5. The Size of the Image Reservoir - An Ocean or a Pond?   Next
 As of this writing there are probably in excess of one hundred million photos available to you in "traditional" stock photo agencies around the world.

There are, perhaps, 150,000 royalty-free images on the market, and, frankly, a lot of them are of questionable quality.

Yes, that will change.

[Shameless self-promotion: Indeed, at Comstock, we are changing it, rapidly. We offer thousands of royalty free images of the highest professional quality, and we're producing more and more every day. But those supplement the images in our Comstock Rights Protected division they do not replace them.]

All this has two very significant implications for you:

  • Obviously, the chances that you are going to find the exactly right image for your project is far greater if you are drawing from a ocean of millions of rights protected images rather than a relatively miniscule pond of royalty free images.

If you have many, many people drawing from the same small royalty-free pond, the chances are very great that two people doing essentially the same thing are going to use the same picture. And, because of the nature of the royalty-free transaction-- they’re not going to know about this conflict until it’s too late. (See Competing Use Protection - Don't get burned!)


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