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/ The World of Computer Software / World_Of_Computer_Software-02-385-Vol-1of3.iso

Jump To: Directory (36)  |  Text (7)  |  Other (3)

Directories (36)
Name# Files   Name# Files   Name# Files
016   135   225
318   47   52
68   71   83
917   b1   c366
d289   e133   f195
g155   h126   i117
j51   k65   l165
m290   n139   o131
p378   q62   r223
rose2   s657   t370
u95   v134   w218
x69   y10   z66

Text (7)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
files Text File 12,285 862KB 1993-05-18
files.txt File List 12,285 1MB 1993-08-17
list.bat DOS Batch File 5 64b 1993-08-25
menu.bat DOS Batch File 5 74b 1993-08-23
read.bat DOS Batch File 2 15b 1993-05-17
readme.txt Text File 87 4KB 1993-08-29
start.bat DOS Batch File 2 20b 1993-05-17

Other Files (3)
browse.com MS-DOS COM Executable 2KB 1987-10-31
filex.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 226KB 1993-08-26
unzip.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 29KB 1993-01-31