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Developer Magic includes an extensive set of compilers and libraries to accelerate the development phase. Quickly incorporate the most advanced graphics and digital media features into your application with libraries such as:

Highly optimizing compilers also take full advantage of multiprocessor architectures. More time is available to tune your application, ensure quality, and incorporate your unique features and customizations. And high-end performance tools help scale applications to MP hardware.

Inventor Screen Image

Open Inventor

A 3D object-oriented toolkit layered on OpenGL, Open Inventor gives you a set of pre-programmed building blocks which serve as an extensible framework for developing highperformance interactive 3D applications. Open Inventor establishes a file format standard for 3D data exchange and is available on other UNIX platforms from Third-party developers, allowing your application development to target wider audiences.


Embraced by more than 30 companies, OpenGL(TM) facilitates the development of 2D, 3D, and imaging applications that are portable to a variety of hardware platforms, operating systems, and window systems. Every conforming OpenGL implementation includes operators for geometric and raster primitives, viewing and modeling transformations, as well as lighting, shading, blending, fog, hidden surface removal, texture mapping, and other graphics functions.


IRIS Performer

For applications that demand a fast, steady frame rate and smooth interactivity, IRIS Performer gets the maximum graphics performance from every current and future Silicon Graphics system. Multiprocessing support is built in. Applications include visual simulation, CAD walk-through, interactive entertainment, and virtual reality.

ImageVision Library

The object-oriented, extensible ImageVision Library(TM) provides image-processing functions including color conversion, arithmetic functions, radiometric and geometric transforms, statistics, spatial and non-spatial domain transforms, and edge, line, and spot detection.

IRIS Media Libraries

With the IRIS Media Libraries, you can easily integrate audio, video, movies, and images into your application. Each media library supports several industry-standard file formats and compression algorithms to enable cross-platform interchange.

IRIS ViewKit

This C++ class library, a framework of an OSF/ Motif application, gives you a common architecture, performs all of the routine functions of a Motif program, and improves productivity with high-level or automatic support for features such as on-line help or integration with the desktop. For cross-development, ViewKit is available on every major UNIX(TM) system.

The Compiler Family

The Silicon Graphics compiler family offers highly optimized, robust products that closely track all ANSI standards. Based on MIPS(TM) compiler technology, the Silicon Graphics compilers include enhancements for improved performance and debugging. Specific products are also available for parallelizing Fortran 77, Fortran 90, Ada, and ANSI C code for the Silicon Graphics multiprocessor systems.

Developing for High-End Systems

Silicon Graphics also has a complete solution for developers working on multiprocessor and supercomputing systems. In the past, debugging and tuning parallel code that takes maximum advantage of the hardware has been difficult and time consuming.

The POWER Fortran and POWER C preprocessors assist in the parallelization of code for multiprocessor hardware. The IRIS Fortran 90 compiler also includes special language extensions to help you port code from other supercomputing platforms. For performance tuning, the ProDev WorkShop Performance Analyzer helps identify which sections of code will benefit most from parallelization. Then, ProMPF helps create parallel code and lets you analyze the results. You can do all development work on a single-processor system and execute on your multiprocessor system.

Copyright © 1996 Silicon Graphics, Inc.