Rights Protected Stock: Look for "story telling power" Next
Don't "write off" traditional stock... you'll be missing out on the finest work of the most sought-after photographers in the world.Rights Protected stock photos are intended to be used intact, shot to communicate a powerful message. Sure, good stock photos are always composed to give you flexibility for type, cropping and re-sizing. But, in general, they represent a "complete" composition with all elements of that composition designed to support a central theme or idea-- a "story".

They are often extremely expensive to produce and represent the best creative work of some of the world's foremost professional photographers working at the top of their form.

Indeed, if you see royalty free discs, including ours, that make you say, "Hey, these royalty-free images look pretty much like rights protected stock to me"-- it’s because you haven’t yet noticed that rights protected stock is now moving-- rapidly-- upscale. It’s splitting off. It is becoming the place where the best photographers in the world offer their most powerful, creative non-traditional-looking images.

This trend will continue and accelerate. Don’t "write off" rights protected stock as being anachronistic or unnecessary, thinking you can get the same thing in royalty free. If you do, you’ll be missing out on the arena where you’ll find the finest work, the most current work, of the most sought-after photographers in the world (all at surprisingly reasonable prices).


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