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;; Copyright (c) 1992, Qualitas, Inc. All Rights Reserved
;; dpmi.asm - Source code for Qualitas DPMI library
include dpmi.inc
.model SMALL, C
;; data required by fix-up routines
codePara dw ?
dataPara dw ?
fixupSel dw ?
previous21 dd ?
;; Function: Release Time Slice
;; Synopsis:
;; void DPMIReleaseTimeSlice(void);
;; Description:
;; DPMI clients call this function to indicate an idle state to the
;; DPMI host. This enables multitasking DPMI hosts to schedule other
;; clients. Installing this call inside idle loops can result in
;; significant improvement of system throughput.
;; DPMI reference: INT 2Fh AX=1680h
DPMIReleaseTimeSlice PROC C
mov ax, 1680h
int 2fh
DPMIReleaseTimeSlice ENDP
;; Function: Get CPU Mode
;; Synopsis:
;; int DPMIGetCPUMode(void);
;; Description:
;; This function may be used by mode sensitive applications to determine
;; the current processor operating mode. Clients must verify the
;; presence of a DPMI host prior to making this call. The function
;; returns zero if executing in protected mode, and returns non-zero
;; if running in real or virtual 86 mode.
;; DPMI reference: INT 2Fh AX=1686h
mov ax, 1686h
int 2Fh
;; Function: Obtain Mode Switch Entry Point
;; Synopsis:
;; int DPMIObtainSwitchEntryPoint(
;; uShort *flags, ;; 32-bitness flag
;; uChar *processor, ;; processor type
;; uChar *majorVersion, ;; major version #
;; uChar *minorVersion, ;; minor version #
;; uShort *nPrivateDataParas, ;; size of host data
;; void (far* *entryAddress)()); ;; switch entry point
;; Description:
;; This call determines if a DPMI host is present, and if so, returns
;; necessary information on how to invoke it. The function returns
;; zero if a DPMI host was found; otherwise it returns non-zero.
;; All arguments are pointers to locations to store return values.
;; The flags argument is non-zero if the DPMI host supports 32-bit
;; applications. The processor argument is written as 2 (80286),
;; 3 (80386), 4 (80486), or 5 (future). The version arguments indicate
;; the version numbers of the DPMI host (For DPMI 0.9, major version is
;; zero, and minor version is 90). The nPrivateDataParas argument
;; receives the number of paragraphs of memory that the host requires
;; for each client. If this is non-zero, the client must provide
;; this much memory prior to calling the mode switch entry point, and
;; the memory must be paragraph aligned.
;; The value written at the entryAddress argument is the far address
;; to call to make the initial switch into protected mode. See also,
;; DPMIEnterProtectedMode.
;; DPMI reference: INT 2Fh AX=1687h
DPMIObtainSwitchEntryPoint PROC C USES SI DI, \
flags:PTR, \
processor:PTR, \
majorVersion:PTR, \
minorVersion:PTR, \
nPrivateDataParas:PTR, \
mov ax, 1687h ; test for presence of DPMI host
int 2Fh
or ax, ax ; ax == 0 means host responded
jnz noHost
mov ax, bx ; save flags in ax
ldptr bx, flags
mov [bx], ax
ldptr bx, processor
mov [bx], cl
ldptr bx, majorVersion
mov [bx], dh
ldptr bx, minorVersion
mov [bx], dl
ldptr bx, nPrivateDataParas
mov [bx], si
ldptr bx, entryAddress
mov [bx], di
mov [bx+2], es
xor ax, ax
DPMIObtainSwitchEntryPoint ENDP
;; Function: Enter Protected Mode
;; Synopsis:
;; int DPMIEnterProtectedMode(
;; void (far *switchEntryPoint)(), ;; mode switch entry point
;; uShort bitness, ;; 16 or 32
;; uShort nPrivateDataParas); ;; number of paras required
;; Description:
;; This function is used to make the initial switch into protected
;; mode. The switchEntryPoint argument is the value returned in the
;; entryAddress argument of ObtainSwitchEntryPoint. The bitness argument
;; is zero to indicate that the calling client is 16-bit, and is one to
;; indicate that the calling client is 32-bit. The nPrivateDataParas
;; argument is obtained from the function DPMIObtainSwitchEntryPoint.
;; If the call returns zero, the client is then running in protected
;; mode. The segment registers CS, DS, and SS contain selectors that
;; address the same linear memory as they did in real mode at the
;; time of the call. The selector in ES addresses the programs PSP,
;; and the corresponding descriptor has a limit of 0xFF. If running
;; on a 32-bit processor, FS and GS are zero.
;; DPMI reference: calling the mode switch entry point
;; Version 1.0 Error returns:
;; 8011h descriptor unavailable
;; 8021h 32-bit clients not supported
DPMIEnterProtectedMode PROC C \
switchEntryPoint:FAR PTR, \
bitness:uShort, \
mov ah, 48h ;; get the required memory block
mov bx, nPrivateDataParas
int 21h
jc @@fail
mov es, ax ;; set up and call the mode switch
mov ax, bitness ;; entry point to make the initial
call switchEntryPoint ;; switch into protected mode
jc @@fail
call _fixup ;; re fixup this exe
call _installHandlers ;; install default exception handlers
xor ax, ax
jmp short @@exit
mov ax, 1
DPMIEnterProtectedMode ENDP
;; Function: Allocate Descriptors
;; Synopsis:
;; int DPMIAllocateDescriptors(
;; uShort howMany, ;; how many descriptors to allocate
;; selector_t *baseSel); ;; receives selector of first desc
;; Description:
;; This function allocates one or more LDT descriptors. The howMany
;; argument is the number of descriptors to allocate, and the
;; selector of the first allocated descriptor is written to the
;; address pointed to by the baseSel argument. When more than one
;; descriptor is allocated, they are consecutive, i.e., the
;; difference between them is obtained by calling DPMIGetSelectorDelta.
;; At the time of allocation, each descriptor is of type DATA with
;; a base and limit of zero. It is the client's responsibility to
;; set up the descriptors with meaningful values.
;; DPMI reference: INT 31h AX=0000h
;; Version 1.0 Error returns:
;; 8011h descriptor unavailable.
DPMIAllocateDescriptors PROC C \
howMany:uShort, \
mov ax, 0000h
mov cx, howMany
int 31h
jc @@fail
ldptr bx, baseSel
mov [bx], ax
xor ax, ax
jmp short @@exit
mov ax, 1
DPMIAllocateDescriptors ENDP
;; Function: Free Descriptor
;; Synopsis:
;; int DPMIFreeDescriptor(
;; selector_t sel); ;; Selector of descriptor to free
;; Description:
;; This function returns the specified descriptor to the DPMI host.
;; DPMI reference: INT 31h AX=0001h
;; Version 1.0 Error returns:
;; 8022h invalid selector
DPMIFreeDescriptor PROC C \
mov ax, 0001h
mov bx, sel
int 31h
jc @@exit
xor ax, ax
DPMIFreeDescriptor ENDP
;; Function: Create Descriptor to Address Real Segment
;; Synopsis:
;; int DPMIParaToSelector(
;; uShort para, ;; paragraph to map
;; selector_t *sel); ;; selector to address paragraph
;; Description:
;; This function creates a data descriptor whose base corresponds
;; to the real mode paragraph specified by the para argument. The
;; function writes the selector of the created descriptor at the
;; address pointed to by the sel argument. The descriptor limit
;; is 64 KB.
;; The function is intended to be used only for commonly accessed
;; regions of the low megabyte, for example, paragraphs 40h, A000h,
;; and B800h. Descriptors allocated by this function should not be
;; modified or freed. Multiple calls to this function with the same
;; input return the same selector.
;; DPMI reference: INT 31h AX=0002h
;; Version 1.0 Error returns:
;; 8011h descriptor unavailable
DPMIParaToSelector PROC C \
para:uShort, \
mov ax, 0002h
mov bx, para
int 31h
jc @@exit
ldptr bx, sel
mov [bx], ax
xor ax, ax
DPMIParaToSelector ENDP
;; Function: Get Selector Delta
;; Synopsis:
;; uShort DPMIGetSelectorDelta(void);
;; Description:
;; The return value of this function is the difference between
;; consecutive selectors.
;; DPMI reference: INT 31h AX=0003h
DPMIGetSelectorDelta PROC C
mov ax, 0003h
int 31h
DPMIGetSelectorDelta ENDP
;; Function: Get Segment Base
;; Synopsis:
;; int DPMIGetSegmentBase(
;; selector_t sel, ;; selector of segment to get base of
;; uLong *base); ;; location to receive base of segment
;; Description:
;; This function retrieves the base of the segment specified by the
;; sel argument. The linear base of the segment is written at the
;; address pointed to by the base argument.
;; DPMI reference: INT 31h AX=0006h
;; Version 1.0 Error returns:
;; 8022h invalid selector
DPMIGetSegmentBase PROC C \
sel:selector_t, \
mov ax, 0006h
mov bx, sel
int 31h
jc @@exit
ldptr bx, base
stlong [bx], cx, dx
xor ax, ax
DPMIGetSegmentBase ENDP
;; Function: Set Segment Base
;; Synopsis:
;; int DPMISetSegmentBase(
;; selector_t sel, ;; selector of segment to set base of
;; uLong base); ;; new value for base
;; Description:
;; This function sets the base of the segment specified by the sel
;; argument to the value of the base argument.
;; DPMI reference: INT 31h AX=0007h
;; Version 1.0 Error returns:
;; 8022h invalid selector
;; 8025h invalid linear address
DPMISetSegmentBase PROC C \
sel:selector_t, \
mov ax, 0007h
mov bx, sel
ldlong cx, dx, base
int 31h
jc @@exit
xor ax, ax
DPMISetSegmentBase ENDP
;; Function: Get Segment Limit
;; Synopsis:
;; int DPMIGetSegmentLimit(
;; selector_t sel, ;; selector of segment to get limit of
;; uLong *limit); ;; location to receive limit
;; Description:
;; This function retrieves retrieves the limit of the segment
;; specified by the sel argument, and writes it at the address
;; pointed to by the limit argument. The function is implemented
;; not by a DPMI call, but with the LSL instruction.
;; DPMI reference: Not a true DPMI function, but included for completeness.
DPMIGetSegmentLimit PROC C \
sel:selector_t, \
mov ax, 0400h ;; check processor type
int 31h
cmp cl, 2 ;; 2 means 286
je @@is286
movzx eax, sel
lsl eax, eax
jnz @@fail
ldptr bx, limit
mov [bx], eax
xor ax, ax
jmp short @@exit
mov ax, sel
lsl ax, ax ;; get segment limit
jnz @@fail ;; zf=0 if cannot access
ldptr bx, limit
stlong [bx], 0, ax
xor ax, ax
jmp short @@exit
mov ax, 1
DPMIGetSegmentLimit ENDP
;; Function: Set Segment Limit
;; Synopsis:
;; int DPMISetSegmentLimit(
;; selector_t sel, ;; selector of segment to set limit of
;; uLong limit); ;; desired segment limit
;; Description:
;; This function sets the limit of the segment specified by the
;; sel argument to the value given by the limit argument.
;; DPMI reference: INT 31h AX=0008h
;; Version 1.0 Error returns:
;; 8021h invalid value
;; 8022h invalid selecotr
;; 8023h invalid linear address
DPMISetSegmentLimit PROC C \
sel:selector_t, \
mov ax, 0008h
mov bx, sel
ldlong cx, dx, limit
int 31h
jc @@exit
xor ax, ax
DPMISetSegmentLimit ENDP
;; Function: Get Segment Attributes
;; Synopsis:
;; int DPMIGetSegmentAttributes(
;; selector_t sel, ;; selector of segment to get attribs
;; uChar *arb, ;; receives access rights/type byte
;; uChar *arb386); ;; receives extended access byte(386+)
;; Description:
;; This function gets the attributes of the segment specified by the
;; sel argument. The location pointed to by the arb argument receives
;; the 6th byte of the descriptor, and the location pointed to by
;; the arb386 argument returns the 8th byte of the descriptor. This
;; function is implemented with the LAR instruction.
;; DPMI reference: Not a true DPMI function, but included for completeness.
DPMIGetSegmentAttributes PROC C \
sel:selector_t, \
arb:PTR, \
mov ax, 0400h ;; check processor type
int 31h
cmp cl, 2 ;; 2 means 286
je @@is286
movzx eax, sel
lar eax, eax
jnz @@fail ;; zf=0 means cannot access descriptor
shr eax, 8
ldptr bx, arb386
mov [bx], ah
jmp short getArb
ldptr bx, arb386
mov byte ptr [bx], 0
lar ax, sel
jnz @@fail
ldptr bx, arb
mov [bx], ah
xor ax, ax
jmp short @@exit
mov ax, 1
DPMIGetSegmentAttributes ENDP
;; Function: Set Segment Attributes
;; Synopsis:
;; int DPMISetSegmentAttributes(
;; selector_t sel, ;; selector of segment to set attribs
;; uChar arb, ;; access rights/type byte
;; uChar arb386); ;; extended access byte (386+)
;; Description:
;; This function sets the attributes of the segment specified by
;; the sel argument. The arb argument is the 6th byte of the
;; descriptor, and the arb386 argument is the 8th byte of the
;; descriptor. Attempts to set privilege levels more privileged
;; than the client level will fail.
;; DPMI reference: INT 31h AX=0009h
;; Version 1.0 Error returns:
;; 8021h invalid value
;; 8022h invalid selector
;; 8025h invalid linear address
DPMISetSegmentAttributes PROC C \
sel:selector_t, \
arb:uChar, \
mov ax, 0009h
mov bx, sel
mov cl, arb
mov ch, arb386
int 31h
jc @@exit
xor ax, ax
DPMISetSegmentAttributes ENDP
;; Function: Create Alias Descriptor
;; Synopsis:
;; int DPMICreateAlias(
;; selector_t sel, ;; selector to create alias for
;; selector_t *alias); ;; receives selector of alias segment
;; Description:
;; This function creates a descriptor with the same base and limit
;; as the descriptor specified by the sel argument. It writes the
;; selector of the alias descriptor at the address pointed to by
;; the alias argument. The descriptor that this function creates is
;; of type data. The DPMI host does not maintain an association
;; between the aliased descriptors.
;; DPMI reference: INT 31h AX=000Ah
;; Version 1.0 Error returns:
;; 8011h descriptor unavailable
;; 8022h invalid selector
DPMICreateAlias PROC C \
sel:selector_t, \
mov ax, 000Ah
mov bx, sel
int 31h
jc @@exit
ldptr bx, aliasSel
mov [bx], ax
xor ax, ax
DPMICreateAlias ENDP
;; Function: Get Raw LDT Descriptor
;; Synopsis:
;; int DPMIGetDescriptor(
;; selector_t sel, ;; descriptor to get
;; struct descriptor_t *descriptor); ;; struct to receive
;; Description:
;; This function copies the contents of the LDT descriptor specified
;; by the sel argument to the structure pointed to by the descriptor
;; argument.
;; DPMI reference: INT 31h AX=000Bh
;; Version 1.0 Error returns:
;; 8022h invalid selector
DPMIGetDescriptor PROC C USES DI, \
sel:selector_t, \
mov ax, 000Bh
mov bx, sel
ldptr di, descriptor, es
int 31h
jc @@exit
xor ax, ax
DPMIGetDescriptor ENDP
;; Function: Set Raw LDT Descriptor
;; Synopsis:
;; int DPMISetDescriptor(
;; selector_t sel, ;; descriptor to set
;; struct descriptor_t *descriptor); ;; descriptor contents
;; Description:
;; This function copies the contents of the structure pointed to
;; by the descriptor argument to the LDT entry specified by the
;; sel argument. If the present bit is set, the
;; DPMI reference: INT 31h AX=000Ch
;; Version 1.0 Error returns:
;; 8021h invalid value
;; 8022h invalid selector
;; 8025h invalid linear address
DPMISetDescriptor PROC C USES DI, \
sel:selector_t, \
mov ax, 000Ch
mov bx, sel
ldptr di, descriptor, es
int 31h
jc @@exit
xor ax, ax
DPMISetDescriptor ENDP
;; Function: Allocate Specific LDT Descriptor
;; Synopsis:
;; int DPMIAllocateSpecificDescriptor(
;; selector_t sel); ;; selector of descriptor to allocate
;; Description:
;; This function allocates a specific LDT descriptor in the range
;; 04h to 7Ch. It is intended for use only with DOS extended applications
;; that require compatibility with pre-DPMI environments.
;; DPMI reference: INT 31h AX=000Dh
;; Version 1.0 Error returns:
;; 8011h descriptor unavailable
;; 8022h invalid selector
DPMIAllocateSpecificDescriptor PROC C \
mov ax, 000Dh
mov bx, sel
int 31h
jc @@exit
xor ax, ax
DPMIAllocateSpecificDescriptor ENDP
;; Function: Allocate DOS Memory Block
;; Synopsis:
;; int DPMIAllocateDOSMemory(
;; uShort nParas, ;; number of paragraphs to allocate
;; uShort *para, ;; receives para of alloc'ed block
;; selector_t *sel, ;; receives selector of alloc'ed block
;; uShort *maxParas); ;; receives max avail in fail case
;; Description:
;; This function allocates a block of memory from DOS. The block so
;; allocated is guaranteed to reside below 1 MB, and thus be addressable
;; by real mode code. The desired size of the block is specified by
;; the nParas argument, which should be set to the number of paragraphs
;; (16 bytes each) for the block. The DPMI host provides both a
;; paragraph address (which is written at the address pointed to by the
;; para argument),and a selector (which is written at the address
;; pointed to by the sel argument.
;; If the requested size of the block is greater than 64 KB (4096 paras),
;; the DPMI host creates a set of descriptors sufficient to span the
;; allocated region, with consecutive selectors and bases that differ
;; by 64 KB.
;; In the case where there is insufficient memory to satisfy the request,
;; the DPMI host writes the maximum number of paragraphs available to
;; the address pointed to by the maxParas argument.
;; DPMI reference: INT 31h AX=0100h
;; Error returns (valid for version 0.9)
;; 0007h memory control blocks damaged
;; 0008h insufficient memory
DPMIAllocateDOSMemory PROC C \
nParas:uShort, \
para:PTR, \
sel:PTR, \
mov ax, 0100h
mov bx, nParas
int 31h
jc @@fail
ldptr bx, para
mov [bx], ax
ldptr bx, sel
mov [bx], dx
xor ax,ax
jmp short @@exit
mov cx, bx
ldptr bx, maxParas
mov [bx], cx
DPMIAllocateDOSMemory ENDP
;; Function: Free DOS Memory Block
;; Synopsis:
;; int DPMIFreeDOSMemory(
;; selector_t sel); ;; selector of block to free
;; Description:
;; This function frees a DOS memory block allocated by the function
;; DPMIAllocateDOSMemory. The argument is the selector of the
;; block to be freed. If the DOS block is larger than 64 KB, all of
;; the descriptors that were allocated for the block are freed.d
;; DPMI reference: INT 31h AX=0101h
;; Error returns (valid for version 0.9):
;; 0007h memory control blocks damaged
;; 0009h incorrect memory segment specified
mov ax, 0101h
mov dx, sel
int 31h
jc @@exit
xor ax, ax
;; Function: Resize DOS Memory Block
;; Synopsis:
;; int DPMIResizeDOSMemory(
;; selector_t sel, ;; selector of block to resize
;; uShort nParas, ;; desired size of block in paras
;; uShort *maxParas); ;; receives max paras available
;; Description:
;; This function changes the size of a block that was allocated with
;; the function DPMIAllocateDOSMemory. The nParas argument specifies
;; the desired new size of the block, in paragraphs. The sel argument
;; is the selector of the block to be resized.
;; In the case where there is insufficient memory to satisfy the request,
;; the DPMI host writes the maximum number of paragraphs available to
;; the address pointed to by the maxParas argument.
;; DPMI reference: INT 31h AX=102h
;; Error returns (valid for version 0.9):
;; 0007h memory control blocks damaged
;; 0008h insufficient memory
;; 0009h incorrect memory segment
DPMIResizeDOSMemory PROC C \
sel:selector_t, \
nParas:uShort, \
mov ax, 0102h
mov bx, nParas
mov dx, sel
int 31h
jc @@fail
xor ax, ax
jmp short @@exit
mov cx, bx
ldptr bx, maxParas
mov [bx], cx
;; Function: Get Real Mode Interrupt Vector
;; Synopsis:
;; void DPMIGetRealInterruptVector(
;; uChar vector, ;; vector number to get
;; void (far* *realIsr)()); ;; receives real vector
;; Description:
;; This function retrieves the real mode paragraph:offset address of
;; the real mode interrupt handler specified by the vector argument.
;; The handler address is written to the address pointed to by the
;; realIsr argument.
;; DPMI reference: INT 31h AX=0200h
DPMIGetRealInterruptVector PROC C \
vector:uChar, \
mov ax, 0200h
mov bl, vector
int 31h
ldptr bx, realIsr
stlong [bx], cx, dx
DPMIGetRealInterruptVector ENDP
;; Function: Set Real Mode Interrupt Vector
;; Synopsis:
;; void DPMISetRealInterruptVector(
;; uChar vector, ;; vector number to set
;; void (far *realIsr)()); ;; new real vector
;; Description:
;; This function sets the real mode interrupt vector specified by the
;; vector argument to the value in the realIsr argument. The handler
;; address in realIsr must be a real mode paragraph:offset address.
;; DPMI reference: INT 31h AX=0201h
DPMISetRealInterruptVector PROC C \
vector:uChar, \
realIsr:FAR PTR
mov ax, 0201h
mov bl, vector
ldlong cx, dx, realIsr
int 31h
DPMISetRealInterruptVector ENDP
;; Function: Get Processor Exception Vector
;; Synopsis:
;; int DPMIGetExceptionVector(
;; uChar exception, ;; exception number to get
;; void (far* *excHandler)()); ;; receives handler address
;; Description:
;; This function retrieves the address of the exception handler
;; specified by the exception argument (range 0-1Fh). The handler
;; address is written to the address pointed to by the
;; excHandler argument.
;; DPMI reference: INT 31h AX=0202h
;; Version 1.0 Error returns:
;; 8021h invalid value
DPMIGetExceptionVector PROC C \
exception:uChar, \
mov ax, 0202h
mov bl, exception
int 31h
jc @@exit
ldptr bx, excHandler
stlong [bx], cx, dx
xor ax, ax
DPMIGetExceptionVector ENDP
;; Function: Set Processor Exception Vector
;; Synopsis:
;; int DPMISetExceptionVector(
;; uChar exception, ;; exception number to set
;; void (far *excHandler)()); ;; new handler address
;; Description:
;; This function sets the exception vector specified by the
;; exception argument to the value in the excHandler argument.
;; The exception handler is defined as follows:
;; void _saveregs _far excHandler(struct excFrame);
;; The exception handler may modify the fields of the excFrame structure.
;; When the handler returns, the DPMI host uses the new values from
;; the structure to restart the faulting client.
;; DPMI reference: INT 31h AX=0203h
;; Version 1.0 Error returns:
;; 8021h invalid value
;; 8022h invalid selector
DPMISetExceptionVector PROC C \
exception:uChar, \
excHandler:FAR PTR
mov ax, 0203h
mov bl, exception
ldlong cx, dx, excHandler
int 31h
jc @@exit
xor ax, ax
DPMISetExceptionVector ENDP
;; Function: Get Protected Mode Interrupt Vector
;; Synopsis:
;; void DPMIGetProtInterruptVector(
;; uChar vector, ;; interrupt vector to get
;; void (far* *protIsr)()); ;; receives interrupt vector
;; Description:
;; This function retrieves the protected mode interrupt vector
;; specified by the vector argument. The selector:offset address of
;; the current interrupt handler is written to the address pointed to
;; by the protIsr argument.
;; DPMI reference: INT 31h AX=0204h
DPMIGetProtInterruptVector PROC C \
vector:uChar, \
mov ax, 0204h
mov bl, vector
int 31h
ldptr bx, protIsr
stlong [bx], cx, dx
DPMIGetProtInterruptVector ENDP
;; Function: Set Protected Mode Interrupt Vector
;; Synopsis:
;; int DPMISetProtInterruptVector(
;; uChar vector, ;; interrupt vector to set
;; void (far *protIsr)()); ;; new handler address
;; Description:
;; This function sets the address of the protected mode interrupt
;; handler for the vector specified by the vector arugment. The
;; protIsr argument is the selector:offset of the desired new
;; handler.
;; DPMI reference: INT 31h AX=0205h
;; Version 1.0 Error returns:
;; 8022h invalid selector
DPMISetProtInterruptVector PROC C \
vector:uChar, \
protIsr:FAR PTR
mov ax, 0205h
mov bl, vector
ldlong cx, dx, protIsr
int 31h
jc @@exit
xor ax, ax
DPMISetProtInterruptVector ENDP
;; Function: Issue Real Mode Interrupt
;; Synopsis:
;; int DPMIIssueRealInterrupt(
;; uChar vector, ;; interrupt to issue
;; uShort nArgBytes, ;; number of bytes of args
;; struct dpmiRegs_t *regs, ;; real mode register state
;; ...);
;; Description:
;; This function switches to real mode and issues the interrupt
;; specified by the vector argument. Prior to issuing the interrupt,
;; the DPMI host loads the processor registers with the contents of
;; the structure pointed to by the regs argument. When the interrupt
;; handler returns, the DPMI host updates the register structure to
;; reflect changes caused by the interrupt handler.
;; The CS:IP field of the real call structure is ignored, because the
;; execution address is determined by the real mode interrupt vector.
;; DPMI reference: INT 31h AX=0300h
;; Version 1.0 Error returns:
;; 8012h linear memory unavailable
;; 8013h physical memory unavailable
;; 8014h backing store unavailable
;; 8021h invalid value
DPMIIssueRealInterrupt PROC C USES DS SI DI, \
vector:BYTE, \
nArgBytes:uShort, \
regs:PTR, \
mov cx, nArgBytes ;; copy stack arguments
jcxz @@doCall
sub sp, cx
mov di, sp
lea si, arguments
mov ax, ss
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
rep movsb
mov ax, 0300h
xor bh, bh
mov bl, vector
mov cx, nArgBytes
ldptr di, regs, es
int 31h
jc @@exit
xor ax, ax
add sp, nArgBytes
DPMIIssueRealInterrupt ENDP
;; Function: Call Real Mode Procedure with Far Return
;; Synopsis:
;; int DPMICallRealProcedure(
;; uShort nArgBytes, ;; number of bytes of args
;; struct dpmiRegs_t *regs, ;; real mode register state
;; ...); ;; function arguments
;; Description:
;; This function causes the DPMI host to switch to real mode, push
;; zero or more argument bytes on the stack, and call the far function
;; indicated by the CS:IP fields of the real call structure pointed
;; to by the regs argument. The number of argument bytes to push is
;; given by the nArgBytes argument, and the function arguments should
;; follow the pointer to the real call structure in the arugment list.
;; The real function must return on the same stack on which it was
;; called.
;; The DPMI host reloads the register structure with the register
;; current register state when the far function returns.
;; DPMI reference: INT 31h AX=0301h
;; Version 1.0 Error returns:
;; 8012h linear memory unavailable
;; 8013h physical memory unavailable
;; 8014h backing store unavailable
;; 8021h invalid value
DPMICallRealProcedure PROC C USES DS SI DI, \
nArgBytes:uShort, \
regs:PTR, \
mov cx, nArgBytes ;; copy stack arguments
jcxz @@doCall
sub sp, cx
mov di, sp
lea si, arguments
mov ax, ss
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
rep movsb
mov ax, 0301h
xor bh, bh
mov cx, nArgBytes
ldptr di, regs, es
int 31h
jc @@exit
xor ax, ax
add sp, nArgBytes
DPMICallRealProcedure ENDP
;; Function: Call Real Mode Procedure with IRET
;; Synopsis:
;; int DPMICallRealInterruptProcedure(
;; uShort nArgBytes, ;; number of bytes of args
;; struct dpmiRegs_t *regs, ;; real mode register state
;; ...); ;; function arguments.
;; Description:
;; This function is identical to DPMICallRealProcedure, except that
;; it is used to call a real function that returns with an IRET
;; instead of a RETF.
;; DPMI reference: INT 31h AX=0302h
;; Version 1.0 Error returns:
;; 8012h linear memory unavailable
;; 8013h physical memory unavailable
;; 8014h backing store unavailable
;; 8021h invalid value
DPMICallRealInterruptProcedure PROC C USES DS SI DI, \
nArgBytes:uShort, \
regs:PTR, \
mov cx, nArgBytes ;; copy stack arguments
jcxz @@doCall
sub sp, cx
mov di, sp
lea si, arguments
mov ax, ss
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
rep movsb
mov ax, 0302h
xor bh, bh
mov cx, nArgBytes
ldptr di, regs, es
int 31h
jc @@exit
xor ax, ax
add sp, nArgBytes
DPMICallRealInterruptProcedure ENDP
;; Function: Allocate Real Mode Callback
;; Synopsis:
;; int DPMIAllocateRealCallBack(
;; struct dpmiRegs_t *regs, ;; address of static reg state
;; void (far *handler)(), ;; prot mode callback handler
;; void (far* *cbAddr)()); ;; receives real callback addr
;; Description:
;; This function allocates a real mode callback from the DPMI host.
;; A real mode callback is a real mode address (paragraph:offset) that
;; a real mode caller uses to invoke a protected mode callback
;; handler. This provides a mechanism for calling protected mode
;; from real mode.
;; The cbAddr argument points to the location to receive the real mode
;; callback address. When called, the DPMI host passes control to
;; the protected mode address specified by the handler argument.
;; The protected mode handler is passed (in ES:DI) a pointer to the
;; real mode call structure whose address is passed to this function
;; in the regs argument. Therefore, this structure should be statically
;; allocated. The DPMI host is responsible for loading the structure
;; with the register state at the time of the callback prior to passing
;; it to the protected mode callback handler. The handler is also
;; passed (in DS:SI) the address of the real mode stack.
;; The DPMI host uses the register state in the call structure
;; to restart the real mode caller. It is the responsibility of the
;; protected mode handler to locate the real mode return address on
;; the real mode stack, and store it in the CS:IP fields of the call
;; structure in order to effect a return from the callback.
;; DPMI reference: INT 31h AX=0303h
;; Version 1.0 Error returns:
;; 8015h callback unavailable
DPMIAllocateRealCallBack PROC C USES DS SI DI, \
regs:PTR, \
handler:FAR PTR, \
push ds
mov ax, 0303h
ldptr di, regs, es
ldlong ds, si, handler
int 31h
jc @@fail
pop ds
ldptr bx, cbAddr
stlong [bx], cx, dx
xor ax, ax
jmp short @@exit
pop ds
DPMIAllocateRealCallBack ENDP
;; Function: Free Real Mode Callback
;; Synopsis:
;; int DPMIFreeRealCallBack(
;; void (far *cbAddr)()); ;; callback to free
;; Description:
;; This function frees a real mode callback allocated by
;; DPMIAllocateRealCallBack. The cbAddr is the callback
;; address to be freed.
;; DPMI reference: INT 31h AX=0303h
;; Version 1.0 Error returns:
;; 8024h invalid callback address
DPMIFreeRealCallBack PROC C \
cbAddr:FAR PTR
mov ax, 0304h
ldlong cx, dx, cbAddr
int 31h
jc @@exit
xor ax, ax
DPMIFreeRealCallBack ENDP
;; Function: Get State Save/Restore Procedure Addresses
;; Synopsis:
;; void DPMIGetStateSaveRestoreProcs(
;; uShort *stateSize, ;; size of state info
;; void (far* *realProc)(), ;; receives real save/rst proc
;; void (far* *protProc)()); ;; receives prot save/rst proc
;; Description:
;; This function retrieves information from the DPMI host that
;; is required for saving and restoring the client state when
;; using the raw mode switch function.
;; The DPMI specification requires that clients save their state
;; prior to making a raw mode switch, and subsequently restore it.
;; This function provides the size of the state information, and
;; the both the protected mode and real mode addresses of functions
;; to call to save and restore the client state.
;; The size of the state information, in bytes, is stored at the
;; address pointed to by the stateSize argument. The address of the
;; far procedure to call from real mode to save or restore the client
;; state is stored at the address pointed to by the realProc argument.
;; The address of the far procedure to call from protected mode to
;; save and restore the client state is stored at the address pointed
;; to by the protProc argument.
;; The state save/restore procedures are called with AL=0 to save the
;; state, and AL=1 to restore the state. In both cases, ES:DI points
;; to the state information buffer.
;; DPMI reference: INT 31h AX=0305h
DPMIGetStateSaveRestoreProcs PROC C USES SI DI, \
stateSize:PTR, \
realProc:PTR, \
mov ax, 0305h
int 31h
mov dx, bx
ldptr bx, stateSize
mov [bx], ax
ldptr bx, realProc
stlong [bx], dx, cx
ldptr bx, protProc
stlong [bx], si, di
DPMIGetStateSaveRestoreProcs ENDP
;; Function: Save Or Restore Client State for Raw Switch
;; Synopsis:
;; void DPMISaveOrRestoreState(
;; int saveRestore, ;; 0=save 1=restore
;; uChar *stateBuffer, ;; pointer to state buffer
;; void (far *procAddr)()); ;; procedure to call
;; Description:
;; This function invokes the save/restore procedure whose address
;; is specified by the procAddr argument. The stateBuffer argument
;; points to the buffer to supply or receive the client state. Its
;; size is determined by calling DPMIGetStateSaveRestoreProcs. The
;; saveRestore argument is zero to perform state save, or one to
;; perform a state restore.
DPMISaveOrRestoreState PROC C USES DI, \
saveRestore:WORD, \
stateBuffer:PTR, \
procAddr:FAR PTR
mov ax, saveRestore
ldptr di, stateBuffer, es
call procAddr
DPMISaveOrRestoreState ENDP
;; Function: Get Raw Switch Procedure Addresses
;; Synopsis:
;; void DPMIGetRawSwitchProc(
;; void (far* *realToProt)(), ;; real to prot switch addr
;; void (far* *protToReal)()); ;; prot to real switch addr
;; Description:
;; This function retrieves information from the DPMI host that
;; is required for raw mode switching. The address (paragraph:offset)
;; of the real to protected mode service is stored at the address
;; pointed to by the realToProt argument. The address (selector:offset)
;; of the protected to real mode service is stored at the address
;; pointed to by the protToReal argument.
;; DPMI reference: INT 31h AX=0306h
realToProt:PTR, \
mov ax,0306h
int 31h
mov dx, bx
ldptr bx, realToProt
stlong [bx], dx, cx
ldptr bx, protToReal
stlong [bx], si, di
DPMIGetRawSwitchProc ENDP
;; Function: Do Raw Mode Switch
;; Synopsis:
;; void DPMIDoRawSwitch(
;; void (far *switchAddr)(), ;; switch service address
;; struct rawModeRegs_t *rawRegs); ;; new register values
;; Description:
;; This function invokes the raw switch service. The switchAddr
;; argument is obtained from DPMIGetRawSwitchProc, and specifies
;; the address of the switch service to invoke. When the function
;; returns, the processor will be in the alternate mode.
;; The rawRegs argument points to the structure containing the register
;; contents to be put in effect after the mode switch is effected.
;; The values in the structure MUST be aliases for the currently active
;; segment registers. In other words, when switching from protected
;; to real mode, each segment register value in the structure must
;; be the paragraph equivalent of the current protected mode descriptor
;; value. Likewise, when switching from real to protected mode, each
;; segment register value in the structure must be the selector that
;; maps the current paragraph in each segment register. These
;; requirements imply that this routine must execute only in the low
;; 1 MB of the address space, and that the stack must also be in the
;; low 1 MB.
;; DPMI reference: invoking the raw mode switch services
switchAddr:FAR PTR, \
ldptr di, rawRegs
mov ax, [di].rawDS
mov cx, [di].rawES
mov dx, [di].rawSS
mov bx, sp
mov si, [di].rawCS
mov di, offset @@cont
push word ptr switchAddr+2 ;; push switch address and retf to it
push word ptr switchAddr
;; Function: Get DPMI Host Version Information
;; Synopsis:
;; void DPMIGetVersion(
;; uChar *major, ;; receives major version number
;; uChar *minor, ;; receives minor version number
;; uChar *processor, ;; receives processor code
;; uShort *flags, ;; receives flags
;; uChar *masterPIC, ;; receives virtual master PIC base
;; uChar *slavePIC); ;; receives virtual slave PIC base
;; Description:
;; This function retrieves version information from the DPMI host.
;; For version 0.9, the major version is zero and the minor version
;; is 90 (5Ah). The processor codes are as follows:
;; 2 => 80286, 3 => 80386, 4 => 80486 5-FFh => future
;; The bits of the flags word have the following meanings:
;; Bit Meaning
;; 0 0 = 16-bit host,
;; 1 = 32-bit host
;; 1 0 = DOS runs in virtual 86 mode,
;; 1 = DOS runs in real
;; 2 0 = no virtual memory support
;; 1 = virtual memory supported
;; DPMI reference: INT 31h AX=0400h
major:PTR, \
minor:PTR, \
processor:PTR, \
flags:PTR, \
masterPIC:PTR, \
mov ax, 0400h
int 31h
ldptr si, major
mov [si], ah
ldptr si, minor
mov [si], al
ldptr si, flags
mov [si], bx
ldptr si, processor
mov [si], cl
ldptr si, masterPIC
mov [si], dh
ldptr si, slavePIC
mov [si], dl
;; Function: Get Free Memory Information
;; Synopsis:
;; void DPMIGetFreeMemory(
;; struct freeMem_t *freeMem); ;; receives free mem info
;; Description:
;; This function retrieves free memory information from the DPMI
;; host. The freeMem argument is a pointer to the structure to
;; receive the free memory information. Only the first field
;; (largestFree) of the free memory structure is guaranteed to be
;; supported. The other values are set to 0xffffffff if the
;; item is unavailable.
;; DPMI reference: INT 31h AX=0500h
mov ax, 0500h
ldptr di, freeMem, es
int 31h
DPMIGetFreeMemory ENDP
;; Function: Allocate Memory Block
;; Synopsis:
;; int DPMIAllocateMemory(
;; uLong nBytes, ;; size of block to allocate
;; uLong *base, ;; receives linear base of block
;; uLong *handle); ;; receives block handle
;; Description:
;; This function allocates a memory block. The nBytes argument
;; specifies the desired size of the block to allocate, in bytes.
;; The linear base address of the block that is allocated is
;; written to the address pointed to by the base argument. The
;; block handle is written to the address pointed to by the handle
;; argument. The handle is used to free or resize the block.
;; DPMI reference: INT 31h AX=0501h
;; Version 1.0 Error returns:
;; 8012h linear memory unavailable
;; 8013h physicl memory unavailable
;; 8014h backing store unavailable
;; 8016h handle unavailable
;; 8021h invalid value
DPMIAllocateMemory PROC C USES SI DI, \
nBytes:uLong, \
base:PTR, \
mov ax, 0501h
ldlong bx, cx, nBytes
int 31h
jc @@exit
mov ax, bx
ldptr bx, base
stlong [bx], ax, cx
ldptr bx, handle
stlong [bx], si, di
xor ax, ax
DPMIAllocateMemory ENDP
;; Function: Free Memory Block
;; Synopsis:
;; int DPMIFreeMemory(
;; uLong handle); ;; handle of block to free
;; Description:
;; This function frees a memory block allocated by DPMIAllocateMemory.
;; DPMI reference: INT 31h AX=0502h
;; Version 1.0 Error returns:
;; 8023h invalid handle
mov ax, 0502h
ldlong si, di, handle
int 31h
jc @@exit
xor ax, ax
;; Function: Resize Memory Block
;; Synopsis:
;; int DPMIResizeMemory(
;; uLong *handle, ;;address of handle of block to resize
;; uLong nBytes, ;; new desired size in bytes
;; uLong *base); ;; receives new linear base of block
;; Description:
;; This function resizes a memory block allocated by DPMIAllocateMemory.
;; The handle argument points to the handle of the block to resize.
;; The nBytes argument is the desired new size of the block, in bytes.
;; The base argument points to the address to receive the new address
;; of the block. Note that both the block handle and the linear base
;; of the block may be changed by this call.
;; DPMI reference: INT 31h AX=0503h
;; Version 1.0 Error returns:
;; 8012h linear memory unavailable
;; 8013h physical memory unavailable
;; 8014h backing store unavailable
;; 8016h handle unavailable
;; 8021h invalid value
handle:PTR, \
nBytes:uLong, \
mov ax, 0503h
ldptr bx, handle
ldlong si, di, [bx]
ldlong bx, cx, nBytes
int 31h
jc @@exit
mov ax, bx
ldptr bx, base
stlong [bx], ax, cx
ldptr bx, handle
stlong [bx], si, di
xor ax, ax
DPMIResizeMemory ENDP
;; Function: Lock Linear Region of Memory
;; Synopsis:
;; int DPMILockRegion(
;; uLong base, ;; linear address of region to lock
;; uLong nBytes); ;; size of region to lock
;; Description:
;; This function is used to prevent pages from being swapped to disk
;; by a DPMI host that supports virtual memory. The base argument is
;; the linear address of the start of the region to be locked, and the
;; nBytes argument is the size of the region to lock. The host maintains
;; a lock count for each page. If the DPMI host does not support
;; virtual memory, the function has no effect.
;; DPMI reference: INT 31h AX=0600h
;; Version 1.0 Error returns:
;; 8013h physical memory unavailable
;; 8017h lock count exceeded
;; 8025h invalid linear address
base:uLong, \
mov ax, 0600h
ldlong bx, cx, base
ldlong si, di, nBytes
int 31h
jc @@exit
xor ax, ax
;; Function: Unlock Linear Region of Memory
;; Synopsis:
;; int DPMIUnlockRegion(
;; uLong base, ;; linear address of region to unlock
;; uLong nBytes); ;; size of region to unlock
;; Description:
;; This function decrements the lock count for pages in the specified
;; region. The base argument is the linear address of the start of the
;; region, and the nBytes argument is the size of the region in bytes.
;; Pages are not unlocked until the lock count is zero.
;; DPMI reference: INT 31h AX=0601h
;; Version 1.0 Error returns:
;; 8002h invalid state
;; 8025h invalid linear address
base:uLong, \
mov ax, 0601h
ldlong bx, cx, base
ldlong si, di, nBytes
int 31h
jc @@exit
xor ax, ax
DPMIUnlockRegion ENDP
;; Function: Mark Real Mode Region as Pageable
;; Synopsis:
;; int DPMIMarkRealRegionPageable(
;; uLong base, ;; linear address of region to mark
;; uLong nBytes); ;; size in bytes of region to mark
;; Description:
;; This function allows memory in the low megabyte of the linear
;; address space to be swapped to disk by a DPMI host that supports
;; virtual memory. The base argument is the linear address of the
;; start of the region to be made pageable, and the nBytes argument
;; is the size of the region in bytes.
;; DPMI reference: INT 31h AX=0602h
;; Version 1.0 Error returns:
;; 8002h invalid state
;; 8025h invalid linear address
DPMIMarkRealRegionPageable PROC C USES SI DI, \
base:uLong, \
mov ax, 0602h
ldlong bx, cx, base
ldlong si, di, nBytes
int 31h
jc @@exit
xor ax, ax
DPMIMarkRealRegionPageable ENDP
;; Function: Relock Real Mode Region
;; Synopsis:
;; int DPMIRelockRealRegion(
;; uLong base, ;; linear address of region to relock
;; uLong nBytes); ;; size in bytes of region to relock
;; Description:
;; This function relocks a memory region in the low 1 MB that was marked
;; as pageable by DPMIMarkRealRegionPageable. The base argument is the
;; linear address of the start of the region to be relocked, and the
;; nBytes argument is the size of the region in bytes.
;; DPMI reference: INT 31h AX=0603h
;; Version 1.0 Error returns:
;; 8002h invalid state
;; 8013h physical meomory unavailable
;; 8025h invalid linear address
DPMIRelockRealRegion PROC C USES SI DI, \
base:uLong, \
mov ax, 0603h
ldlong bx, cx, base
ldlong si, di, nBytes
int 31h
jc @@exit
xor ax, ax
DPMIRelockRealRegion ENDP
;; Function: Get Size of Processor Page
;; Synopsis:
;; int DPMIGetPageSize(
;; uLong *pageSize);
;; Description:
;; This function is used to determine the processor's page size.
;; The pageSize argument points to the location to receive the
;; page size, in bytes. 16-bit hosts will fail this call.
;; DPMI reference: INT 31h AX=0604h
;; Version 1.0 Error returns:
;; 8001h unsupported function
DPMIGetPageSize PROC C \
mov ax, 0604h
int 31h
jc @@exit
mov ax, bx
ldptr bx, pageSize
stlong [bx], ax, cx
xor ax, ax
;; Function: Nominate Pages as Demand Paging Candidates
;; Synopsis:
;; int DPMINominatePages(
;; uLong base, ;; base of region to nominate
;; uLong nBytes); ;; size in bytes of region
;; Description:
;; This function is used to indicate to the DPMI host that a range
;; of memory should be the most likely to be swapped to disk. The
;; base argument is the linear address of the start of the region
;; to be nominated, and the nBytes argument is the size of the region,
;; in bytes. The call is advisory only.
;; DPMI reference: INT 31h AX=0702h
;; Version 1.0 Error returns:
;; 8025h invalid linear address range
DPMINominatePages PROC C USES SI DI, \
base:uLong, \
mov ax, 0702h
ldlong bx, cx, base
ldlong si, di, nBytes
int 31h
jc @@exit
xor ax, ax
DPMINominatePages ENDP
;; Function: Discard Contents of Pages
;; Synopsis:
;; int DPMIDiscardPageContents(
;; uLong base, ;; base of region to discard
;; uLong nBytes); ;; size of region in bytes
;; Description:
;; This function advises the DPMI host to discard the contents of
;; the specified region to avoid unnecessarily saving them on disk. The
;; base argument is the linear address of the start of the region
;; to be discarded, and the nBytes argument is the size of the region,
;; in bytes. The call is advisory only.
;; DPMI reference: INT 31h AX=0703h
;; Version 1.0 Error returns:
;; 8025h invalid linear address
DPMIDiscardPageContents PROC C USES SI DI, \
base:uLong, \
mov ax, 0703h
ldlong bx, cx, base
ldlong si, di, nBytes
int 31h
jc @@exit
xor ax, ax
DPMIDiscardPageContents ENDP
;; Function: Get Linear Address for Physical Region
;; Synopsis:
;; int DPMIMapPhysicalRegion(
;; uLong physAddr, ;; physical address to map
;; uLong nBytes, ;; size of region to map
;; uLong *linear); ;; receives linear address of region
;; Description:
;; This function allows a DPMI client to obtain a linear address that
;; maps to any physical address above 1 MB. The physAddr argument
;; specifies the physical address of the region to map. The nBytes
;; argument is the size of the region to map, in bytes. The linear
;; argument points to the address to receive the linear address that
;; the DPMI sets up to map the physical region.
;; DPMI reference: INT 31h AX=0800h
;; Version 1.0 Error returns:
;; 8003h system integrity
;; 8021h invalid value
DPMIMapPhysicalRegion PROC C USES SI DI,\
physAddr:uLong, \
nBytes:uLong, \
mov ax, 0800h
ldlong bx, cx, physAddr
ldlong si, di, nBytes
int 31h
jc @@exit
ldptr si, linear
stlong [si], bx, cx
xor ax, ax
DPMIMapPhysicalRegion ENDP
;; Function: Test Virtual Interrupt State and Disable
;; Synopsis:
;; int DPMITestDisableInts(void);
;; Description:
;; This function returns the current virtual interrupt enable state,
;; and disables virtual interrupts. The return value is zero if
;; interrupts were previously disabled, and one if they were enabled.
;; DPMI reference: INT 31h AX=0900h
DPMITestDisableInts PROC C
mov ax, 0900h
int 31h
xor ah, ah
DPMITestDisableInts ENDP
;; Function: Test Virtual Interrupt State and Enable
;; Synopsis:
;; int DPMITestEnableInts(void);
;; Description:
;; This function returns the current virtual interrupt enable state,
;; and enables virtual interrupts. The return value is zero if
;; interrupts were previously disabled, and one if they were enabled.
;; DPMI reference: INT 31h AX=0901h
DPMITestEnableInts PROC C
mov ax, 0901h
int 31h
xor ah, ah
DPMITestEnableInts ENDP
;; Function: Test Virtual Interrupt State
;; Synopsis:
;; int DPMITestInts(void);
;; Description:
;; This function returns the current virtual interrupt enable state.
;; The return value is zero if interrupts are disabled, and one if
;; they are enabled.
;; DPMI reference: INT 31h AX=0902h
mov ax, 0902h
int 31h
xor ah, ah
;; Function: Get Vendor Extensions Entry Point
;; Synopsis:
;; int DPMIGetVendorEntryPoint(
;; char *extensionID,
;; void (far* *extAPIEntry)());
;; Description:
;; This function retrieves an address that can be used to access
;; vendor specific DPMI extensions. The extensionID argument points
;; to a null terminated string that identifies the desired set of
;; extensions. The extAPIEntry argument points to the address where
;; a far pointer to the vendor entry point is to be stored. The function
;; returns non-zero if the requested vendor extensions are not found.
;; DPMI reference: INT 31h AX=0A00h and INT 2Fh AX=168Ah
;; Version 1.0 Error returns:
;; 8001h unsupported function
DPMIGetVendorEntryPoint PROC C USES SI DI, \
extensionID:PTR, \
mov ax, 0A00h
ldptr si, extensionID
int 31h
jc @@exit
ldptr bx, extAPIEntry
stlong [bx], es, di
xor ax, ax
DPMIGetVendorEntryPoint ENDP
;; Function: Set Debug Watchpoint
;; Synopsis:
;; int DPMISetWatchpoint(
;; uLong linear, ;; linear address of watchpoint
;; enum watchSize size, ;; watchpoint size
;; enum watchType type, ;; watchpoint type
;; uShort *watchHandle); ;; receives watchpoint handle
;; Description:
;; This function sets a debug watchpoint using the processor's debug
;; registers. The linear argument specifies the linear address of the
;; watchpoint. Arguments watchSize and watchType specify the size
;; and type of the watchpoint. The watchHandle argument points to the
;; location to receive the watchpoint handle allocated by the DPMI
;; host. Tripping a watchpoint invokes the exception 1 handler.
;; DPMI reference: INT 31h AX=0B00h
;; Version 1.0 Error returns:
;; 8016h too many breakpoints
;; 8021h invalid value
;; 8025h invalid linear address
DPMISetWatchpoint PROC C \
linear:uLong, \
wSize:BYTE, \
wType:BYTE, \
mov ax, 0B00h
ldlong bx, cx, linear
mov dl, wSize
mov dh, wType
int 31h
jc @@exit
mov ax, bx
ldptr bx, watchHandle
mov [bx], ax
xor ax, ax
DPMISetWatchpoint ENDP
;; Function: Clear Debug Watchpoint
;; Synopsis:
;; int DPMIClearWatchpoint(
;; uShort watchHandle); ;; handle of watchpoint to free
;; Description:
;; This function releases the watchpoint handle allocated by
;; DPMISetWatchpoint, and clears the associated debug register.
;; The watchHandle argument is the handle of the watchpoint to free.
;; DPMI reference: INT 31h AX=0B01h
;; Version 1.0 Error returns:
;; 8023h invalid handle
DPMIClearWatchpoint PROC C \
mov ax, 0B01h
mov bx, watchHandle
int 31h
jc @@exit
xor ax, ax
DPMIClearWatchpoint ENDP
;; Function: Get Debug Watchpoint State
;; Synopsis:
;; int DPMIGetWatchpointState(
;; uShort watchHandle, ;;handle of watchpoint to get state of
;; uChar *tripped); ;; receives state
;; Description:
;; This function retrieves the state of a watchpoint set by
;; DPMISetWatchpoint. The watchHandle argument is the handle of
;; watchpoint whose state is to be retrieved. The tripped argument
;; receives a zero if the watchpoint has not been encountered,
;; and receives a one if the watchpoint has been encountered.
;; DPMI reference: INT 31h AX=0B02h
;; Version 1.0 Error returns:
;; 8023h invalid handle
DPMIGetWatchpointState PROC C \
watchHandle:uShort, \
mov ax, 0B02h
mov bx, watchHandle
int 31h
jc @@exit
ldptr bx, tripped
mov [bx], al
xor ax, ax
DPMIGetWatchpointState ENDP
;; Function: Reset Debug Watchpoint
;; Synopsis:
;; int DPMIResetWatchpoint(
;; uShort watchHandle); ;; handle of watchpoint to reset
;; Description:
;; This function resets the state of a watchpoint allocated by
;; DPMISetWatchpoint. This sets the watchpoint state to
;; "not encountered". The watchHandle argument specifies the watchpoint
;; in question.
;; DPMI reference: INT 31h AX=0B03h
;; Version 1.0 Error returns:
;; 8023h invalid handle
DPMIResetWatchpoint PROC C \
mov ax, 0B03h
mov bx, watchHandle
int 31h
jc @@exit
xor ax, ax
DPMIResetWatchpoint ENDP
;; Function: Get Current Code Segment
mov ax, cs
;; Function: Get Current Data Segment
mov ax, ds
;; The remainder of the source module is comprised of routines that
;; re-fix-up the EXE after entering protected mode
relocCountOffset equ 6
relocTableStart equ 18h
;; Read a word from a file
;; bx is the handle
;; ax is the offset
;; Return word in ax
mov dx, ax
mov ax, 4200h
xor cx, cx
int 21h ;; seek to offset
push ax
mov dx, sp
push ss
pop ds
mov cx, 2
mov ah, 3fh
int 21h ;; read to word buf on stack
pop ax ;; pop word for return
getWord ENDP
;;Read in the fixup table
readFixupTable PROC
mov ah, 62h ;; get psp
int 21h
mov es, bx
mov es, es:[2ch] ;; get environment
xor bx, bx
cmp word ptr es:[bx], 0
je foundEnvEnd
inc bx
jmp chkForEnd
add bx, 4
push ds
push es
pop ds
mov dx, bx
mov ax, 3d00h ;; open this exe file
int 21h
pop ds
jc rFTfail
mov bx, ax ;; handle to bx
mov ax, 0
call getWord
cmp ax, 'ZM' ;; quit if not exe signature
push ax
jne rFTclose
pop ax
mov ax, relocCountOffset
call getWord ;; get reloc count to cx
mov cx, ax
or cx, cx
jnz getTable
push cx
jmp rFTclose
mov ax, relocTableStart
call getWord ;; get start of reloc table
push cx ;; save count
xor cx, cx
mov dx, ax
mov ax, 4200h ;; seek to reloc table
int 21h
pop cx
jc rFTfail
shl cx, 2 ;; each entry four bytes
add cx, 0fh ;; round up to para
shr cx, 4 ;; cx = paras needed for table
push cx ;; save para count
push bx ;; save handle
mov bx, cx ;; get a buffer from DOS
mov ah, 48h
int 21h
pop bx
pop cx
jc rFTfail
push ds
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax ;; es is para of table
xor dx, dx
shl cx, 4 ;; para to byte
mov ah, 3fh
int 21h ;; read reloc table
pop ds
jc rFTfail
mov ax, relocCountOffset
call getWord
push ax
mov ah, 3eh
int 21h ;; close the file
pop ax ;; pop count of relocs
jmp short rFTexit
xor ax, ax
readFixupTable ENDP
;; Initialize the fixup data area
mov ax, 0000h ;; get a descriptor
int 31h
mov fixupSel, ax
mov dx, 0ffffh
mov cx, 0
mov bx, ax
mov ax, 0008h ;; set limit to 64 kb
int 31h
mov ax, 0006h ;; get segment base
mov bx, cs
int 31h
shr dx, 4 ;; convert linear base to para
shl cx, 12
or dx, cx
mov codePara, dx
mov ax, 0006h ;; get segment base
mov bx, ds
int 31h
shr dx, 4 ;; convert linear base to para
shl cx, 12
or dx, cx
mov dataPara, dx
setupFixup ENDP
;; Process a fixup
;; es:di points to fixup record
processFixup PROC USES CX ES
mov bx, es:[di] ;; pick up fixup rec in ax bx
mov dx, es:[di].2
add dx, codePara
mov ax, dx ;; compute linear address
shl ax, 4
shr dx, 12
add ax, bx
adc dx, 0 ;; linear addr of fixup in dx:ax
mov bx, fixupSel
mov cx, dx
mov dx, ax
mov ax, 7 ;; target descriptor to fixup
int 31h
mov es, bx
mov ax, es:[0] ;; get fixup target
cmp ax, codePara ;; is it a fixup to CS?
je fixCode
cmp ax, dataPara ;; a fixup to DS?
jb newCode
je fixData
jmp newData
mov es:[0], cs
jmp pFexit
mov es:[0], ds
jmp pFexit
mov bx, ax ;; para to selector
mov ax, 0002h
int 31h
mov bx, ax ;; create an alias
mov ax, 0ah
int 31h
mov bx, ax ;; set arb to code
lar cx, ax
shr cx, 8
or cx, 8
mov ax, 9
int 31h
mov es:[0], bx
jmp pFexit
mov bx, ax ;; para to selector
mov ax, 0002h
int 31h
mov es:[0], ax
jmp pFexit
processFixup ENDP
;; Main routine for fixup
call readFixupTable ;; rets count in ax, table in es
or ax, ax
jz fixupExit
call setupFixup
mov cx, ax
xor di, di
call processFixup
add di, 4
loop nextFU
mov ax, 1 ;; free descriptor
mov bx, fixupSel
int 31h
mov ah, 49h
int 21h
_fixup ENDP
;;; Exception handlers
;; Macro to output a string
puts MACRO str
local over, slbl
jmp short over
slbl db str, '$'
lea dx, slbl
mov ah, 9
int 21h
;; Macro to output a hex value
hexOut MACRO val
mov cx, val
call putHex
;; Macro to output a string followed by a hex value
putReg MACRO str, r
puts str
mov cx, r
call putHex
;; Hex output routine
hexdigs db "0123456789ABCDEF"
putHex PROC USES BX ;; output CX in hex
mov bx, cx ;; use bx as working reg
shr bx, 12 ;; top nibble to right
mov dl, hexdigs[bx] ;; look up character
mov ah, 2 ;; send to DOS
int 21h
mov bx, cx ;; original value to bx
shr bx, 8 ;; 2nd nibble to right
and bx, 0fh ;; mask off unwanted higher nibble
mov dl, hexdigs[bx] ;; look up character
mov ah, 2 ;; send to DOS
int 21h
mov bx, cx ;; etc.
shr bx, 4
and bx, 0fh
mov dl, hexdigs[bx]
mov ah, 2
int 21h
mov bx, cx
and bx, 0fh
mov dl, hexdigs[bx]
mov ah, 2
int 21h
putHex ENDP
;; Exception handler entry points
;; This macro generates the exception handlers, each of which pushes
;; its ordinal value and jumps to the generic handler
IRP n, <00,01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,0A,0B,0C,0D,0E,0F>
push &n&H
jmp near ptr exceptionEntry
;; Exception names - the generic handler uses this table to look up
;; the name of the exception that occurred
x00nm db "Divide by Zero$"
x01nm db "Trace$"
x02nm db "?$"
x03nm db "Breakpoint$"
x04nm db "Overflow$"
x05nm db "Bounds$"
x06nm db "Invalid Opcode$"
x07nm db "Coprocessor (7)$"
x08nm db "Double Fault$"
x09nm db "Coprocessor (9)$"
x0anm db "Invalid TSS$"
x0bnm db "Segment not present$"
x0cnm db "Stack$"
x0dnm db "General Protection$"
x0enm db "Page Fault$"
x0fnm db "?$"
x10nm db "Coprocessor (16)$"
IRP n, <00,01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,0A,0B,0C,0D,0E,0F>
dw offset x&n&nm
;; Exception entry point table - this table contains the offset of each
;; handler - used to hook the vectors.
IRP n, <00,01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,0A,0B,0C,0D,0E,0F>
dw offset _exc&n&Handler
;; Install the default exception handlers for fatal exceptions
_installHandlers PROC USES SI DI
lea si, xEntryTable
xor di, di
IRP n, <0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7> ;; don't handle these - DPMI is
cmp di, n ;; supposed to pass them through
je _iHnext ;; to real mode
mov ax, 203h ;; set exception handler service
mov bx, di
mov cx, cs
mov dx, cs:[si]
int 31h
add si, 2
inc di
cmp di, 10h
jne _iHhook
_installHandlers ENDP
;; This structure defines the register structure in effect while the
;; generic handler runs
eFrame STRUC
efDS dw ?
efES dw ?
efDI dw ?
efSI dw ?
efBP dw ?
efXX dw ?
efBX dw ?
efDX dw ?
efCX dw ?
efAX dw ?
efxNum dw ?
efhRIP dw ?
efhRCS dw ?
efError dw ?
efXIP dw ?
efXCS dw ?
efXFl dw ?
efXSP dw ?
efXSS dw ?
eFrame ENDS
;; The generic handler - dump registers and exit
exceptionEntry PROC
pusha ;; build frame
push es
push ds
mov bp, sp
push cs ;; ds <- cs
pop ds
mov bx, [bp].efxNum ;; get exception number
shl bx, 1 ;; make it word offset
add bx, offset xNameTable ;; look up name of exception
mov dx, [bx]
mov ah, 9 ;; output it to DOS
int 21h
putReg " Exception at ", [bp].efXCS ;; dump regs
putReg ":",efXIP
putReg " Error code=", [bp].efError
puts <10,13>
putReg "SS=", [bp].efXSS
putReg " SP=", [bp].efXSP
putReg " DS=", [bp].efDS
putReg " ES=", [bp].efES
putReg " Flags=", [bp].efXFl
puts <10,13>
putReg "AX=", [bp].efAX
putReg " BX=", [bp].efBX
putReg " CX=", [bp].efCX
putReg " DX=", [bp].efDX
putReg " SI=", [bp].efSI
putReg " DI=", [bp].efDI
putReg " BP=", [bp].efBP
puts <10,13>
mov [bp].efXCS, cs ;; set frame to exit
mov [bp].efXIP, offset bye
pop ds
pop es
add sp, 2
retf ;; get off host stack
mov ah, 4Ch ;; and terminate
int 21h
exceptionEntry ENDP