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Visual Basic Form  |  1995-02-27  |  16KB  |  298 lines

  1. Form1
  2. 3-D4VB Sub Routines
  3. Form1%
  4.     Picture12
  5.     Picture14
  6. Picture8
  7. Timer2
  8. Picture7
  9. Picture9
  10. MultiBar
  11.     SingleBar
  12. Timer1
  13. Picture6
  14.     Picture13
  15.     Picture11
  16. Picture5
  17.     Picture10
  18. Picture4
  19. Picture1
  20. Text2
  21. Text2
  22. Text1
  23. Text1
  24. Label1
  25. Label1
  26. Picture3
  27. Picture2
  28. Form_Clickx
  29. Form_MouseUp
  30. Button{
  31. Shift
  32. Form_PaintJ
  33.     BorderBox
  34. Text1$
  35. Picture1.
  36. Form_DblClick
  37.     FormFrame
  38. Form1
  39. RaisedPicBorder
  40. Picture2
  41.     PicBorderJ
  42. PicFrame=
  43. MnuFile_Click&
  44. Form_KeyPressJ
  45. KeyAsciia
  46. RecessedFrame
  47. Picture3
  48. Picture4
  49. RecessedBox/
  50. Picture5
  51. Source1
  52. ScaleHeight
  53. B1Highw
  54. B2High
  55. B2Top
  56. Picture6g
  57. Picture7
  58. ShadowText<
  59. Picture8
  60. GREEN
  61. FALSE
  62. JustyBar_Click
  63. JustyBar_MouseDown8
  64. OrderButtons
  65. ScaleWidth
  66. OldList
  67. ListType
  68. InvList
  69. DateList
  70. CustList@
  71. AmtList
  72. ReverseSort
  73. UpDateRegister^
  74. JustyBar
  75. ttons
  76. Picture9
  77. BLACK
  78. Option1,
  79. WidthS
  80. TLeft
  81. TTop"
  82. TxLeft 
  83. TxTopx
  84. JBSelectedo
  85. ButtonMode
  86. Value[
  87. JBLastSelectedV
  88. Option1_Clicke
  89. Index
  90.     Jb1Action
  91.     JB2Action
  92.     JB3Action
  93. JB1Ac
  94. Picture4_Click
  95. Picture4_MouseDown
  96. AutoRedraw
  97. DrawMode
  98. INVERT
  99. Label17
  100.     Picture10i
  101. ShadowPicBorder
  102. LabelBoxv
  103. MAGENTA
  104.     EtchedBox
  105. EtchedFrame
  106. EtchedTextZ
  107. Currentxe
  108. Currenty
  109. EtchedFrmText
  110. EtchedPicText
  111. LableBox'
  112. EtchedFrmLine
  113. ScaleWidhtQ
  114. LabelInBoxf
  115. RaisedBorderBoxo
  116. EtchedPicBorder
  117. RaisedPicEdge
  118.     Picture11
  119. RaisedPicText
  120. Timer1p
  121. Enabled4
  122. Timer1_Timer
  123. Picture13_Click
  124. Multi1Action
  125. Multi2Action>
  126. Multi3Action
  127. MultiBar_ClickT
  128. MultiBar
  129. LastSelecteds
  130. Selected
  131. Action
  132. SingleBar_Click
  133.     SingleBar>
  134. SingleBar_MouseDown
  135. MultiBar_MouseDown
  136. routines
  137.     Picture12x
  138. Picture12_Click
  139. ShadowPicFrame
  140. Picture12_MouseDown
  141. Picture12_MouseUp
  142.     Picture13
  143. FontSize
  144. RaisedFrmText
  145. OldFSE
  146.     Picture14
  147.     DrawWidth
  148.     FillStyle#
  149. WHITE
  150.     Fillcolor
  151. OldFB_
  152. FontBold
  153. LableInBox
  154. Label2
  155. Text2^
  156. Picture2_Click
  157. Form2
  158. Caption
  159. FormFram
  160. Picture2_MouseDownp
  161. Picture2_MouseUp
  162. BuildScreen
  163. @    Form_Load
  164.     ForeColor
  165. ETCHEDA    
  166. NORMAL
  167. RAISED
  168. Form_GotFocusN
  169. Timer24
  170. Text1_Change
  171. Timer2_Timer
  172. Picture1_Click
  173. Picture4_MouseUpM    @
  174. Picture11_Click
  175. Picture11_MouseUp
  176. Picture11_MouseDown
  177. Picture
  178. Boxes
  179. appear
  180. frame
  181. controls
  182.     Picture15$    
  183. LableBoxOnFrm5    
  184. LabelBoxOnFrm
  185. ScaleTopq    
  186. PicPaint_    
  187. Picture8_Click
  188. Picture9_Click
  189. PicFramedPaint
  190. Picture3_Click
  191. Picture3_MouseDown
  192. Picture3_MouseUp
  193. Label1_Click
  194. Form3
  195. Screen
  196. MousePointer
  197. MultiBar_MouseUp
  198. HeightD
  199. Text1_GotFocus
  200. HighlightEntry
  201. Text2_Change
  202. Text2_GotFocus
  203. BuildScreen
  204.  FormFrame
  205.  BorderBox Places Shadowed Border around Text and Label Controls
  206.  suggested from code in Nov./Dec.1991 BASICPro Magazine.
  207.  Since labels and text boxes have no print method use this routine
  208. BorderBox
  209. RaisedBorderBox
  210. LabelBox
  211.  EtchedFramese
  212.  Picture Boxes that appear like frame controls
  213. Left EtchedFrame
  214. Right EtchedFrame
  215. Centered EtchedFrame
  216.  PicFrame Picture Border
  217.  LabelBox Places "etched" or normal text inside picture controls
  218. PicFrame
  219.  EtchedPicBorder
  220. EtchedPicBorder
  221.  RaisedPicBorder
  222. RaisedPicBorder
  223. Click ME!
  224.  ShadowPicBorder
  225. ShadowPicBorder
  226.  RaisedPicEdge
  227. RaisedPicEdge
  228. Click ME!
  229.  ShadoPicFrame
  230. ShadowPicFrame
  231.  EtchedPicText
  232.  Prints "etched" text on control capable of accepting .print methodI
  233. This is EtchedPicText
  234.  RaisedPicText
  235. This is RaisedPicText
  236.  EtchedFrmText
  237.  Prints "etched" text on form background
  238. This is EtchedFrmText
  240. FormFrame
  241.  RaisedFrmText
  242. 3-D Effects
  243.  EtchedFrmLine
  244.  works like the .Line method but creates etched look
  245. ffffff
  246. ffffff
  247. EtchedFrmLine
  248. ffffff
  249. LabelInBox
  250. LeftTop
  251. LeftMiddle
  252. LeftBottom
  253. CntrTop
  254. CntrBottom
  255. TRight
  256. MRight
  257. BRight
  258.  Example of Selection "Buttons" made from simple Picture controls,
  259.  Examine SingleBar_MouseDown() and MultiBar_MouseDown() routines
  260.  Be sure to define picture box with AutoSize = TRUE and DrawMode = INVERT%
  261. Picture Buttons
  262. Single Option
  263. Multiple Options
  264. Form_Load
  265. MultiBar_MouseDown
  266. number of icons
  267.  DO Action
  268.  Do Action
  269.  Do Action
  270. Some Action...
  271.  MultiBar_MouseDown()$    
  272. Picture11_Click
  273.  Picture11_Click()    
  274. Picture11_MouseDown
  275.  Picture11_MouseDown()    
  276. Picture11_MouseUp
  277.  Picture11_MouseUp()    
  278. Picture12_Click
  279. Picture12_MouseDown
  280. Picture12_MouseUp
  281. Picture3_MouseDown
  282. Picture3_MouseUp
  283. Picture4_Click
  284. Picture4_MouseDown
  285. Picture4_MouseUp
  286. SingleBar_MouseDown
  287. number of icons
  288.  DO Action
  289.  Do Action
  290.  Do Action
  291. Some Action...
  292. Text1_GotFocus
  293. Text2_GotFocus
  294. Timer1_Timer
  295. Timer2_Timer
  296.  Set initial value for Singe Mode button bar
  297. number of icons