Shameless Self-Promotion (and some Free Stuff, to Boot) 

If you've waded through this entire document, we want to thank you for sharing some time with us.

We've tried to provide unvarnished information that will be helpful to you whether you are working with us at Comstock-- or anyone else.

Sure, we'd love it if you'd give us the opportunity to be of service to you, and, just as we've tried to point out here some of the opportunities and dangers associated with dealing with photo agencies-- we like to think we've done a better job than anyone else creating an ideal photo agency for you to work with. If you'd like to know more about our illustrious history (we really are quite proud of it…) see about Comstock.

And we'd also love the opportunity to send you some of our free material. You can get catalogs of Comstock Rights Protected photos-- and CD-ROMS to select comping pictures from. Or we'll send you material on our royalty-free collections.

If there are other informational areas you're interested in, Comstock offers a variety of free brochures.

All this is available in our Free Stuff section of this Website.

If you're currently in the market for royalty-free images--  to to the royalty-free side of our website where you can select from a variety of Comstock royalty-free CD-ROM collections.

Or go to the Rights Protected side of our Web Site and learn about the Rights Protected images we make available.
Of course, you can also contact us at any of our Comstock


All contents� 1998 Comstock, Inc. All rights reserved.