txtCommentary1=Hence the second trio of {\uldb quartets}{\v 154839}, of which {\uldb K.}{\v 137211} 465 forms the conclusion, was apparently set down quite quickly. Yet in spite of the speed with which Mozart worked, the {\uldb autographs}{\v 21246} of the {\uldb \'93Haydn\'94 Quartets}{\v 136342} are witnesses to considerably more compositional struggle (both local corrections and larger revisions) than a typical Mozart autograph. And for two of the quartets\'97K. 458 and
txtChapterHead=Mozart at Work
txtCommentary2=\par\par K. 464\'97Mozart wrote down extensive drafts (65 and 170 {\uldb bars}{\v 86617}) for {\uldb finales}{\v 82354} that were later replaced. It seems that Mozart spared no effort in creating works that were fully worthy of {\uldb Haydn\'92s}{\v 132423} approval. He may have even felt a sense of competition with the senior musician that expressed itself in the extraordinary quality of the final products.{\fs24\uldb \'80}{\v next}