil)
(write (crlf) |There is nothing to go up on.|))
(p name38
(x 30)
(status ^noway t)
(write (crlf) |You can't go that way.|)
(modify 2 ^noway nil ^going nil))
(p name39
(x 30)
(status ^went w)
(input right)
(modify 2 ^going n ^went n)
(remove 3))
(p name40
(x 30)
(status ^went <direction>)
(input forward)
(modify 2 ^going <direction>)
(remove 3))
(p name41
(x 30)
(status ^went s)
(input left)
(modify 2 ^going e ^went e)
(remove 3))
(p name42
(x 30)
(status ^went e)
(input left)
(modify 2 ^going n ^went n)
(remove 3))
(p name43
(x 30)
(status ^went e)
(input right)
(modify 2 ^going s ^went s)
(remove 3))
(p name44
(x 30)
(status ^went e)
(input back)
(modify 2 ^going w ^went w)
(remove 3))
(p name45
(x 30)
(status ^went s)
(input right)
(modify 2 ^going w ^went w)
(remove 3))
(p name46
(x 30)
(status ^went s)
(input back)
(modify 2 ^going n ^went n)
(remove 3))
(p name47
(x 30)
(status ^went n)
(input left)
(modify 2 ^going w ^went w)
(remove 3))
(p name48
(x 30)
(status ^went n)
(input right)
(modify 2 ^going e ^went e)
(remove 3))
(p name49
(x 30)
(status ^went n)
(input back)
(modify 2 ^going s ^went s)
(remove 3))
(p name50
(x 30)
(status ^went w)
(input left)
(modify 2 ^going s ^went s)
(remove 3))
(p name51
(x 30)
(status ^went u)
(input back)
(modify 2 ^going d ^went d)
(remove 3))
(p name52
(x 30)
(status ^went d)
(input back)
(modify 2 ^going u ^went u)
(remove 3))
(p name53
(x 30)
(status ^went w)
(input back)
(modify 2 ^going e ^went e)
(remove 3))
(p name54
(x 30)
(input ahead)
(remove 2)
(make input forward))
(p name55
(x 30)
(status ^went <y>)
(input direction)
(remove 3)
(write (crlf) |You are facing | <y>))
(p name56
(x 20)
(input exit)
(remove 2)
(make input back))
(p name57
(x 20)
(input enter <x>)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |I can't enter| <x> |.|))
(p name58
(x 30)
(input go nil)
(make input forward)
(remove 2))
(p name59
(x 30)
(input go <> nil)
(remove 2)
(make input (substr 2 3 inf)))
(comment *****************Get and Drop************************************* )
(p name60
(x 30)
(location ^name <x>)
(object ^name <n> ^place <x>)
(input get all)
(make input get <n>))
(p name61
(x 20)
(input get all)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |OK, all done.|))
(p name62
(x 30)
(object ^name <p> ^place held)
(input get <p>)
(remove 3)
(write (crlf) |You already have| <p>))
(p name63
(x 10)
(input get <p>)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |I can't get| <p>))
(p name64
(x 30)
(object ^name <x> ^place <p> ^side <s> ^north <n> ^east <e> ^state nil)
(location ^name <p> ^side <s> ^north <n> ^east <e>)
(input get <x>)
(remove 4)
(modify 2 ^place held)
(write (crlf) |You just got| <x> |.|))
(p name65
(x 40)
(object ^name monster ^place laboratory)
(location ^name laboratory)
(input get monster)
(remove 4)
(write (crlf) |That would be a big mistake.|))
(p name66
(x 40)
(object ^name cecil ^place <x>)
(location ^name <x>)
(input get cecil)
(remove 4)
(write (crlf) |Cecil is a free spirit. He doesn't come with you.|))
(p name67
(x 30)
(input << pull pickup grab pry lift take carry >> <x>)
(remove 2)
(make input get <x>))
(p name68
(x 30)
(input pick up <x>)
(make input get <x>)
(remove 2))
(p name69
(x 10)
(input drop all)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |All dropped.|))
(p name70
(x 30)
(input drop all)
(location ^name <p>)
(object ^name <n> ^place held)
(make input drop <n>))
(p name71
(x 20)
(object ^name <x> ^place held)
(location ^name <y> ^side <s> ^north <n> ^east <e>)
(input drop <x>)
(remove 4)
(modify 2 ^place <y> ^side <s> ^north <n> ^east <e>))
(p name72
(x 30)
(input << discard release >> <x>)
(remove 2)
(make input drop <x>))
(p name73
(x 10)
(object ^name <x> ^place <> held)
(input drop <x>)
(remove 3)
(write (crlf) |You don't have| <x>))
(p name74
(x 30)
(input put down <x>)
(remove 2)
(make input drop <x>))
(p name75
(x 30)
(input take off <x>)
(remove 2)
(make input remove <x>))
(comment *****************Inventory************************************ )
(p name76
(x 30)
(object ^name <p> ^place held)
(input inven)
(write (crlf) <p>))
(p name77
(x 20)
(input inven)
(remove 2))
(p name78
(x 40)
(input inven)
(write (crlf) |You have the following:|))
(p name79
(x 30)
(input inventory)
(remove 2)
(make input inven))
(p name80
(x 30)
(object ^name <p> ^place held)
(object ^name <C> ^inside <p>)
(input inven)
(write (crlf) <C>))
(p name81
(x 50)
-(object ^name <x> ^place held)
(input inven)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |You're empty handed.|))
(comment ******************Random inputs********************************* )
(p name82
(x 30)
(input run nil)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |I'm going as fast as I can.|))
(p name83
(x 30)
(input run <> nil)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |I can't go any faster.|))
(p name84
(x 30)
(input listen)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |Silence!|))
(p name85
(x 30)
(status ^sound on)
(input listen)
(remove 3)
(modify 2 ^sound on))
(p name86
(x 30)
(input whistle)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |What, without an accompanying orchestra?|))
(p name87
(x 30)
(input hum)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |Hum de dum de dum, hum hum dum dum de dum.|))
(p name88
(x 30)
(input sing)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida Baby, don't you know that I love you.|))
(p name89
(x 30)
(input mumble)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |mumbmaubmmmsms|))
(p name90
(x 30)
(input << quit halt stop >>)
(remove 3)
(modify 2 ^quit t)
(write (crlf) |The party's over.|))
(comment ***********************Death*************************************** )
(p name1007
(x 40)
(status ^die t ^died t ^quit nil)
(write (crlf) |Well, you're one more that didn't get the treasure and live.|)
(modify 2 ^quit t))
(p name1008
(x 40)
(status ^die t ^score <Q> ^died nil)
(modify 2 ^score (compute <Q> - 20) ^died t)
(write (crlf) |Hmm... you went and got yourself killed.|)
(write (crlf) |But I'll let you play a bit longer.|))
(p name96
(x 30)
-(object ^name bottle ^place held)
(input pour)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |You don't have a bottle full of anything.|))
(p name97
(x 30)
(object ^name bottle ^place held)
(object ^name <x> ^inside bottle)
(input drink)
(remove 4)
(remove 3)
(write (crlf) |I love that| <x> |for breakfast every morning.|))
(p name98
(x 30)
(object ^name bottle ^place held)
(location ^name beach)
(input get sand)
(remove 4)
(write (crlf) |The sand clogs in the neck of the bottle.|)
(write (crlf) |For all practical purposes you can't get any sand.|))
(p name99
(x 30)
(object ^name bottle ^place held)
(location ^name beach)
(input fill bottle)
(remove 4)
(make input get sand))
(comment ********Treasure Objects***************************** )
(p name100
(x 20)
(object ^name corkscrew ^place <x>)
(location ^name <x>)
(write (crlf) |There is a diamond studded corkscrew here!|))
(p name101
(x 30)
(object ^name corkscrew ^place held)
(input screw)
(write (crlf)|Cork screwing is a little out of my league.|)
(remove 3))
(p name102
(x 20)
(location ^name <x>)
(object ^name ring ^place <x>)
(write (crlf) |There is a huge diamond ring here.|))
(comment **************************Candy*************************************)
(p name103
(x 20)
(location ^name <x>)
(object ^name candy ^place <x>)
(write (crlf) |There is a bowl of candy on the ground.|))
(p name104
(x 30)
(input <x> bowl)
(remove 2)
(make input <x> candy))
(p name105
(x 30)
(object ^name candy ^place <x>)
(location ^name <x>)
(input eat candy)
(write (crlf) |Candy tastes good; uhm!|)
(write (crlf) |Of course the pins in the Snickers take a little chewing.|)
(remove 2)
(remove 4))
(p name106
(x 30)
(object ^name candy ^place held)
(input eat candy)
(write (crlf) |You eat the candy; and get cavities.|)
(remove 2)
(remove 3))
(comment *****************Marijuana************************************)
(p name107
(x 30)
(location ^name <x>)
(object ^name marijuana ^place <x>)
(write (crlf) |There is some fine marijuana here! Good stuff.|))
(p name108
(object ^name matches ^place held)
(location ^name lawn)
(input burn <x>)
(remove 3)
(write (crlf) |The matches go out before you can burn| <x>))
(p name109
(x 30)
(object ^name marijuana ^place held)
(object ^name matches ^place held)
(history ^hungry nil)
(location ^name lawn)
(input smoke marijuana)
(remove 2)
(remove 3)
(remove 5)
(modify 4 ^hungry t)
(write (crlf) |You manage to light up,|)
(write (crlf) |the matches haved dried out here, this very expensive stuff.|)
(write (crlf) |Its very smooth, you begin to think you really don't|)
(write (crlf) |need to adventure anymore. You are hungry.|))
(p name110
(x 30)
(object ^name marijuana ^place held)
(input smoke marijuana)
(remove 3)
(write (crlf) |You don't have any matches.|))
(p name111
(x 30)
(input smoke marijuana)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |You don't have any.|))
(p name112
(x 30)
(object ^name marijuana ^place held)
(object ^name matches ^place held)
(input smoke marijuana)
(remove 4)
(write (crlf) |The matches are wet.|))
(p name113
(x 30)
(history ^hungry t)
(object ^name <x> ^place held)
(write (crlf) |I'm so hungry, I could eat a | <x> )
(make input eat <x>))
(p name114
(x 20)
(history ^hungry t)
(modify 1 ^hungry nil))
(p name115
(x 30)
(input <y> << maryjane marihuana dope grass pot >>)
(remove 2)
(make input <y> marijuana))
(p name116
(x 30)
(input << smoke light burn >> marijuana)
(remove 2)
(make input smoke marijuana))
(comment ***********************************CUBE*****************************)
(p name117
(x 20)
(location ^name <x>)
(object ^name cube ^place <x>)
(write (crlf) |There is a small white cube here.|))
(p name118
(x 30)
(object ^name cube ^place held)
(input lick cube)
(remove 3)
(write (crlf) |UHM! That tasted good!!!|))
(p name119
(x 30)
(object ^name cube ^place held)
(input taste cube)
(remove 3)
(write (crlf) |To taste it you should really eat the cube.|))
(p name120
(x 30)
(object ^name cube ^place held)
(object ^name watch ^place held)
(input eat cube)
(remove 2)
(remove 4)
(write (crlf) |The cube tastes like sugar. You are suddenly surrounded by|)
(write (crlf) |a herd of moose. They start talking to you about a moose-load of things.|)
(write (crlf) |One walks over to you and whispers, 'Fa Lowe, why her?'|)
(write (crlf) |You look at your watch , but the hands suddenly spin!|)
(write (crlf) |You find yourself staring at the|)
(write (crlf) |m|)
(write (crlf) | o|)
(write (crlf) | o|)
(write (crlf) | s|)
(write (crlf) | e|)
(write (crlf) | ?|)
(write (crlf) | for a long time, and enjoying it.|))
(p name121
(x 30)
(object ^name cube ^place held)
(input eat cube)
(remove 2)
(remove 3)
(write (crlf) |The cube tastes like sugar. You are suddenly surrounded by|)
(write (crlf) |a herd of moose. They start talking to you about a moose-load of things.|)
(write (crlf) |One walks over to you and whispers, 'Fa Lowe, why her?'|)
(write (crlf) |You find yourself staring at your toes|)
(write (crlf) | for a long time, and enjoying it.|))
(p name122
(x 30)
(location ^name kitchen)
(object ^name cube ^place held)
(input eat cube)
(remove 3)
(remove 4)
(write (crlf) |That was sweet.|)
(write (crlf) |This kitchen is real deary. A bad place to take acid.|)
(write (crlf) |You have to get out of here!!|)
(write (crlf) |You feel on fire, you need water to cool off.|)
(make input
w then push button then n then push b then exit then push red button))
(p name123
(x 30)
(input <x> white cube)
(remove 2)
(make input <x> cube))
(p name124
(x 30)
(input <x> << sugar acid >>)
(remove 2)
(make input <x> cube))
(comment *************************CANCER*************************************)
(p name125
(x 60)
(status ^likes <B>)
(time ^cancer <TIME> ^realtime <TIME>)
(write (crlf) |Your wicked and lusty life has finally caught up with you.|)
(write (crlf) |That cigarette you had with the| <B> |has caused cancer to|)
(write (crlf) |spread throughout your lungs. COUGH!! COUGH!! You are|)
(write (crlf) |weakening. Hack! You're down on your knees. COUGH COUGH!!|)
(write (crlf) |You keel over and die....|)
(modify 3 ^quit t))
(comment **********************Going Crazy******************************** )
(p name126
(x 60)
(time ^orc_status sweat ^orc_time <x> ^realtime <x>)
(modify 2 ^orc_status dizzy ^orc_time (compute <x> + 120))
(write (crlf) | |)
(write (crlf) |You are starting to sweat. I think this place is getting to you.|))
(p name127
(x 60)
(time ^orc_status dizzy ^orc_time <x> ^realtime <x>)
(modify 2 ^orc_status mad ^orc_time (compute <x> + 60))
(write (crlf) | |)
(write (crlf) |Your getting a little dizzy.|)
(write (crlf) |The area around seems to swim a little when you move.|))
(p name128
(x 60)
(time ^orc_status mad ^orc_time <x> ^realtime <x>)
(modify 2 ^orc_status suicide ^orc_time (compute <x> + 30))
(write (crlf) | |)
(write (crlf) |I think you are definitely going insane. The sweaty palms and dizziness were|)
(write (crlf) |the first signs. If you don't do something quick, you'll commit suicide!|))
(p name129
(x 60)
(time ^orc_status suicide ^orc_time <x> ^realtime <x>)
(modify 2 ^orc_status nil ^orc_time nil)
(modify 3 ^die t)
(write (crlf) | |)
(write (crlf) |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|)
(write (crlf) |You can't stand it anymore, you are now totally crazy!|)
(write (crlf) |You start laughing uncontrollably, but choke on your tongue.|)
(write (crlf) |Ugh! Well at least you died happy!|))
(p name130
(x 30)
(time ^orc_status <> nil)
(command ^string eat_it)
(modify 2 ^orc_status nil)
(remove 3)
(write (crlf) |You feel much saner.|)
(write (crlf) |You've managed to avoid the St. John curse!|))
(p name131
(x 30)
(time ^orc_status suicide)
(command ^string eat_it)
(modify 2 ^orc_status nil)
(remove 3)
(write (crlf) |You've done it! The orchid returns you to sanity.|))
(comment **********************More Random********************************* )
(p name132
(x 30)
(input << examine describe >> <x>)
(remove 2)
(make input look <x>))
(p name133
(x 30)
(place ^name <y> ^visited t)
(location ^name <y>)
(input look)
(remove 4)
(modify 2 ^visited nil))
(p name134
(x 30)
(input kill)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |With what? Your bare hands?|))
(p name135
(x 30)
(object ^name <x> ^place <z>)
(location ^name <z>)
(input kill <x> with <y>)
(remove 4)
(write (crlf) |Even with that you can't kill it.|))
(p name136
(x 30)
(object ^name football ^holds nil)
(input throw football)
(remove 3)
(write (crlf) |You don't have a football Dummy!|))
(p name137
(x 30)
(input throw)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |I don't throw anything but a regulation NFL football.|))
(p name138
(x 30)
(input throw up)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |I don't have the stomach for that.|))
(p name139
(x 30)
(input cut)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |There is nothing to cut with.|))
(p name140
(x 30)
(input cut <x> with <y>)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |The| <y> |won't cut the| <x> |.|))
(p name141
(x 30)
(input cut cheese)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |Look, this room is smelly enough already without that.|))
(p name142
(x 30)
(input break <x>)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |You hurt your hand.|))
(p name143
(x 30)
(input bust bust)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |Homer looks hurt.|))
(p name144
(x 30)
(input kick <x>)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |Ouch! The| <x> |kicks back.|))
(p name145
(x 30)
(object ^name <x> ^place held)
(location ^name <y> ^side <s> ^north <n> ^east <e>)
(input kick <x>)
(modify 2 ^place <y> ^side <s> ^north <n> ^east <e>)
(remove 4)
(write (crlf) |Thud! Not much of a kicker I see.|))
(p name146
(x 30)
(input kick football)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |I see no football here.|))
(p name147
(x 30)
(input punt <x>)
(remove 2)
(make input kick <x>))
(p name148
(x 20)
(input jump)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |Up you go, down you come.|))
(p name149
(x 20)
(input burn <x>)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |You can't burn| <x> |without matches.|))
(p name150
(x 30)
(object ^name matches ^place held)
(input burn)
(remove 3)
(write (crlf) |You may have matches, but you didn't light one.|))
(p name151
(x 30)
(input open)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |I don't see anything that is closed.|))
(p name152
(x 30)
(input open chest)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |The chest can't be opened, but it is worth mucho closed.|))
(p name153
(x 30)
(input help)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |Help yourself|))
(p name154
(x 20)
(current ^type operator ^name process)
(input yes)
(remove 3)
(write (crlf) |Cute, but lets get on with the show.|))
(p name155
(x 30)
(current ^type operator ^name process)
(input no)
(remove 3)
(write (crlf) |That was rhetorical you fool.|))
(p name156
(x 30)
(input spit <x>)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |Your throat is too dry.|))
(p name157
(x 30)
(input where <x>)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |I don't know where| <x> |. I hope we aren't lost!!|))
(p name158
(x 30)
(input find <x>)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |That would be cheating if I did it.|))
(p name159
(x 20)
(input drink <a>)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |The| <a> |is not drinkable.|))
(p name160
(x 20)
(input drink nil)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |I don't know what to drink.|))
(p name161
(x 30)
(input screw)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |Sorry, but i don't have a screw driver.|))
(p name162
(x 30)
(input fuck)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |That would be pretty kinky.|))
(p name163
(x 30)
(input fuck bust)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |Homer is harder than you are.|))
(p name164
(x 30)
(status ^wears wetsuit)
(input fuck <x>)
(remove 3)
(write (crlf) |You can't do that with a wetsuit on!|))
(p name165
(x 30)
(input up yours)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |Up your own.|))
(p name166
(x 30)
(input oh shit)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |Isn't life a pisser?|))
(p name167
(x 30)
(input oh no)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |Mais oui.|))
(p name168
(x 30)
(input shit)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |Hey, let's not mess up the place!|))
(p name169
(x 30)
(input rape <x>)
(remove 2)
(make input torture <x>))
(p name170
(x 30)
(input kiss)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |SMACK!|))
(p name171
(x 30)
(input << ball copulate hump >> <x>)
(remove 2)
(make input fuck <x>))
(p name172
(x 30)
(input make love)
(status ^likes <x>)
(remove 2)
(make input fuck <x>))
(p name173
(x 30)
(input masturbate)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |You're too scared to get aroused at all.|))
(p name174
(x 30)
(input god damn)
(remove 2)
(make input pray))
(p name175
(x 30)
(input tingle)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |Nothing happens.|))
(p name176
(x 30)
(input blow)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |Whoooooosh!|))
(p name177
(x 20)
(input knock)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |Thud, thud.|))
(p name178
(x 30)
(input eat <> orchid)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |That is not part of a balanced diet.|))
(p name179
(x 30)
(object ^name <x> ^holds nil)
(input eat <x>)
(remove 3)
(write (crlf) |You don't have| <x> |on you.|))
(p name180
(x 30)
(input eat shit)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |YEACH! Fuck off!|))
(p name181
(x 30)
(input go to hell)
(remove 3)
(write (crlf) |Oh yeah! I'm fed up with you!!|)
(modify 2 ^quit t))
(p name182
(x 30)
(input <x> moose)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |I see no moose.|))
(p name183
(x 30)
(input go blue)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |Beat State.|))
(p name184
(x 30)
(input pray)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |GOD responds:|)
(make input help))
(p name185
(x 30)
(input damn <x>)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |Clean up your act.|))
(p name186
(x 30)
(input open sesame)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |No says me!|))
(p name187
(x 30)
(input I <x>)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |Quit talking about yourself and give me a command.|))
(p name188
(x 20)
(input give <x> to <y>)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |The| <y> |doesn't take| <x> ))
(p name189
(x 20)
(input give <x> <y>)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |The| <x> |doesn't want| <y> ))
(p name190
(x 30)
(object ^name <x> ^place held)
(input give <x>)
(remove 3)
(write (crlf) |Hey, after we went through all the trouble to get |
(crlf) <x> |I ain't gonna let you give it away.|))
(p name191
(x 20)
(input give <x>)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |First we should get it.|))
(p name192
(x 30)
(time ^realtime 0002)
(input follow moose)
(remove 3)
(write (crlf) |Crash!! Into the wall you go.|))
(p name193
(x 30)
(location ^name bus_stop)
(time ^realtime 0002)
(input follow moose)
(remove 4)
(write (crlf) |Last I saw he went west, so away we go.|)
(make input west))
(p name194
(x 30)
(input follow moose)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |I see no moose here.|))
(p name195
(x 30)
(input swim)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |Why don't you wait until we are in the water.|))
(comment **************Get on and off objects ****************************** )
(p name196
(x 30)
(input mount)
(remove 3)
(modify 2 ^going u ^went u))
(p name197
(x 30)
(input stand on)
(remove 2)
(make input mount))
(p name198
(x 20)
(input get on)
(remove 2)
(make input mount))
(p name199
(x 30)
(input climb on)
(remove 2)
(make input mount))
(p name200
(x 30)
(input climb)
(remove 3)
(modify 2 ^going u ^went u))
(p name201
(x 30)
(location ^name <> bus)
(input get off)
(remove 4)
(modify 3 ^going d ^went d))
(p name202
(x 30)
(input get down)
(remove 3)
(modify 2 ^going d ^went d))
(p name203
(x 30)
(input dismount)
(remove 3)
(modify 2 ^going d ^went d))
(p name204
(x 30)
(input sit in)
(remove 2)
(make input sit on))
(p name205
(x 30)
(input sit)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |I don't know how to sit on it.|))
(p name206
(x 50)
(location ^ontop <> nil ^going d)
(modify 2 ^ontop nil ^going nil)
(write (crlf) |You are back on Terra Firma.|))
(p name207
(x 40)
(location ^ontop <> nil ^going <> nil)
(modify 2 ^ontop nil ^going nil)
(write (crlf) |You just fell to the ground.|)
(make input look))
(p name208
(x 40)
(location ^siton <> nil ^going <> nil)
(modify 2 ^siton nil))
(p name209
(x 30)
(location ^siton <> nil)
(input get up)
(modify 2 ^siton nil)
(remove 3)
(write (crlf) |You are now standing.|))
(p name210
(x 30)
(location siton <> nil)
(input stand <x>)
(modify 2 ^siton nil)
(remove 3)
(write (crlf) |You are no longer sitting.|))
(p name211
(x 30)
(location ^siton <Q>)
(input get <Q>)
(remove 3)
(write (crlf) |You'll have to stand up first.|))
(p name212
(x 30)
(location ^ontop <Q>)
(input get <Q>)
(remove 3)
(write (crlf) |Cute, why don't you get off it first.|))
(p name213
(x 30)
(object ^name <x> ^place held)
(input mount <x>)
(remove 3)
(write (crlf) |Why don't you drop it first.|))
(comment *****Touchy Feelie*************************************************)
(p name214
(x 30)
(input << fondle cuddle hug rub tap feel >>)
(remove 2)
(make input touch))
(p name215
(x 30)
(object ^name <x> ^place held)
(input touch <x>)
(remove 3)
(write (crlf) |It is in your hands, and it feels like a| <x> |.|))
(p name216
(x 30)
(input touch wall)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |Surprize! The wall is flat and cold.|))
(p name217
(x 30)
(object ^name painting ^place held)
(input touch painting)
(remove 3)
(write (crlf) |The painting is still wet!!|))
(p name218
(x 30)
(input touch)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |You should get it first.|))
(comment ********************Bottle*********************************** )
(p name219
(x 30)
(object ^name bottle ^place held)
(history ^grave_status2 oil)
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 8 ^north 8)
(input fill bottle)
(remove 5)
(write (crlf) |The oil won't go into the bottle, sorry.|))
(p name220
(x 30)
(history ^grave_status2 oil)
(object ^name bottle ^place held)
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 8 ^north 8)
(input get oil)
(remove 5)
(write (crlf) |The oil is too thick to go into the bottle.|))
(p name221
(x 20)
(location ^name <x>)
(object ^name bottle ^place <x>)
-(object ^inside bottle)
(write (crlf) |There is an empty bottle here.|))
(p name222
(x 20)
(location ^name <x>)
(object ^name bottle ^place <x>)
(object ^name <q> ^inside bottle)
(write (crlf) |There is a bottle of| <q> |here.|))
(p name223
(x 30)
(object ^name <q> ^inside bottle)
(object ^name bottle ^place <x>)
(location ^name <x>)
(input get <q>)
(modify 2 ^place held)
(remove 5)
(write (crlf) |You are now holding the bottle.|))
(p name224
(x 30)
(object ^name bottle ^place held)
(location ^name bathroom)
(input fill bottle <g>)
-(object ^inside bottle)
(remove 4)
(make object ^name bathwater ^inside bottle)
(write (crlf) |The bottle is full of bathwater.|))
(p name225
(x 30)
(object ^name bottle ^place held)
(location ^name beach ^east 3)
(input fill bottle <g>)
-(object ^inside bottle)
(remove 4)
(make object ^name water ^inside bottle)
(write (crlf) |The bottle is full of sparkling water.|))
(p name226
(x 30)
(object ^name bottle ^place held)
(object ^inside bottle)
(location ^name beach ^east 3)
(input pour)
(remove 3)
(remove 5)
(write (crlf) |The bottle is empty. The liquid disappears in the sand.|))
(p name227
(x 30)
(object ^name bottle ^place held)
(object ^inside bottle)
(location ^name bathroom)
(input pour)
(remove 3)
(remove 5)
(write (crlf) |The bottle is now empty.|))
(comment ++++++++++++++++)
(p name228
(location ^underwater t)
(object ^name bottle ^place held)
(input fill bottle)
-(object ^name <> nil ^inside bottle)
(remove 3)
(make object ^name seawater ^inside bottle)
(write (crlf) |The bottle is full of seawater.|))
(p name229
(input get << seawater bathwater water >>)
(remove 1)
(make input fill bottle))
(p name230
(input fill up)
(remove 1)
(make input fill bottle))
(p name231
(object ^name bottle ^place held)
(input fill bottle <g>)
-(object ^name <q> ^inside bottle)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |There is nothing to fill the bottle with.|))
(p name232
(object ^name bottle ^place held)
(object ^inside bottle)
(input fill bottle)
(remove 3)
(write (crlf) |The bottle is already full.|))
(p name233
(input fill bottle)
(remove 1)
(write (crlf) |You don't have a bottle to fill.|))
(p name234
(input pour)
(location ^underwater t)
(remove 1)
(write (crlf) |Hmm, you want me to empty a bottle underwater.|)
(write (crlf) |I'm afraid that is out of my league.|))
(p name235
(object ^name water ^place <x>)
(location ^name <x>)
(write (crlf) |There is a wet spot here.|))
(p name236
(object ^name seawater ^place <x>)
(location ^name <x>)
(write (crlf) |There is a salty wet spot here.|))
(p name237
(location ^name <x>)
(object ^name bathwater ^place <x>)
(write (crlf) |There is a bit of a wet spot here.|))
(p name238
(location ^name <x>)
(object ^name turpentine ^place <x>)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |The turpentine evaporates as it leaves the bottle.|))
(p name239
(location ^name <y>)
(object ^name bottle ^place held)
(object ^name <q> ^inside bottle)
(input drop <q>)
(modify 2 ^place <y>)
(remove 4))
(p name240
(location ^name <y>)
(object ^name bottle ^place held)
(object ^name <q> ^inside bottle)
(input pour)
(remove 4)
(modify 3 ^inside nil ^place <y>))
(p name241
(location ^name <x>)
(object ^name << water seawater bathwater >> ^place <x>)
(input fill bottle)
(remove 3)
(write (crlf) |Sorry, I don't have a mop!|))
(p name242
(location ^name <x>)
(object ^name water ^inside bottle)
(object ^name bottle ^place held)
(input drink water)
(remove 1)
(remove 2)
(remove 4)
(write (crlf) |You have changed into a baby, the adventure must end.|)
(modify 5 ^quit t))
(p name243
(object ^name bottle ^place held)
(object ^name seawater ^inside bottle)
(input drink)
(remove 2)
(remove 3)
(write (crlf) |Yech! It tastes salty!!|))
(p name244
(input << water empty >>)
(remove 1)
(make input pour))
(comment ********************MATCHES************************************* )
(p name245
(location ^name <x>)
(object ^name matches ^place <x>)
(write (crlf) |There are matches here.|))
(p name246
(object ^name matches ^place held)
(input <x> match)
(remove 2)
(make input <x> matches))
(p name247
(object ^name matches ^place held)
(input << light strike dry >> matches)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |This house is to damp to light the matches in.|))
(p name248
(location ^name lawn)
(object ^name matches ^place held)
(input dry matches)
(remove 3)
(write (crlf) |The matches dry out.|))
(p name249
(location ^name lawn)
(object ^name matches ^place held)
(input << light strike >> matches)
(remove 3)
(write (crlf) |The match lights but goes out quickly.|))
(p name250
(input smoke <x>)
(object ^name <x> ^place <> holds)
(remove 1)
(write (crlf) |You're not holding it.|))
(p name251
(input light marijuana <x>)
(remove 1)
(make input smoke marijuana))
(comment *******************FOOTBALL****************************************)
(p name252
(location ^name <x>)
(object ^name football ^place <x>)
(write (crlf) |There is an official NFL football here!|))
(p name253
(location ^name <x>)
(object ^name football ^place held)
(input kick football)
(remove 3)
(write (crlf) |Oh wow! You kick it around,|)
(write (crlf) |luckily nothing breaks.|)
(modify 2 ^place <x>))
(p name254
(location ^name <x>)
(object ^name football ^place held)
(input throw football)
(remove 3)
(write (crlf) |Throw is short. Incomplete pass. Fourth down, 10 to go.|)
(modify 2 ^place <x>))
(p name255
(input <x> ball)
(remove 1)
(make input <x> football))
(comment ***************************TIME************************************ )
(p name256
(input what time)
(object ^name watch ^place held)
(time ^realtime <x>)
(remove 1)
(write (crlf) |The time is| <x>))
(p name257
(location ^name <x>)
(object ^name watch ^place <x>)
(write (crlf) |There's a watch here, it even has a luminous dial.|))
(p name258
(input time)
(remove 1)
(make input what time))
(p name259
(input read watch)
(remove 1)
(make input what time))
(p name260
(input tell time)
(remove 1)
(make input what time))
(p name261
(x 10)
(input what time)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |I have no watch.|))
(p name262
(input look at watch)
(remove 1)
(make input what time))
(p name263
(input put on watch)
(remove 1)
(make input get watch))
(p name264
(input wind watch)
(remove 1)
(write (crlf) |The watch is electric.|))
(p name265
(input open watch)
(remove 1)
(write (crlf) |The watch is sealed shut.|))
(p name266
(input break watch)
(remove 1)
(write (crlf) |The watch is shock resistent too. It still works.|))
(p name267
(time ^realtime 0600 ^morning nil)
(modify 1 ^morning t)
(write (crlf) |'Cock-a-doodle-do'. You hear a rooster crow.|))
(p name268
(time ^realtime 2000 ^morning t)
(modify 1 ^morning nil)
(write (crlf) |'Clunk!' I think night just fell.|))
(p name269
(time ^realtime 0000 ^midnight nil)
(modify 1 ^midnight t))
(p name270
(time ^midnight t)
(modify 1 ^midnight nil)
(write (crlf) |BonG!|)
(write (crlf) |BonG!|)
(write (crlf) |BonG!|)
(write (crlf) |BonG!|)
(write (crlf) |BonG!|)
(write (crlf) |BonG!|)
(write (crlf) |BonG!|)
(write (crlf) |BonG!|)
(write (crlf) |BonG!|)
(write (crlf) |BonG!|)
(write (crlf) |BonG!|)
(write (crlf) |BonG!|)
(write (crlf) |A moose comes running out of a wall at full speed straight at you!!!|)
(write (crlf) |He is right on top of you!!! He runs right through you and disappears.|))
(p name271
(time ^midnight t)
(location ^name lawn)
(modify 1 ^midnight nil)
(write (crlf) |BonG!|)
(write (crlf) |BonG!|)
(write (crlf) |BonG!|)
(write (crlf) |BonG!|)
(write (crlf) |BonG!|)
(write (crlf) |BonG!|)
(write (crlf) |BonG!|)
(write (crlf) |BonG!|)
(write (crlf) |BonG!|)
(write (crlf) |BonG!|)
(write (crlf) |BonG!|)
(write (crlf) |BonG!|)
(write (crlf) |A moose comes running across the lawn at full speed straight at you!!!|)
(write (crlf) |He is right on top of you. He runs right through you and disappears.|))
(p name272
(time ^midnight t)
(location ^underwater t)
(remove 1)
(write (crlf) |BonG!|)
(write (crlf) |BonG!|)
(write (crlf) |BonG!|)
(write (crlf) |BonG!|)
(write (crlf) |BonG!|)
(write (crlf) |BonG!|)
(write (crlf) |BonG!|)
(write (crlf) |BonG!|)
(write (crlf) |BonG!|)
(write (crlf) |BonG!|)
(write (crlf) |BonG!|)
(write (crlf) |BonG!|)
(write (crlf) |A moose comes swimming out of the darkness, at full speed straight at you.|)
(write (crlf) |He has on full scuba gear, and is really moving.|)
(write (crlf) |He is right on top of you. He runs right through you and disappears.|))
(comment **************************PAINTING***************************)
(p name273
(input <x> art <y>)
(remove 1)
(make input <x> painting <y>))
(p name274
(location ^name <x>)
(object ^name painting ^place <x> ^covered t)
(write (crlf) |There is a work of ugly modern art on the ground.|))
(p name275
(location ^name <x>)
(object ^name painting ^place <x> ^covered nil)
(write (crlf) |There is a valuable Rembrandt here.|))
(p name276
(object ^name painting ^place held ^covered t)
(object ^name bottle ^place held)
(object ^name turpentine ^inside bottle)
(input << clean pour >>)
(modify 1 ^covered nil ^treasure t)
(remove 3)
(remove 4)
(write (crlf) |The ugly paint comes off! Underneath is a Rembrandt|)
(write (crlf) |This will be very valuable.|)
(write (crlf) |It is a person and a bust in the painting.|))
(p name277
(location ^name <x>)
(object ^name painting ^place <x> ^covered t)
(object ^name bottle ^place held)
(object ^name turpentine ^inside bottle)
(input << clean pour >>)
(modify 2 ^covered nil ^treasure t)
(remove 4)
(remove 5)
(write (crlf) |The turpentine hits the painting and causes the paint to come off.|)
(write (crlf) |The painting has a person contemplating a bust.|))
(p name278
(input remove paint)
(remove 1)
(make input clean))
(p name279
(object ^name painting ^place held ^covered t)
(write (crlf) |Upon closer look, this is worthless!|))
(comment *******************Money************************************* )
(p name280
(location ^name <x>)
(object ^name money ^place <x>)
(write (crlf) |The money is here!|))
(comment *******************Stereo************************************* )
(p name281
(location ^name smelly_room)
(object ^name stereo ^place held)
(status ^sound on)
(modify 3 ^sound off))
(p name282
(object ^name stereo ^place smelly_room)
(location ^name smelly_room)
(status ^sound on)
(input turn off)
(modify 3 ^sound off)
(remove 4)
(write (crlf) |The stereo is off. But you broke it, so it won't turn on.|))
(p name283
(location ^name <x>)
(object ^name stereo ^place <x>)
(write (crlf) |There is an expensive stereo here, worth many megabucks!!|))
(comment *******************Book****************************** )
(p name284
(location ^name <x>)
(object ^name book ^place <x>)
(write (crlf) |There is a book on the ground.|))
(p name285
(object ^name book ^place held)
(input read book)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |Vampires can only be destroyed by a stake through the heart,|)
(write (crlf) |or by the light of day. They are invunerable to all other|)
(write (crlf) |attacks. They dislike garlic and fear crosses. They are known|)
(write (crlf) | to frequent dark rooms.|))
(comment ************************GOLD************************)
(p name286
(location ^name <x>)
(object ^name gold ^place <x>)
(write (crlf) |There is gold here.|))
(comment ************************HORN************************)
(p name287
(location ^name <x>)
(object ^name horn ^place <x>)
(write (crlf) |There is a magic unicorn horn here.|))
(p name288
(location ^name <x>)
(object ^name horn ^place <x>)
(object ^name horn ^place held)
(input drop horn)
(remove 3)
(remove 4)
(write (crlf) |When you drop the horn, it and the one on the ground merge together.|))
(p name289
(location ^name dining_room ^ontop stool)
(object ^name horn ^place held)
(input get horn)
(remove 3)
(write (crlf) |The horn won't come off.|))
(p name290
(object ^name horn ^place held)
(input blow horn)
(history ^clue nil)
(remove 1)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |A terrific noise comes from the horn. BLAT!!!|)
(write (crlf) |The horn disappears from your hands.|)
(write (crlf) |Your body shakes and you black out ......|)
(modify 3 ^clue t))
(p name291
(history ^clue t ^grave_status undug)
(write (crlf) |A spirit appears to you in your sleep.|)
(write (crlf) |Your mind is filled with the following phrase:|)
(write (crlf) |'As your family is sheep, the gold that is YOUR color must be found|)
(write (crlf) |before you can escape this estate.' |)
(modify 1 ^clue nil))
(p name292
(history ^clue t)
(modify 1 ^clue nil)
(write (crlf) |When you wake you see smoke form the words:|)
(write (crlf) |EVERY OPTIon on A MACHINE HAS A PURPOSE. The smoke then dissapates.|))
(p name293
(history ^clue t)
(object ^name orchid ^place lawn)
(write (crlf) |You dream of a garden of flowers.|)
(modify 1 ^clue nil))
(comment ************************Candlesticks************************)
(p name294
(input <x> them)
(remove 1)
(make input <x> candlesticks))
(p name295
(location ^name <x>)
(object ^name candlesticks ^place <x>)
(write (crlf) |There is a pair of silver candlesticks here!! No candles though.|))
(p name296
(object ^name candlesticks ^place held)
(input form cross)
(modify 1 ^state crossed)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |The candlesticks are in a cross.|))
(p name297
(object ^name candlesticks ^place held)
(input make cross)
(modify 1 ^state crossed)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |The candlesticks are in a cross.|))
(p name298
(location ^name <x>)
(object ^name candlesticks ^place held ^state crossed)
(input drop candlesticks)
(modify 2 ^place <x> ^state nil)
(remove 3))
(p name299
(input << make form >> cross)
(remove 1)
(write (crlf) |You have nothing to form a cross with, arms don't work.|))
(p name300
(input cross candlesticks)
(remove 1)
(make input make cross))
(comment *********************CHAIR*************************************)
(p name301
(location ^name <x>)
(object ^name chair ^place <x>)
(write (crlf) |There is an old style chair on the ground.|))
(p name302
(object ^name chair ^place held)
(write (crlf) |The plate of the back of the chair says 'MADE BY LOUIS XIV'|))
(p name303
(location ^name <x>)
(object ^name chair ^place <x>)
(input mount chair)
(remove 2)
(remove 3)
(write (crlf) |The priceless chair breaks under your weight.|)
(write (crlf) |It then disappears.|))
(p name304
(location ^name <x>)
(object ^name chair ^place <x>)
(input sit on chair)
(remove 2)
(remove 3)
(write (crlf) |You sat on the chair and it broke!|)
(write (crlf) |It disappears.|))
(comment **********************STOOL*************************************)
(p name305
(location ^name <x>)
(object ^name stool ^place <x>)
(write (crlf) |There is a sturdy stool here.|))
(p name306
(location ^name <x>)
(object ^name stool ^place <x>)
(input sit)
(remove 3)
(modify 1 ^siton stool)
(write (crlf) |You're sitting on the stool.|))
(p name307
(object ^name stool ^place held)
(input sit)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |I suggest you drop the stool first.|))
(p name308
(location ^name <x>)
(object ^name stool ^place <x>)
(input mount stool)
(modify 1 ^siton stool)
(remove 3)
(write (crlf) |You are on the stool.|))
(p name309
(input climb stool)
(remove 1)
(make input mount stool))
(comment ****************Additional objects********************)
(comment ****Chest**** )
(p name310
(location ^name <x>)
(object ^name chest ^place <x>)
(write (crlf) |There is a chest of treasure!!!|))
(p name311
(object ^name chest ^place held)
(input open chest)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |Give up, the chest doesn't open, but is worth gigabucks the way it is.|))
(comment ****Conch**** )
(p name312
(object ^name conch ^place held)
(input blow conch)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |'Hoooonk!'|))
(p name313
(object ^name conch ^place <x>)
(location ^name <x>)
(write (crlf) |There is a large conch shell here.|))
(p name314
(input <x> shell)
(remove 1)
(make input <x> conch))
(p name315
(object ^name conch ^place held)
(input listen conch)
(remove 1)
(write (crlf) |You hear the ocean 'rumble'.|))
(p name316
(location ^name <x>)
(object ^name token ^place <x>)
(write (crlf) |There is a token here.|))
(p name317
(location ^name <x>)
(object ^name tokens ^place <x>)
(write (crlf) |There are tokens here.|))
(p name318
(input bite <x>)
(object ^name <x> ^place held)
(remove 1)
(write (crlf) |The| <x> |bites back, Chomp!!|))
(p name319
(x 10)
(input bite)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |You must be holding what you are trying to bite.|))
(p name0320
(object ^name <x> ^treasure t ^place held ^scored nil)
(status ^score <y>)
(modify 2 ^score (compute <y> + 15))
(modify 1 ^scored t))
(p name0321
(object ^name bottle ^place lawn)
(object ^name water ^inside bottle ^xscore nil)
(status ^score <y>)
(modify 3 ^score (compute 5 + <y>))
(modify 2 ^xscore t))
(p name0322
(input pour)
(object ^name bottle ^place held)
(object ^name water ^xscore t)
(status ^score <z>)
(remove 1)
(modify 4 ^score (compute <z> - 5)))
(p name0323
(object ^name <x> ^place lawn ^treasure t ^xscore nil)
(status ^score <y>)
(modify 2 ^score (compute 5 + <y>))
(modify 1 ^name <x> ^xscore t))
(p name0324
(object ^name <x> ^xscore t ^place held)
(status ^score <y>)
(modify 1 ^xscore nil)
(modify 2 ^score (compute <y> - 5)))
(p name321
(input score)
(status ^score <x>)
(write (crlf) |Score =| <x>)
(remove 1))
(p name322
(status ^quit t ^score <x>)
(write (crlf) |Your final score is| <x>)
(write (crlf) |The total possible is 440|)
(make turnoff))
(p name323
(status ^score < 20)
(write (crlf) |Hmm... I don't think you tried very hard.|))
(p name324
(p name325
(status ^score {< 50 > 21})
(write (crlf) |Rank Novice! Are you scared of your own shadow?|))
(p name326
(status ^score {> 51 < 80})
(write (crlf) |Beginning Ghost Hunter|))
(p name327
(status ^score {> 81 < 140})
(write (crlf) |Reasonable Spirit Fighter|))
(p name328
(status ^score {> 141 < 220})
(write (crlf) |Intermediate Haunt Hacker|))
(p name329
(status ^score {> 221 < 290})
(write (crlf) |Advanced Monster Killer|))
(p name330
(status ^score {> 291 < 360})
(write (crlf) |Master Haunter!!|))
(p name331
(status ^score > 361)
(write (crlf) |Fearless Vampire Killer|))
(p name332
(status ^likes <x>)
(status ^score > 435)
(write (crlf) |and waster of many cycles.|))
(p name333
(location ^name <x>)
(object ^name pearls ^place <x>)
(write (crlf) |There are huge pearls here!!|))
(p name334
(location ^name <x>)
(object ^name diamonds ^place <x>)
(write (crlf) |There are diamonds here!|))
(p name335
(location ^name <x>)
(object ^name orchid ^place <x> ^state plant)
(write (crlf) |There is a beautiful black orchid here.|))
(p name336
(location ^name <x>)
(object ^name orchid ^place <x> ^state plant)
(input smell <y>)
(remove 3)
(write (crlf) |Yum! The orchid smells delicious!|))
(p name337
(object ^name orchid ^place held)
(input smell orchid)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |I like the odor! Sniff. Sniff.|))
(p name338
(input pick orchid)
(remove 1)
(make input get orchid))
(p name339
(input smell <x>)
(remove 1)
(write (crlf) |Ah CHOOOO! There is alot of dust around here.|))
(p name340
(input sniff <x>)
(remove 1)
(make input smell <x>))
(p name341
(location ^name <x>)
(object ^name rope ^place <x> ^tied noose)
(write (crlf) |There is rope in a noose here.|))
(p name342
(location ^name <x>)
(object ^name rope ^place <x> ^tied untied)
(write (crlf) |There is some loose rope here.|))
(p name343
(location ^name <x>)
(object ^name <y> ^place <x>)
(object ^name rope ^place <> <x> ^tied <y>)
(write (crlf) |A rope is tied to the| <y> ))
(p name344
(location ^name <x>)
(object ^name <y> ^place <> <x>)
(object ^name rope ^place <x> ^tied <y>)
(write (crlf) |An end of a rope is here.|))
(p name345
(location ^name <x>)
(object ^name rope ^place <x> ^tied <y>)
(object ^name <y> ^place <x>)
(write (crlf) |An end of the rope is here, tied to the | <y> ))
(p name346
(location ^name <x>)
(object ^name rope ^place <x> ^tied <y>)
(object ^name <y> ^place held)
(write (crlf) |A rope tied to the| <y> |is here.|))
(p name347
(object ^name rope ^place held ^tied noose)
(input untie rope)
(modify 1 ^tied untied)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |The rope is now untied.|))
(p name348
(object ^name rope ^tied noose)
(input hang <x>)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |No hanging around here.|))
(p name349
(object ^name rope ^place held ^tied noose)
(input tie rope <x>)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |The rope is already in knots.|))
(p name350
(object ^name rope ^place held)
(input tie <x>)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |Look, don't tie| <x> |, tie rope to something you have on you.|))
(p name351
(object ^name rope ^place held)
(input tieup <x>)
(remove 2)
(make input tie rope to <x>))
(p name352
(object ^name rope ^place held ^tied untied)
(object ^name <x> ^place held)
(input tie rope to <x>)
(modify 1 ^tied <x>)
(remove 3)
(write (crlf) |The rope is tied to| <x> |.|))
(p name353
(object ^name rope ^place held ^tied <z>)
(input tie rope to <x>)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |The rope is already tied to the| <z> )
(write (crlf) |I can tie the rope to only one object at a time.|))
(p name354
(location ^name <y>)
(object ^name <x> ^place <y>)
(object ^name rope ^place <> held ^tied <x>)
(input get <x>)
(modify 3 ^place held)
(write (crlf) |You get the rope first and then ...|))
(p name355
(location ^name <y>)
(object ^name <x> ^place held)
(object ^name rope ^place <> held ^tied <x>)
(input get rope)
(modify 3 ^place held)
(remove 4)
(write (crlf) |You just pulled in the rest of the rope.|))
(p name356
(location ^name <Z>)
(object ^name rope ^place held)
(object ^name cecil ^place <Z>)
(input tie rope to cecil)
(remove 4)
(write (crlf) |You can't tie cecil down!|))
(p name357
(location ^name laboratory)
(object ^name rope ^place held)
(input tie rope to monster)
(remove 3)
(write (crlf) |That would be very foolish.|))
(p name358
(location ^name <Z>)
(object ^name rope ^place held ^tied untied)
(object ^name dracula ^place <Z>)
(input tie rope to dracula)
(remove 4)
(write (crlf) |You can't get Dracula, not to mention tie him up.|))
(p name359
(input tie rope to {<< candy marijuana cube orchid >> <x>} )
(object ^name rope ^place held ^tied untied)
(object ^name <x> ^place held)
(remove 1)
(write (crlf) |That is too small for the rope to be tied to.|))
(p name360
(input lasso <x>)
(remove 1)
(make input tie rope to <x>))
(p name361
(object ^name rope ^place held ^tied untied)
(input tie rope to rope)
(modify 1 ^tied noose)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |The rope is tied in knots.|))
(p name362
(location ^name torture_chamber)
(status ^likes <x>)
(object ^name rope ^place held)
(object ^name damsel ^state free)
(input tie rope to <x>)
(remove 5)
(make input torture damsel))
(p name363
(location ^name <x>)
(object ^name rope ^place held)
(object ^name chest ^place <x>)
(object ^name octopus ^alive t)
(input tie rope to chest)
(remove 5)
(write (crlf) |The octopus blocks your way.|))
(p name364
(object ^name rope ^place held)
(input tie rope to <x>)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |Either you aren't holding | <x> |, or I can't tie the rope to it.|))
(p name365
(object ^name rope ^place <> held)
(input tie rope to <z>)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |You don't have the rope.|))
(p name366
(input untie rope)
(object ^name rope ^tied <x>)
(object ^name <x> ^place held)
(remove 1)
(modify 2 ^tied untied)
(write (crlf) |The rope is no longer tied to| <x> |.|))
(p name367
(input pull rope)
(object ^name rope ^place held ^tied <x>)
(object ^name <x>)
(write (crlf) |Umph! You just pulled in the| <x> |.|)
(remove 1)
(modify 3 ^place held))
(p name368x5
(input pull rope)
(object ^name rope ^tied <x>)
(object ^name <x> ^place held)
(remove 1)
(modify 2 ^place held)
(write (crlf) |You now have all the rope.|))
(p name368
(input untie rope)
(object ^name rope ^tied untied)
(remove 1)
(write (crlf) |The rope isn't tied to anything.|))
(p name369
(input untie rope)
(object ^name rope ^tied <x>)
(object ^name <x> ^place <y>)
(remove 1)
(write (crlf) |The rope is tied to the| <x> |, which you aren't holding.|))
(p name370
(location ^name bathysphere)
(input pull rope)
(object ^name rope ^tied <x>)
(object ^name <x> ^place ocean)
(portal ^name wdoor ^door closed)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |The airlock door is closed on the rope.|))
(p name371
(location ^name <x>)
(object ^name wetsuit ^place <x>)
(write (crlf) |There is a wetsuit, with everything needed to survive (location ^underwater t).|))
(p name372
(input << don wear >> <x>)
(remove 1)
(make input put on <x>))
(p name373
(location ^name <x>)
(object ^name wetsuit ^place <x>)
(input put on wetsuit)
(modify 2 ^place held))
(p name374
(object ^name wetsuit ^place held)
(input put on wetsuit)
(modify 1 ^wears t)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |You are wearing a wetsuit.|))
(p name375
(object ^name wetsuit ^wears t)
(input << remove doff >> wetsuit)
(modify 1 ^wears nil)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |Your wetsuit is in your arms.|))
(p name376
(location ^name <x>)
(input drop wetsuit)
(object ^name wetsuit ^place held ^wears t)
(remove 2)
(modify 3 ^wears nil ^place <x>))
(p name377
(location ^name <x>)
(object ^name speargun ^place <x>)
(write (crlf) |There is a speargun that shoots underwater.|))
(p name378
(location ^name <x>)
(object ^name speargun ^place <x> ^state loaded)
(write (crlf) |The speargun is loaded, ready to fire.|))
(p name379
(location ^name <x>)
(object ^name speargun ^place held ^state loaded)
(location ^underwater nil)
(input shoot)
(modify 2 ^state unloaded)
(remove 4)
(write (crlf) |The gun goes off. BRRRANG!!|)
(write (crlf) |The backlash from the speargun snaps your neck!|)
(modify 5 ^quit t))
(p name380
(object ^name speargun ^place held ^state unloaded)
(input shoot speargun)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |The gun isn't loaded with a spear!|))
(p name381
(object ^name speargun ^place held ^state unloaded)
(object ^name spear ^place held)
(input load)
(write (crlf) |The gun is now loaded.|)
(modify 1 ^state loaded))
(p name382
(location ^name <x>)
(object ^name spear ^place <x>)
(write (crlf) |There is a speargun spear here.|))
(p name383
(input <x> gun)
(remove 1)
(make input <x> speargun))
(p name384
(input << pres p depress push >> <x>)
(remove 1)
(make input press <x>))
(p name385
(location ^name <x>)
(object ^name coins ^place <x>)
(write (crlf) |You see many coins here!|))
(p name386
(location ^name <x>)
(object ^name bone ^place <x>)
(write (crlf) |There is a bone here that you identify as from the MISSING LINK!|))
(p name387
(location ^name <x>)
(object ^name soap ^place <x>)
(write (crlf) |There is a bar of soap here.|))
(p name388
(location ^name <x>)
(object ^name gem ^place <x>)
(write (crlf) |There is a valuable gem here.|))
(p name396
(location ^name <x>)
(object ^name jade ^place <x>)
(write (crlf) |There is a piece of valuable jade here.|))
(p name397
(input why <x>)
(remove 1)
(write (crlf) |Hey, I don't know.|)
(write (crlf) |Send mail to Laird@cmua if you have questions.|))
(p name398
(input eat orchid)
(object ^name orchid ^place held)
(remove 1)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |Chomp! chomp. I don't think your real family had a taste for orchids.|)
(write (crlf) |It looks like you aren't one of those that knows how to digest orchids.|))
(p name399
(input eat orchid)
(status ^name <x> St |.| John)
(object ^name orchid ^place held)
(remove 1)
(remove 2)
(remove 3)
(write (crlf) |An orchid a day keeps the crazies away!|)
(make command ^string eat_it))
(p name400
(location ^name <x>)
(object ^name orchid ^place <x>)
(input eat orchid)
(make input get orchid))
(p name401
(input say <x>)
(remove 1)
(make input <x>)
(write (crlf) |You can just type| <x> )
(write (crlf) |and I'll try and understand| <x> |right now.|))
(p name402
(input << scream shout yell >> <x>)
(write (crlf) |'| <x> |!!'|)
(remove 1)
(write (crlf) |I don't think anybody is listening.|))
(p name403
(input hello)
(remove 1)
(write (crlf) |Your greeting is met with silence.|))
(p name404
(input fly)
(remove 1)
(write (crlf) |You flap your arms, but nothing happens.|))
(p name405
(input afihywn)
(remove 1)
(write (crlf) |Hmm, is that Australian?|))
(p name1009
(location ^name bus_stop)
(write (crlf) |We are at an intersection of two streets going n-s and e-w.|)
(write (crlf) |There is a bus stop here.|)
(write (crlf) |To the west a bus is pulling away from the next bus stop.|))
(p name1010
(location ^name bus_stop)
(status ^going <> nil)
(time ^realtime <x> ^btime <y>)
(modify 1 ^name bus_stop)
(modify 2 ^going nil)
(modify 3 ^btime (compute <x> + 16)))
(p name1011
(location ^name bus_stop)
(time ^realtime <x> ^btime <x>)
(history ^bus_stopped nil)
(modify 3 ^bus_stopped t))
(p name1012
(location ^name bus_stop)
(history ^bus_stopped t)
(write (crlf) |A bus has stopped in front of us.|))
(p name1013
(input wait)
(write (crlf) |La dee da.|)
(remove 1))
(p name1014
(input wait)
(location ^name bus_stop)
(history ^bus_stopped nil)
(remove 1)
(modify 3 ^bus_stopped t)
(write (crlf) |Yawn!|))
(p name1015
(input << mount board >>)
(location ^name bus_stop)
(remove 1)
(make input enter bus))
(p name1016
(input enter)
(location ^name bus_stop)
(history ^bus_stopped t)
(object ^name tokens ^place held)
(remove 1)
(modify 2 ^name on_bus)
(modify 3 ^bus_stopped nil)
(remove 4)
(make object ^name token ^place held))
(p name1017
(input enter)
(location ^name bus_stop)
(history ^bus_stopped t)
(object ^name token ^place held)
(remove 1)
(modify 2 ^name on_bus)
(modify 3 ^bus_stopped nil)
(remove 4))
(p name1018
(location ^name bus_stop)
(input take ride)
(remove 1)
(make input enter bus))
(p name1019
(location ^name bus_stop)
(history ^bus_stopped t)
-(object ^name tokens)
-(object ^name token)
(input enter <x>)
(remove 4)
(write (crlf) |You don't have any tokens. You sit on the corner and starve to death.|)
(modify 3 ^quit t))
(p name1020
(location ^name bus_stop)
(history ^bus_stopped t)
(input enter)
(object ^name token ^place bus stop)
(remove 3)
(write (crlf) |The bus doors remain closed.|))
(p name1021
(location ^name bus_stop)
(history ^bus_stopped t)
(input enter)
(object ^name tokens ^place bus stop)
(remove 3)
(write (crlf) |You stumble over some tokens and bang your head on the bus.|))
(p name1022
(location ^name on_bus)
(modify 1 ^name bus)
(make place bus ^visited t)
(write (crlf) |As you find your seat, you notice the bus is empty.|)
(write (crlf) |There isn't even a driver. But before you can change your mind,|)
(write (crlf) |the bus starts up and drives away from the intersection.|)
(write (crlf) |Va Vooooom!|)
(write (crlf) |Looking out the window you see many intersections flash by.|)
(write (crlf) | |)
(write (crlf) |After a while the intersections get farther apart.|)
(write (crlf) |The bus is now in the outskirts of town.|)
(write (crlf) |The bus comes up to an old mansion with a high gate surrounding it and stops.|)
(write (crlf) |A voice comes over the speaker: 'ALL OUT, END OF THE LINE.'|))
(p name1023
(location ^name bus)
(place ^name bus ^visited nil)
(write (crlf) | |)
(write (crlf) |You are in a bus. There isn't a driver and the exit doors are open.|))
(p name1024
(location ^name bus)
(input get off <x>)
(remove 2)
(make input exit))
(p name1025
(location ^name bus)
(input << leave depart disembark >>)
(remove 2)
(make input exit))
(p name1026
(location ^name bus)
(input exit <x>)
(remove 2)
(modify 1 ^name lawn ^side out ^east 5 ^north 2)
(write (crlf) |The bus drives off as you get off.|))
(p name1027
(location ^name bus)
(input get out <x>)
(remove 2)
(make input exit))
(p name1028
(location ^name bus_stop)
(input << chase follow catch >> bus)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |I'm assuming that means GO WEST.|)
(modify 3 ^going w went w))
(p name1029
(location ^name bus_stop)
(time ^realtime 2226)
(write (crlf) |Hint: patience is a virtue.|))
(p name1030
(location ^name bus)
(input hijack bus)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |Sorry, this bus doesn't go to Cuba, that's another line.|))
(p name1031
(location ^name bus)
(input <x> driver)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |There isn't a driver on this bus.|))
(p name1032
(location ^name bus)
(input drive bus)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |I'm sorry but you don't have a chauffeur's license.|))
(p name1033
(location ^name bus)
(input <x> bus)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |Give up and get off the bus.|))
(p name1034
(location ^name bus_stop)
(input hail bus)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |The bus does not stop for you.|))
(p name1035
(location ^name lawn ^side out ^east {<< 2 3 4 5 6 7 >> <C>}
^north << 1 2 8 >>)
(status ^going e)
(modify 2 ^going nil)
(modify 1 ^east (compute 1 + <C>)))
(p name01035
(location ^name lawn ^side out ^east 1)
(status ^going e)
(modify 2 ^going nil)
(modify 1 ^east 2))
(p name1036
(location ^name lawn ^side out ^east << 1 2 8 >>
^north {<< 2 3 4 5 6 7 >> <N>})
(status ^going n)
(modify 2 ^going nil)
(modify 1 ^north (compute 1 + <N>)))
(p name001036
(location ^name lawn ^side out ^north 1)
(status ^going n)
(modify 2 ^going nil)
(modify 1 ^north 2))
(p name1037
(location ^name lawn ^side out ^east << 1 2 8 >>
^north {<< 3 4 5 6 7 8 >> <N>})
(status ^going s)
(modify 2 ^going nil)
(modify 1 ^north (compute <N> - 1)))
(p name01037
(location ^name lawn ^side out ^north 2)
(status ^going s)
(modify 2 ^going nil)
(modify 1 ^north 1))
(p name1038
(location ^name lawn ^side out ^east {> 2 <E>} ^north << 1 2 8 >>)
(status ^going w)
(modify 2 ^going nil)
(modify 1 ^east (compute <E> - 1)))
(p name01038
(location ^name lawn ^side out ^east 2)
(status ^going w)
(modify 2 ^going nil)
(modify 1 ^east 1))
(p name1039
(location ^name lawn ^side out ^east 1 ^north <> 1)
(status ^going w)
(modify 2 ^going nil)
(write (crlf) |The woods are too dense to penetrate.|))
(p name1041
(location ^name lawn ^side out ^east 1 ^north 1)
(status ^going w)
(modify 2 ^going nil)
(modify 1 ^name bus_stop))
(p name1043
(location ^name lawn ^side out ^east 8 ^north 1)
(status ^going e)
(modify 2 ^going nil)
(modify 1 ^name bus_stop))
(p name1044
(location ^name lawn ^side out ^east 8 ^north <> 1)
(status ^going e)
(modify 2 ^going nil)
(write (crlf) |You are unable to penetrate into the woods.|))
(p name1045
(location ^name lawn ^side out ^north 1)
(status ^going s)
(modify 2 ^going nil)
(write (crlf) |The forest can not be penetrated.|))
(p name1046
(location ^name lawn ^side out ^north 8)
(status ^going n)
(modify 2 ^going nil)
(write (crlf) |Penetration into the forest is impossible|))
(p name1047
(location ^name lawn ^side out ^east << 3 4 5 6 7 >> ^north 2)
(status ^going n)
(modify 2 ^going nil)
(write (crlf) |The wall prevents passage to the north.|))
(p name1049
(location ^name lawn ^side out ^east << 3 4 5 6 7 >> ^north 8)
(status ^going s)
(modify 2 ^going nil)
(write (crlf) |The wall is in the way.|))
(p name1051
(location ^name lawn ^side out ^east << 3 4 5 6 7 >> ^north 8)
(write (crlf) |You're on the north border of a wall, on the outside.|))
(p name1053
(location ^name lawn ^side out ^east << 3 4 5 6 7 >> ^north 2)
(write (crlf) |To the north is the wall that surrounds CHEZ MOOSE.|)
(write (crlf) |To the south is a road.|))
(p name1055
(location ^name lawn ^side out ^north << 3 4 5 6 7 >> ^east 2)
(write (crlf) |To the west is a thick forest, and to the east is a wall.|))
(p name1056
(location ^name lawn ^side out ^east 8 ^north << 3 4 5 6 7 >>)
(write (crlf) |To the east is a dark forest, and to the west is a high wall.|))
(p name1060
(location ^name lawn ^side out ^east 2 ^north << 3 4 5 6 7 >>)
(status ^going e)
(modify 2 ^going nil)
(write (crlf) |Ahh, there is the big wall in the way.|))
(p name1061
(location ^name lawn ^side out ^east 8 ^north << 3 4 5 6 7 >>)
(status ^going w)
(modify 2 ^going nil)
(write (crlf) |The wall is in the way.|))
(p name1074
(location ^name lawn ^side out ^north 1)
(write (crlf) |You are on the road, to the south is a forest.|))
(p name1075
(location ^name lawn ^side out ^east 1 ^north > 1)
(write (crlf) |You are in a forest.|))
(p name1098
(location ^name lawn ^side out ^east 5 ^north 2)
(write (crlf) |To the north is a gate in a wall.|)
(write (crlf) |Further north a huge mansion looms.|)
(write (crlf) | |)
(write (crlf) |Lights from inside illuminate the surrounding estate.|)
(write (crlf) |The gate is inoperable, and you won't be able to open it.|))
(p name1114
(location ^name lawn ^side out ^east 2 ^north 2)
(write (crlf) |This is the sw corner of the wall.|))
(p name1115
(location ^name lawn ^side out ^east 8 ^north 2)
(write (crlf) |This is the se corner of the wall. You can go n, s, e or w.|))
(p name1116
(location ^name lawn ^side out ^east 8 ^north 8)
(write (crlf) |This is the ne corner of the wall.|))
(p name1117
(location ^name lawn ^side out ^east 2 ^north 8)
(write (crlf) |This is the nw corner of the wall.|))
(comment inside)
(p name1140
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east << 2 3 4 6 7 8 >>
^north { < 8 <N>})
(status ^going n)
(modify 2 ^going nil)
(modify 1 ^north (compute 1 + <N>) ^general nil))
(p name1141
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 5
^north { << 2 3 6 7 >> <N>})
(status ^going n)
(modify 2 ^going nil)
(modify 1 ^north (compute 1 + <N>) ^general nil))
(p name1142
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east << 2 3 4 6 7 8 >>
^north { > 2 <N>})
(status ^going s)
(modify 2 ^going nil)
(modify 1 ^north (compute <N> - 1) ^general nil))
(p name1143
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 5
^north { << 3 4 7 8 >> <N>})
(status ^going s)
(modify 2 ^going nil)
(modify 1 ^north (compute <N> - 1) ^general nil))
(p name1150
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^north << 2 3 4 6 7 8 >>
^east { < 8 <N>})
(status ^going e)
(modify 2 ^going nil)
(modify 1 ^east (compute 1 + <N>) ^general nil))
(p name1151
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^north 5
^east { << 2 3 6 7 >> <N>})
(status ^going e)
(modify 2 ^going nil)
(modify 1 ^east (compute 1 + <N>) ^general nil))
(p name1152
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^north << 2 3 4 6 7 8 >>
^east { > 2 <N>})
(status ^going w)
(modify 2 ^going nil)
(modify 1 ^east (compute <N> - 1) ^general nil))
(p name1153
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^north 5
^east { << 3 4 7 8 >> <N>})
(status ^going w)
(modify 2 ^going nil)
(modify 1 ^east (compute <N> - 1) ^general nil))
(p name1048
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^north 2)
(status ^going s)
(modify 2 ^going nil)
(write (crlf) |The wall won't let you go south.|))
(p name1050
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^north 8)
(status ^going n)
(modify 2 ^going nil)
(write (crlf) |Hey, the wall is north.|))
(p name1052
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^north 8)
(write (crlf) |You're on the inside of north border of a wall.|))
(p name1054
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^north 2)
(write (crlf) |A wall is to the south.|))
(p name1057
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 8)
(write (crlf) |To the east is a wall.|))
(p name1058
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 2)
(write (crlf) |To the west is a wall.|))
(p name1059
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 2)
(status ^going w)
(modify 2 ^going nil)
(write (crlf) |The wall blocks your way.|))
(p name1062
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 8)
(status ^going e)
(modify 2 ^going nil)
(write (crlf) |The wall is in the way.|))
(p name1063
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 4 ^north 4)
(write (crlf) |You are at the sw corner of the house.|))
(p name1064
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 6 ^north 4)
(write (crlf) |You are at the se corner of the house.|))
(p name1065
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 4 ^north 5)
(write (crlf) |You are on the west side of the house.|))
(p name1066
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 4 ^north 6)
(write (crlf) |This is the north-west corner of the house.|))
(p name1067
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 5 ^north 6)
(write (crlf) |This is the north side of the house.|))
(p name1068
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 6 ^north 6)
(write (crlf) |This is the north east corner of the mansion.|))
(p name1069
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 6 ^north 5)
(write (crlf) |This is the east side of the house.|))
(p name1070
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 6 ^north 5)
(status ^going w)
(modify 2 ^going nil)
(write (crlf) |The house is in the way.|))
(p name1071
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 4 ^north 5)
(status ^going e)
(modify 2 ^going nil)
(write (crlf) |The house is in the way.|))
(p name1072
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 5 ^north 4)
(status ^going n)
(modify 2 ^going nil)
(write (crlf) |The house is in the way.|))
(p name1073
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 5 ^north 6)
(status ^going s)
(modify 2 ^going nil)
(write (crlf) |The house is in the way.|))
(p name1076
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 3 ^north 3 ^general nil)
(modify 1 ^general lawns))
(p name1077
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 4 ^north 3 ^general nil)
(modify 1 ^general lawns))
(p name1078
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 6 ^north 3 ^general nil)
(modify 1 ^general lawns))
(p name1079
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 7 ^north 3 ^general nil)
(modify 1 ^general lawns))
(p name1080
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 7 ^north 4 ^general nil)
(modify 1 ^general lawns))
(p name1081
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 7 ^north 7 ^general nil)
(modify 1 ^general lawns))
(p name1082
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 6 ^north 7 ^general nil)
(modify 1 ^general lawns))
(p name1083
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 5 ^north 7 ^general nil)
(modify 1 ^general lawns))
(p name1084
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 4 ^north 7 ^general nil)
(modify 1 ^general lawns))
(p name1085
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 3 ^north 6 ^general nil)
(modify 1 ^general lawns))
(p name1086
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 3 ^north 7)
(write (crlf)|This looks like an old garden, but the land is all dried and hard.|))
(p name1087
(object ^name bathwater ^place lawn ^side in ^east 3 ^north 7)
(object ^name orchid ^state seed)
(modify 2 ^state plant)
(write (crlf) |The ground shakes...|)
(write (crlf) |An orchid sprouts from the ground.|))
(p name1088
(object ^name water ^place lawn ^side in ^east 3 ^north 7)
(object ^name orchid ^place lawn ^side in ^east 3 ^north 7 ^state plant)
(object ^name bathwater ^place lawn ^side in ^east 3 ^north 7)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |The orchid shrinks and disappears underground.|))
(p name1089
(object ^name water ^place lawn ^side in ^east 3 ^north 7)
(object ^name orchid ^place lawn ^side in ^east 3 ^north 7 ^state seed)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |Nothing happens. That must be strange water.|))
(p name1090
(object ^name seawater ^place lawn ^side in ^east 3 ^north 7)
(object ^name orchid ^place lawn ^side in ^east 3 ^north 7)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |I think you killed what ever was planted.|))
(p name1091
(object ^name bathwater ^place <x>)
(object ^name water ^place <x>)
(remove 1)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |The two types of water evaporate.|))
(p name1092
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 3 ^north 5 ^general nil)
(modify 1 ^general lawns))
(p name1093
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 3 ^north 4 ^general nil)
(modify 1 ^general lawns))
(p name1094
(location ^general lawns)
(write (crlf) |You're on the lawn of the mansion.|))
(p name1095
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 5 ^north 3)
(write (crlf) |You're on the front walk.|))
(p name1096
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 5 ^north 2)
(write (crlf) |You're at the front gate, which can't be opened.|))
(p name1097
(location ^name lawn ^side <side> ^east 5 ^north 2)
(input climb)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |Nice try, but the upper part of the gate is electrified!|)
(write (crlf) |I suggest you try somewhere else.|))
(p name1105
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 7 ^north 5)
(write (crlf) |You are on the drive way.|)
(write (crlf) |The drive has a gate in the wall to the east.|))
(p name1106
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 7 ^north 6)
(write (crlf) |You are on a parking space.|))
(p name1118
(location ^name lawn)
(input << scale climb >>)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |The wall is too slick to climb up. You can't get a grip.|))
(p name1119
(location ^name lawn)
(input << burrow tunnel dig >>)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |The ground is too hard to dig here.|))
(p name1120
(location ^name lawn)
(object ^name <x> ^place held)
(input throw <x> at wall)
(remove 3)
(write (crlf) |The| <x> |bounces off the wall.|)
(make input drop <x>))
(p name1121
(input jump wall)
(location ^name lawn)
(remove 1)
(write (crlf) |You aren't the HULK or Dwight Stones.|))
(p name1122
(input jump wall)
(location ^name lawn)
(status ^name Dwight Stones)
(remove 1)
(write (crlf) |You approach the wall. Up, up you go.|)
(write (crlf) |SPLAT!! You hit the wall right at 8". That would|)
(write (crlf) |be a new world's record. Too bad the wall is ten feet tall.|))
(p name1123
(input jump wall)
(location ^name lawn)
(status ^name the Hulk)
(remove 1)
(write (crlf) |Ha! You aren't the Hulk, you're just a little green|)
(write (crlf) |from the bus ride.|))
(p name1124
(input jump over wall)
(location ^name lawn)
(remove 1)
(write (crlf) |You watched Superman too many times!|))
(p name1125
(location ^name lawn)
(input throw <y> over <Z>)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |The wall is too high for you to throw anything over it.|))
(p name1126
(input let me in)
(remove 1)
(write (crlf) |I'm afraid you aren't getting anyone's attention.|))
(p name1127
(input open gate)
(remove 1)
(write (crlf) |The gate can't be opened by you.|))
(p name1128
(status ^notreasure t)
(object ^name <x> ^place )
(remove 2))
(p name1129
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 5 ^north 6)
(write (crlf) |There is ivy on the walls of the house.|))
(p name389
(time ^oil_status oil ^oil_time <x> ^realtime <x>)
(modify 1 ^oil_status enter ^oil_time (compute <x> + 10)))
(p name390
(time ^oil_status enter ^oil_time <x> ^realtime <x>)
(make object ^name truck ^place lawn ^side in ^east 7 ^north 5)
(modify 1 ^oil_status walk ^oil_time (compute <x> + 10)))
(p name391
(time ^oil_status walk ^oil_time <x> ^realtime <x>)
(history ^grave_status undug)
(modify 1 ^oil_status walk ^oil_time (compute <x> + 4))
(modify 2 ^grave_status dug))
(p name392
(time ^oil_status walk ^oil_time <x> ^realtime <x>)
(history ^grave_status dug)
(modify 1 ^oil_status walk ^oil_time (compute <x> + 4))
(modify 2 ^grave_status deep))
(p name393
(time ^oil_status walk ^oil_time <x> ^realtime <x>)
(history ^grave_status deep ^grave_status2 oil)
(modify 2 ^grave_status2 nil)
(modify 1 ^oil_status fixit ^oil_time (compute <x> + 8)))
(p name394
(time ^oil_status fixit ^oil_time <x> ^realtime <x>)
(make fixed)
(modify 1 ^oil_status return ^oil_time (compute <x> + 10)))
(p name395
(time ^oil_status return ^oil_time <x> ^realtime <x>)
(object ^name truck ^place <y>)
(modify 1 ^oil_status done)
(remove 2))
(p name500
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 8 ^north 8)
(history ^grave_status undug)
(write (crlf) |There is a fresh grave here.|))
(p name501
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 8 ^north 8)
(history ^grave_status undug)
(input dig)
(remove 3)
(modify 2 ^grave_status dug)
(write (crlf) |Luckily, the dirt is soft.|))
(p name502
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 8 ^north 8)
(history ^grave_status dug)
(write (crlf) |There is a open grave.|))
(p name503
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 8 ^north 8)
(history ^grave_status dug)
(input dig)
(remove 3)
(modify 2 ^grave_status deep))
(p name504
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 8 ^north 8)
(history ^grave_status deep)
(write (crlf) |There is a large pipe that goes through the grave.|)
(write (crlf) |There is a lever on the pipe labelled 'Emergency Release.'|))
(p name505
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 8 ^north 8)
(input <x> dirt <y>)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |Hmmm.. I didn't understand that. I can only dig holes and fill in holes.|))
(p name506
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 8 ^north 8)
(input get dirt)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |Sorry, that won't wash. I can only dig holes and fill in holes.|)
(write (crlf) |You can't get the dirt.|))
(p name507
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 8 ^north 8)
(input pull lever)
(history ^grave_status deep ^grave_status2 <> oil)
(time ^realtime <x>)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |Ummph!|)
(modify 3 ^grave_status2 oil)
(modify 4 ^oil_time (compute <x> + 30)))
(p name508
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 8 ^north 8)
(history ^grave_status2 oil)
(write (crlf) |There is oil seeping out of the pipe.|))
(p name509
(input << throw get push turn close >> lever)
(remove 1)
(make input pull lever))
(p name510
(input <x> lever)
(remove 1)
(write (crlf) |I don't understand the word| <x> |as a verb for lever.|))
(p name511
(history ^grave_status2 oil)
(input pull lever)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |The lever won't close, a special tool is needed!|)
(write (crlf) |The oil continues to seep out.|))
(p name512
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 8 ^north 8)
(input <x> oil)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |The oil is too slippery to do anything with it.|))
(p name513
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 8 ^north 8)
(input refill)
(walk <x>)
(history ^grave_status <y>)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |You are unable to affect the driver's digging.|))
(p name514
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 8 ^north 8)
(input refill)
(fixit <x>)
(history ^grave_status <y>)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |You are unable to affect the driver's work.|))
(p name515
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 8 ^north 8)
(input refill)
(history ^grave_status2 oil ^grave_status deep)
(remove 2)
(modify 3 ^grave_status dug)
(write (crlf) |The oil still seeps out.|))
(p name516
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 8 ^north 8)
(history ^grave_status deep)
(input refill)
(remove 3)
(modify 2 ^grave_status dug))
(p name517
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 8 ^north 8)
(history ^grave_status dug)
(input refill)
(remove 3)
(modify 2 ^grave_status undug))
(p name518
(input oil)
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 8 ^north 8)
(remove 1)
(write (crlf) |The oil is too slippery to use.|))
(p name519
(input fill in)
(remove 1)
(make input refill))
(p name520
(input fillin)
(remove 1)
(make input refill))
(p name521
(input cover)
(remove 1)
(make input refill))
(p name522
(input << scoop shovel >>)
(remove 1)
(make input dig))
(p name523
(input dig)
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 8 ^north 8)
(remove 1)
(write (crlf) |The ground is too hard to dig anymore.|))
(p name524
(input refill)
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 8 ^north 8)
(remove 1)
(write (crlf) |The grave is filled.|))
(p name525
(history ^grave_status dug)
-(object ^name bone)
(make object ^name bone ^place lawn ^side in ^east 8 ^north 8 ^treasure t))
(p name526
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 8 ^north 8)
(write (crlf) |The oil is not seeping out, the lever has been fixed but can not be pulled.|))
(p name527
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 8 ^north 8)
(input pull)
(remove 3)
(write (crlf) |The lever won't budge.|))
(p name530
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 8 ^north 5)
(write (crlf) |You see a truck outside at the gate.|))
(p name531
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east > 6 ^north 5)
(enter <x>)
(time ^realtime <x>)
(input <z>)
(write (crlf) |The gates open and the truck enters. The gate closes before you can escape.|)
(write (crlf) |The truck says 'Oil line fixit' on the side.|)
(write (crlf) |The truck pulls in and parks on the drive.|)
(write (crlf) |The driver gets out and heads north east.|))
(p name532
(enter <x>)
(time ^realtime <x>)
-(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east > 6 ^north 5)
(input <z>)
(write (crlf) |You hear a truck pull into the driveway and stop.|))
(p name533
(walk <x>)
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 8 ^north 8)
(write (crlf) |The driver is digging to get a better angle on the pipe.|))
(p name534
(fixit <x>)
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 8 ^north 8)
(write (crlf) |The driver is fixing the pipe.|))
(p name535
(fixit <x>)
(time ^realtime <x>)
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 8 ^north 8)
(input <z>)
(write (crlf) |The driver is finished with the work, and heads back to the truck.|))
(p name536
(return <x>)
(time ^realtime <x>)
(input <z>)
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east > 6 ^north 5)
(write (crlf) |The man gets in the truck and backs out as the gate opens.|)
(write (crlf) |You are unable to escape as it leaves.|))
(p name537
(input <x> driver <y>)
(remove 1)
(write (crlf) |You are unable to contact or make contact with the driver.|)
(write (crlf) |It is as if he doesn't know you are there.|))
(p name538
(input get truck)
(remove 1)
(write (crlf) |The truck is a little heavy to get.|))
(p name539
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 7 ^north 5)
(portal ^name truck ^place lawn ^side in ^east 7 ^north 5)
(write (crlf) |There is a panel truck here.|))
(p name540
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 7 ^north 5)
(portal ^name truck ^place lawn ^side in ^east 7 ^north 5)
(input mount truck)
(remove 3)
(write (crlf) |The truck is too tall to climb up on.|))
(p name541
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 7 ^north 5)
(object ^name truck ^place lawn ^side in ^east 7 ^north 5)
(input open <y>)
(remove 3)
(write (crlf) |The front doors are locked, but you were able to open the back.|)
(modify 2 ^door open))
(p name542
(portal ^name truck ^door closed)
(object ^name truck ^side in ^east 7 ^north 5)
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 7 ^north 5)
(input open <y>)
(write (crlf) |The back doors are now open.|)
(modify 1 ^door open)
(remove 4))
(p name543
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 7 ^north 5)
(object ^name truck ^place lawn ^side in ^east 7 ^north 5)
(input << mount enter >> <y>)
(remove 3)
(write (crlf) |None of the doors are open.|))
(p name544
(location ^place lawn ^side in ^east 7 ^north 5)
(object ^name truck ^place lawn ^side in ^east 7 ^north 5)
(portal ^name truck ^door open)
(input close <y>)
(modify 3 ^door close)
(remove 4)
(write (crlf) |Ok.|))
(p name545
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 7 ^north 5)
(object ^name truck ^place lawn ^side in ^east 7 ^north 5)
(portal ^name truck ^door open)
(input << mount enter >> <h>)
(remove 4)
(modify 1 ^place intruck)
(write (crlf) |You are in the back of the truck.|))
(p name546
(location ^name intruck)
(input look)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |You are inside the panel truck. It is empty.|))
(p name547
(object ^name truck ^place lawn ^side in ^east 7 ^north 5)
(portal ^name truck ^door open)
(location ^name intruck)
(return <y>)
(time ^realtime <y>)
(input <z>)
(write (crlf) |As the truck starts up, it accelerates so fast that you fall out the back.|)
(remove 6)
(modify 3 ^place lawn ^side in ^east 7 ^north 5))
(p name548
(object ^name truck ^place lawn ^side in ^east 7 ^north 5)
(portal ^name truck ^door closed)
(location ^name intruck)
(return <y>)
(time ^realtime <y>)
(input <z>)
(remove 6)
(write (crlf) |VaVoom! The truck has started up.|)
(write (crlf) |Bump bump! You feel yourself being driven out of the yard.|)
(modify 7 ^going out))
(p name549
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 7 ^north 5)
(object ^name truck ^place lawn ^side in ^east 7 ^north 5)
(portal ^name truck ^door open)
(input << mount enter >> <R>)
(object ^name <y> ^place held)
(remove 4)
(write (crlf) |The| <y> |won't fit through the door!|))
(p name550
(status ^going out)
(modify 1 ^going nil)
(write (crlf) |As you drive by the gate you hear from the speaker:|)
(write (crlf) |'Good job son!'|)
(write (crlf) ||)
(write (crlf) |The truck drives on for a while then stops.|)
(write (crlf) |Your open the truck door and find that you are outside the walls.|)
(write (crlf) |You've escaped!|)
(write (crlf) ||)
(write (crlf) |In the distance you here the trumpeting of a bull moose.|)
(write (crlf) ||)
(write (crlf) |James Watt is here with a check for $10,000,000 to buy the land|)
(write (crlf) |for the Department of the Interior.|)
(write (crlf) |He assures you that the government will not sell the land, but admits|)
(write (crlf) |that he may allow some leasing of mineral rights. You have the option|)
(write (crlf) |of selling it and making big bucks, or you can donate, with the|)
(write (crlf) |restriction that it be perserved in its current state.|)
(write (crlf) |What is your choice? Sell, or donate?|)
(make selldonate (accept)))
(p name551
(selldonate sell)
(status ^score <x>)
(remove 1)
(write (crlf) |Hmm. I don't think your father would have approved.|)
(write (crlf) |Oh my god! Out of the forest a moose comes charging at you.|)
(write (crlf) |He is coming right at you. You can't escape. |)
(write (crlf) |ARGHH! He gored you, but missed James Watt.|)
(write (crlf) |You're dead, what a bummer after what you have been through.|)
(make input stop)
(modify 2 ^score (compute <x> - 20)))
(p name552
(remove 1)
(write (crlf) |Make up your mind, Sell or donate.|)
(make selldonate (accept)))
(p name553
(selldonate donate)
(status ^score <x>)
(remove 1)
(write (crlf) |James Watt accuses you of being a reactionary idiot.|)
(write (crlf) |He stomps off, mumbling, 'Those strip miners are going|)
(write (crlf) |to be real disappointed', and walks right through a pile of moose turds.|)
(write (crlf) |I think you made the right decision.|)
(make gone)
(modify 2 ^score (compute <x> + 20)))
(p name554
(make input stop))
(p name555
(status ^score <x>)
(object ^name cube ^place lawn)
(modify 2 ^score (compute <x> - 50))
(make input stop)
(write (crlf) |The police bust into the yard of the house to collect|)
(write (crlf) |your treasure for you.|)
(write (crlf) |Unfortunately they find the sugar cube with the LSd in it.|)
(write (crlf) |You are arrested and thrown in jail for 50 years!!!|)
(write (crlf) |What a loser!|))
(p name556
(status ^score <x>)
(object ^name marijuana ^place lawn)
(modify 2 ^score (compute <x> - 20))
(make input stop)
(write (crlf) |The police bust into the yard of the house to collect your treasure for you.|)
(write (crlf) |They find the marijuana! Luckily you are in the state of confusion|)
(write (crlf) |and you get a $5 fine, but lose the $300 worth of pot.|)
(write (crlf) |Oh well, maybe next time you'll enjoy it first.|))
(p name557
(location ^name intruck)
(input get out)
(portal ^name truck ^door open)
(remove 2)
(modify 1 ^name lawn ^side in ^east 7 ^north 5))
(p name1130
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 5 ^north 6)
(input get ivy)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |The ivy is stuck to the wall.|))
(p name1131
(input hi)
(location ^name lawn ^side out ^east 8 ^north 5)
(remove 1)
(write (crlf) |The gate opens. You rush in and then it closes behind you.|)
(write (crlf) |Out of the speaker you hear, 'Now you are in, but will you ever get out?'|)
(modify 2 ^side in))
(p name1132
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 8 ^north 5)
(write (crlf) |You are on the driveway. The gate to the outside|)
(write (crlf) |is to the east, but is locked electronically.|))
(p name1133
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 8 ^north 5)
(status ^going e)
(modify 2 ^going nil)
(write (crlf) |The gate is locked, and you can't open it.|))
(p name1134
(location ^name lawn ^side out ^east 8 ^north 5)
(write (crlf) |There is a gate in the wall that spans the|)
(write (crlf) |driveway that leads into the inner grounds of the mansion.|)
(write (crlf) |By the left hand side of the gate is a 'Jack-in-the-box'|)
(write (crlf) | speaker with a button.|))
(p name1200
(input << climb scale >> )
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 5 ^north 6)
(remove 1)
(modify 2 ^name balcony ^side nil ^east nil ^north nil)
(write (crlf) |The ivy allows you to get a grip. You climb up the wall.|)
(write (crlf) |The ivy starts to thin out and you haven't found anywhere to stop.|)
(write (crlf) |To the right you spy a balcony. Using your great skill as a|)
(write (crlf) |world class haunted house climber, you jump to the balcony.|))
(p name01200
(status ^going u)
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 5 ^north 6)
(modify 1 ^going nil)
(modify 2 ^name balcony ^side nil ^east nil ^north nil)
(write (crlf) |The ivy allows you to get a grip. You climb up the wall.|)
(write (crlf) |The ivy starts to thin out and you haven't found anywhere to stop.|)
(write (crlf) |To the right you spy a balcony. Using your great skill as a|)
(write (crlf) |world class haunted house climber, you jump to the balcony.|))
(p name1201
(location ^name balcony)
(place ^name balcony ^visited nil)
(write (crlf) |You are on the balcony. The doors to the inside|)
(write (crlf) |are missing leaving a large doorway to the inside.|))
(p name1202
(location ^name balcony)
(status ^going u)
(modify 2 ^going nil)
(write (crlf) |You can't climb any higher.|))
(p name1203
(location ^name balcony)
(input climb up)
(remove 2)
(modify 3 ^going u ^went u))
(p name1204
(location ^name balcony)
(input climb nil)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |Climb up or climb down?|))
(p name1205
(input climb down)
(location ^name balcony)
(remove 1)
(write (crlf) |I warned you that the ivy gave out up here!|)
(write (crlf) |When you tried to leap over to get a grip, you missed!!|)
(write (crlf) |Down you go|)
(write (crlf) | o|)
(write (crlf) | o|)
(write (crlf) | o|)
(write (crlf) | o.|)
(write (crlf) |Your foot gets caught in some ivy near the bottom and you land|)
(write (crlf) |on your head. |)
(modify 3 ^die t))
(p name1206
(location ^name balcony)
(status ^going d)
(modify 2 ^going nil)
(write (crlf) |Is that climb down or jump?|))
(p name1207
(location ^name balcony)
(input jump)
(write (crlf) |Paratrooper training comes in helpful sometimes.|)
(write (crlf) |Unfortunately you never had it. You break your neck when you hit.|)
(remove 2)
(modify 3 ^die t))
(p name1208
(location ^name balcony)
(input jump)
(object ^name mattress ^place held)
(modify 4 ^die t)
(write (crlf) |You flip over in mid-air and land on your back! 'CRUNCH'|)
(remove 2))
(p name1209
(location ^name balcony)
(input jump)
(object ^name mattress ^place lawn ^side in ^east 5 ^north 6)
(remove 2)
(modify 1 ^name lawn ^side in ^east 5 ^north 6)
(write (crlf) |Luckily you land on the mattress.|))
(p name1210
(input drop mattress)
(location ^name balcony)
(object ^name mattress ^place held)
(remove 1)
(modify 3 ^place lawn ^side in ^east 5 ^north 6)
(write (crlf) |The mattress floats to the ground.|))
(p name1211
(input throw mattress)
(location ^name balcony)
(remove 1)
(make input drop mattress))
(p name1212
(input enter)
(location ^name balcony)
(modify 3 ^going s ^went s)
(remove 1))
(p name1213
(location ^name balcony)
(place ^name balcony)
(status ^going s)
(modify 1 ^name bedroom)
(modify 2 ^name balcony ^visited t)
(modify 3 ^going nil))
(p name1214
(location ^name bedroom)
(place ^name bedroom ^visited nil)
(write (crlf) |You are in what looks like the master bedroom of the mansion.|)
(write (crlf) |A large doorway opens to the balcony to the north.|)
(write (crlf) |To the east is a opening to the bathroom.|)
(write (crlf) |The main doorway to the rest of the house is boarded up and impassable.|))
(p name1215
(input enter)
(location ^name bedroom)
(remove 1)
(make input e))
(p name1216
(location ^name bedroom)
(make input exit)
(remove 2)
(make input n))
(p name1217
(location ^name bedroom)
(object ^name mattress ^place held)
(status ^going e)
(modify 3 ^going nil)
(write (crlf) |The mattress won't fit through the door.|))
(p name1218
(location ^name bedroom)
(object ^name mattress ^place held)
(status ^going n)
(write (crlf) |The mattress just clears the door.|))
(p name1219
(location ^name bedroom)
(place ^name bedroom)
(status ^going n)
(modify 3 ^going nil)
(modify 2 ^name bedroom ^visited t)
(modify 1 ^name balcony))
(p name1220
(location ^name bedroom)
(status ^going e)
(place ^name bedroom)
(modify 2 ^going nil)
(modify 3 ^name bedroom ^visited t)
(modify 1 ^name bathroom))
(p name1221
(location ^name bedroom)
(status ^sound on)
(write (crlf) |Some noise can be heard through the boarded up door.|))
(p name1222
(location ^name bedroom)
(object ^name mattress ^place bedroom)
(write (crlf) |There is a king-size bed in the middle of the room.|))
(p name1223
(location ^name bedroom)
-(object ^name mattress ^place bedroom)
(write (crlf) |There is the frame and springs of a king-size bed in the room.|))
(p name1224
(location ^name bedroom)
(input get bed)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |All you can get is the mattress, the rest is too heavy.|)
(make input get mattress))
(p name1225
(location ^name <x>)
(object ^name mattress ^place <x>)
(input cut mattress)
(remove 3)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |The mattress is poorly made and you rip it to shreds.|)
(write (crlf) |In fact it is in a million pieces that float away.|))
(p name1226
(input cut mattress)
(object ^name mattress ^place held)
(remove 1)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |The mattress falls to pieces in your hands and they all float away.|))
(p name1227
(input << chop rip tear >>)
(remove 1)
(make input cut))
(p name1228
(location ^name bedroom)
(input look under bed)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |'Ahhh Chooo!' There is dust under the bed.|))
(p name1229
(location ^name bedroom)
(input <x> under bed)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |The bed is too low to go under.|))
(p name1230
(input mount bed)
(location ^name bedroom)
(remove 1)
(modify 2 ^ontop bed)
(write (crlf) |You are on the bed.|))
(p name1231
(location ^name bedroom ^ontop bed)
(object ^name mattress ^place bedroom)
(input jump)
-(object ^name mirror ^state broke)
(remove 3)
(write (crlf) |You bounce up and hit the mirror. It shatters into many small pieces.|)
(make object ^name mirror ^state broke))
(p name1232
(input bounce)
(remove 1)
(make input jump))
(p name1233
(location ^name bedroom ^ontop bed)
(input jump)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |Without the mattress on you don't get any cheap thrills.|))
(p name1234
(location ^name bedroom ^ontop <> nil)
(input get mirror)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |The mirror is still out of reach.|))
(p name1235
(location ^name bedroom)
(input get mirror)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |The mirror is much too high to reach.|))
(p name1236
(location ^name bedroom)
-(object ^name mirror ^state broke)
(write (crlf) |There is a mirror on the ceiling above the bed.|))
(p name1237
(location ^name bedroom)
(object ^name mirror ^state broke)
(input get mirror)
(status ^cut nil)
(remove 3)
(modify 4 ^cut t)
(write (crlf) |The glass is too sharp to carry, you cut yourself. 'Ouch!'|))
(p name1238
(location ^name bedroom ^ontop bed)
(object ^name mirror ^state broke)
(input get mirror <x>)
(remove 3)
(modify 4 ^cut t)
(write (crlf) |The glass cuts you when you try to pick it up.|))
(p name1239
(location ^name bedroom)
(object ^name mirror ^state broke)
(input get glass)
(remove 3)
(modify 4 ^cut t)
(write (crlf) |'Ouch!' The glass cuts you, you can't carry it.|))
(p name1240
(location ^name bedroom)
(object ^name mirror ^state broke)
(write (crlf) |There is glass from a broken mirror on the floor.|))
(p name1241
(input sleep)
(location ^name bedroom ^ontop bed)
(write (crlf) |Snooze...
... snort. Ah that was refreshing, but useless, you're still ugly.|)
(remove 1))
(p name1242
(input get << on in >> bed)
(location ^name bedroom)
(remove 1)
(make input mount bed))
(p name1243
(location ^name bedroom)
(input sit on bed)
(remove 2)
(make input mount bed))
(p name1244
(x 10)
(input sleep)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |Let's wait until we are on a bed.|))
(p name1245
(location ^name {<> bedroom <x>})
(object ^name mattress ^place <x>)
(write (crlf) |There is a king-size mattress here.|))
(p name1246
(location ^name bathroom)
(place ^name bathroom ^visited nil)
(write (crlf) |You are in the master bathroom.|)
(write (crlf) |The exciting features around are the bathtub and the toilet.|))
(p name1247
(location ^name bathroom)
(status ^going w)
(place ^name bathroom)
(modify 1 ^name bedroom)
(modify 2 ^going nil)
(modify 3 ^visited t))
(p name1248
(location ^name bathroom)
(input urinate)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |That was a relief!|))
(p name1249
(location ^name bathroom)
(input urinate)
(status ^likes prince)
(modify 1 ^siton toilet))
(p name1250
(input urinate into bottle)
(remove 1)
(write (crlf) |The adventure has frighten you so much that your|)
(write (crlf) |urethra won't relax|)
(write (crlf) |and you are unable to even expel a drop.|))
(p name1251
(input get urine)
(remove 1)
(make input urinate into bottle))
(p name1252
(input urinate in bottle)
(remove 1)
(make input urinate into bottle))
(p name1253
(input shit)
(location ^name bathroom)
(remove 1)
(modify 2 ^siton toilet)
(write (crlf) |Too bad there isn't any tissue!|))
(p name1254
(input piss)
(remove 1)
(make input urinate))
(p name1255
(input take a leak)
(remove 1)
(make input urinate))
(p name1256
(input take a crap)
(location ^name bathroom)
(remove 1)
(make input shit))
(p name1257
(input mount toilet)
(location ^name bathroom)
(remove 1)
(modify 2 ^siton toilet)
(write (crlf) |Sitting on a toilet is lots of fun!|))
(p name1258
(input sit on toilet)
(location ^name bathroom)
(remove 1)
(modify 2 ^siton toilet)
(write (crlf) |Duly sat.|))
(p name1259
(location ^name bathroom)
(input flush)
(remove 2)
(modify 3 ^die t)
(write (crlf) |When you flush the toilet it spins around, knocking you off your feet!|)
(write (crlf) |You crack your head on the bathtub and die!!|))
(p name1260
(location ^name bathroom ^siton <> nil)
(status ^going w)
(modify 1 ^siton nil))
(p name1261
(input flush)
(location ^name bathroom ^siton toilet)
(place ^name bathroom)
(remove 1)
(modify 2 ^name backroom)
(modify 3 ^visited t))
(p name1262
(location ^name bathroom)
(input get toilet)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |Give me a break! The toilet stays here!|))
(p name1263
(location ^name bathroom)
(input get bathtub)
(write (crlf) |The bathtub doesn't move.|)
(remove 2))
(p name1264
(location ^name bathroom)
(input << enter mount >> bathtub)
(modify 1 ^siton bathtub)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |Ok.|))
(p name1265
(location ^name bathroom)
(input sit in bathtub)
(modify 1 ^siton bathtub)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |Ok.|))
(p name1266
(location ^name bathroom)
(input turn on water)
(place ^name bathroom)
(remove 2)
(modify 3 ^state water_running))
(p name1267
(location ^name bathroom)
(place ^name bathroom ^state water_running)
(write (crlf) |The water is on in the bathtub.|))
(p name1268
(location ^name bathroom)
(place ^name bathroom ^state <> water_running)
(input turn off water)
(remove 3)
(write (crlf) |The water is already off.|))
(p name1269
(location ^name bathroom)
(place ^name bathroom ^state water_running)
(input turn off water)
(modify 2 ^state nil)
(remove 3)
(write (crlf) |The water is turned off.|)
(write (crlf) |All the water drains out.|))
(p name1270
(location ^name bathroom)
(input turn on shower)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |There isn't a shower head, just a bathtub.|))
(p name1271
(location ^name bathroom)
(input take shower)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |I thought I said there was only a bathtub!|))
(p name1272
(location ^name bathroom)
(input take bath)
(remove 2)
(make command ^string wash))
(p name1273
(location ^name bathroom)
(input wash)
(remove 2)
(make command ^string wash))
(p name1274
(location ^name bathroom)
(command ^string wash)
(place ^name bathroom ^state <> water_running)
(write (crlf) |Well, I must turn on the water.|)
(modify 3 ^state water_running))
(p name1275
(location ^name bathroom ^siton <> bathtub)
(command ^string wash)
(write (crlf) |Let's get in the bathtub.|)
(modify 1 ^siton bathtub))
(p name1276
(location ^name bathroom)
(command ^string wash)
(object ^name soap ^place bathroom)
(write (crlf) |Hmmm... now where was that soap.|)
(make input get soap))
(p name1277
(location ^name bathroom ^siton bathtub)
(command ^string wash)
(object ^name soap ^place held)
(place ^name bathroom ^state water_running)
(remove 2)
(remove 3)
(write (crlf) |Luckily we don't worry about clothes in this adventure!|)
(write (crlf) |The water is nice and warm. Too bad I don't have a rubber duckie!|)
(write (crlf) |Well let's use the soap to get clean.|)
(write (crlf) |There is so much dirt here it takes alot of soap.|)
(write (crlf) |As the soap wears away, we are left with a GEM!!.|)
(make object ^name gem ^place held ^treasure t))
(p name1278
(x 10)
(command ^string wash)
(remove 1)
(write (crlf) |Ahh, can't wash without any soap and water.|))
(p name1279
(location ^siton bathtub)
(object ^name soap ^place held)
(place ^name bathroom ^state water_running)
(write (crlf) |As long as we're here, we might as well wash.|)
(make command ^string wash))
(p name1280
(location ^name bathroom)
(object ^name soap ^place held)
(input drop soap in << bathtub water >>)
(place ^name bathroom ^state water_running)
(remove 2)
(remove 3)
(write (crlf) |The soap dissolves and a gem remains!|)
(make object ^name gem ^place bathroom ^treasure t))
(p name1281
(location ^siton bathtub)
(object ^name <x> ^wears t)
(remove 1)
(write (crlf) |If we're getting in the bathtub I'm going to take off the|
<x> |.|)
(make input take off <x>))
(p name1282
(location ^name bathroom)
(input lather)
(remove 2)
(make input wash))
(p name1283
(location ^name bathroom)
(input drop soap in water)
(remove 2)
(make input wash))
(p name1284
(location ^name bathroom)
(input drop soap in bathtub)
(remove 2)
(make input wash)
(write (crlf) |Let's jump in after it and take a bath.|))
(p name1285
(location ^name bathroom)
(input drink water)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |Gross! I'm not that thirsty!|))
(p name1286
(input urinate <x>)
(object ^name <x> ^wears <> nil)
(remove 1)
(make input take off <x>)
(write (crlf) |Well, I think it is best to undress a little first.|))
(p name1287
(location ^name bathroom)
(input shit)
(object ^name <x> ^wears <> nil)
(remove 2)
(make input take off <x>)
(write (crlf) |I'll take off the suit first.|))
(p name1288
(input pee)
(remove 1)
(make input urinate))
(p name1289
(location ^name bathroom)
(input <x> drain)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |The drain is open, even shoving the bed down it won't close it|))
(p name1290
(location ^name bathroom)
(input plug)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |You can't plug it.|))
(p name1291
(location ^name bathroom)
(input <x> plug <y>)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |I see no plug here.|))
(p name1292
(location ^name bathroom)
(place ^name bathroom ^state water_running)
(input splash)
(remove 3)
(write (crlf) |Hey, watch it! No splashing around here.|))
(p name1293
(location ^name bathroom ^siton bathtub)
(place ^name bathroom ^state water_running)
(input drown)
(modify 2 ^state nil)
(remove 3)
(modify 4 ^die t)
(write (crlf) |Adventure a little to tough for you eh?|)
(write (crlf) |Well you did look a little blue, especially after you held your head under|)
(write (crlf) |for ten minutes!|))
(p name1294
(location ^name backroom)
(place ^name backroom ^visited nil)
(write (crlf) |The toilet and the wall have swivled around 180 degrees.|)
(write (crlf) |You are now in a backroom.|)
(write (crlf) |I assume this was for when grand-dad wanted to ... in private.|)
(write (crlf) |There are no doors or windows. Just the toilet.|))
(p name1295
(location ^name backroom)
(input flush)
(place ^name backroom)
(modify 1 ^name bathroom)
(remove 2)
(modify 3 ^visited t)
(write (crlf) |Around you go again.|))
(p name1296
(location ^name backroom)
(input urinate)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |Your bladder is empty.|))
(p name1297
(location ^name backroom)
(input shit)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |Plop!|))
(p name1298
(location ^name backroom)
(input stand)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |There isn't enough room to stand.|))
(p name1299
(location ^name backroom)
(input get up)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |I see no up here. Ha ha, only kidding. There isn't room to stand in here.|))
(p name2000
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 5 ^north 4)
(input ouvre)
(portal ^name large_door ^door closed)
(status ^likes <f>)
(remove 2)
(modify 3 ^name large_door ^door open)
(write (crlf) |The door creaks open.|)
(write (crlf) |A voice from within says: 'Welcome,| <f> |lover.'|))
(p name2001
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 5 ^north 4)
(input ouvre)
(portal ^name large_door ^door open)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |The door stays open.|))
(p name2002
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 5 ^north 4)
(status ^going n)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |The door is closed, you bump your nose!|))
(p name2003
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 5 ^north 4)
(status ^going n)
(portal ^name large_door ^door open)
(modify 1 ^name foyer ^side nil ^east nil ^north nil)
(modify 2 ^going nil))
(p name2004
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 5 ^north 4)
(status ^going n)
(portal ^name large_door ^door open)
(object ^name mattress ^place held)
(modify 2 ^going nil)
(write (crlf) |The mattress won't fit throught the door.|))
(p name2005
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 5 ^north 4)
(status ^going n)
(portal ^name large_door ^door open)
(object ^name cube ^place held)
(modify 4 ^place lawn ^side in ^east 5 ^north 4)
(write (crlf) |You stumble over the threshold and drop the cube outside.|))
(p name2006
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 5 ^north 4)
(status ^going n)
(portal ^name large_door ^door open)
(object ^name marijuana ^place held)
(write (crlf) |The dope slips from your hand.|)
(modify 4 ^place lawn ^side in ^east 5 ^north 4))
(p name2007
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 5 ^north 4)
(input enter)
(remove 2)
(modify 3 ^going n ^went n))
(p name2008
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 5 ^north 4)
(write (crlf) |You are outside a large door in the front of an old mansion.|))
(p name2009
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 5 ^north 4)
(input knock)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |'Knock! Knock!'|)
(make input ouvre))
(p name2010
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 5 ^north 4)
(input ring)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |Ding dong!|)
(make input ouvre))
(p name2011
(x 30)
(input ring)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |I see no bell here.|))
(p name2012
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 5 ^north 4)
(input open)
(portal ^name large_door ^door closed)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |Didn't your mother teach you any manners?|)
(write (crlf) |You shouldn't open someones door without their permission!|))
(p name2013
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 5 ^north 4)
(portal ^name large_door ^door open)
(input close)
(modify 2 ^door closed)
(remove 3)
(write (crlf) |The door closes.|))
(p name2014
(location ^name lawn ^side in ^east 5 ^north 4)
(status ^sound on)
(write (crlf) |Muffled sounds can be heard from inside.|))
(p name2015
(location ^name foyer)
(place ^name foyer ^visited nil)
(write (crlf) |You are inside of the house in the inner foyer.|)
(write (crlf) |There is a walk-in closet to the west, an entrance to a hall to the north.|))
(p name2016
(location ^name foyer)
(status ^going s)
(portal ^name large_door ^door open)
(modify 2 ^going nil)
(modify 3 ^door closed)
(write (crlf) |Before you can get out the large door slams shut; BOOM!|)
(write (crlf) |Laughter can be heard in the upper floors of the house.|))
(p name2017
(location ^name foyer)
(portal ^name large_door ^door closed)
(input open)
(remove 3)
(write (crlf) |The large door is locked impossible to open.|))
(p name2018
(location ^name foyer)
(status ^going n)
(place ^name foyer)
(modify 2 ^going nil)
(modify 3 ^visited t)
(modify 1 ^name main_hall))
(p name2019
(location ^name foyer)
(portal ^name large_door ^door closed)
(status ^going s)
(modify 3 ^going nil)
(write (crlf) |The door is shut.|))
(p name2020
(location ^name foyer)
(input enter closet)
(remove 2)
(modify 3 ^going w ^went w))
(p name2021
(location ^name foyer)
(input enter hall)
(modify 3 ^going n ^went n)
(remove 2))
(p name2022
(location ^name foyer)
(status ^going w)
(place ^name foyer)
(modify 3 ^visited t)
(modify 1 ^name closet)
(modify 2 ^going nil))
(p name2023
(location ^name foyer)
(portal ^name large_door ^door open)
(input close)
(remove 3)
(modify 2 ^door closed)
(write (crlf) |The door closes.|))
(p name2024
(location ^name foyer)
(place ^name foyer ^virgin t)
(time ^realtime <y>)
(modify 2 ^virgin nil)
(modify 3 ^orc_status sweat ^orc_time (compute <y> + 160))
(write (crlf) |You feel a chill run down your spine, and you doubt your own sanity.|)
(write (crlf) | |)
(write (crlf) |A booming voice proclaims:|)
(write (crlf) |'YOU WON'T GET OUT BY A DOOR.'|)
(write (crlf) |'... at least alive!'|)
(write (crlf) | |)
(write (crlf) |The house is very damp and musty.|))
(p name2025
(location ^name foyer)
(time ^realtime <y> ^orc_time < <y>)
(modify 2 ^orc_time (compute <y> + 20))
(write (crlf) |A booming voice proclaims:|)
(write (crlf) |'You must be mad to return. If you're not, you will be soon.'|))
(p name2026
(location ^name foyer)
(time ^realtime <y>)
(command ^string eat_it)
(modify 2 ^orc_status nil)
(remove 3))
(p name2027
(location ^name foyer)
(status ^sound on)
(write (crlf) |Some noise is coming from the hall.|))
(p name2028
(location ^name main_hall)
(status ^going s)
(place ^name main_hall)
(modify 1 ^name foyer)
(modify 2 ^going nil)
(modify 3 ^visited t))
(p name2029
(location ^name main_hall)
(place ^name main_hall ^visited nil)
(write (crlf) |You are in the main hall.|)
(write (crlf) |The foyer is south.|)
(write (crlf) |The hall extends west and darkens.|)
(write (crlf) |A large room is to the east.|))
(p name2030
(location ^name main_hall)
(place ^name main_hall)
(status ^going w)
(modify 1 ^name dark_hall)
(modify 2 ^visited t)
(modify 3 ^going nil))
(p name2031
(location ^name main_hall)
(status ^going e)
(place ^name main_hall)
(modify 1 ^name library)
(modify 2 ^going nil)
(modify 3 ^visited t))
(p name2032
(location ^name main_hall)
(status ^going << u n >>)
(object ^name stairs ^state whole)
(place ^name main_hall)
(modify 1 ^name stairs)
(modify 2 ^going nil)
(modify 4 ^visited t))
(p name2033
(location ^name main_hall)
(status ^going n)
(object ^name stairs ^state collapsed)
(place ^name main_hall)
(modify 1 ^name stairs_debris)
(modify 2 ^going nil)
(modify 4 ^visited t))
(p name2034
(location ^name main_hall)
(status ^sound on)
(write (crlf) |Weird noises are coming from above.|))
(p name2035
(location ^name closet)
(status ^going e)
(place ^name closet)
(modify 1 ^name foyer)
(modify 2 ^going nil)
(modify 3 ^visited t))
(p name2036
(location ^name closet)
(place ^name closet ^visited nil)
(write (crlf) |You are in a large closet, you can see all its contents|)
(write (crlf) | by the light from the foyer.|))
(p name2037
(location ^name dark_hall)
(place ^name dark_hall ^visited nil)
(write (crlf) |You are in a poorly lit hall. There is a faint scent of fresh paint.|))
(p name2038
(location ^name dark_hall)
(status ^going w)
(place ^name dark_hall)
(modify 1 ^name smelly_room)
(modify 2 ^going nil)
(modify 3 ^visited t))
(p name2039
(location ^name dark_hall)
(status ^going e)
(place ^name dark_hall)
(modify 1 ^name main_hall)
(modify 2 ^going nil)
(modify 3 ^visited t))
(p name2040
(location ^name stairs)
(place ^name stairs ^visited nil)
(write (crlf) |You are on the landing of the stair case.|)
(write (crlf) |stairs go up and down.|)
(write (crlf) | |)
(write (crlf) |The stairs are squeeky! They seem about to collapse.|))
(p name2041
(location ^name stairs)
(status ^sound on)
(write (crlf) |The sound is coming from above you.|))
(p name2042
(location ^name stairs)
(status ^going u)
(place ^name stairs)
(modify 1 ^name upper_hall)
(modify 2 ^going nil)
(modify 3 ^visited t))
(p name2043
(location ^name stairs)
(status ^going d)
(place ^name stairs)
(modify 1 ^name main_hall)
(modify 2 ^going nil)
(modify 3 ^visited t))
(p name2045
(location ^name stairs)
(place ^name stairs ^visited t)
(write (crlf) |SQUEEK! These stairs are delicate!|))
(p name2046
(location ^name stairs)
(object ^name stairs ^state whole)
(input jump)
(write (crlf) |CRASH! You've collapsed the stairs.|)
(modify 1 ^name stairs_debris)
(modify 2 ^state collapsed)
(remove 3))
(p name2047
(location ^name smelly_room)
(place ^name smelly_room ^visited nil)
(write (crlf) |You are in a room that smells of paint.|)
(write (crlf) |There are no windows or door except the one you came through.|)
(write (crlf) |The walls are wood panel.|))
(p name2048
(location ^name smelly_room)
(status ^going e)
(place ^name smelly_room)
(modify 1 ^name dark_hall)
(modify 2 ^going nil)
(modify 3 ^visited t))
(p name2049
(location ^name library)
(place ^name library ^visited nil)
(write (crlf) |You are in the library. All the walls are lined with books.|)
(write (crlf) |There is a bust of Homer within reach.|))
(p name2050
(location ^name library)
(status ^going w)
(place ^name library)
(modify 1 ^name main_hall)
(modify 2 ^going nil)
(modify 3 ^visited t))
(p name2051
(location ^name library)
(input get bust)
(remove 1)
(write (crlf) |The bust is too heavy to carry.|))
(p name2052
(location ^name library)
(input turn bust)
(portal ^name library ^door closed)
(remove 2)
(modify 3 ^door open))
(p name2053
(location ^name library)
(input enter)
(portal ^name library ^door open)
(remove 2)
(modify 4 ^going e ^went e))
(p name2054
(location ^name library)
(portal ^name library ^door open)
(object ^name wetsuit ^wears t)
(status ^going e)
(modify 4 ^going nil)
(write (crlf) |You can't fit into the opening.|))
(p name2055
(location ^name library)
(portal ^name library ^door open)
(object ^name wetsuit ^place held)
(status ^going e)
(modify 4 ^going nil)
(write (crlf) |Something you're carrying is to big to fit through the door.|))
(p name2056
(location ^name library)
(portal ^name library ^door open)
(status ^going e)
(place ^name library)
(modify 1 ^name secret_stairs)
(modify 3 ^going nil)
(modify 4 ^visited t))
(p name2057
(location ^name library)
(input turn bust)
(portal ^name library ^door open)
(remove 2)
(modify 3 ^door closed)
(write (crlf) |The shelves close.|))
(p name2058
(location ^name library)
(portal ^name library ^door open)
(write (crlf) |The east wall of books is open!|))
(p name2059
(location ^name library)
(input bust)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |I'll bust you if you don't watch it.|))
(p name2060
(location ^name library)
(input rub bust)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |That isn't very rewarding, nothing happens.|))
(p name2061
(location ^name library)
(input kiss bust)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |That might turn on a frog, but homer is unmoved.|))
(p name2062
(location ^name library ^book nil)
(input get book)
(modify 1 ^book t)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |You get a book but discover it has only virtual pages.|)
(write (crlf) |The book disappears.|))
(p name2063
(location ^name library ^book t ^book2 nil)
(input get book)
(write (crlf) |The title of the book is 'Vampires I have known'|)
(modify 1 ^book2 t)
(remove 2)
(make object ^name book ^place held))
(p name2064
(location ^name library ^book t ^book2 t)
(input get book)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |All the rest of the books are fake.|)
(write (crlf) |They seem to be wood.|))
(p name2065
(location ^name secret_stairs)
(place ^name secret_stairs ^visited nil)
(write (crlf) |You are in the head of a secret staircase.|)
(write (crlf) |The stairs go down. A pole in the room goes through a hole in the ceiling.|))
(p name2066
(location ^name secret_stairs)
(status ^going w)
(portal ^name library ^door open)
(place ^name secret_stairs)
(modify 1 ^name library)
(modify 2 ^going nil)
(modify 4 ^visited t))
(p name2067
(location ^name secret_stairs)
(status ^going d)
(place ^name secret_stairs)
(modify 1 ^name wine_cellar)
(modify 2 ^going nil)
(modify 3 ^visited t))
(p name2068
(location ^name secret_stairs)
(portal ^name library ^door closed)
(input open <x>)
(remove 3)
(write (crlf) |The stacks can't be opened from here.|))
(p name2069
(location ^name secret_stairs)
(portal ^name library ^door open)
(write (crlf) |The west wall is open.|))
(p name2070
(location ^name secret_stairs)
(status ^going u)
(modify 2 ^going nil)
(write (crlf) |That isn't a bat pole, ROBIN. You can only come down.|))
(p name2071
(location ^name stairs_debris)
(place ^name stairs_debris ^visited nil)
(write (crlf) |You are on wreckage of the stairs.|)
(write (crlf) |To the south is the main_hall, north is a small opening.|))
(p name2072
(location ^name stairs_debris)
(status ^going s)
(place ^name stairs_debris)
(modify 1 ^name main_hall)
(modify 2 ^going nil)
(modify 3 ^visited t))
(p name2073
(location ^name stairs_debris)
(status ^going n)
(place ^name stairs_debris)
(modify 1 ^name back_hall)
(modify 2 ^going nil)
(modify 3 ^visited t))
(p name2074
(location ^name back_hall)
(place ^name back_hall ^visited nil)
(write (crlf) |This is the back hall. It connects the kitchen and|)
(write (crlf) |dining room. The kitchen is east and the dining room is west.|))
(p name2075
(location ^name back_hall)
(object ^name stairs ^state collapsed)
(write (crlf) |To the south is the wreckage of the stairs.|))
(p name2076
(location ^name back_hall)
(status ^going e)
(place ^name back_hall)
(modify 1 ^name kitchen)
(modify 2 ^going nil)
(modify 3 ^visited t))
(p name2077
(location ^name back_hall)
(status ^going w)
(place ^name back_hall)
(modify 1 ^name dining_room)
(modify 2 ^going nil)
(modify 3 ^visited t))
(p name2078
(location ^name back_hall)
(status ^going s)
(place ^name back_hall)
(object ^name stairs ^state collapsed)
(modify 1 ^name stairs_debris)
(modify 2 ^going nil)
(modify 3 ^visited t))
(p name2079
(location ^name kitchen)
(place ^name kitchen ^visited nil)
(write (crlf) |You are in a old kitchen. All the windows are|)
(write (crlf) |boarded up. The only exit is west.|)
(write (crlf) | |)
(write (crlf) |There is a refrigerator in the corner.|)
(write (crlf) |A ventilation duct is open over the refrigerator.|))
(p name2080
(location ^name kitchen)
(status ^going w)
(place ^name kitchen)
(modify 1 ^name back_hall)
(modify 2 ^going nil)
(modify 3 ^visited t))
(p name2081
(location ^name kitchen)
(input exit)
(remove 2)
(modify 3 ^going w ^went w))
(p name2082
(location ^name kitchen)
(portal ^name rdoor ^door closed)
(write (crlf) |The refrigirator door is closed.|))
(p name2083
(location ^name kitchen)
(portal ^name rdoor ^door open)
(write (crlf) |The door of the ice box is open.|))
(p name2084
(location ^name kitchen)
(portal ^name rdoor ^door closed)
(input open)
(remove 3)
(modify 2 ^door open))
(p name2085
(location ^name kitchen)
(portal ^name rdoor ^door open)
(input close)
(remove 3)
(modify 2 ^door closed))
(p name2086
(location ^name kitchen)
(portal ^name rdoor ^door open)
(object ^name cube ^place frig)
(write (crlf) |There is a small white cube in the refrigirator.|))
(p name2087
(location ^name kitchen)
(portal ^name rdoor ^door open)
(object ^name cube ^place frig)
(input get cube)
(remove 4)
(write (crlf) |You have a cube.|)
(modify 3 ^place held))
(p name2088
(location ^name kitchen)
(status ^going u)
(modify 2 ^going nil)
(modify 1 ^ontop frig))
(p name2089
(location ^name kitchen ^ontop frig)
(write (crlf) |You are ontop the refrigirator.|)
(write (crlf) |Going down will put you on the floor, going south will put you in the duct.|))
(p name2090
(location ^name kitchen)
(input mount)
(remove 2)
(modify 1 ^ontop frig))
(p name2091
(location ^name kitchen ^ontop frig)
(status ^going s)
(place ^name kitchen)
(modify 2 ^going nil)
(modify 3 ^visited t)
(modify 1 ^name ductf2 ^ontop nil))
(p name2092
(location ^name dining_room)
(place ^name dining room ^visited nil)
(write (crlf) |You are in a large dining room. The ceiling is very high.|)
(write (crlf) |The hall is east.|))
(p name2093
(location ^name dining_room)
(status ^going e)
(place ^name dining_room)
(modify 1 ^name back_hall)
(modify 2 ^going nil)
(modify 3 ^visited t))
(p name2094
(location ^name upper_hall)
(place ^name upper_hall ^visited nil)
(write (crlf) |You are at the upper hall. You can see down the|)
(write (crlf) |first steps of some stairs. A circular staircase|)
(write (crlf) |continues up.|)
(write (crlf) | |)
(write (crlf) |There is a dark room to the south,|)
(write (crlf) |a hall to the west, a stone wall to the east,|)
(write (crlf) |and another room to the north.|))
(p name2095
(location ^name upper_hall)
(object ^name stairs ^state collapsed)
(status ^going d)
(modify 3 ^going nil)
(write (crlf) |The stairs are collapsed.|))
(p name2096
(location ^name upper_hall)
(status ^going d)
(place ^name upper_hall)
(object ^name stairs ^state whole)
(modify 1 ^name stairs)
(modify 2 ^going nil)
(modify 3 ^visited t))
(p name2097
(location ^name upper_hall)
(status ^going s)
(place ^name upper_hall)
(modify 1 ^name dark_room)
(modify 2 ^going nil)
(modify 3 ^visited t))
(p name2098
(location ^name upper_hall)
(status ^going w)
(place ^name upper_hall)
(modify 1 ^name long_hall)
(modify 2 ^going nil)
(modify 3 ^visited t))
(p name2099
(location ^name upper_hall)
(status ^going n)
(place ^name upper_hall)
(modify 1 ^name dull_room)
(modify 2 ^going nil)
(modify 3 ^visited t))
(p name2100
(location ^name upper_hall)
(status ^going e)
(place ^name upper_hall)
(portal ^name wall ^door open)
(modify 1 ^name secret_room)
(modify 2 ^going nil)
(modify 3 ^visited t))
(p name2101
(location ^name upper_hall)
(portal ^name wall ^door closed)
(input << move pull get >> brick)
(remove 3)
(write (crlf) |The brick moves, but can't be removed from the wall.|)
(write (crlf) |A secret panel in the wall opens!|)
(write (crlf) |There is a room ahead.|)
(modify 2 ^door open))
(p name2102
(location ^name upper_hall)
(input close wall)
(portal ^name wall ^door open)
(remove 2)
(modify 3 ^door closed)
(write (crlf) |The wall closes.|))
(p name2103
(location ^name upper_hall)
(status ^going u)
(place ^name upper_hall)
(modify 1 ^name laboratory)
(modify 2 ^going nil)
(modify 3 ^visited t))
(p name2104
(location ^name upper_hall)
(status ^sound on)
(write (crlf) |You hear clanking and screams coming from the hall.|))
(p name2105
(location ^name laboratory)
(location ^name laboratory)
(place ^name laboratory ^visited nil)
(write (crlf) |You are in the laboratory. The most notable feature is a huge |)
(write (crlf) |slab in the middle of the room. There is a large |)
(write (crlf) |lever switch. The stairs are the only obvious exit. The ceiling|)
(write (crlf) |is a glass dome painted black, much too high to reach.|))
(p name2106
(location ^name laboratory)
(status ^going d)
(place ^name laboratory)
(modify 1 ^name upper_hall)
(modify 2 ^going nil)
(modify 3 ^visited t))
(p name2107
(location ^name laboratory)
(status ^going w)
(place ^name laboratory)
(wall is down)
(modify 1 ^name bar)
(modify 2 ^going nil)
(modify 3 ^visited t))
(p name2108
(location ^name laboratory)
(wall is down)
(write (crlf) |The west wall has the shape of a running figure in it.|))
(p name2109
(location ^name laboratory)
(input <B> << lever switch >>)
(remove 2)
(make monster live))
(p name2110
(location ^name laboratory)
(input <x> lever)
(object ^name lever ^state thrown)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |The lever is stuck.|))
(p name2111
(location ^name laboratory)
(monster live)
(object ^name monster ^place laboratory)
-(object ^name lever ^state thrown)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |The lights dim. A massive door on the east wall|)
(write (crlf) |opens revealing a bank of computers, generators, and misc.|)
(write (crlf) |electronic gear. The generators start to scream.|)
(write (crlf) |The lights dim more. Suddenly sparks start to fly from the|)
(write (crlf) |equipment. The body on the table starts to jerk around.|)
(write (crlf) | |)
(write (crlf) |As suddenly as it started, the generators turn off, the|)
(write (crlf) |wall closes. And everything returns to normal.....|)
(write (crlf) |Then the body rises, removes its sheet and it is a monster.|)
(write (crlf) | |)
(write (crlf) |The monster approaches you and says 'Trick or Treat'|)
(make object ^name lever ^state thrown))
(p name2112
(location ^name laboratory)
(object ^name monster ^place laboratory)
-(object ^name lever ^state thrown)
(write (crlf) |There is the shape of a body on the slab, covered with a sheet.|))
(p name2113
(location ^name laboratory)
(object ^name monster ^place laboratory)
(object ^name candy ^place held)
(object ^name lever ^state thrown)
(input give candy)
(remove 3)
(remove 2)
(remove 5)
(write (crlf) |The monster is pleased.|
|He eats the candy, walks through the west wall|)
(write (crlf) |and disappears.|)
(make wall is down))
(p name2114
(location ^name laboratory)
(object ^name monster ^place laboratory)
(object ^name lever ^state thrown)
(input <x> monster)
(remove 2)
(remove 4)
(write (crlf) |The monster is frightened and holds his breath until he turns|)
(write (crlf) |blue. He then disappears.|))
(p name2115
(location ^name laboratory)
(object ^name lever ^state thrown)
(write (crlf) |The lever has been thrown, and is stuck in that position.|))
(p name2116
(location ^name laboratory)
(object ^name football ^place held)
(input kick football)
(remove 3)
(write (crlf) |The football goes crashing through the glass dome.|)
(modify 2 ^place lawn ^side in ^east 7 ^north 4)
(make object ^name dome ^state broken))
(p name2117
(location ^name laboratory)
(object ^name football ^place held)
(object ^name rope ^state tied ^tied football)
(input kick football <p>)
(remove 4)
(write (crlf) |Kicking the football tears the rope off of it.|)
(write (crlf) |The football goes crashing through the glass dome.|)
(modify 3 ^state untied)
(modify 2 ^place lawn ^side in ^east 7 ^north 4)
(make object ^name dome ^state broken))
(p name2118
(location ^name laboratory)
(object ^name Dracula ^place laboratory)
(object ^name dome ^state broken)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |The bat flies through the hole in the dome and escapes.|))
(p name2119
(location ^name laboratory)
(object ^name Dracula ^place laboratory)
(write (crlf) |There is a bat flying around in the dome, too high to reach.|))
(p name2120
(location ^name laboratory)
(object ^name Dracula ^place laboratory)
(input get Dracula)
(remove 3)
(write (crlf) |I said the bat was too high to reach, even on a stool.|))
(p name2121
(location ^name laboratory)
(object ^name Dracula ^place laboratory)
(input get bat)
(remove 3)
(write (crlf) |The bat is much too high for you to get.|))
(p name2122
(location ^name laboratory)
(object ^name Dracula ^place laboratory)
(object ^name dome ^state broken)
(time ^morning t)
(remove 2)
(make object ^name ring ^place laboratory ^treasure t)
(write (crlf) |The sun's rays cause the bat to shrivel. Something falls to the floor.|))
(p name2123
(object ^name Dracula ^place laboratory)
(object ^name dome ^state broken)
(time ^morning t)
(remove 1)
(make object ^name ring ^place laboratory ^treasure t))
(p name2124
(location ^name laboratory)
(object ^name monster ^place laboratory)
(object ^name lever ^state thrown)
(place ^name laboratory ^visited t)
(write (crlf) |The monster is drooling on himself, saying 'Trick or Treat'|))
(p name2125
(location ^name laboratory)
(object ^name monster ^place laboratory)
(object ^name lever ^state thrown)
(input give <x>)
(remove 4)
(write (crlf) |The monster doesn't like | <x> |. |)
(write (crlf) |He is getting very angry.|))
(p name2126
(location ^name laboratory)
(object ^name monster ^place laboratory)
(object ^name lever ^state thrown)
(input give monster <x>)
(remove 4)
(make input give <x>))
(p name2127
(location ^name laboratory)
(object ^name monster ^place laboratory)
(object ^name lever ^state thrown)
(input give <x> to monster)
(remove 4)
(make input give <x>))
(p name2128
(location ^name laboratory)
(object ^name monster ^place laboratory)
(object ^name lever ^state thrown)
(input throw <x>)
(remove 4)
(make input give <x>))
(p name2129
(location ^name laboratory)
(object ^name dome ^state broken)
(time ^morning t)
(write (crlf) |Light shows throught the hole.|))
(p name2130
(location ^name laboratory)
(object ^name matches ^place laboratory)
(time ^morning t)
(write (crlf) |Even in the sun light the matches don't dry.|)
(write (crlf) |The laboratory is damp and musty.|))
(p name2131
(location ^name laboratory)
(input dry matches)
(remove 2)
(write (crlf) |The laboratory is very damp.|))
(p name2132
(location ^name laboratory)
(object ^name dome ^state broken)
(time ^morning nil)
(write (crlf) |You can see the moon through the dome.|))
(p name2133
(location ^name laboratory)
(object ^name monster ^place laboratory)
(object ^name cube ^place held)
(object ^name lever ^state thrown)
(input give cube)
(remove 2)
(remove 3)
(remove 5)
(write (crlf) |The monster eats the cube. He then starts saying 'ohhh, ahhhh'.|)
(write (crlf) |'Out of sight man.' Then he jumps straight up through the dome.|)
(make object ^name dome ^state broken))
(p name2134
(location ^name bar)
(location ^name bar)
(place ^name bar ^visited nil)
(write (crlf) |You are in a bar. There isn't any booze.|))
(p name2135
(location ^name bar)
(status ^going e)
(place ^name bar)
(modify 1 ^name laboratory)
(modify 2 ^going nil)
(modify 3 ^visited t))
(p name2136
(location ^name wine_racks)
(write (crlf) |You are in rows of wine racks that stretch out of sight in all directions.|))
(p name2137
(location ^name wine_racks ^east <e>)
(status ^going e)
(remove 1)
(modify 2 ^going nil)
(modify 1 ^name wine_racks ^east (compute 1 + <e>)))