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A_BOF() ........ Verify if last skip operation accessed record 0
ABS() .......... Returns absolute value of the expression exp.
ACTIVATE_PROCS . Activates procs. installed via timer_entry() or proc_entry().
A_DELETED() .... Returns value of deleted flag for current record.
A_EOF() ........ Returns TRUE if alias is at end of file.
A_FLOCK() ...... Attempts to lock the alias passed as a parameter.
A_HEADER() ..... Returns size of the database header.
A_LUPDATE() .... Returns date of last update.
A_RECCOUNT() ... Returns number of records within the database file.
A_RECNO() ...... Returns current record number in specified alias.
A_RECSIZE() .... Returns record size for the specified alias.
A_RLOCK() ...... Locks a record in specific alias.
ASC() .......... Returns the numeric ASCII value of the 1st char. of a string.
AT() ........... Returns position of string within string.
BITSET ......... Sets on the Nth bit in a variable.
BITTEST() ...... Returns TRUE if the Nth bit in a variable is on.
BOF() .......... Returns TRUE if record pointer moved past the BOF for alias.
CAPFIRST() ..... Makes first letter of any word uppercase.
CDOW() ......... Returns day of the week in character format.
CENTER() ....... Centers the string within specified width.
CHDIR() ........ Changes DOS directory for specific drive.
CHK_INSTALLED()  Returns TRUE if specified multiplex ID is present.
CHK_OPEN() ..... Returns TRUE if specified alias is open.
CHR() .......... Converts a byte to a character.
CMONTH() ....... Returns month in character format.
COL() .......... Returns screen column position.
CRITICAL ....... Assigns a UDF to be the DOS critical error handler.
CRITICAL.a ..... DOS critical error return values table.
CRITICAL.b ..... Critical Parameters Table.
CRITICAL.c ..... Block Error Code Table.
CRITICAL.d ..... Character device returning error table.
CRITICAL.e ..... Disk areas table.
CTOD() ......... Converts from a character string to a date value.
CURCOLOR ....... Draw horizontal cursor bar w/o affect info on screen.
CURDIR() ....... Returns the current DOS directory.
CURDRIVE() ..... Returns the current DOS drive.
CURSOR_OFF ..... Prevents display of the screen cursor.
CURSOR_ON ...... Turns on the screen cursor.
DAY() .......... Returns the day of the month.
DAYS_BTW_DATES() Returns number of days between start_date and end_date.
DAYS_FROM() .... Returns a date that is number_days from date_value.
DBF() .......... Returns the filename of the current database file.
DELAY() ........ Delays number_seconds while waiting for a keystroke.
DELETED() ...... Returns TRUE if current record is marked for deletion
DISKSPACE() .... Returns the number of bytes left on the specified drive.
DOW() .......... Converts date_value into a number.
DTOC() ......... Returns a character string representing date_value.
E_MESSAGE() .... Returns the error message associated with the last error.
EOF() .......... Returns TRUE if record pointer is past the last record.
EQUIPMENT ...... Returns an equipment list from the computer's BIOS.
EXIST() ........ Returns TRUE if the specified file exists.
EXP() .......... Is supported by the '**' expression evaluator operator.
FB_CLOSE ....... Closes a binary file associated with handle.
FB_EOF() ....... Returns TRUE if the file associated with handle is EOF.
FB_OPEN() ...... Opens any type of file for reading,writing or appending.
FB_READ() ...... Read number_of_bytes from the file specified by handle.
FB_SEEK() ...... Repositions the DOS read write pointer.
FB_WRITE() ..... Attempts to write number_of_bytes bytes to a file
F_CLOSE ........ Closes the text file associated with file_stream.
FDX() .......... Returns character string which contains name of index file.
F_EOF() ........ Returns TRUE if DOS read/write pointer is at end of file.
F_FLUSH ........ Writes any data in the file buffer to disk.
F_GETLN() ...... Reads a line of text from the file_stream.
FILESIZE() ..... Returns the size of the specified disk file.
FILL ........... Draws a box, optionally fills box, optionally shadows box.
FIND_FATTR() ... Returns the file, disk, or volume attribute.
FIND_FDATE() ... Returns the date of a file or directory.
FIND_FEXT() .... Returns a 3 character extension from the file.
FIND_FIRST() ... Locates the first file matching pattern.
FIND_FSIZE() ... Returns the filesize of the file found.
FIND_FSTR() .... Returns the filename, directory name or the disk volume.
FIND_FTIME() ... Returns a file or directories creation time as a character.
FIND_NEXT() .... Finds the next file in a sequence.
FLOCK() ........ Attempts to lock the current alias.
F_OPEN() ....... Opens a file specified by file_name.
FOUND() ........ Returns current status of the found() flag.
F_PUT .......... Writes output_line to the disk file.
F_PUTLN ........ Writes output_line to the disk file.
GETENV() ....... Returns the current value of the DOS environment.
GET_EXEC() ..... Returns the full path names of currently running program.
GET_ID() ....... Returns the ID number associated with a GET.
GET_KEY() ...... Waits for keyboard input.
HEADER() ....... Returns the size of the header for the current database.
I_MESSAGE() .... Returns a message associated with a runtime error_number.
INKEY() ........ Reads a key from the keyboard and returns its numeric value.
I_ROUND() ...... Rounds argument to integer & returns integer as type LONG.
ISALPHA() ...... Returns TRUE if specified character begins with a letter.
ISCOLOR() ...... Returns TRUE if monitor is a color monitor.
IS_KEY() ....... Returns 0 if no key is available or key value if a key is.
ISLOWER() ...... Returns TRUE if first char of test_string is lowercase.
I_STR() ........ Converts the integer number to a character string.
ISUPPER() ...... Returns TRUE if the first character is uppercase.
ITOD() ........ Converts the day, month and year values into a date value.
I_TRUNC() ...... Truncates argument to an integer.
I_VAL() ........ Converts str_number to a LONG value.
KEY_BIOS ..... Initializes the FORCE runtime library to use BIOS.
KEYBOARD ....... Stuffs the keyboard buffer with key_string.
KEY_DOS ........ Channels keyboard input through DOS functions.
KEY_INT ........ Stuffs the keyboard with key_value.
LASTKEY() ...... Returns the last key removed from the keyboard buffer.
LEFT() ......... Returns the specified number of characters.
LEN() .......... Returns the length of source_string.
LN() ........... Returns the natural logarithm of argument.
LOWER() ........ Converts all uppercase to lowercase.
LTRIM() ........ Removes leading blanks.
LUPDATE() ...... Returns the date when the database was last updated.
M_CLOSE ........ Closes the file buffers associated with the memo_field.
M_EDIT ......... A full-screen editor for memo_field.
M_EOF() ........ Returns TRUE if memo read/write pointer is at the end.
M_EXIST() ...... Returns TRUE if memo_field exists for current record...
M_GETLN ........ Returns the current line of ASCII text from memo_field.
MKDIR() ........ Attempts to make a subdirectory - Returns TRUE if it does.
MONTH() ........ Returns the number of the month as derived from date_value.
M_OPEN ......... Opens memo_field for reading, writing or appending text.
MORE_HANDLES ... Enables a program to open up to 255 files at one time.
M_PUT .......... Inserts text_string into memo_field.
M_PUTLN ........ Inserts text_string into memo_field.
NET_ERR() ...... Returns the last network error code.
NO_BURN_KEY() .. Clears the screen and scrolls messages every second.
OS() ........... Returns the current DOS operating system.
OS_VER ......... Returns the current DOS version.
PATH_OF() ...... Searches through all paths described within paths.
PCOL() ......... Returns the current column position of the printer.
PICK_ADD ....... Places pick_string into pick list.
PICK_CLEAR ..... Frees memory associated with the pick list.
PICK_INIT() .... Returns a handle to an initialized pick list.
PICK_LIST ...... Displays a pick list at the specified coordinates.
PICK_STR() ..... Returns the string associated with pick list value pvalue.
PREADY() ....... Returns TRUE if the print device is ready to receive data.
PROC_ENTRY() ... Specifies procedure executed when key_sequence is activated
PROW() ......... Returns the current printer row postion.
RANDOM() ....... Returns a randomly entered number between 0 and 32167.
RAT() .......... Returns the relative position of find_string.
RECCOUNT() ..... Returns the number of physical records in the current alias.
RECNO() ........ Returns the record number in the current alias.
RECSIZE() ...... Returns the size of a record in the current alias.
REPLICATE() .... Produces a string that contains c_expression repeated...
RESTORE_AREA ... Restores the last screen saved by save_screen or save_area.
RESTORE_GETS ... Restores information about the GET.
RESTORE_MENU ... Restores a menu saved by the save_menu() function.
RESTORESCRN .... Restores a screen area saved by savescrn().
RESTORE_WORK_AREA Restores the last work area saved using save_work_area().
RIGHT() ........ Returns number characters from source_string.
RLOCK() ........ Attempts to lock current record in current database.
RMDIR() ........ Attempts to remove the directory directory_name.
ROUND() ........ Rounds number to decimal places indicated by precision.
ROW() .......... Returns the current screen cursor row position.
RTRIM() ........ Returns the result of removing all trailing blanks.
SAVE_AREA ...... Saves current screen image from row,col to row1,col1.
SAVE_GETS ...... Stores information about the READ in progress.
SAVE_MENU() .... Saves current MENU TO, @...PROMPT data
SAVE_SCREEN .... Saves the entire screen image.
SAVESCRN() ..... Saves a screen area to a variable.
SAVE_WORK_AREA . Temporarily saves information about the selected database.
SCRN_BIOS ...... Causes FORCE screen output to be routed through DOS BIOS.
SCRN_DIRECT .... Channels FORCE screen output directly to the screen area.
SCRN_DOS ....... Eliminates screen flicker and guarantees compatibility.
SCROLL ......... Scrolls a portion of the screen for number_lines.
SELECT_DRIVE ... Changes the current drive to drive.
SELECT_PROMPT .. Allows a program to move the current prompt highlight pad.
SETUP_MICRO .... Allows FORCE pgms to link with MS/C runtime & graphic libs.
SETUP_TURBOC ... Allows FORCE pgms to link with TurboC runtime & graphic libs.
SOUND .......... Initiates the speaker to sound a tone of frequency/duration.
SPACE() ........ Returns a string of length size that is blank filled.
SQUISH() ....... Removes all spaces and tabs / converts upper to lowercase.
STR() .......... Converts number into a formatted string.
STUFF() ........ Inserts, deletes and/or replaces length characters.
SUBSTR() ....... Returns a substring of source_string.
TIME() ......... Returns an 8 character representation of system time.
TIMER_ENTRY() .. Establishes a procedure to be called in a periodic manner.
TODAY() ........ Returns the current system date.
TRIM() ......... Removes all leading and trailing blank characters.
TRUNC() ........ Returns the whole part of argument.
TSR ............ Terminates a program and remains resident.
TSR_INSTALL() .. Installed a multiplex id number.
UNLOAD_TSR ..... Removes a TSR application from memory.
UPPER() ........ Converts lowercase to UPPERCASE.
VAL() .......... Converts source_string to a double-precision number.
VERSION() ...... Returns the current version of the FORCE library.
WILD_EQUAL() ... Accomplishes a "wildcard" search of mask.
YEAR() ......... Converts date_value to an integer.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson