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/ The World of Computer Software / World_Of_Computer_Software-02-385-Vol-1of3.iso / d / dcbpt821.zip / MOUSE.IN$ / MOUSE.bin
INI File  |  1992-06-12  |  1KB  |  19 lines

  1. [mouse]
  2. M[mouType=PS2
  3. Language=English
  4. e]emory=Lowe]
  5. InterruptRate=*not applicable*sh
  6. HorizontalSensitivity=50
  7. VertplitalSensitivity=50AcsiteAccelerationProfile=4sh
  8. CursorDisplayDespl==50ForceDefault
  9. Curs=OFFshardware
  10. CursSupportrs=OFF
  11. RoteratiA=Enepl==PrimaryButton=1
  12. SecondimaryButto3shpplkLockrtrs=OFF[DOSPoi
  13. Intse]OSPoi
  14. ISize=Smalltse]OSPoiColCurNor=Sm
  15. Growthrs=OFFThreshold=2=50ayDespto3=OFWindowsOSPoi
  16. Intse]OSPoi
  17. ISizurNor=Smtse]OSPoiColCurNor=Sm
  18. Growthrs=OFFThreshold=2=50ayDesrs=OFteAccelerationProfe1se] Label =    Slow 1seMovementel =1   30=1  3=1  7   4 =1 461seFactorel 1.00 3 1.00 2500 5.00 75 4 1.esrs=OFteAcceleratnProfi2e1se] Label =  Modelerew 1seMovementel =1  5      7 9    1 =1    7 37 9   4 =1to31seFactorel 1.0100 2100 5100 72 1.0200 2200 5200 70 3 1.esrs=OFteAccelernProfi3e1se] Label =  Fastrew 1seMovementel   7 9 129     5 18   2 =1 2418      7 30=1  3=1  7   4 =1 461seFactorel 1 1.0100 2100 5100 72 1.0200 2200 52000 3 1.00 2500 5.00 75 4 1.esrs=OFtelerationProfi4e1se] Label =  Unars=OFteledstrew 1seMovemen461seFactorel 1.