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#+-| SETUP_MICRO |-----------------------------------+########################
#| +-------------+ Allow FORCE programs to link with |########################
#|                 MS/C runtime and graphic libs     |########################
#+--| Summary |---------------+###############################################
#|     #INCLUDE mixed.hdr     |###############################################
#+--| Syntax |-----------------------------+##################################
#|     PROCEDURE setup_micro PROTOTYPE     |##################################
########+---| Description |-----------------------------------------+#########
########| This procedure allows a FORCE program to link directly    |#########
########| with the Microsoft C runtime and graphics library, or any |#########
########| library specific to Microsoft's compiler.                 |#########
########| --------------------------------------------------------- |#########
########| The procedure must be called prior to using any Microsoft |#########
########| library routines.  It is best to call setup_micro at the  |#########
########| start of your program, within the procedure force_main.   |#########
#########+---| Design |--------------------------------------------+##########
#########| The setup_micro procedure emulates Microsoft's startup  |##########
#########| modules for their C libraries, i.e., crt0.obj.  An      |##########
#########| array is established for the command line allowing the  |##########
#########| usage of the C library argv() and argc() functions.     |##########
#########| Also, the DOS environment is copied to an internal      |##########
#########| buffer.                                                 |##########
#########| ------------------------------------------------------- |##########
#########| The link order is important with Microsoft libraries.   |##########
#########| The force.lib file must appear BEFORE any Microsoft     |##########
#########| libraries.  For example,                                |##########
#########|                                                         |##########
#########|          link forceapp ,,, force mlibc                  |##########
#########|                                                         |##########
#########| Because FORCE's memory module is large, use only large  |##########
#########| model libraries.                                        |##########
#########| ------------------------------------------------------- |##########
#########| The source to setup_micro is distributed on the FORCE   |##########
#########| diskettes.  A sample application using Microsoft        |##########
#########| library routines, ftomc.prg, is also included.          |##########
#########+--| Example 1 |-------------------------------------------+#########
#########| *    Make the call to the setup_micro procedure          |#########
#########| *    at the start of your program.                       |#########
#########|                                                          |#########
#########| #include mixed.hdr                                       |#########
#########| PROCEDURE force_main                                     |#########
#########|     DO setup_micro                                       |#########
#########|     {...}                                                |#########
#########| ENDPRO                                                   |#########

See Also: setup_turboc
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson