The most important question to ask: Next

Does it matter to this project if someone else--
maybe my worst enemy                            
...uses the exact same picture?

If the answer to that question is, "yes", then we strongly recommend the use of "rights-protected" picture from a traditional agency-- so long as that traditional agency does, indeed, have am sophisticated rights-control apparatus in-place. See What to Look for in a Traditional Agency.

Is it likely that someone else will use the same picture in a way that causes you a problem?

Well, that depends on a number of factors, and you should weigh each one carefully as you decide whether to go with Rights protected or Royalty-free.

Here are some guidelines to help you think it through:

First, broadly speaking, there are two issues:

  • Is it likely that someone with a competing usage will use the same picture?
  • If someone does use the same picture-- will it matter?

Let's take them one at a time:

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