Table of Contents
Why Lose Weight?
What's Stopping You?
Set Your Long-term Goal
Make an Action Plan
Healthy Eating
Exercise and Activity
Stick With It
Getting Support

Getting Started with Weight Management

Stick With It

You know your goals. You have a plan. And you know how to put this plan into action. But to make the plan successful, you need to stick with it. It's easy to be motivated when you first start. The key is to stay motivated all along the way. There are things you can do to keep yourself on the path to success.

Set Yourself Up for Success

To help stay motivated, try some of the tips below:

  • Remind yourself of your goals. Post them near the refrigerator or desk.
  • Make daily entries in your diary or journal about your activity and eating. A visual reminder of success, like a gold star, can help keep you going.
  • Every week, take time to look back on how much you've accomplished.
  • Try taking a class. It can help you learn new skills and meet new people. You might try a low-fat cooking or yoga class.
  • Don't be hard on yourself or give up if you slip. Be patient. Learning new skills takes time and practice. Learn from your mistakes and adjust your plan if you need to. Then get right back to it.

Avoid this TRAP

Don't focus on daily weight gains and losses. Instead, weigh yourself no more than once a week at the same time of day.

Believe That You Can Do It

How you think about yourself is just as important as what you do. If you don't think you can succeed, chances are you won't. Believe that you can stick to your plan and meet your goals. Keep in mind the tips below:

  • Take time to imagine yourself being successful.
  • If you don't meet a goal, don't use it as an excuse to give up on your whole plan. Adjust your goal and try again.
  • Learn how to accept compliments. Even if you get embarrassed, just say "thank you."
  • Make a list of the things that others like about you and that you like about yourself. Add something new from time to time. Keep this list to look at when you need a lift.

A Caution About Weight-Loss Programs

Structured weight-loss programs can be very useful for some people. But don't get taken in by an expensive fad. Before joining a program, ask these questions:

  • Does it sound too good to be true? If it does, it probably is.
  • Does it fit into your budget? If it doesn't, choose a less expensive option.
  • Does it promise large amounts of weight loss quickly? If it does, it's not realistic or healthy.
  • Do you have to avoid one kind of food or food group, or eat special food? No one food is the key to weight gain or loss. Eating a variety of foods is much healthier for your body.
  • Does it address how to keep from gaining weight back once the program is over?
  • Have you asked your doctor or registered dietitian about it? Don't take chances with your health—check with your health care provider before joining a program.

Exercise and ActivityGetting Support