ButtonTypes &oPen Software's SuperButton Playground Form1% Command1 PictureOffBtn SuperButton PictureO&ff Visible Invisible P wwwwwwwwwwwwp wwwwwwwwwwwwp """"" w """""" """""" "+" w """""" """""" """"" QuestionBtn SuperButton SBtn_4 wwwwwwwwp wwwwwwwwp wwwwwwwwp PictureOnBtn SuperButton Picture&On Visible Invisible P wwwwwwwwwwwwp wwwwwwwwwwwwp """"" wx """""" """""" "+" w "+" w """""" """""" """"" ButtonSize Text1 Textoff ShadowSize Text1 SBtn_1 SuperButton &Picture TextOn SBtn_1 SuperButton +Border SBtn_1 SuperButton +Border CBL_1 CBList ButtonAlignment MS Sans Serif Center TopRight Right BottomRight Bottom BottomLeft TopLeft CBL_5 CBList ValueAlignment MS Sans Serif Center TopRight Right BottomRight Bottom BottomLeft TopLeft CBL_3 CBList CaptionAlignment MS Sans Serif Center TopRight Right BottomRight Bottom BottomLeft TopLeft SBtn_1 SuperButton &Rectangle SBtn_1 SuperButton &Square CBL_6 CBList ButtonMovement MS Sans Serif Full Down Half Down 1/3rd Down Half Meet 1/3rd Meet CBL_4 CBList Value MS Sans Serif Inside Outside CBL_2 CBList Caption MS Sans Serif Inside Outside CBL_7 CBList PicturePlane MS Sans Serif Behind (S) Ontop (S) Behind Ontop SBtn_1 SuperButton &Ellipse SBtn_1 SuperButton &Circle Label7 QIf you like these CheckList Custom Controls, please take a look at CBOXLIST.VBX ! Label6 Please change the back- and forecolor of this frame. When BaseColor is zero, the parent s backcolor is used ! 'Picture' has BaseColor = 0x00FF0000 Label5 ^Yes, this ? button is also a ---> SuperButton. ClickEvent = manual creates ClickEvents! Label4 ButtonSize in % Label3 ValueOffText Label1 ShadowSize Label2 ValueOnText Form_Click @ Form_Load ShadowSize SBtn_1 Shadow ShadowSize_Change CBL_1_Change ByUserEdit ValueIndex CBL_1Y ValueG ButtonAlignment7 CBL_2_Change> CaptionAlignment CBL_2l CBL_3_Change ValueAlignment CBL_3 offset CBL_5_Change CBL_4 CBL_5 CBL_4_Change TextOn_Change TextOnW Textoff_Change TextOff Text0n ButtonSize. CBL_6_Changeh ButtonMovementr CBL_6 ButtonSize_Change CBL_7_Change CBL_73 PicturePlane SBtn_2_Change SBtn_2J PictureOn PictureOff SBtn_3_Change SBtn_3 Command1_Click SBtn_4_Change AboutSBtn SBtn_4_Click ValueOnText ValueOffText Screen Width HeightZ PictureOnBtn_Changer PictureOnBtn PictureOffBtn_Change PictureOffBtn QuestionBtn_Change QuestionBtn_Click ButtonSize_Change CBL_1_Change CBL_2_Change CBL_3_Change CBL_4_Change CBL_5_Change CBL_6_Change CBL_7_Change Command1_Click Form_Load Center form horizontally. Center form vertically. get current size settings sets button properties in Change-Event PictureOffBtn_Change PictureOnBtn_Change QuestionBtn_Click ShadowSize_Change Textoff_Change TextOn_Change