#define MainVar1PopTrigger 1003 //(Left Origin = 0, Top Origin = 38, Width = 25, Height = 12, Usable = 1, Anchor Left = 1, Font = Standard, List ID = 1005)
#define MainVar2PopTrigger 1006 //(Left Origin = 26, Top Origin = 38, Width = 25, Height = 12, Usable = 1, Anchor Left = 1, Font = Standard, List ID = 1005)
#define MainVar3PopTrigger 1007 //(Left Origin = 52, Top Origin = 38, Width = 25, Height = 12, Usable = 1, Anchor Left = 1, Font = Standard, List ID = 1005)
#define MainVar4PopTrigger 1008 //(Left Origin = 78, Top Origin = 38, Width = 25, Height = 12, Usable = 1, Anchor Left = 1, Font = Standard, List ID = 1005)
#define MainVar5PopTrigger 1009 //(Left Origin = 104, Top Origin = 38, Width = 25, Height = 12, Usable = 1, Anchor Left = 1, Font = Standard, List ID = 1005)
#define MainVar6PopTrigger 1010 //(Left Origin = 129, Top Origin = 38, Width = 25, Height = 12, Usable = 1, Anchor Left = 1, Font = Standard, List ID = 1005)
// Resource: Talt 1001
#define RomIncompatibleAlert 1001
#define RomIncompatibleOK 0
// Resource: Talt 1000
#define DisplayMsgAlert 1000
#define DisplayMsgOK 0
// Resource: MBAR 1000
#define MainFormMenuBar 1000
// Resource: MENU 1000
#define MainOptionsMenu 1000
#define MainOptionsAbouttheCountisright 1000
// Resource: tSTR 1900
#define AlertBody2String 1900 // "V1.2 EN 08/21/2000 COPYRIGHTS"
// Resource: tSTR 1800
#define BadResultString 1800 // "The result is closed : "
// Resource: tSTR 1700
#define GoodResultString 1700 // "The count is right : "
// Resource: tSTR 1600
#define InitResultString 1600 // " Wait ! I compute..."
// Resource: tSTR 1500
#define AlertBody1String 1500 // "The count is right."
// Resource: tSTR 1000
#define HelpResultFieldString 1000 // "1) Choose 6 numbers or clik on random 2) Write the target number or click on target 3) Click on Compute Have pleasure ! pierre.touzeau@wanadoo.fr"