Form1 3-D4VB Sub Routines Form1% Picture12 Picture14 Picture8 Timer2 Picture7 Picture9 MultiBar SingleBar Timer1 Picture6 Picture13 Picture11 Picture5 Picture10 Picture4 Picture1 Text2 Text2 Text1 Text1 Label1 Label1 Picture3 Picture2 Form_Clickx Form_MouseUp Button{ Shift Form_PaintJ BorderBox Text1$ Picture1. Form_DblClick FormFrame Form1 RaisedPicBorder Picture2 PicBorderJ PicFrame= MnuFile_Click& Form_KeyPressJ KeyAsciia RecessedFrame Picture3 Picture4 RecessedBox/ Picture5 Source1 ScaleHeight B1Highw B2High B2Top Picture6g Picture7 ShadowText< Picture8 GREEN FALSE JustyBar_Click JustyBar_MouseDown8 OrderButtons ScaleWidth OldList ListType InvList DateList CustList@ AmtList ReverseSort UpDateRegister^ JustyBar ttons Picture9 BLACK Option1, WidthS TLeft TTop" TxLeft TxTopx JBSelectedo ButtonMode Value[ JBLastSelectedV Option1_Clicke Index Jb1Action JB2Action JB3Action JB1Ac Picture4_Click Picture4_MouseDown AutoRedraw DrawMode INVERT Label17 Picture10i ShadowPicBorder LabelBoxv MAGENTA EtchedBox EtchedFrame EtchedTextZ Currentxe Currenty EtchedFrmText EtchedPicText LableBox' EtchedFrmLine ScaleWidhtQ LabelInBoxf RaisedBorderBoxo EtchedPicBorder RaisedPicEdge Picture11 RaisedPicText Timer1p Enabled4 Timer1_Timer Picture13_Click Multi1Action Multi2Action> Multi3Action MultiBar_ClickT MultiBar LastSelecteds Selected Action SingleBar_Click SingleBar> SingleBar_MouseDown MultiBar_MouseDown routines Picture12x Picture12_Click ShadowPicFrame Picture12_MouseDown Picture12_MouseUp Picture13 FontSize RaisedFrmText OldFSE Picture14 DrawWidth FillStyle# WHITE Fillcolor OldFB_ FontBold LableInBox Label2 Text2^ Picture2_Click Form2 Caption FormFram Picture2_MouseDownp Picture2_MouseUp BuildScreen @ Form_Load ForeColor ETCHEDA NORMAL RAISED Form_GotFocusN Timer24 Text1_Change Timer2_Timer Picture1_Click Picture4_MouseUpM @ Picture11_Click Picture11_MouseUp Picture11_MouseDown Picture Boxes appear frame controls Picture15$ LableBoxOnFrm5 LabelBoxOnFrm ScaleTopq PicPaint_ Picture8_Click Picture9_Click PicFramedPaint Picture3_Click Picture3_MouseDown Picture3_MouseUp Label1_Click Form3 Screen MousePointer MultiBar_MouseUp HeightD Text1_GotFocus HighlightEntry Text2_Change Text2_GotFocus BuildScreen FormFrame BorderBox Places Shadowed Border around Text and Label Controls suggested from code in Nov./Dec.1991 BASICPro Magazine. Since labels and text boxes have no print method use this routine BorderBox RaisedBorderBox LabelBox EtchedFramese Picture Boxes that appear like frame controls Left EtchedFrame Right EtchedFrame Centered EtchedFrame PicFrame Picture Border LabelBox Places "etched" or normal text inside picture controls PicFrame EtchedPicBorder EtchedPicBorder RaisedPicBorder RaisedPicBorder Click ME! ShadowPicBorder ShadowPicBorder RaisedPicEdge RaisedPicEdge Click ME! ShadoPicFrame ShadowPicFrame EtchedPicText Prints "etched" text on control capable of accepting .print methodI This is EtchedPicText RaisedPicText This is RaisedPicText EtchedFrmText Prints "etched" text on form background This is EtchedFrmText NO DLL, ALL VB SOURCE CODE PROVIDED! FormFrame RaisedFrmText 3-D Effects EtchedFrmLine works like the .Line method but creates etched look ffffff ffffff EtchedFrmLine ffffff LabelInBox LeftTop LeftMiddle LeftBottom CntrTop CntrBottom TRight MRight BRight Example of Selection "Buttons" made from simple Picture controls, Examine SingleBar_MouseDown() and MultiBar_MouseDown() routines Be sure to define picture box with AutoSize = TRUE and DrawMode = INVERT% Picture Buttons Single Option Multiple Options Form_Load MultiBar_MouseDown number of icons DO Action Do Action Do Action Some Action... MultiBar_MouseDown()$ Picture11_Click Picture11_Click() Picture11_MouseDown Picture11_MouseDown() Picture11_MouseUp Picture11_MouseUp() Picture12_Click Picture12_MouseDown Picture12_MouseUp Picture3_MouseDown Picture3_MouseUp Picture4_Click Picture4_MouseDown Picture4_MouseUp SingleBar_MouseDown number of icons DO Action Do Action Do Action Some Action... Text1_GotFocus Text2_GotFocus Timer1_Timer Timer2_Timer Set initial value for Singe Mode button bar number of icons