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Volume 2392 - Released march 1987 - Abstract (C) CP/MS gg
CP/MS gg NL volume 2392
gelijk aan PC/SIG no. 392, PCgg 301
Titel:Turbo Wheels - Pascal Library
Number Name Size Date Comments
392.01 READTHIS NOW 25144 09-25-85 Documentation
392.02 ALLFILES LIB 6955 09-25-85 / Get all files that match template,
392.03 ALLFILES PAS 2485 09-25-85 \ display, and take selection
CATALOG 392 5760 01-28-87 Deze lijst
392.04 CIRCLE LIB 1259 09-25-85 / Circle-drawing procedure for graphics mode
392.05 CIRCLE PAS 530 09-25-85 \
392.06 CURSOR LIB 913 09-25-85 / Change or hide cursor
392.07 CURSOR PAS 1280 09-25-85 \
392.08 DISKMOD PAS 12762 09-25-85 Sector viewing & modif., using GETSECTR.LIB
392.09 DISKTYP LIB 1571 09-25-85 / Get disk type (SS/DS/fixed, 8/9 sectors).
392.10 DISKTYP PAS 656 09-25-85 < Returns disk size in K (160, 180, 320,
\ 360)
392.11 EQUIPMNT LIB 2642 09-25-85 / Function Equipment returns
392.12 EQUIPMNT PAS 983 09-25-85 < information about equipment that is
\ attached to your PC
392.13 ERRMESSG LIB 1432 09-25-85 Error messages for DOS 2.0 function calls
392.14 EXISTFIL LIB 1218 09-25-85 / Test for existence of a file before you
392.15 EXISTFIL PAS 812 09-25-85 \ try to open it -- avoid crashes.
392.16 EXTENDIO DAT 3154 09-25-85 / EXTENDed IO based on DOS 2.0 full-path
392.17 EXTENDIO LIB 8862 09-25-85 < comms. ~.DAT contains the specificati-
392.18 EXTENDIO PAS 2482 09-25-85 \ ons for all the new IO functions
392.19 FANCYKEY PAS 3862 09-25-85 Char or phrase for key pressed
392.20 FILEATTR LIB 1061 09-25-85 / Read/write the attribute byte for any ile
392.21 FILEATTR PAS 2428 09-25-85 \ (Read-Only, Hidden, System, Archive)
392.22 FILENAME TYP 251 09-25-85 Filename type definition--shared by others
392.23 GETFILE LIB 3841 09-25-85 / Procedures to GET FILEs matching a
392.24 GETFILE PAS 6299 09-25-85 \ template. Also see ALLFILES
392.25 GETFREE LIB 1417 09-25-85 / Get amount of free space on disk -protect
392.26 GETFREE PAS 1126 09-25-85 \ your programs from "out of space" crashes
392.27 GETINTGR LIB 3183 09-25-85 / Takes an integer in a given range,
392.28 GETINTGR PAS 1137 09-25-85 \ protected against invalid keystrokes
392.29 GETKEYS LIB 755 09-25-85 / Simple procedure to catch any keystroke,
392.30 GETKEYS PAS 1071 09-25-85 \ used in many of the other programs on
this disk
392.31 GETSECTR LIB 2571 09-25-85 Read sector from disk to buffer. See
392.32 GETSETDD LIB 983 09-25-85 / Get or Set the default drive.
392.33 GETSETDD PAS 566 09-25-85 \
392.34 GRFXTABL LIB 1210 09-25-85 / Get dot patterns from the ROM graphics
392.35 GRFXTABL PAS 1795 09-25-85 \ table. Also see TITLES
392.36 GTSETDIR LIB 1638 09-25-85 / Get or Set the current directory path.
392.37 GTSETDIR PAS 1744 09-25-85 \
392.38 HEXFUNCT LIB 1475 09-25-85 / Convert integers in range -32,768 to
392.39 HEXFUNCT PAS 1215 09-25-85 \ 32,767 to Hexadecimal strings from $0000
to $FFFF
392.40 KAVAIL LIB 467 09-25-85 / Returns available memory in K
392.41 KAVAIL PAS 331 09-25-85 \
392.42 KEYBOARD LIB 1581 09-25-85 / Another approach to catching any key-
392.43 KEYBOARD PAS 2139 09-25-85 \ stroke. See SCANCODES.DAT for chart of
Scan Codes
392.44 KEYCHART DAT 1742 09-25-85 Chart of key codes for GETKEYS.LIB
392.45 LABEL PAS 10969 09-25-85 Uses GETSECTR to read and write diskette
392.46 LESSRAM COM 10539 09-25-85 / Reset your "official" amount of memory
392.47 LESSRAM PAS 2824 09-25-85 \ lower.Uses REBOOT.LIB. Runs COMPILED only.
392.48 MKRMDIR LIB 1581 09-25-85 / Make or remove subdirectories
392.49 MKRMDIR PAS 1366 09-25-85 \
392.50 MONITOR LIB 700 09-25-85 Simple procedure to check for color or mono
392.51 MOVEFILE LIB 1530 09-25-85 / DOS 2.0 file RENAME--can also MOVE to
392.52 MOVEFILE PAS 854 09-25-85 \ other directory by naming a valid new path
392.53 NEWINT9 LIB 3475 09-25-85 / Change keybd intrpt to get key release
392.54 NEWINT9 PAS 1398 09-25-85 \ code and disable typematic. For games,
392.55 NOSOUND PAS 44 09-25-85 Quick rescue in case you accid. leave
sound on
392.56 NUMDISKS COM 11214 09-25-85 / Change "official" number of disk drives.
392.57 NUMDISKS PAS 3394 09-25-85 \ For certain RAMdisks. Uses REBOOT.
392.58 PARAMETR COM 10359 09-25-85 / Pass parms to programs from DOS command
392.59 PARAMETR LIB 803 09-25-85 < line. Gets parameter string up to 80
392.60 PARAMETR PAS 1233 09-25-85 \ characters. PARAMETR only works if
392.61 POPSCREN DAT 2049 09-25-85 / "Pop" full screens into view by addres-
392.62 POPSCREN LIB 1771 09-25-85 <sing screen memory. Uses SCREENS.TYP. ~.DAT
392.63 POPSCREN PAS 6110 09-25-85 \ s asample screen file used as a demo.
392.64 QUEUE LIB 1892 09-25-85 / A generic QUEUE - shows how to use dynamic
392.65 QUEUE PAS 2234 09-25-85 \ variables for those who are new to them.
392.66 REBOOT LIB 742 09-25-85 YOU ARE READING IT
392.67 RECTANGL LIB 767 09-25-85 "Warm" system reboot, without clearing RAM
392.68 RECTANGL PAS 888 09-25-85 / Rectangle-drawing procedure for graphics
392.69 REGPACK TYP 103 09-25-85 \ modes.
392.70 SAFEWRIT LIB 1014 09-25-85 Contains type definition for REGPACK
392.71 SAFEWRIT PAS 1087 09-25-85 / Write to screen without letting control
392.72 SCANCODE DAT 2735 09-25-85 \ characters wreck the display.
392.73 SCREEN LIB 1914 09-25-85 Chart of keybd Scan Codes, use with
392.74 SCREEN PAS 4025 09-25-85 / Direct video screen input/output
392.75 SCREENS TYP 899 09-25-85 \
392.76 SUCCESS DOC 7820 09-25-85 Type declarations for full-screen manipula-
392.77 TITLES LIB 1022 09-25-85 Descriptions of ANOTHER set of INCLUDE files
392.78 TITLES PAS 1496 09-25-85 / Using ROM character patterns to create
392.79 WINDOWS LIB 2737 09-25-85 \ titles.
392.80 WINDOWS PAS 1533 09-25-85 Eases use of windows and window-frames
392.81 VOL2392 ABS 6016 01-28-87 Abstract file
82 File(s) 44032 bytes free
T U R B O W H E E L S version 1.00
This disk contains TURBO Pascal procedures and functions. Why
re-invent the wheel when you can get TURBO WHEELS?
Most of the files on this disk use variables of type REGPACK (for
SCREENS.TYP is the declaration of variable type SCREEN, which is
exactly the same "shape" as the (text) video display memory.
ERRMESSG.LIB contains the function MESSAGE which receives as
input a one-byte error code (output of a DOS function) and
returns the "translation" of that code.
TURBO's file handling procedures do NOT work with subdirectories,
as you may have found out. These procedures are implementations
of the DOS 2.0 procedures--all the ordinary ones and some new ones, too.
EXTENDIO.DAT is an exact description of the parameters passed to
and from these new IO functions.
EXTENDIO.LIB, for EXTENDed Input/Output, contains 2.0 versions of
Reset, Rewrite, Close, Read, Write, Seek, and Erase.
MOVEFILE.LIB might well be called "XRename", because it does
serve to rename files on any path.
GETFILE.LIB contains two procedures, Find_First and Find_Next.
Find_First serves to find the first occurrence of a file matching
the template you supply (using the standard DOS wildcard
characters AND using full-path filenames).
ALLFILES.LIB is a procedure to include in any program that makes
use of other files (e.g., a word processor, picture editor, music
maker, etc.). You pass the top left and bottom right coor-
dinates of an available screen area, and a template for the files
you want, and ALLFILES takes over.
MKRMDIR.LIB brings the DOS MKDIR and RMDIR (MaKe DIRectory and
ReMove DIRectory) into TURBO.
FILEATTR.LIB lets you change the File Attribute byte (Read-Only,
Hidden, System, Archive) of a file on any path.
GTSETDIR.LIB lets you GET or SET the current subDIRectory. It
may well be used in conjunction with GETSTDD below.
GETSETDD.LIB uses DOS function calls to GET or SET the Default
EXISTFIL.LIB checks for the existence of a file.
DISKTYP.LIB checks the type of disk (single/double sided, 8/9
sectors per track).
GETSECTR.LIB conducts I/O between a specific sector on the disk
and a buffer variable declared by you.
LABEL.PAS uses DISKTYP.LIB, GETSECTR.LIB, and several other files
to read and write the volume label.
DISKMOD.PAS is a working Disk Sector Viewing and Modifying
program, based on DISKMODF.BAS by John VanderGrift.
CURSOR.LIB contains the procedure Cursor_Control. You set the
top and bottom "scan lines" for the cursor.
MONITOR.LIB sets the values of the variables COLOR (boolean) and
ScreenSeg (integer) for use by other procedures.
SCREEN.LIB contains procedures to read and write the character
and screen attribute (i.e., COLOR) at any location on the screen
POPSCREN.LIB is a slightly frivolous use of the SCREEN data type,
declared in SCREENS.TYP. Several SCREEN variables are created
and rapidly switched to the display. A pop-up menu example is
GRFXTABL.LIB defines a table of ROMEntries "on top" of the ROM
graphics table, giving us (read-only) access to the dot patterns
used to create the monochrome characters.
TITLES.LIB contains the procedure MakeTitle. Given a title up to
ten characters and a starting row, it makes a big title on the screen by using
the character patterns from GRFXTABL.
WINDOWS.LIB offers another approach to using windows. The
variable type "corners" is declared to be an array[1..4] of byte.
GETKEYS.LIB looks if it is an "ordinary" keystroke, returns the
character in C and chr(0) in D. If, however, it was a "special"
keystroke (arrow key, function key), it returns chr(27) in C and
a code character in D. The file KEYCHART.DAT tabulates these
special codes.
KEYBOARD.LIB is another approach to trapping keystrokes. It uses
the keyboard BIOS interrupt $16 to get the scan code and ASCII
code of any key pressed.
NEWINT9.LIB filters out key release codes, and produces the
"typematic" effect, whereby a key held down repeats.
*** GRAPHICS ***
CIRCLE.LIB draws a circle on your screen with six parameters: the
X and Y coordinates of the circle's center and its radius, the
resolution, the "roundness and the color.
RECTANGL.LIB naturally draws a rectangle on the screen, with
color and/or filled.
EQUIPMNT.LIB uses Interrupt $11 to check the equipment attached
to your PC. It reports on number of printers, RS232 ports, game
ports, and diskette drives, the initial video mode, or the amount
of RAM on the motherboard.
GETINTGR.LIB is intended to save you of having your program crash
because someone made an invalid entry for an integer. At the same
time, it makes sure that the entry is within a range you specify.
GETFREE.LIB is another face-saver. It gets the amount of free
space on the current disk.
HEXFUNCT.LIB contains the procedure HEX which receives an integer
and returns a 5-character hex string (e.g., $BF00).
KAVAIL.LIB returns the number of KiloBytes of memory available.
NOSOUND.PAS does nothing but shut off the sound.
PARAMETR.LIB contains the function GetParameter, which returns a
string of up to 80 characters consisting of whatever was entered
on the command line after the name of the program. This O N L Y
works in COMPILED programs.
QUEUE.LIB is a generic Queue data structure.
REBOOT.LIB does just what it says.
LESSRAM.COM is handy if you always write your programs on your
souped-up 640K SuperPC and want to test whether it will actually
run on a lesser machine with, say 96K.
NUMDISKS.COM gives the number of disks in use.
SAFEWRIT.LIB catches not writable characters and replaces them
with a related character in Low Video.