Table of Contents
Why Lose Weight?
What's Stopping You?
Set Your Long-term Goal
Make an Action Plan
Healthy Eating
Exercise and Activity
Stick With It
Getting Support

Getting Started with Weight Management

Exercise and Activity

You know that weight loss means watching what you eat. Did you know that it also means exercising? Exercise burns calories. It helps build muscle to make your body stronger. And studies show that people who exercise are the most likely to lose weight and keep it off. Use the information that follows to make exercise part of your weight-management plan.

The Benefits of Exercise

There are many reasons to add some exercise to your daily schedule. Here are some of the many benefits of exercise:

  • Exercise burns calories. The more calories you burn, the less likely you are to gain weight and the more likely you are to lose it.
  • Exercise increases your metabolism (the speed at which your body burns calories).
  • Regular exercise may increase the amount of muscle in your body. Muscle burns calories faster than fat. So the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn.
  • Regular exercise helps your body work better.
  • Regular exercise gives you more energy and curbs your appetite.
  • Exercise decreases stress and can improve your mood.
  • Exercise helps you sleep better.

Ask your DOCTOR

If you have any health problems, be sure to ask your doctor for an okay before you start an exercise plan. Have a fitness professional help you develop a plan that's safe for you.

Avoid this TRAP

Don't fall into the trap of thinking you can't start exercising until you lose weight. Exercise helps make losing weight easier.

Make Activity Part of Your Day

You may not think you have the time to exercise. But you can work activity into your daily life. Take 10 minutes out of your lunch hour to take a walk. Walk to the newsstand to get your paper instead of having it delivered. Make it a habit to take the stairs instead of the elevator. Park in the farthest parking spot instead of the closest. You'll be surprised at how fast these little changes can make a difference.

Try this TIP

You don't have to get all your exercise at one time. Grab 10 minutes of activity here and there throughout the day. Try to add up to a daily total of 20 to 40 minutes.

Know this FACT

One pound of fat burns about 2 calories a day. One pound of muscle burns 50 calories a day. The more muscle your body has, the faster it will burn calories.

Make Exercise Fun

If you think exercise is just about getting sweaty, think again. Exercise can be fun. Choose an activity you enjoy. You may even get a friend to do it with you. Here are some activities you might try:

  • Take a resistance-training or aerobics class
  • Walk outside or in a nearby mall
  • Take a dance class
  • Ride a bike
  • Walk the dog
  • Join a team sport

Try this TIP

The best exercise plans include both aerobic activity (such as walking, jogging, and dancing) and resistance training (such as doing pushups and using weights).

Healthy EatingStick With It