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#| DOS CALL TABLE |###########################################################
####+-| define |-------------| meaning |----------------------------------+###
####|  TSR_CALL_DOSS ....... Call proc only when it is permissible to     |###
####|                        make any DOS call.  You will need this       |###
####|                        define if you use scrn_dos or you have       |###
####|                        linked to a procedure known to use some of   |###
####|                        the DOS functions 00h - 0ch.                 |###
####|  TSR_CALL_INT28 ...... Call proc only when it is permissible to     |###
####|                        make any DOS call, EXECPT those DOS calls    |###
####|                        probibited by DOS INT 28.  Restrictions      |###
####|                        include functions 00h - 0ch and 50h - 51h    |###
####|                        under DOS versions 2.xx.                     |###
####|  TSR_CALL_ANY ........ Call proc at any time.  proc does not use    |###
####|                        DOS calls and therefore it is safe to enter  |###
####|                        at any time.                                 |###

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This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson