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/ Programming Tool Box / SIMS_2.iso / vb_code2 / superbtn / btntypes.frm (.txt) < prev    next >
Visual Basic Form  |  1992-03-15  |  9KB  |  221 lines

  1. ButtonTypes
  2. &oPen Software's SuperButton Playground
  3. Form1%
  4. Command1
  5. PictureOffBtn
  6. SuperButton
  7. PictureO&ff
  8. Visible
  9.     Invisible P
  10. wwwwwwwwwwwwp
  11. wwwwwwwwwwwwp
  12. """"" w
  13. """"""
  14. """"""
  15. "+" w
  16. """"""
  17. """"""
  18. """"" 
  19. QuestionBtn
  20. SuperButton
  21. SBtn_4
  22. wwwwwwwwp
  23. wwwwwwwwp
  24. wwwwwwwwp
  25. PictureOnBtn
  26. SuperButton
  27. Picture&On
  28. Visible
  29.     Invisible P
  30. wwwwwwwwwwwwp
  31. wwwwwwwwwwwwp
  32. """"" wx
  33. """"""
  34. """"""
  35. "+" w
  36. "+" w
  37. """"""
  38. """"""
  39. """"" 
  40. ButtonSize
  41. Text1
  42. Textoff
  43. ShadowSize
  44. Text1
  45. SBtn_1
  46. SuperButton
  47. &Picture
  48. TextOn
  49. SBtn_1
  50. SuperButton
  51. +Border
  52. SBtn_1
  53. SuperButton
  54. +Border
  55. CBL_1
  56. CBList
  57. ButtonAlignment
  58. MS Sans Serif
  59. Center
  60. TopRight
  61. Right
  62. BottomRight
  63. Bottom
  64. BottomLeft
  65. TopLeft
  66. CBL_5
  67. CBList
  68. ValueAlignment
  69. MS Sans Serif
  70. Center
  71. TopRight
  72. Right
  73. BottomRight
  74. Bottom
  75. BottomLeft
  76. TopLeft
  77. CBL_3
  78. CBList
  79. CaptionAlignment
  80. MS Sans Serif
  81. Center
  82. TopRight
  83. Right
  84. BottomRight
  85. Bottom
  86. BottomLeft
  87. TopLeft
  88. SBtn_1
  89. SuperButton
  90. &Rectangle
  91. SBtn_1
  92. SuperButton
  93. &Square
  94. CBL_6
  95. CBList
  96. ButtonMovement
  97. MS Sans Serif
  98. Full Down
  99. Half Down
  100. 1/3rd Down
  101. Half Meet
  102. 1/3rd Meet
  103. CBL_4
  104. CBList
  105. Value
  106. MS Sans Serif
  107. Inside
  108. Outside
  109. CBL_2
  110. CBList
  111. Caption
  112. MS Sans Serif
  113. Inside
  114. Outside
  115. CBL_7
  116. CBList
  117. PicturePlane
  118. MS Sans Serif
  119. Behind (S)
  120. Ontop (S)
  121. Behind
  122. Ontop
  123. SBtn_1
  124. SuperButton
  125. &Ellipse
  126. SBtn_1
  127. SuperButton
  128. &Circle
  129. Label7
  130. QIf you like these CheckList Custom Controls, please take a look at CBOXLIST.VBX !
  131. Label6
  132. Please change the back- and forecolor of this frame. When BaseColor is zero, the parent
  133. s backcolor is used ! 'Picture' has BaseColor = 0x00FF0000
  134. Label5
  135. ^Yes, this ? button is also a        ---> SuperButton. ClickEvent = manual creates ClickEvents!
  136. Label4
  137. ButtonSize in %
  138. Label3
  139. ValueOffText
  140. Label1
  141. ShadowSize
  142. Label2
  143. ValueOnText
  144. Form_Click
  145. @    Form_Load
  146. ShadowSize
  147. SBtn_1
  148. Shadow
  149. ShadowSize_Change
  150. CBL_1_Change
  151. ByUserEdit
  152. ValueIndex
  153. CBL_1Y
  154. ValueG
  155. ButtonAlignment7
  156. CBL_2_Change>
  157. CaptionAlignment
  158. CBL_2l
  159. CBL_3_Change
  160. ValueAlignment
  161. CBL_3
  162. offset
  163. CBL_5_Change
  164. CBL_4
  165. CBL_5
  166. CBL_4_Change
  167. TextOn_Change
  168. TextOnW
  169. Textoff_Change
  170. TextOff
  171. Text0n
  172. ButtonSize.
  173. CBL_6_Changeh
  174. ButtonMovementr
  175. CBL_6
  176. ButtonSize_Change
  177. CBL_7_Change
  178. CBL_73
  179. PicturePlane
  180. SBtn_2_Change
  181. SBtn_2J
  182.     PictureOn
  183. PictureOff
  184. SBtn_3_Change
  185. SBtn_3
  186. Command1_Click
  187. SBtn_4_Change
  188.     AboutSBtn
  189. SBtn_4_Click
  190. ValueOnText
  191. ValueOffText
  192. Screen
  193. Width
  194. HeightZ
  195. PictureOnBtn_Changer
  196. PictureOnBtn
  197. PictureOffBtn_Change
  198. PictureOffBtn
  199. QuestionBtn_Change
  200. QuestionBtn_Click
  201. ButtonSize_Change
  202. CBL_1_Change
  203. CBL_2_Change
  204. CBL_3_Change
  205. CBL_4_Change
  206. CBL_5_Change
  207. CBL_6_Change
  208. CBL_7_Change
  209. Command1_Click
  210. Form_Load
  211.  Center form horizontally.
  212.  Center form vertically.
  213.  get current size settings
  214. sets button properties in Change-Event
  215. PictureOffBtn_Change
  216. PictureOnBtn_Change
  217. QuestionBtn_Click
  218. ShadowSize_Change
  219. Textoff_Change
  220. TextOn_Change