Contents page


Table of Contents

                               KEYWORD INDEX

ANTENNA : How to do Antenna Satellite Dishes. ANTIALIASING : More speed, less quality. Only Trace mode! BALL : Nice Disco Ball tutorial. BARK : Wrinkle.itx to do a marble stone. BARK : More Wrinkle, but more organic effect. BEAMS : Good mode to do a SpotLight Beam. BEAMS : Visible light, great underwater effect. BEAMS : A Star Trek photon torpedo. BONES : Short Inverse Kinematics tutorial. BONES : CONSTRAIN tutorial with 3 axis. BONES : Bones example. Anim Bones also included :) BORG : The Borg Ship. !? BOTTLE : Attributes to do a good wine-bottle-green glass & wine. BRAID : A tutorial to do braid ( useful to do bread or rope). BREAD : A tutorial to do braid ( useful to do bread or rope). BUBBLE SOAP : Attributes to do a Soap bubble & a complete BoubleBath :D

 BUBBLE SOAP   : A diferent approach to the same topic. (=Lesk)
 CAMERA        : How to set a realistic focus.
 CANDLE        : Same as text info of FIREBALL texture to make a candle flame.
 CANDLE        : A candle flame with some textures that can be animated!
 CARPETS       : A good way to make carpet floors ( use bumps & roughness).
 CIGARETTES    : Ideas on how to make chaotic cigarette smoke.
 CLOUDS        : Mike's Clouds tutorial. Making some cluds with FilNoiz2.itx &
 CLOUDS        : More clouds, this with brushmaps & spheres.
 CLOUDS        : Clouds using the 'crumpled' texture.
 COLOR         : Lotsa rgb values for a zillion of diferent colors !!
 COPPER        : How to get a good 'used' look for a helmet obj.
 CORONA        : Animated Solar corona using Im3.0 new fog Textures.
 CYLINDER      : Piston Cylinder with states, bones & kinematics.
 DOF           : Simple way to use Depth of Field at Action Editor.
 DETAIL EDITOR : Introductory Detail Editor Tutorial by Steven Worley.
 DISCO         : Nice Disco Ball tutorial.
 DISHES        : How to do Antenna Satellite Dishes.
 DRAPES        : Let's see the process to do a draped table cloth....
 EFFECT        : Sway.ifx to do some grass effect.
 EFFECT        : How to do a laser phaser firing effect.
 EFFECTS       : Electric Field effect with a logo.
 EFFECTS       : EFFECTS.TXT & lite textures short explained.
 EFFECTS       : Some textures listed here. No more.
 ELECTRICITY   : Electric Field effect with a logo.
 ENTRANCES     : Logo Entrances. Here's another fun linear texture trick.
 EYES          : Eyes that follow and point the camera.
 FIRE          : Same as text info of FIREBALL texture to make a candle flame.
 FIRE          : How to do Re-entry flames fast tutorial.
 FIRE          : Here is a small tip for making open fire, a torch for example.
 FIRE          : Seamless Waterfalls & Fire.
 FLAG          : Flag Waving.
 FLAME         : Same as text info of FIREBALL texture to make a candle flame.
 FLAMES        : How to do Re-entry flames fast tutorial.
 FLARES        : Simple but great-looking sun.
 FLOORS        : A good way to make carpet floors ( use bumps & roughness).
 FLYING        : Logo Entrances. Here's another fun linear texture trick.
 FLY-THRU      : How to create a simple yet effective warp-drive.
 FOCUS         : How to set a realistic focus.
 FOG           : Using global fog, a Wall O Fog easily controled.
 FOG           : Foggy Lights.
 FOG           : Imagine v3.0 bug with fog objects.
 FOG           : Small Nebula.itx example.
 FOG           : Using Fog Objects to create an atmospheric location.
 FOG           : Halo around light in Imagine (3 methods).
 FOLDS         : Let's see the process to do a draped table cloth....
 FOLLOWING     : Eyes that follow and point the camera.
 FOOTBALL      : Pebbled & Leather textures used to do a football.
 FORMS EDITOR  : 3 tutorial object with the Forms Editor.
 FORMS tutor   : Forms Editor tutorial with some examples.
 GEMSTONES     : Opal, Amber, Garnet & Cubic Zirconia.
 GLASS         : Attributes to do a good wine-bottle-green glass & wine.
 GLASS         : Glass atributtes and variations of the theme.
 GLASS         : A transparent opinion about glass attribute.
 GLASS         : Default Glass atrributes.
 GLASS         : Hollow glass, perfect for drinks. 
 GLOBAL        : EFFECTS.TXT & lite textures short explained.
 GOLD          : Metal attributes by M. Halvorsen.
 GOLD          : Gold attributes. 
 GOLD          : More Gold attributes.
 GOLD          : Well, that's cool, isn't it?
 GRASS         : Sway.ifx to do some grass effect.
 GROUND        : Mike's Clouds tutorial. Making some cluds with FilNoiz2.itx &
 GROWING       : Text extruding from a plane.
 HALO          : Halo around light in Imagine (3 methods).
 HANDLE        : An instant bicycle handle tutorial :)
 HELMET        : How to get a good 'used' look for a helmet obj.
 HOLLOW        : Hollow glass, perfect for drinks. 
 IK            : CONSTRAIN tutorial with 3 axis.
 IK            : Piston Cylinder with states, bones & kinematics.
 INDEX         : Opal, Amber, Garnet & Cubic Zirconia.
 INDEX         : Air, Ice, Alchohol, Water, Glass, Quartz, Salt & Diamond.
 INDEX         : Some useful Refraction Indexes.
 INVERSE       : Short Inverse Kinematics & bones tutorial.
 INVERSE       : More about Inverse kinematics.
 KINEMATICS    : Short Inverse Kinematics & bones tutorial.
 KINEMATICS    : More about Inverse kinematics.
 LASER         : A Star Trek photon torpedo.
 LASER         : How to do a laser phaser firing effect.
 LASERS        : Laser effect simulating an irregular dusty atmosphere.
 LATTICE       : The Borg Ship. !?
 LATTICE       : How to do objects that appear as wireframe when render.
 LATTICE       : DeathStar.itx to do wireframe objects.
 LATTICES      : How to do objects that appear as wireframe when render.
 LAWN          : Sway.ifx to do some grass effect.
 LAYERS        : DeathStar.itx to do wireframe objects.
 LEATHER       : Pebbled & Leather textures used to do a football.
 LENS          : How to set a realistic focus.
 LENSES        : This is just an extract about doing lens with Imagine.
 LENSFLARE     : Halo around light in Imagine (3 methods).
 LIGHTS        : Visible light, great underwater effect.
 LIGHTS        : EFFECTS.TXT & lite textures short explained.
 LIGHTS        : Some textures listed here. No more.
 LIGHTS        : Foggy Lights.
 LIGHTS        : Halo around light in Imagine (3 methods).
 LIGHTS        : Soft Shadows.
 LIGHTS        : Simulating Shadows in Scanline Mode.
 LIGHTBULB     : Settings for a LightBulb.
 LINEAR        : Logo Entrances. Here's another fun linear texture trick.
 LIQUID        : Attributes to do a good wine-bottle-green glass & wine.
 LOGO          : Electric Field effect with a logo.
 LOGO          : Logo Entrances. Here's another fun linear texture trick.
 MAGIC         : How to do a magic wand that emmanates sparkles.
 MAPPING       : Particle mapping ( brush tracking).
 MARBLE        : Wrinkle.itx to do a marble stone.
 METALS        : More Gold attributes.
 METALS        : Well, that's cool, isn't it?
 MIRRORS       : Some attributes that give a nice mirror polish.
 MOEBIUS       : Two ways of doing a Moebius strip.
 NEBULA        : Small Nebula.itx example.
 NEBULA        : A good way of doing a back-shot Nebula.
 NEGATIVE      : Simulating Shadows in Scanline Mode.
 ORGANIC       : More Wrinkle, but more organic effect.
 PANELS        : How to do a spaceship multicolored panels.
 PARTICLES     : Particle mapping ( brush tracking).
 PARTICLES     : Bouncing particle logo fall.
 PARTICLES     : Some explanations about Particle.ifx of Action Ed.
 PHASER        : How to do a laser phaser firing effect.
 PHASERS       : A Star Trek photon torpedo.
 PHOTONS       : A Star Trek photon torpedo.
 PINNATE       : Bouncing particle logo fall.
 PIPES         : DeathStar.itx to do wireframe objects.
 PISTON        : Piston Cylinder with states, bones & kinematics.
 PLANETS       : Pastell.itx used to make some nice planets.
 PUDDLES       : You know, the kind of puddle of a thick solution such as
 REFRACTION    : Opal, Amber, Garnet & Cubic Zirconia.
 REFRACTION    : Air, Ice, Alchohol, Water, Glass, Quartz, Salt & Diamond.
 REFRACTION    : Some useful Refraction Indexes.
 RGB           : Lotsa rgb values for a zillion of diferent colors !!
 RING          : This tutorial will give you a good ring object.
 ROBOT         : CONSTRAIN tutorial with 3 axis.
 ROPE          : A tutorial to do braid ( useful to do bread or rope).
 SATELLITE     : How to do Antenna Satellite Dishes.
 SEASHELLS     : 3d sea-shell: scallop, but a bit planar...
 SHADOWS       : Soft Shadows.
 SHADOWS       : Simulating Shadows in Scanline Mode.
 SHADOWS       : Shadow Object attributes.
 SHELLS        : Snail Shells made easy.
 SHELLS        : Snail Shell a bit more complex.
 SHINY         : How to get a good 'used' look for a helmet obj.
 SIRDS         : 3d Stereogramic pictures with  Imagine.
 SIZES         : How to set a realistic focus.
 SMOKE         : Ideas on how to make chaotic cigarette smoke.
 SMOKE         : Smoke objects with Nebula.itx.
 SMOKE         : Smoke with particles. Looks great. 
 SNAIL         : Snail Shells made easy.
 SNAIL         : Snail Shell a bit more complex.
 SOFT          : Soft Shadows.
 SOLAR         : Animated Solar corona using Im3.0 new fog Textures.
 SOLAR         : Simple but great-looking sun.
 SPACESHIP     : How to do a spaceship multicolored panels.
 SPACESHIPS    : The Borg Ship. !?
 SPACESHIPS    : Pastell.itx used to make some nice planets.
 SPARKLES      : How to do a magic wand that emmanates sparkles.
 SPONGE        : Well, an obscure use of Peened.itx
 SPOTLIGHTS    : Good mode to do a SpotLight Beam.
 STAR          : A tute to get a star for your own.
 STARFIELD     : Starfield done with a sphere & confetti.itx
 STARFIELD     : Fast Starfield object with confetti.itx
 STARFIELD     : 2 ways of doing another starfield.
 STARS         : How to create a simple yet effective warp-drive.
 STARS         : Starfield done with a sphere & confetti.itx
 STARS         : Fast Starfield object with confetti.itx
 STARS         : 2 ways of doing another starfield.
 STATES        : CONSTRAIN tutorial with 3 axis.
 STATES        : Piston Cylinder with states, bones & kinematics.
 STEREO        : 3d Stereogramic pictures with  Imagine.
 STONE         : Wrinkle.itx to do a marble stone.
 STONE         : More Wrinkle, but more organic effect.
 STRIP         : Two ways of doing a Moebius strip.
 SUN           : Simple but great-looking sun.
 SWAY          : Sway.ifx to do some grass effect.
 TABLE         : To design an old, unpolished wooden table top use this
 TEAR          : A design of a tear drop.
 TERMINATOR    : Text extruding from a plane.
 TEXT          : Text extruding from a plane.
 TEXTURES      : EFFECTS.TXT & lite textures short explained.
 TEXTURES      : Some textures listed here. No more.
 TEXTURES      : Particle mapping ( brush tracking).
 THUMBS        : Forms Editor tutorial with some examples.
 TORCH         : Here is a small tip for making open fire, a torch for example.
 TRANSPORTER   : Electric Field effect with a logo.
 VISIBLE       : Visible light, great underwater effect.
 VISTA         : More clouds, this with brushmaps & spheres.
 WALL          : Text extruding from a plane.
 WAND          : How to do a magic wand that emmanates sparkles.
 WARP          : How to create a simple yet effective warp-drive.
 WATER DROPS   : Water drops without using textures. Real drops.
 WATER         : You know, the kind of puddle of a thick solution such as
 WATERFALLS    : Seamless Waterfalls & Fire.
 WAVING        : Flag Waving.
 WINE          : Attributes to do a good wine-bottle-green glass & wine.
 WIREFRAME     : The Borg Ship. !?
 WIREFRAME     : How to do objects that appear as wireframe when render.
 WOOD          : Settigns for a good looking wood.
 WOODEN        : To design an old, unpolished wooden table top use this
 WRINKLES      : Let's see the process to do a draped table cloth....
 ZBUFFER       : 3d Stereogramic pictures with  Imagine.

/* END */